
By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on May 4, 2018


Best friends; 19 year olds -Theodore "Theo" Jones (6-3, 200 lbs of thick muscle, drkbrn with a very close skull cut hair cut), Horatio "Flex" Washington (6-1, 165 lbs, medium muscular build, brnskn, with cornrows going straight to the back), and Devon Dorell (6-0, lite brnskn, 150 lbs, slim muscular build, with a close fade cut), all grew up together in the same neighborhood. After graduating high school, they decided to cut the cost of living expenses 3-ways by renting a 3 bedroom house together in the West Philly as roommates.]



Flex Washington's realtor called, telling him about a property for lease in the downtown' area, not far from the heart' of Center City! Flex took his friend [and future employee]: Greg, along with him to see the property, wanting another designer's perspective as they toured the facility [conveniently close to Broad St.]!

"It's a PRIME location..." said the realtor, pushing her glasses up on her nose! "...with Center City traffic at your front door...you can't HELP but get lots of customers and free advertising!"

"That's true..." agreed Greg, looking out the storefront to see the heavy traffic at a standstill outside their glass doors!

"Center City ain't what it USED to be..." said Flex, skeptically! "...with big chain stores like Walmart and Costco, AND online shopping at its peak..., the traffic coming through town is just WORK traffic, not shoppers!

"I'm not sure the store's WORTH this much to rent...!"

"Oh, I think you're WRONG, Mr. Washington..." challenged the realtor, "...with new construction of The Mall about to close around the corner...NEW businesses are opening up every day! It's just a matter of TIME before Center City is where it used to be in terms of shopping..., especially with the holidays right around the corner!

"It's peak shopping for shoppers!"

Flex thought..., giving the store one more good looking over before deciding...! "I think I'll pass..." he said, ending the tour! "...the rent is just too steep for a starting business!"

"Didn't you say your boss had stores in New York and Los Angeles...?" questioned the woman, refusing to let the sale go! "I'm sure just word of mouth alone would garner you repeat business from the start!"

"I'm sure also..." agreed Flex, "...and I'm positive the store would be a success..., I'm just not willing to put over HALF of our profits into rent for the store! Not while we're still building cliental! It could be a long process to reach the store's potential!" he argued!

"Wait..." said the realtor [thinking it over]...! "...I believe your store would be a success..." she continued, staring him in the eye! "...and I want my company IN on the ground floor WHEN you succeed!" she added!

"What's say I lower the rent in HALF for the first 3yrs...? Would that be a sufficient enough incentive for you to sign a lease...?"

"5yrs would be a better incentive!" reasoned Flex!

The realtor scuffed...!

"I understand you're a NEW business, Mr. Washington..., but our Real Estate Company has to make a profit to stay afloat also!

"How does 4yrs sound...?"

"Sounds like a deal!" smiled Flex, shaking the woman's hand [having made a deal]!

"Oh..." he added, almost as an afterthought...! "...what do you have in apartments in the city...?" he asked [ready to move out of his rented house]!


Flex and Greg celebrated their new business venture by having a champagne lunch at Delgado's [a Mediterranean restaurant in town]!

"To Mathew Walker and Divine Fashions!" toasted Flex, clinking champagne glasses with his guest, before turning the bubbly up to his hips...!

"No..." intervened Greg, before Flex could take a sip! "...to Flex Washington, and Divine Fashions!" he re-toasted, turning the drink up to HIS lips afterwards!

Flex hesitated...

"But it's Mathews' company...!" he argued, finally taking a sip!

"Where is he...?" asked Greg, looking around! "I don't see him! YOU'RE the one doing all the work in his absence! YOU'RE Divine Fashions as far as Philly's concerned!

"You'd better start thinking like a BOSS before he comes down here and snatch up all your hard work and claim it was all HIS idea...!"

Flex smiled...

"I'm not worried about that..." he said, as the waiters started to bring them their food! "...Matt hired me straight out of design school..., I've learned a lot from working with him in NY!"

"Who hasn't...?" asked Greg! "I'm not saying don't be grateful for the opportunity..., but don't let it slip right BY you either...! Matt's not letting no grass grow under HIS feet! Do you really think every idea that comes out of his 2 or 3 stores is HIS...? He has talented guys like YOU running those stores...but you never HEAR their names, do you...? Only Mathew gets credit for the designs!

"This is your chance to let everybody know Flex Washington is a designer to be reckoned with!" encouraged Greg, picking up his knife and fork! "That's all I'm saying!"

"I hear you...!" said Flex, thinking over what he'd just heard!

"I mean...when you get right DOWN to it..." added Greg, taking his first bite of salmon! "...I'd work under you whether you were a boss...or a BOSS! Either way I'm on your side!"

"Thanks!" said Flex, wondering what did he DO to deserve such loyalty...?...knowing Greg followed him to Philly from NY when neither of them with no real job prospects in the cards!

Greg stared at Flex from across the small 2seater table...!

"Aren't you PUMPED...?" he asked, wondering why he wasn't seeing more JOY on Flex's face...? "This's your FIRST store you're managing all on your own! Why aren't you climbing the walls with excitement...?"

"I'm excited..." assured Flex [slicing into his medium-rare steak]! "...I guess it just hasn't HIT me yet! We still have a LOT of work to do: store designs, fabrics, finding cliental...! It's an uphill battle from here!"

"I know..." said Greg, "...I just expected you to be more STOKED...like I am!"

"I'm stoked! Trust me!" said Flex!

"Are you HARD...?" asked Greg curiously, reaching between Flex's legs, causing him to JUMP expectedly!

"HEY..." responded Flex, grabbing Greg's wrist...!...before glancing around the room, hoping he didn't bring unwanted attention to himself...?

"DON'T..." he said, pushing Greg's hand away! "...I'm yur BOSS now!"

"So...?" laughed Greg! "That mean you're no longer human...?"

"I'm with THEO now!" explained Flex!

Greg smirked!

"I remember being WITH Joey [in NY]..., but that didn't stop YOU from fucking me up in your loft bedroom!" {explained in chap-?}!

"FIRST OF ALL..." defended Flex, "...YOU came onto ME..." he recalled, clearing remembering Greg sucking his dick when he was drunk on the sofa sometime shortly after first moving into their NY apartment! {#41}! "...and secondly, why should I respect your relationship if YOU don't...?" he asked [as Greg willingly cheated on his (then) BF]!

Greg smirked...!

"Don't ACT like you didn't want it..." he argued! "...I clearly remember YOU giving me groggily-eyes when you first moved in...! YOU wanted ME just as much as I wanted you!"

"You were attractive, yes..." admitted Flex [explaining WHY it was so hard to turn down his early advances]...! "...but I was completely single back then..., if YOU didn't mind cheating on your boyfriend, why should I mind...?

"But this's different! Theo and I're JUST starting off a new relationship...! I can't fuck it up already! And if you're not gonna respect my relationships, I'm gonna have STOP associating with you outside work!"

"So..." said Greg, placing his hands back above the table...! "...this's only gonna be a WORK relationship...?" he asked [sounding disappointed]! "I might as well STAY working with Kaleb cleaning offices...! At least THERE we get all the dick we can handle in one evening!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way..." said Flex, regrettably! "...but I understand...! You have to go where you feel most rewarded!"

Gregory laughed...!

"I'm just pulling your LEG, Flex...!" he joked, much to Flex's relief! "I'll stay at BOTH jobs for as long as I can...!" he added [having no intentions of giving up his evening job], (with all that dick)...!

"Thanks..." said Flex [taking a much needed drink]! "...it would've been HELL trying to start a new business, open a new story, stock it, find clients, AND train a new manager!"

"I'm a `manager'...?" asked Greg [sounding surprised]!

"Of course you are..." said Flex, "...WHO else would be...? We're the only 2 on staff so far!" he joked, -seriously!

"Thank you, anyway...!" said Greg sarcastically, toasting to his new position!

"But you DO know Matt used to let us FUCK with the clients all the time, right...?" informed the former NY employee! "It was ONE of the ways he kept them happy!"

"I'm aware..." said Flex [having been offered to a few himself before turning them down]! "...but I'm running things a lil' differently here...!" he informed! "So get all of your sexual needs OUT before you come into work! While at work, I expect you to be professional at all times! If you want to blow the delivery guy..., give him your number and hook something up after hours! I don't want that kind of cliental at OUR store! Understood?"

"Completely!" agreed Greg [knowing it would be difficult to keep his mouth off of some of those delivery men...!...especially if they were as HOT as the ones were in NY]! "...you're the boss!"

"No..., I'm the BOSS!" corrected Flex!


ELSEWHERE: Theo had just finished a car repair [at his auto shop], charging a woman [a single mother with 5 kids] hardly anything for the heavy repair job! She gave him a big HUG [as gratitude], as he smiled and watched her drive off in her much needed hoopty!

Theo was just about to start on another discounted repair..., when someone walked up and asked if he was `Theodore Jones...?'

"Yes..." answered the muscled 20yr old..., as the man suddenly handed him an envelope!

"Consider yourself SERVED!" said the man, before walking off!

Theo looked confused as he hastily ripped open the letter to find he was being evicted from the premises by his landlord: Landis!


"EVICTED!" he shouted, sitting at a bar [later] with one of his best friends and confidants! "Can you BELIEVE it...? Landis is evicting me because I didn't return his affections...! What kinda stupid shit is that...?" he asked, looking for answers!

"Can you BLAME him..." asked KaliQ [Theo's neighbor (and former sometimes fuck-buddy) from across the street]! "...after the way you've LEAD him on all these years...!"

"`LEAD him on'...?" gasped Theo, looking at his friend as if he'd gone MAD! "I NEVER lead Landis on..." he argued! "...he was always JUST a friend!"

"HE didn't know that..." countered KaliQ [arguing FOR Landis]! "...in all the years he's known you, he's probably HAD feelings for you...!" explained the divorced father [sipping beer on his steps]! "That's PROBABLY the only reason why he rented you the garage so cheaply in the first place..." added KaliQ, "...because he LIKED you and hoped it might help LEAD to something...? You said yourself HE could've gotten a lot more money had he rented it to someone else...!"

"That's JACKED up!" sighed Theo [knowing he'd have to shut down his bread and butter and find a NEW place to sit up shop..., likely with HIGHER rent and insurance to pay]!

"Nobody ASKED Landis to do me any special favors..." reminded the 20yr old [pissed]! "...I THOUGHT he was doing it as a `friend'..., I didn't realize there was stipulations involved!"

"Yeah, well..." said KaliQ, turning his beer up to his lips! "...there's a LOT you don't know...!"

"Flex and I are supposed to be saving up to MOVE soon..." said Theo [thinking to himself out loud]! "...now we're gonna be STUCK here until I can get my business back on foot!"

"Yall movin'...?" asked KaliQ, sounding surprised [having had no clue]!

"We NEED a new start..." said Theo, taking a swig [absentmindedly]! "...there's just TOO many obstacles here...!"

"Like ME...?" asked KaliQ curiously, getting a knowing GLANCE from Theo...!

"Like YOU..." admitted Theo, "...AND Devon..." he added, "...and ALL the chicks that know where Flex lives now...! If we're gonna make this happen, it needs to happen FRESH! No distractions! No mistrust!"

"I respect that...!" said KaliQ, reaching over to PAT Theo on his broad back!

"Really...?" asked Theo, skeptically [believing KaliQ pulling his muscular leg]!

"Yeah..." laughed the older man [at Theo's mistrust]! "...I kinda did the same thing when things didn't work out with my ex-wife..." he explained, "...moved out HERE from South Philly, looking to start over anew!

"Things ain't quite work out like I wanted..., -I'm still single..., but I've discovered I'm OPEN to a lot more than I thought I was (meaning: MEN)! It kinda broadens the door for me, sort-of-speak...!"

"So..., you're OPEN to..." started Theo, looking around to make certain no one was within listening range before continuing...! "...OTHER possibilities...?"

"Definitely..." said KaliQ [taking another swig of beer]! "...after meeting guys like YOU and Flex..., knowing yall'r willing to take the plunge to see what happens...?...makes ME hopeful that I might find somebody soon...!" he stated confidently!

"Now whether that's a man OR a woman remains to be seen...!" he laughed, nudging Theo playfully in the ribs!

Just then, Flex's car pulled up [with Flex and Greg inside]!

"Gotta GO, man!" said Theo, shaking KaliQ's hand, before getting up and crossing the street to greet his boyfriend! "Thanks for the beer...!" he added, looking back!

KaliQ couldn't help staring at Theo's ass as he walked..., remembering what it felt like to be inside him...!...as he watched Theo walk up to Flex and slap hands like OLD friends, giving each other half hugs [affectionately] so no one would suspect that were secretly lovers!

"Sup Greg...?" smiled Theo, as Greg got out of the car and waved [before heading in the house]! "So..." continued Theo, turning back to his MAN! "...HOW was your day...?" he asked, as they walked towards the house together!

"GREAT!" soared Flex, handing Theo take-out from the restaurant he and Greg visited earlier! "I found a STORE..." he beamed, as they headed into the house! "...excellent location in Center City! There's even a second floor we can convert into an apartment...!" he thrilled! "Of course I'll have to okay that with Mathew [his boss] first..., but I'm sure he'll like it as much as WE do...!" he added [climbing the front steps]!

"I've got some BAD news..." said Theo [bursting Flex's good high at the moment]! Flex looked concerned! Theo hesitated to talk..., but he knew he HAD to be upfront!

"...Landis's evicting me from the garage..." he explained, "...I had to shut it down immediately! I won't have any income for a while..., until I can save up for another shop somewhere...!"

"That sonovabitch!" angered Flex! "WHY would he do that...?" he asked, curiously! "What's his excuse...?

Theo hesitated telling..., causing Flex to wonder even more!

"Don't say `I told you so'..." said Theo [in no mood to hear Flex gloat]! "...but Landis CAME ONTO ME at the gym...!"

"I KNEW IT!" celebrated Flex, feeling vindicated for all the times he warned Theo that Landis LIKED him as more than a simple friend! "I don't know WHY you ain't believe me! It was written all over his face! He in LOVE with you!"

Theo shook his head...

"I don't SEE it...!" he said [still in denial]! "Anyway, I turned DOWN his advances..." continued to the mechanic, honestly! "...he got MAD..., then this morning I got a certified letter of eviction...!"

"Because you wasn't attracted to him...?" asked Flex! "That's bullshit! That's illegal! Did you TALK to him...?"

"He BLOCKED my number..." informed Theo! "...and he won't answer his door when I knocked...!"

"FUCKER..." cursed Flex, finally twisting the doorknob to walk into the house! "...I never trusted that motherfucker..." he confessed, "...something about him just seemed sneaky! I guess he was hiding his feelings for you!"

"I'm MORE concerned about what I'm gonna DO about the shop...?" said Theo, worried about his income! "There's A LOT of people counting on me to fix their cars..., and all of my equipment is LOCKED up in his garage!

"What'm I gonna DO about income...? I'm gonna have to go back to BOUNCING at clubs...until I can find something more stable!"

"Why don't you TALK to Landis...?" suggested Flex [as they took the food into the dining room]!

"TALK...?" questioned Theo, looking at his lover as if he were crazy!

"Yeah..." answered Flex, "...you might be SURPRISED at how easily things could work out once the air his clear and both parties understand what's at stake...!"

"Landis don't wanna TALK..." pouted Theo, looking into the bags to see what Flex bought home to eat...? "...he wanna FUCK! That's the ONLY thing that'll make him happy!"

"Well THAT'S outta the question...!" reasoned Flex! "If he's obsessed with you already, and yall never even fucked...?...think of how much MORE obsessed he'll be afterwards...? Hell, he might even try to SNIP my breaks or something!"

"Talking's out of the question...!" reasoned Theo, pinching off the biscuits Flex bought!

Flex shook his head...!

"YOU and your EXES...!" he teased, just as the front door re-opened..., and IN walked Devon with a guest...! Theo's eyes narrowed when he recognized JUNO [the guy from the hospital that Devon had been cheating on him with]...!

Flex held BACK Theo [incase he wanted to CHARGE him]...!

"Sup...?" said Juno [recognizing both Theo AND Flex from when Theo came down to his JOB (@the hospital) to beat him up for fucking with Devon], {chp-57}!

"Hi...!" said Flex [surprised to see the big (6'7", 230lbs) Puerto-Rican walk through their door...! Devon said nothing as he simply walked through the house [staring specifically @Theo] before walking straight upstairs [with Juno in tow]...!

Theo waited until Juno was out of sight before turning to Flex and whispering...

"what is HE doing here...?"

"I dunno..." said Flex [just as shocked and surprised as Theo]!

"...I GUESS to prove a point...!"

"What `point'...?" asked Theo, curiously!

Flex hunched his shoulders...!

"I suppose if YOUR able to have a boyfriend staying here at the house...!...so is HE!" reasoned Flex [correctly]!



"That was awkward...!" said Juno, walking into Devon front (master) bedroom...!

"What was...?" asked Devon, pretending like nothing out of the ordinary just happened!

"Running into your FRIENDS...!" answered Juno! "I thought you said they'd be OUT...?"

"They were..." said the shorted man, nonchalantly! "...they must've JUST gotten back in!" he assumed! "So..." he said, taking off his short [overhead] before turning around...! "...we gonna FUCK or what...?"

"Definitely...!" said Juno [having not come all this way (out of his way) not to]...!

Juno took off his jacket and flung it across the back of a chair..., before kicking off his work shoes and unfastening his belt...! "We gonna CLOSE the door, or what...?" he asked, glancing back to notice it was still standing wide open!

"Are you EMBARRASSED about something...?" asked Devon, falling to his knees in front of Juno, undoing his pants FOR him as his big light-skinned DICK fell out into view...!

"No..." said Juno [his back to the door]...! "...but DO you want your FRIENDS to hear what we're doing...?" he asked, concerned!

"They're NOT my friends..." said Devon, painting Juno's big dick with his lips and tongue! "...and I could care less WHAT they hear...!" he added, before taking the bulbous head in his mouth to suckle!

Juno hunched his shoulders, seeing no reason to care if Devon didn't! However he didn't want to start another FIGHT either [with the last one still so FRESH in his mind]!

Devon ignored what was happening outside his bedroom, and focused instead on what was going on INSIDE it...! He sucked Juno's dick, bobbing his head back and forth while holding onto the big man's hips! Juno stood in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips, watching his light-skinned cock disappear in and out of Devon's stretched mouth!

Juno couldn't help signing..., tilting his head back majestically, wishing he still got this kind of treatment at home! But after 11yrs of marriage, he was lucky to even suckle his wife's left tit in her sleep! While he cherished married life in many ways, satisfying his sexual craves wasn't one of them! He actually got MORE pussy when he was single, having his choice of girls to fuck! Now he was reduced to jacking off and sneaking fucks off of clients [when they were too doped up to recall what happened], {check out what happened to Devon back in chaps-16-19}!

Devon was still suckling Juno's big uncut 11" whopper dick when Greg came out of the room he now shared with Kaleb..., having changed into his uniform for his evening job [which he was already LATE to]!

He STOPPED in the hallway when he noticed the PHOINE backside of the Purto-Rican GIANT standing in Devon's room with his pants around his ankles...!

"uh..." he said, walking forth, catching Juno's attention as he looked back at him over his right shoulder...! "...am I interrupting...?...or is the door open for a reason...?" he asked, moving towards the doorway!

Devon pulled off of Juno's dick, peering around his naked hips...!

"Come in...!" he invited [much to Juno's surprise], (having not discussed a 3sum)!

Greg happily walked into the room..., quickly joining Devon on his knees as he back to kiss and lick at Juno's meaty/hairy ass...!

Juno had no idea what to think..., feeling like a cheap piece of MEAT as both men started to work him over! His dick got extra HARD when he felt the new guy's lips on his ass [having NOT been thoroughly introduced yet]! Greg kissed and licked at Juno's delicious looking ass..., working his face and tongue between the big man's ass cheeks!

Juno was working a later shift tonight, and made plans to hookup with Devon at his home, since he claimed his roommates would be OUT! But not only were his roommates home, one of them was now invading his personal space by licking between his ass cheeks, searching for his anus! Juno had to reach back and push Greg away, closing off his ass to men!

As Devon stood up and started to finish undressing..., Juno turned around sideways, allowing Greg the opportunity to get at his big dick! Greg JUMPED at the chance, leaping onto the big Puerto-Rican sausage as if there were a shortage of dick in the world! Juno watched the handsome half-breed suck and swallow his dick to the root [better than Devon]!

Greg stretched his bottom jaw until it nearly unhinged...!...then buried his face in Juno's soft curly pubes, holding his big thick prick down in the curve of his hungry throat as Juno's big hairy balls rested against his tongue! Juno couldn't resist grabbing hold of Greg's head, pulling his face even further into his groin, gaining another micro-inch of depth as he celebrated feeling the stranger's throat muscles grip and ripple along the great length of his deeply embedded prod! Juno was reluctant to let the stranger's head go, as Greg pulled back, slowly receding his lips back up towards the bulbous head, to breath!

Devon allowed Greg a few more minutes with his `man'..., as he got undressed and grabbed a bottle of lubricant off the nightstand to lube his own ass! Once he finished fingering himself, he climbed onto the bed [on his knees] and slammed his head to the mattress, leaving his ass up high for Juno to fuck! Juno was enjoying Greg's new mouth, but couldn't resist wanting to plunge himself in Devon's talented ass...!

Pulling away from Greg [regrettably]..., Juno stepped up behind Devon and started to FINGER his sweet wet hole..., testing it for his dick! He removed his fingers, then aimed his pride and joy up to Devon's exposed cock-trap and pushed straight into him! Devon groaned aloud [as if his ass were on FIRE], as Juno's dickhead stretched him [widely] before sinking inside!

Juno closed the gap between them, grinding his pubic bone against Devon's backside, marveling at how hot and tight his asshole always was when he fucked it! He grabbed hold of Devon's waist and started fucking, pulling back and thrusting forth with his hips, sliding his big thick uncut monster dong in and out with slow smooth strokes!

Juno always enjoyed Devon's butt, its what really kept him going back to him [despite not being gay]! However he was just starting to set a steady pace [back and forth]..., when Greg suddenly stripped naked and climbed onto the bed beside Devon [hands and knees], offering up his own hole to be fucked!

Juno couldn't help but notice [and stare at] it..., feeling compelled to reach out and caress the handsome butt with his huge right hand! Greg had such an attractive ass [esp when spread], showing off its pretty golden color, flakes of tiny curly hairs clustered loosely about the ring, as well as the gorgeous hole that just screamed `eat me' in all languages!

Juno couldn't resist licking his middle-finger and inserting it straight up Greg's ass, as Greg quickly tightened his anus around the exploring digit, massaging it to let the big guy know what his dick was in-stored for! Juno shoved his digit all the way in up to the third knuckle [testing the waters]! He wiggled it around inside, then darted it in and out before finally pulling out and inspecting his finger, looking for residue! Once none was found, did he finally LEAN OVER and press his face up between Greg's spread ass [to suckle his asshole] while still fucking Devon!

Devon was SURPRISED when Greg suddenly stripped and joined him on the bed! He'd noticed his roommate in uniform in the hallway, and knew he had to be at work soon, fully expecting him to simply TASTE the dick before leaving! He had no idea that Greg would chuck work altogether [blowing it off], just to try to get Juno to fuck him up the ass when his dick was obviously already taken!

Greg grinned in Devon's face when he joined him on the bed, and moaned sluttishly when he felt Juno's finger penetrate his anal ring! Devon looked back over his own shoulder when he felt Juno's steady fuck thrusts suddenly change while he leaned over to eat Greg's ass! He watched the married Rican bury his face in Greg's ass, licking at his slightly haired hole, digging into it with his tongue! A moment later Juno was removing his hard-on from HIS ass..., and walking it over to Greg's! Greg hoisted his ass higher for penetrations, steeling himself as Juno anointed his anus with lubricant before pushing his dickhead into him!

"URRHHH...!!" grunted Greg, feeling the dick stretch him...!...feeling it WEDGE its way between his cheeks before finally breaking through the barrier to bury deep!

Juno cradle Greg's ass in his hands, grinding himself fully into his turned up backside, sheathing his entire rod into him! Greg closed his eyes and groaned aloud, loving the way the big prick filled his innards like a fist! Juno slowly withdrew from the delightful cunt, slowly receding his prick backwards as he watched it emerge unscathed! When he got to the head, he kept it trapped in the anal ring before changing directions and reburying himself balls-deep!

"ohmygod..." moaned Greg [erotically], delightfully...! "...his cock feels SO amazing...!" he thrilled, as Juno started to thrust back and forth straight through him!

Devon tried not to be too envious, knowing Juno would eventually come back to HIS ass...! But he had to watch and LISTEN to Greg's erotic groans as Juno [HIS date] fucked him beside him, ramming his dick through his faster, driving more prick into him than Greg's ever felt before in his life!

"oh yeah...oh god, yeah...fuck me...ooohhh fuck me harder...yes that's it...just like that...ohgod yes...yes...oh Devon, you should FEEL his cock in you...!" muttered the half-breed, unsure WHAT he was saying [deliriously]!

Devon lowered his head back to the bed and WIGGLED his ass at Juno [re-catching his attentions]! Juno slowed his thrusts...then [reluctantly] pulled out of Greg's ass and moved back over to Devon's...! He re-aligned his dickhead up to Devon's asshole and pushed back in, sinking back inside, burying himself in one swift stroke!

"OOOHHHHH...!!" moaned Devon, spreading his legs [and ass], giving Juno total rule over his entrails! Juno pressed all the way in, then started thrusting back and forth with his hips, driving himself straight through the ass he was most familiar with...!

But that didn't stop him from reaching over to finger Greg's asshole, sticking his middle digit straight through the milking ring to dart in and out! He watched both his dick AND finger sliding back and forth, both getting the same play as they darted into 2 different asses!

Devon got up on all fours, throwing his ass back on Juno's thrusts, banging his butt back harder into the big Rican's pubes, making him bury his dick faster! Juno held onto Devon's waist with ONE hand, slamming his hips into his ass as his dick appeared and disappeared from sight!

"OHH...! URHH...! URRHH...! URRHH...! FUCK ME! YES! FUCK ME, JUNO! YOUR DICK'S SO BIG!" he panted, practically fucking himself as Juno stopped thrusting and stood still, letting Devon take over the fucking as he threw his ass back at him, devouring his dick!

Despite Devon's efforts to make Juno cum before he was ready..., Juno pulled out of Devon's ass and returned [eagerly] to Greg's...!...re-aiming and re-ramming his big prick back up the handsome half-breed's ass, immediately picking up where the last left off!

Juno used BOTH HANDS to grip up Greg's waist, holding his body steady as he started POUNDING into him with growing tension and force! Greg could feel the dick breaking through his anal barriers, making itself completely at home in his bowels, feeling it dig a deeper route straight through his intestines! Greg had never before felt so FULL and STUFFED [like a Thanksgiving Turkey], craving Juno's special basing!

Juno fucked the new guys with greater interests, loving that he had a new VIEW to look at! He watched the light-skin manhole mold to the size and shape of his thrusting manhood, as the anus gobbled him up with every stroke! Juno hadn't had this much variety since he was a teenager! He let GO of Greg's hips and leaned in OVER the crouching man's back, using his own arms as stilts as he kept fucking into him [nonstop], driving himself even deeper, causing Greg's groans to elevate as he laid him flat onto his stomach and started to pulverize his inside with the strongest thrusts of his life!

"OHSHIT! OHSHIT, FUCK ME! OHGOD! YES! OH YEAH! THAT'S IT! TAKE THAT ASS! TAKE IT! GIVE ME THAT NUTT! SHOOT THAT NUTT IN MY ASS! GIVE IT TO ME!" pleaded Greg, much to the dismay of Devon, who had to tap Juno on the ARM to remind him he was there!

Juno stood up and withdrew from Greg's cunt [his dick now pulsating], (having come CLOSE to coming)! He was just about to get back behind Devon..., when Greg told Devon to climb on TOP of him...!...that way they both could get dicked at the same time! Devon did as Greg suggested, climbing over top Gregory while he lay flat at the edge of the bed! Devon aimed his own dick down at the vacated anus and pushed straight in, sinking inside! He planted his dick 7 inches deep, then waited as Juno closed in behind him and re-inserted his big prick back into him [for the third time]!

Juno fucked Devon hard, pounding into him [extra rough] to make sure Greg felt it on the very bottom! Devon was trapped between the 2 men, his dick buried in Greg's ass as Juno fucked harder behind him! Both men groaned aloud..., but it was Devon that was receiving the brunt of the strokes as Juno's hips started to SLAM into him [almost punishingly]!

"URRHH...! URRHH...! URRHH...! URRHH...!" he grunted aloud [not on purpose]!

Juno continued to fuck the ass in front of him the hardest, causing Devon [in turn] to fuck Greg! Greg lay on the very bottom, feeling the weight of 2 men on top of him as Juno lifted one heavy leg onto the bed for optimum fucking!

"Urrhhh...! Urrhhh...! Urrhhh..." he grunted himself, feeling his dick dig that much deeper into Devon's cavity, triggering his orgasm as his cock thickened and pulsed..., then started to HOSE Devon's milky innards with a hot creamy dispatch if molten cum!

"...URRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" cried out Juno, coming plentiful as his cum overflowed from Devon's flooded cunt, seeping down over his perineum, around his balls, and along his buried shaft to saturate Greg's mancunt...!

Juno pulled back OUT of Devon [exhausted and drained]..., stepping back to watch Devon fuck Greg...and suddenly realizing his nut was flowing from one hole to another [as if fated]!

Devon resumed thrusting into Greg, finishing what the started as Juno's ball juice made Greg's anus slicker for fucking! Devon couldn't help banging into Greg like a madman, his leaking anus making him fuck harder!

"OHGOD..." he groaned, thrusting all the way up Greg's ass, burying himself deep! "...ARRHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came, his dick flexing wildly as it pumped fresh seed straight into him [mixing some of it with Juno's]!

"Damn..., that's HOT...!" said the Rican, as Devon collapsed against Greg's back..., before sliding off of him onto his side...!

Juno started getting dressed [having to get to work]! Greg climbed down off the bed and onto his knees in front of the big guy..., taking his softened meat back in his mouth, swallowing it to the root, cleaning it off with his mouth and throat! Juno paused pulling up his pants, waiting for Greg to finish sucking him clean! Once his pud fell limply from the half-breed's sucking mouth, the big guy finished pulling up his pants, fastening it around his waist and tucking his prick back in its resting place!

"Sorry to fuck and run..." he said, picking his shirt up off the floor...! "...but I HAVE to get to work...!"

"Are you heading anywhere downtown...?" asked Greg curiously, needing a lift as fast as possible!

"Only to Penn Hospital!" said Juno!

"That's halfway..." thrilled Greg, "Can I get a LIFT...?" he asked!

"I'm leaving in 2 minutes!" said Juno!

"I'm ready!" said Greg, jumping up to get dressed also!

"Talk to you LATER< Devon...!" said Juno, as Devon laid back in bed, peeking up at him from over his chest!

"Thanks man! See you when I get back!" said Greg, getting dressed as fast as possible before following Juno down the hall and down the stairs!

Juno reached the bottom of the steps, where he saw Theo and Flex sitting in the dining room...! Theo and Juno's eyes met precisely..., as Theo got up from the table and walked towards him!

"Hey man..." said the muscled guy, extending his HAND to shake, taking Juno completely by surprise! "...I just wanted to apologize for what happened when we first met..." he said [referring to the ass kicking he gave Juno], as the taller man grasped his hand [firmly] to shake! "...I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I did that...! I'm sorry! No hard feelings...?" asked Theo, sincerely!

Juno looked stunned...!

"um...yeah, no problem...!" he said, accepting Theo's apology!

"Look..., I apologize too, for MY role in what happened...!" he added, sincerely as well! "I didn't know HE was involved!"

"Looks like we were BOTH duped!" said Theo!

"Ready...?" asked Greg, coming down the stairs afterwards!

"Yeah...!" answered Juno, releasing Theo's hand! "Nice meeting you, this time!" he said, before following Greg out the front door!

Theo turned towards Flex...

"THAT went well...!" he said, getting back to the table!

This story writing by EUGENE MARVIN aka NPHILLYDOGG@aol.com Please write me at the address above if you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions. __________________________________

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