PORN! the movie

By Chris J.

Published on Nov 6, 2001



Story is copyright of, all rights reserved, cannot be copied without written consent. Any questions or comments (comments very welcome), please email me at Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: this is a multi-chaptered piece of fiction involving sex between two fictional, consentual, and grown men. No resemblance to any person (living or dead) or university is implied, and if any resemblance is found then it is purely coincidental. Three animals were harmed during the production of this project, however the animals were rushed to the nearest veternary hospital, which was closed. Their legs were amputated using a makeshift chain saw, while their distended bowels were stuffed back into their body cavities. They were then sutured up using cat-gut. The cat-gut turned out to be their own distended bowels. The Humane Society was notified by means of an anonymous letter clearly detailing the circumstance. Sadly, the animals passed on due to my truck running over them after leaving the veternary hospital., LLC accepts no liability for the ill-fated, premature departure of the three kittens from God's green Earth.

PORN! the movie

a script by


  1. INT (NIGHT)--Chris' apartment. Chris is sitting on his plush couch with a pen and paper in hand. He is an attractive gent; measuring in at 6'4", he is a ripe 22 years old, has a solid frame and dusty blond hair that spikes up in crisp shards. Chris is a film student at a University in Boulder, CO. His large, muscular build is accentuated by his hairy chest, defined pecs, and wash board abs. He is the stereotype of all brutish, gay young men. He is alone in his room.


Fuck this, man.

(phone rings)



Hey Chris, it's Derrick.


Oh hey Derrick, how are ya doing tonight?


I can't complain, technically. Fuck it, I can complain. Fucking Justin dumped me!


It's for the best, maybe. Trust me, friend, Justin was a piece of shit.


Yeah, well, the whole "Justin-has-a-gigantic-cock" thing made up for the whole "Justin-has-no-personality" thing. So what are you doing tonight?


I'm working on my final film project.


When do you start shooting?


Ummmm, I don't even have a script yet, bud. Writer's block is the devil's work, I swear.


Do you have any ideas yet?


A few.


What are they?


Well... I kinda want to do a parody of trashy porn movies. I just don't know where to get started with the script.


Well, let's see. Don't they always start off with a fade in?




Then do some sort of a description of the elements of the scene, and then lead in to lots of dialogue.


But porn never has lots of dialogue.


You know what, this little brain storming session isn't working. How about I come over to your apartment and help you work out some of the details.


Sounds good. I'll brew us a little coffee.


Cool, I'll be there with bells on. See ya soon. (hangs up phone)


Hmmmm, just bells? This situation has some potential...

  1. INT (LATER THAT SAME NIGHT)--Chris' Apartment. Chris has brewed a pot of coffee and is eagerly awaiting Derrick's arrival. Chris is wearing a red velvet bathrobe, with only a jockstrap on underneath. He had just gotten back from the gym, filling the air with a musky, man scent. The doorbell rings and Chris opens it-


Hey Derrick, thanks for coming.

(Derrick walks in and we see that he is Chris' physical equal. While a little darker in complexion, he is a tall, thick young man. His bulbous, muscular pecs conform to his wife-beater and there is a noticeable bulge protruding from his too-small shorts. If one looks closer, one would see a well-defined cock head pressing against the thin fabric.)


My pleasure, pal. Looks like you're dressed for the occasion. Oh, and fuck the coffee, I brought some beer.


Nice. Let's get started, shall we?


Yeah, yeah.

(They both take a seat on the couch, they sit almost too close to each other.)

So, Chris. You look great!


Thanks, dude. You're looking pretty good yourself.

(Chris accidentally lets his bathrobe slip open. His jock-clad cock and balls falls in plain view of Derrick)


Hey there, cowboy. What do we have here? A little inspiration for your porn story?



(Chris' cock starts to churn from within the depths of its confines. Derrick notices this.)


You sure are cute, Mister. Screw your porn parody script and let's just screw each other!


That was a terrible line, Derri-

(With that, Derrick jumps on to Chris. Chris is taken aback but soon abides. Derrick wraps his massive arms around his friend, and rests his wily fingers onto the small of Chris' back. The two college studs' heads move towards each other, pause, and then continue on their path. Their perched lips meet, and the energy starts to surge. Chris can feel Derrick's lengthening cock inch its way down his leg, until it pops out of the bottom of his short shorts. Chris notices the 9 inch tool and reaches down to lovingly caress it. Derrick breaks away from the passionate kiss.)


Mmmmmm, yeah. Oh, Chris, I have been wanting to do this with you for such a long time.

(Chris murmurs, caught up with the moment. Their mouths meet again and their tongues playfully fight with each other. Derrick's flighty fingers find their way up to Chris' shoulders and give them a sensual massage. Chris moans, all the while he's massaging his friend's god-like phallus. Their eyes meet.)

I think I've been in love with you, Chris.

(Chris ignores this comment and his mouth makes it way down to Derrick's chest. He kisses and tongues his delicate nipples as Derrick moans, arching his back and letting his head fall in ecstasy to the head-rest of the couch. Derrick pulls his hands from Chris' shoulders, and works on his hair, mussing up the gelled do. Chris looks up from the perked nipple and smiles to Derrick.)


You are so fucking hot!

(With that, Chris lunges down to Derricks rock-hard cock-shaft and opens up his mouth. He sticks his tongue out and swirls it around the mushroom head, tasting Derrick's precum pouring out of his piss-slit. After playing with the engorged head, Chris works his mouth around the thick love-pole. Inching his way towards the root, Chris breathes deep the musky man-aroma of Derrick, savoring the delicious flavor of this perfect 23 year old college specimen on his taste-buds.)


That feels so fucking good, Chris.

(Enjoying the encouragement, Chris finally reaches the hilt and contracts his gullet around the sensitive glans. Chris is driving Derrick wild pulling his mouth off the dick and lunging back onto it. Chris can feel Derrick's low hanging balls tense up, ready to spew out their glorious seed.)

I'm about to fucking come!

(Chris pulls off the glistening fuck-rod)


Oh no you don't!

(Chris stands and helps Derrick up off the couch. Holding his hand, he leads Derrick to his bed. Chris lays down on his back, having shucked off his jock and robe on the journey to the bed. Derrick takes his cue, and follows suit by taking off his shirt and shorts. His erect cock stands straight out, almost pointing Derrick in the direction of its rewards. Derrick gently takes his place between Chris' legs. He brings those legs up over his shoulders and inches forward, closer to the pink rosebud of his desire.)

Make love to me.


Your wish is my command.

(While gazing down deep into Chris' blue eyes, Derrick presses his orbed cock head against Chris' tight college hole. With only the natural lubes of their bodies, the cock head plunks into his body cavity. Slowly, delicately Derrick snakes his way into the velvety walls of Chris' hot ass. After what seems like an eternity, Chris could feel Derrick's trimmed pubic hairs tickle that special area between his asshole and balls. He moans out in pure pleasure. Derrick has found the prostate and insists on poking it with the end of his dick with short thrusts. His dick completely embedded in Chris' contracting ass, Derrick reaches down and pecks him on the nose with his cherry red lips. Derrick starts to speed up and lengthen his thrusts, losing himself in the passion. Faster and faster, his full 9 inches disappears into Chris' tight, athletic ass like some sexual magician. Faster. Faster. Both are moaning very audibly. As Derrick fucks, he plays with Chris' twitching cock, sending chills of energy up Chris' spine. Faster. Closer.)

I can't take it anymore!!


Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm gonna cum!!

(Derrick pushes his dick one last time all the way to its hilt and releases his love juice high up inside his partner. Chris can feel each spurt of Derrick's cum, as his cock head flares to let the juice out. Two, three spurts. Chris starts coming himself, the long sinewy strands of cum land first on his rock hard stomach and then his chest. The ropy cum gets caught up in Chris' chest hair, intertwining, much like Chris and Derrick's passion for each other. Four, five spurts. The two start to settle down, letting out two more spurts each as Derrick falls atop Chris' chest. Derrick can feel his friend's creamy cum smear all over his own smooth chest. Chris lays under Derrick while his dick is still impaled in him, growing more and more flaccid. The two men kiss and hold each other for minutes, saying nothing.)


That was incredible! YOU are incredible!!


So much for the script! Oh well, luckily neither of us forgot our lines, he he he. You know, I bet your ex Justin was never that good.


Ha ha! Justin who? Ha, I can't get enough of you, sexy man!

(Derrick is about to kiss Chris again but suddenly, the phone rings)

Here, I'll get up so you can answer that.


No, no. Let's just lay here, let the answering machine get it.

(Phone stops ringing, the answering machine is activated)


Hey you've reached Chris, I'm not in right now so please leave a message... BEEP


Hey Chris, it's Justin. You were incredible last night, I can't wait to see you again. Hey, give me a call, don't be a stranger. Bye.

(Derrick snaps his head and glares into Chris' eyes, his expression changing from pleasure to rage.)

to be continued...

What is Derrick going to do to Chris?! Are Derrick, Chris, and Justin all going to get together for a threesome?! Is Chris ever going to write his script for his porn student film project?! All these questions will be answered in the next edition of PORN! the movie

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