Possible Worlds

Published on Dec 18, 2022


...of all Possible Worlds by T.S. Severe Chapter 30 The big deputy had removed my handcuffs and as the sheriff instructed, Mike was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but Mike just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut belly and firm round tits; along my legs and the pert curve of my ass and hips. I wasn't teasing him deliberately, but it must have seemed like it, and everytime I glanced at the man he was frowning. I ignored him as best I could and washed myself thoroughly. I was grateful for it really. I only wished I had some clean clothes to put on and I frowned at my lace panties because they were very stained by then. I was in for a surprise though as the deputy, Mike, told me not to bother getting dressed. "Sir?" I blinked at him. "I said, don't bother." He jerked his head. "I got some new clothes for you, come on this way." I'd dried myself off with a small and very thin towel, like the ones found in those cheap motels Mr. Davis and I had been staying in. It got the wetness off me anyway, but only barely, and I followed the fat deputy out of the showers and into a changing room of sorts where he gave me a small orange bundle, clothing folded up inside a plastic bag. "Put this on." He told me. "And put your old clothes in the bag. Shoes too." It was a set of thin cotton jumpers, like coveralls sort of, with Velcro instead of a zipper or buttons, and no pockets at all. There was a stencil painted on the back that said 'W.S.D.' and I sort of shrugged, wondering what they were going to do with my clothes and especially my purse. I dressed though, and it was a tight fit because apparently those jumpers were made for a boy. The height was okay, but my breasts just didn't want to fit and so I could only close the front most of the way. They were tight around my hips and ass too and I wondered if I wasn't going to pop a seam or something. Mike gave me some cheap rubber shoes for my feet, like sneakers, except they were ugly and uncomfortable and a size too big for me. I didn't even have socks, but I wasn't going to complain. I jus put them on and they didn't even have laces, just Velcro again, which seemed awfully silly to me. "Can I brush my hair? Sir?" I asked him. "Ummm..." The deputy swallowed hard when he looked at me, seeing me standing there dressed now I think he was finding it hard to remember I had a penis. "It's right there in my purse." I nodded. "If it wouldn't be a bother, sir." "Yeah, it'd be okay, I guess." Mike licked his lips and opened the plastic bag and then my purse, finding my brush and handing it to me without a word. "Thank you, sir." I smiled, keeping my eyes down because sometimes I forgot how a proper negra should act, truth be told. Mr. Reiser had spoiled me something fierce. I found all of this a little strange, but if it got me home all the sooner, I'd wear whatever they wanted me to. "Hey, um, Dan...Danny..." "Danielle, sir." I offered as I brushed my hair with the help of a mirror, but that was okay. "Right, um...How long have you been, you know..." "A girl?" I asked gently and smiled because I got that question a lot it seemed. "A fag." "Oh. Ever since I was born, I think." I shrugged and that word didn't bother me. "I can't do anything about how I am, inside or outside." "Yeah, I guess so." He cleared his throat. "Being queer, it's uh, illegal in this state." "Not for a slave, sir." I said. "Right?" "Right, yeah, I guess." The deputy said, making it sound like he thought it ought to be. He'd watched me have sex with the sheriff, and then I'd taken a shower in front of him. Now I was standing there, wearing those tight orange jumpers, brushing my hair and looking and talking like a pretty teenage bedroom negra. Mike was confused and he'd never had a queer thought in his life, but I'd be willing to bet he was thinking about it now and it wasn't making him too happy. "When do you think I can go home, sir?" I asked him. "Home?" The deputy shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about that too much, the sheriff will find you one." "Sir?" I narrowed my eyes, not understanding what the deputy meant at all. "Come on, he's waiting on us." Mike wasn't going to tell me much more than he already had and he jerked his head towards the door. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Nope, it's coming up with an error, sheriff." The fat deputy shrugged and we were in the main office there, the deputy trying to scan my slave tattoo but apparently he wasn't getting any information about me. I was sitting in a chair at Mike's desk. Mr. Davis was sitting beside another desk just a dozen feet away, the sheriff sitting on the other side of it, rocking slightly while his other deputies worked around us. They weren't saying much, but just doing their jobs and while I'd never been in a sheriff's station before, I suppose it was business as usual for them. "Yeah, that Interstate Slave Identification System must be down again." The sheriff pinched his lips between his fingers. "Well, Mr. Davis, I reckon you're free to go." "I'm...Free?" My old math teacher looked at the sheriff and I blinked at that. Mr. Davis had been sitting there, talking to the sheriff when the deputy had brought me back from my shower. He'd given me a look, an unhappy one, and I'd turned my eyes away. It had pained me to have to turn the man in like that, but what choice did I have? Mr. Davis had stolen me and I wanted to go home. "You're letting him go?" I asked and the sheriff gave me a deep frown and I shut up quickly, dropping my eyes and biting my lip. "Yes sir." The sheriff nodded slowly at Mr. Davis. "Our computers don't seem to be working, so I don't think we need to detain you any longer." "But what about Dani, the negra I mean?" Mr. Davis looked at me. "I can't just leave her..." "Is that so?" The sheriff spread his hands. "That computer could start working any time, Mr. Davis. Now you can stay if you like, but I got the feeling you might want to be someplace else when it does." "What, uh, what's going to happen to her?" Mr. Davis asked slowly. "Well, she's a runaway slave." The sheriff said. "So we'll try and locate her rightful owner." "Oh." Mr. Davis nodded. "Failing that, she'll go in front of a judge and become property of the state, most likely." The sheriff looked at me. "She'll be auctioned off." "I see." Mr. Davis coughed lightly and I was staring at him but he wouldn't even glance at me then. "Now, there's the door, Mr. Davis." The sheriff lifted a finger, pointing with it. "And Tennessee is that way." "Yeah, okay." Mr. Davis stood up and then he did give me a look, but I couldn't really tell what he was feeling just then. He left me there, leaving the sheriff's station, and then I really did feel very alone. I suppose I was alone before too, but I hadn't really felt like it. I'd turned myself in and these people should have been arranging to send me home. They should have arrested Mr. Davis, but not of that was happening and it confused and frightened me. "Heh." The deputy grinned after my teacher was gone. "I don't suppose he'll be going back home anytime soon." "It takes all kinds, don't it?" The sheriff laughed. "Mike, bring the negra in my office and call over to the courthouse, have Stanley come around with his kit." "Sure thing." The deputy reached for his phone. The sheriff was standing up, taking a drink from his big ceramic coffee cup. "Time to set things right." I didn't know exactly what that meant and I thought about asking the deputy, but I was afraid. That sheriff didn't want me talking at all and besides, I might not have wanted the answer anyways. "Sit down right there." The deputy pointed at a chair near the sheriff's desk and I sat. I looked around the office and it wasn't real large, but it was comfortable enough. There were pictures on the walls, some awards it looked like. A bookcase and a computer beside the desk and an old sofa against the wall. A coffee pot was dripping in the corner and the sun was shining through the blue tinted windows behind the sheriff as he sat in his big chair and looked at me. I smiled hopefully and then looked down. The man wasn't smiling back. "You're in a heap of trouble." The sheriff said and that brought my eyes back up. "Mr. Davis told us that he picked you up hitchhiking. That he didn't know you were a runaway slave. Said he never laid eyes on you before yesterday." "W-What?" I shook my head slowly. "He's just an innocent man trying to do the right thing for a pretty negra who needed a ride." The sheriff smiled. "Now, that story makes a whole lot more sense than yours. About how your math teacher stole you after school so he could drive all the way to Las Vegas and set you free." "That's what happened though!" I said. "Quiet now." The sheriff warned me gently. "I don't like being interrupted." I nodded my head. "I'm thinking you ran away, found yourself all alone and out of money, a little lost maybe, and you let this Mr. Davis pick you up." He sucked at his cheek. "Probably figured you could get a little cash, maybe get a ride for a ways and say goodbye before he ever suspected a thing." I opened my mouth and then closed it. "Something went wrong though, didn't it? Maybe he forced himself on you, that it? Or did Mr. Davis catch you going through his pockets?" The sheriff asked and he wasn't looking for an answer. "Made you mad, huh? Whatever that man did, you didn't like it much. And you're tired of running away anyhow. You miss your bed maybe, miss that owner of yours and that home cooking, I bet. So you figured you'd just turn yourself in; blame that white man for stealing you away." I felt myself frightened by what the sheriff was saying, angry too and I wondered how he could possibly believe such a story as that. It had holes inside the holes. I was shaking and hot all over, my eyes growing damp and I wanted to say something, to explain that what I'd told the deputy was the truth. Every last word of it. But that sheriff didn't want me saying anything, that was clear. He just wanted me sitting there and listening while he destroyed my life. "No?" The sheriff gave me a blank look. "Well, without the computer we can't tell who you are. I suppose we could call Memphis, but that's three states away. I don't really care what happens in Tennessee all that much anyway. It's out of my jurisdiction, see?" The big deputy chuckled behind me and I swallowed hard. "Any luck with the computer, Mike?" The sheriff asked. "Nope, sorry sheriff. That bitch's just being stubborn today." The deputy replied. "ISIS does get like that, just when we need her the most, seems like." The sheriff nodded and it was clear to me that there wasn't a thing wrong with their computer. "So, tomorrow morning when you go in front of Judge Hastings, it's gonna be my word against yours. I have to tell you, Danielle, old Judge Hastings isn't gonna take the word of a queer bedroom negra over mine." "Looks like Stanley's here, sheriff." Mike said and the sheriff looked up and smiled. "Good, get him in here." The sheriff nodded. "Hey Lyle, what've you got here?" A bookish looking man was coming into the office carrying a grey case, like a briefcase, sort of, but thicker maybe. "Close the door Mike." The sheriff said and he looked at Stanley. "I need this slave fixed." "Okay, got the paperwork?" The man asked and he was evidently a clerk of some kind, at least he gave that impression. "Off the books, Stan." "Off the books...Heh...Now, Lyle, you know..." The clerk licked his lips and glanced at the deputy and then at me. "I'll take care of you. This one's going to be worth it, believe me." The sheriff said. "I don't like it." Stanley shook his head. "You said that the last time and I only got a couple hundred, that's not enough, Lyle. Not for my job." "I'll give you five hundred, no percentage this time." The sheriff said. "Straight up." "Five hundred?" The thin man rubbed his nose. "Right now? You got it?" "Stanley, come on...You'll get it when I get it." The sheriff told him. "You know how it works." "Yeah." Stanley sighed. "But after this, no more. It's too big of a risk." "Hey, when opportunity knocks, someone's gotta answer the door." The sheriff chuckled, relaxing now that the other man had agreed. "Just remember, Lyle, there's all kinds of doors and you open the wrong one..." Stanley didn't finish his thought. "Alright, make some room there." The man set his case on the sheriff's desk and opened it with clicks and creaks. There was a machine inside, a device of some sort and he removed a pad, like the sort of cuff used to take a person's blood pressure and he was attaching wires to it. "Give me your left arm, girl." The clerk said. "What are you going to do?" I asked, unable to help myself because my heart was jumping in my chest. "I'm going to remove the ultraviolet ink in your skin." He said without looking at my face. "Get rid of that little bar code you're wearing. It won't hurt." "But...My Master...Mr. Reiser..." I swallowed hard and stared at the cuff and then looked at the sheriff. "Don't worry, you'll get another one tomorrow." The sheriff smiled at me. "But for tonight, shoot, you're nobody at all." "You can't do this!" I blinked rapidly. "I told you the truth! I'm owned already. My Master is looking for me!" "Don't move so much." The clerk warned me. "It takes a minute or two." He was pushing some buttons, flipping some switches and I thought I felt a little buzzing in my skin, but that was just my imagination. The dye from my tattoo was permanent, in the sense that it wouldn't wear away or wash off, and I'd never really thought about how it might be removed. Now I was finding out. That machine was neutralizing the chemicals in my flesh, making it like I'd never been tattooed at all. I wouldn't belong to anyone after that, not so far as anybody could ever prove. "Why are you doing this?" I asked the sheriff. "You're a policeman!" "Why?" The sheriff chuckled. "Because you're worth a lot of money, that's why." I realized then that this wasn't the first time these people had done this to a slave. The sheriff was going to get me in front of the judge, tell him I was a runaway and get me auctioned off. I was a thousand miles from home, maybe two thousand, and nobody was going to care what I said. The sheriff would sell me, pocketing some of the money and sharing some with this Stanley person, his deputy too, I imagined. Maybe even the judge himself. He'd done it before and all he saw looking at me was dollar signs, especially since I was unique, special in my own way. Yeah, the sheriff was going to make a lot of money off me probably and I was really wishing I hadn't turned myself in like I had. I should have called home first. I tried to cling to the slim hope that maybe Mr. Davis would go back to Memphis, maybe tell someone what had happened. He could tell Mr. Reiser maybe, but he wouldn't. That would be admitting his crime and even if they weren't looking for him, Mr. Davis wouldn't ever say a word about me. He'd be thankful he could go back to his wife and kids, if he even could. Most likely the man wouldn't ever go back to Tennessee again. He couldn't take the chance, and so that left me completely alone and at the mercy of this corrupt sheriff. "My Master is rich." I said slowly. "Really rich. His wife is Miss Corinne Ingersoll, from Mississippi." "So?" The sheriff shrugged and that cuff buzzed in my head, feeling tighter. "Never heard of her." "He'll pay to get me back." I swallowed hard. "More than you can get from somebody else." "And then I can just go lock myself up in my own jail?" The sheriff looked at the other two men with a grin. "I don't think so." "He'll pay a...a reward." I said, thinking quickly. "A big one too, for finding me. No questions asked. I won't say anything about any of this, I swear. Nobody's gotta know anything except you found me." "There, that's it." Stanley was turning off his machine. "She's clean as a whistle now." "Please, sir." I begged the sheriff and it looked like he was thinking about what I said. "I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home." "Well that's a good idea." The sheriff nodded and I felt a surge of hope rise beneath my breast. My Master would pay a lot, I knew that, and he wouldn't care about the why or how, so long as he had me back. If all this man wanted was money, he could have it, a lot of it, with just one little phone call. He was finally understanding that, I thought, and I nodded at him. "I've been sheriff for almost twenty years. Do you know why criminals get caught?" He looked at me and Stanley was removing the cuff. "No sir." I said, feeling a little confused. "There's two reasons." The sheriff held up a finger. "One, the biggest reason, is plain old stupidity. Criminals are mostly stupid. The second reason..." He held up another finger. "...Is greed." I licked my lips, wondering what he was trying to say while I rubbed my arm, but it felt just the same. The clerk was scanning me a moment later, just to make sure there wasn't anything there. "Now I ain't stupid." The sheriff continued. "And so I ain't about to get greedy neither." "But..." I narrowed my eyes, understanding finally that he wasn't going to call Mr. Reiser at all. "Mike, put her in detention." He looked at his deputy. "Find the girl some food too, she's probably getting hungry." "Sheriff...Sir..." I pleaded with him, but the deputy was grabbing me by the arm, lifting me out of the chair while Stanley closed up his case. "And Danielle," the sheriff stared at me hard, "it would be best if you forgot about all this. It would be best for you in particular, understand me? Won't nobody ever believe you anyway, or even care if they did." "Yes sir." I swallowed thickly and his eyes were dark and cold just then, like he'd bury me in a hole if I wasn't careful. "Good girl." The sheriff nodded. "Go on, get her out of her." "Come on, let's go." Mike tugged at my arm and I had hot tears running down my cheeks then. I was taken down a hallway, not to the jail itself, wherever that might be, but still right there on the ground floor of that sheriff's department building. It was very near where I'd been put before, where the sheriff had raped me, but this room was different. It still had a big steel door, the same ugly yellow walls, but there was a bed in there, like a metal cot bolted to the floor, and a stainless steel toilet with a sink near it. No mirror though. No windows neither, not even with bars. It was cool in there and lonely, and after the deputy closed the door it was quiet as well and I didn't like it. I just sat down on the floor and cried. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "What's your name?" The man asked me and he was big and white and handsome, and he'd picked me right up, putting me on his knee. "Danielle, sir." I said softly and it was the first time I'd ever talked to a policeman. "You're a pretty girl." He smiled and his hands were gentle, holding me in front of my classmates. "How old are you?" "Eight." I told him. "Do you ever feel afraid, Danielle?" He asked me. "Like at night or in the dark sometimes?" "Yes sir." I nodded. "But I have a night light." "You do?" He chuckled. "Good for you. That's what the police are like too, did you know that?" "Like a night light?" I giggled and some of the other girls too, because he was talking to all of us, but especially to me because I was the only black girl in my class that year. "That's right." He smiled. "The police are like your night light. We aren't afraid of the dark or anything." "What about the monsters?" A girl asked. "Well, do you know what monsters are afraid of?" That big policeman smiled at the girl and then looked at me for an answer. "Ummm...You?" I asked. "That's right!" He stroked my hair. "The monsters are scared of the police, but you're not, are you?" "No." I shook my head. "No." He nodded. "I'm going to keep you safe, Danielle." He promised. "I'm going to be your nightlight, whenever you need one. Okay?" "Yes sir." I agreed and I'd believed him my whole life. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "...Come on, Sleeping Beauty." A voice was waking me from my dream. "Wake up now, let me see what we have here." "Wha-What?" I blinked and I felt cold and stiff, my eyes crusty with old dried up tears and I'd been sleeping on the floor. "I'm Deputy Miller and you are one sweet little negra, huh?" The voice said. I looked up at the man, a boy really as he looked like he was all of twenty years old maybe. I rubbed my eyes and spotted a tin tray with some food on it sitting near the open door and for a moment I thought that was why the man was waking me up, so I could eat. He wasn't there to feed me though, not food anyway. The deputy was grinning down at me and rubbing at the lump in his brown uniform trousers, massaging his obvious erection. He wasn't overly large at all and not a bad looking boy neither, in fact he reminded of the sheriff. They had the same thin smile and long jaw. The same dark brown eyes and I swallowed hard. "What, um...What do you want, sir?" I asked, even though it was plain. "I just want to get to know you a little better." He nodded. "You don't have to be scared of me. My pop told me we had a fine little negra locked up, but Jesus..." "Your...Pop?" "...Hard to believe you ain't a girl under there." "He chuckled and then caught up with my words. "Yeah, my dad. Sheriff Miller. I think he's a little sweet on you, keeping you up here instead of down in the basement." "I don't know." I shivered, drawing my knees up to my breasts and hugging them. "Awww, don't be shy now." He took a deep breath and licked his lips. "We're the only ones here, all night long. You and me are gonna be real good friends, Danielle." "Where's the sheriff?" I wondered. "Um...Mike?" "Shoot, it's almost ten o'clock, girl. You took a real nap." He held out his hand. "Come on, let's go someplace and get more comfortable, huh? No reason you have to stay in here all night, is there?" "But sir, I don't think..." I protested, not sure what was going on at all. "Shhh...It's okay, come on now." He wiggled his fingers and I reached for them, letting the boy pull me to my feet and he was just a few inches taller than I was. He led me back towards the offices and into his father's office, leaving the lights inside it off, but there was enough spilling through the door to see well enough by. Being in there frightened me more than a little though. I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be out of that detention cell, but what was I going to do? The place was deserted too, just like the deputy said, and I guessed he was just there to watch the phones, more than anything else. He'd probably only been a deputy for a few months, but that was just my impression because he looked so young. "Won't the sheriff...Your dad, won't he get mad?" I asked. "Not if he don't find out." The boy laughed and he was guiding me to sit down on the sofa, both of us sitting together on it. The deputy was acting like we were a couple teenagers on a date or something, making out while his parents were away for the evening. He put his arm around me, playing with my hair as it fell across my shoulders. I felt silly sitting with him, especially in that too tight jumper, the orange one that meant I was a prisoner. He'd taken off his utility belt, leaving it on his father's desk and now he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "You're so beautiful. Mmmm...I've never seen a girl like you before." The deputy breathed and I could feel his humid breath on my cheek. I wondered if he'd ever had a girlfriend in his life. And then I had another thought. "Do you want to touch me?" I asked him, wondering if this wasn't a mistake, but I just had a feeling about him. "Oh, God yeah." He sighed, moving a little closer, if that was even possible and I felt his right hand moving to caress my breasts. "No...I mean, down here." I whispered, turning my head to look at him as I pressed my left hand against my crotch, rubbing myself and feeling my girl cock twitch with interest. The boy looked at me for a long heartbeat and I was afraid I might have offended him, like called the deputy a faggot to his face. I could very well have been wrong about him and if so, I expected the young man to get more than a little angry with me. The worst he could would be to lock me back up though, or so I imagined, maybe hit me, but I doubted it. He was hot for me already and he knew I wasn't a real girl. "Yeah." He swallowed hard. "I do, but..." "It's okay." I smiled then, the first one I gave him. "I won't tell anyone. I promise. Here...Like this..." I took his hand off my tits, bringing it down easily while I watched his dark eyes. I nodded slowly, pressing his hand lightly against my penis which was just beginning to stiffen inside my coveralls. Strange situation or not, the fact was that being with the boy like that was kind of sweet, and I'd never had a boyfriend. That's what I was thinking about, how I'd never had a real boyfriend in my life until one night Mr. Reiser had come and taken me away. I'd never made out with a boy my own age on his daddy's sofa. In that way it was like a dream I'd long forgotten, come back to life and given a second chance. "Yeah, okay..." He said softly and he was rubbing my little penis all by himself, pulling me close with his other hand and looking for a kiss. I sighed into his mouth when I felt the deputy's lips touch mine and I reached for the tent of his trousers, both of us playing with each other while we kissed tentatively. We were exploring each other and I had my lips parted for him, inviting his tongue inside my mouth with little butterfly licks between his soft lips. I was teasing him and waiting and finally the boy gave himself to me, slipping his tongue into my mouth so we could kiss for real. It made me warm all over and I squeezed his cock harder, mirroring what his hand was doing for me. "I never kissed a negra before." He smiled a few minutes later, sucking his lips and looking into my eyes. "Do you like it?" I wondered, teasing him a little. "Hell yeah." The deputy nodded. "I wanna see you, all of you..." I giggled knowingly and moved slightly as the boy pulled open the Velcro that held my jumper closed in the front. He was pushing it down, off my shoulders and I watched his eyes grow wide with appreciation for my large firm breasts. My nipples were long and hard, burning with a desperate itch to be kissed and bitten, and I pulled the boy's mouth to my right breast, moaning between clenched teeth as I felt his sucking mouth drawing upon my nipple hard. "Yesssss..." I hissed. "Suck my tits for me...Bite me, I like it. It's okay...Harder..." I cradled his head to me, arching my back against that pleasant sensation and listening to the sounds of his wet mouth on my flushed skin. His hand was moving all the while too, now that my jumper was open, the boy was sliding his fingers inside, going low across my quivering tummy and across the soft swell of my pubis, finding my girl cock stiff with pleasure and unencumbered by even a pair of panties. I was completely naked, but for those jumpers and my rubber shoes, and that made it easy for him. I gasped and giggled happily as the boy's fist closed around my penis and he was sweet and gentle with me, playing with my cock as if he'd never touched one before in his life. I suppose the young man hadn't, except his own of course, the sheriff didn't seem like a man who'd appreciate having a faggot for a son, although he sure hadn't minded taking advantage of my willing mouth and ass. While the deputy fondled me, I worked with my own fingers to get the boy's trousers open, tugging his zipper down and reaching inside. He was hard as steel and hot, almost like he'd leave blisters on my skin, and I liked that. He was really into being with me and knowing that just made it better. I felt him not too large, but average I guess. The boy's cock filled my hand nicely anyway and I pulled him free, so that cock stood straight up in the dim light. I played with it gently, exploring him with my fingers while he moved to suckle at my other tit. "Go down on me..." I whispered, because I was just dying to be this virgin boy's first time. Not to fuck him, I wasn't into that, being the bottom sissy that I was, but just to feel his innocent lips around my girl cock. To know I was his first and always would be after that, it was special somehow to me and maybe it would be to him as well. The deputy wasn't resisting my urgent whispers at all and I didn't have to push him with my hands, he was kissing down my tummy all by himself, and he had my pretty penis freed by then. I was throbbing with excitement and I'd completely forgotten where I was or what my circumstances were, like I didn't have a care in the world. I was like that though and I always had been. Maybe it just proves I'd always been meant to be nothing more than a bedroom negra, I don't know. Right then there was just that deputy and me and I was just trying to catch my breath, panting like a bitch in heat as my heart pumped hot blood through my veins. I had my fingers in the boy's hair, soft and brown like his eyes, and I felt his breath on the sensitive head of my penis, the pink glans uncovered as he'd drawn my foreskin back. I shivered and then sighed, settling back into that sofa as I felt the first shy lick of his tongue across my girl cock. "Ummm God...Yes..." I nodded, scratching his scalp lightly with my fingernails. "...Like that, lick it for me...Kiss it..." The young man was moving slowly and his own body trembled with the excitement of what we were doing. I wondered if he'd dreamt of this, of being with a girl like me, a boy like me, making love to my sexy little girl cock with his mouth. He opened for me, taking me carefully inside and it was all I could do to stay still and patient. I wanted to move my hips, to thrust my penis into his warm wet mouth completely, but all I did was move my thighs in and out, back and forth like I had to pee, forcing myself to wait for him. "Suck on it for me. Suck it nice." I begged the deputy. "Oh, that feels so good!" He'd closed his lips around my girl cock, enclosing the head of my penis and a few inches besides and he was moving back and forth, getting a feel for how to give me a blowjob. His tongue was moving, clumsily at first, but eagerly, washing my penis all over. I felt and heard him swallowing as his mouth filled with spit and precum. He took more of me and finally all of me, finding that I wasn't so large and my girlish cock actually fit his mouth nicely. "Yeah, uh-huh...Suck it...Oh you're doing it..." I breathed, pushing him down a little now, lifting my butt just a fraction as I felt my balls tightening. I was getting closer to my orgasm, my tummy tingling deep inside, my ass clenching as I lifted with my hips. I played with my tits, pinching my nipples with my left hand, twisting them so hard that I was momentarily confused that it felt nothing but good for me. I was going to cum soon and I was telling the boy that, letting him know how good he was doing, how happy he was making me while he sucked my penis harder. His confidence was growing and he was making soft wet sounds, happy moans escaping his throat every now and again. He was loving my sexy little cock and I knew he wanted to taste my climax. "Ohhh God...Yes...Now...Ummm..." I sucked my bottom lip hard and pushed his head down, helpless to do anything else and the boy didn't mind. He had my cock to the root, his lips wrapped around the base of my penis as my balls tightened and then suddenly released their urgent gift. My girl cock spasmed almost painfully and my semen erupted into the deputy's mouth. He swallowed fast and then choked on it, gagging slightly and lifting his mouth just for a second before going back down to try it again. He wanted to drink me and swallow my seed, and I was cumming a lot just for him. My cock pulsed rapidly for a half minute at least and then continued to leak hot creamy sperm for a minute or two after that while the young man worked to swallow every drop. "Oh Jesus..." He gasped, breathing deeply and licking his lips. "Yeah, come here now." I giggled and he was laughing with me, both of us giddy with the pleasure of the moment and I pulled him up to kiss me. I pushed my tongue into the deputy's mouth, tasting the remains of my orgasm, my sweet salty load still clinging to his cheeks and tongue and the roof of his mouth. I swirled my tongue around inside him, getting all of it and savoring my own flavor tainted with his saliva. I swallowed eagerly and we kissed deeply for several long minutes while my hand returned to find the boy's cock still achingly hard. He was going to fuck me now and we both knew it. I wanted him so badly inside me and it was going to be wonderfully wicked, fucking the young man in his father's own office. "I want you inside me." I whispered. "I want you to fuck me good." "Ah, yeah..." He nodded and I was already working to get my arms out of the jumpers when a phone started ringing someplace. "Shit." He frowned, looking over his shoulder towards the open door. "Let it ring." I giggled, shaking my swollen breasts at him as I moved. "I can't." He sighed. "It might be an emergency. Just...Wait here, just a second...I'll be right back!" "Hurry up!" I pouted, teasing the boy as he left the office quickly, his hard cock still exposed and bobbing lewdly in front of him as he moved. He'd been gone for a short time, just ten or fifteen seconds maybe, and I had my jumper down around my waist by then, my arms freed completely...He hadn't been gone long at all when my eyes caught sight of his utility belt on the desk. His gun was there. I blinked at that. His keys too and his flashlight and handcuffs, some other stuff maybe, but that gun was definitely there. It was six feet away from me and there was just the two of us in the building. It wasn't even midnight yet, just a few minutes after eleven by the clock on the wall. I could be a long ways away before anyone found out I was even missing. But...Ohhh...I swallowed hard and my stomach lurched up into my heart. I would be in so much trouble. Would my Master and his really good lawyer friend be able to protect me? Assuming I even made it across three states and back home safely. Would I be safe once I got home? Could I really point a gun at someone? Even if I wouldn't ever, never pull the trigger, could I even do that much? Could I point it at a policeman? At a white man? "Oh, God." I took a deep breath and looked towards the open door, knowing that gun might be my only way home. End of chapter 30 http://www.asstr.org/~rache/index.htm T.S.Severe@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 31

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