Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Genre: Fan Fic Celebrity Boy Group N'SYNC Power of Six the Story of One By SLUboy18

Part 1

Disclaimer: This Story involves the characters of N'SYNC. The depiction of them here is made in the only way I know how. My way. So bear in mind I know them only as the celebrities I see on T.V. and not personally. I do not own the rights to anything but my name. This is fiction and in no way a true reflection of anything but my warped but cute mind. The names of the members and the name Power of Six are my creations. If you happen to own the rights to anything that my story refers to then contact me at the address at the end of the story and I'll stop writing it. Any other thing that should be stated and are not aforementioned are magically present inside these parenthesis ( ). I will have a better disclaimer when it is relevant. So this is all fiction OK all fiction!!!

His name is Htdh'Dvi Avaylyohn Zhr. He is sleeping now in his house in his bed in his room, alone. Silently he sleeps a dreamless sleep, tired, worn, and numb, numb from loss, numb from loving.

The next morning Dvi (as he preferred to be called because most people can't pronounce the Htdh part of his name quickly and soft-quietly as it should) lurched from his be and went into the bathroom. After putting in his contacts he turned on the radio to his favorite station, the only station his non-programmable c.d.--cassette--radio player was ever on (please insert your favorite top 40 radio station here) and curled up in the blankets. Slowly he listened to the songs in an effort to wake up.

Finally after some ten minutes and 3 songs he went to shower. He let the hot shower slowly relax his muscles and wake him further, lather, shampoo, fell for cancer, he got out.

Drying off he performed the daily ritual of personal grooming (if you can't figure out what that is then you suck and don't deserve to read my story)

(No wait don't go please read my story I'm sorry. Email me its at the end I'll explain it where was I oh yeah) and got dressed. He went into his study 'Wow', thought, 'my study not the study or my dad's study but my study. Weird'. He looked at the answering machine for any messages that he didn't get while in the shower or since yester afternoon since he was out till midnight last night driving wherever.

He pressed the button since the LED was flashing.


"Hi its Elsie. Just wanted to remind you that we're all supposed to meet with some big wigs at our managers, I mean JoeNathan's house I guess since he's in our group and therefore not really our manger cuz he's just JoeNathan and no I won't say his name like it should be said cuz I like cheesing him off especially if it pisses you off in the process LAUREN CELSETE!!!! Yes, self what is it? You're babbling Oh! Well get to the house by 11 we've been through this I know but you'll forget or just not feel like it so if you don't get your ass over here I'll have to..."


"Damn thing cut me off. I'll have to cut your hair with teeth and dye it purple and poop brown"


"Hi, this is Hope from Bottom Road Schnucks Video Department calling for Ama Zhr she has two movies out American Beauty and Muppets in Space they were both due on the seventh of this month and aren't back yet just calling as a courtesy thank you"



"Sigh" he said and got his coat, keys, and put on his shoes. He took a quick look in the mirror in the foyer, scrunched his nose in disapproval of his appearance and went outside. He locked the door, opened his car, and went to Jon's house. He then realized it was 9:30 am so he had time to kill. So, Dvi went to the nearby doughnut shop and a dozen or so doughnuts and a 3 half gallons of chocolate milk. He got the stuff in his car and went towards Jon's house.

He knew Jon would be at like 9:30 am because Jon's always up at nine thirty, always, unless he had to be up earlier. Dvi also knew that Vina and Desna would be there hence the dozen doughnuts. After all Vina rented a room from Jon and Desna went wherever there was food and Jon was the closest, one block away, so she was always there. It was only 9:45 when he knocked on the door.

"Doughnuts!" Desna cried pulling the boxes from Dvi and leaving him shocked and pale-faced site. A site Vina found hysterical.

"Guess who hasn't eaten in an hour?" She laughed and guided Dvi in by the arm taking one of the milk bags with her. "You're here early," she said, "I honestly didn't think you'd be here without Larencey dragging you here. How you doing? Still the healthy, wealthy, and wise kiddio we all came to love. Ok the wealthy kiddio we came to love." Vina teased as she pinched his cheeks red. "Ow! Stop it" he pouted.

"Aww poor baby! Did Lavina hurt you?" She said in her best mother to baby voice.

" I knew you only hang with me for my money. I had just hope sniff that it wasn't true" in a really cheesy hurt sounding voice.

"Anyways" Vina said but was interrupted.

"Hey! Dvi early! You're you again!" Jon said as he hugged and spun Dvi around.

"Can't breathe Jon! Air! Please" he gasped.

"Sowwie" he cooed. "And you even brought food. Cool!"


Ok so what did you think? Comments, suggestion, praises, flames?

Email: line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com

Should I continue? If you think so and would like to edit my story and fix any of the many errors grammatical or what not I'm sure it has in this and hopefully pervious installments I'm more than interested. Look I know its short but it's my first time so please bear with me. I have a lot still to explain with this story line so bear with me on that too I am trying. Also I know its an N'SYNC story and I will get them in here but it may not be till the third part or latter so bear with me on that. SLUboy18 saying "BYE"

Next: Chapter 2

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