Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 10, 2022


DISCLAIMER: This story has no connection to the character of Superman whatsoever, except for inspiration. There is no connection to any printed, televised, or any other form of programming, entertainment, or information whatsoever. It is COMPLETELY from the author's mind. Characters may be the same, but the author is unaware of any of the characters performing in any way akin to those of this story.

"Kevin Clark" sat down at his desk and turned on his computer. He was a senior account manager for a major publishing house, and he was good at what he did. "Kevin Clark" was an alias. So was his former name - Clark Kent. Yes, "Kevin Clark" USED to be superman. USED to be. That was until Lex captured him for the third time. There was no question that Lex had an obsession about superman: to be in control of the most powerful man in the universe was like catnip to him. He spent hours, days, weeks, thinking up ways to capture the man of steel. He had succeeded three times. Superman had escaped twice, but not before Lex had tortured him, fucked his mouth and face, and had gotten his prey to yell "I SUBMIT. I'M LEX LUTHOR'S SLAVE." The third time, superman hadn't escaped, but he had been rescued. It was a good thing.

One of the plans Lex had for superman was to milk him and to vend his semen to extraterrestrials. One of his major "clients" - the planet of Frilcus - was trying to build up a race of super warriors to assist in a long term plan to conquer Earth. After the third capture, when Metropolis had posted the huge headline "SUPERMAN WHERE ARE YOU?" he was kept strapped down to a table, with a milking machine attached to his penis. The stimulation he received was not constant, but it was regular: there were at least 10 hours in every day that some form of device teased superman's balls, or his nipples, or both. Lex and his laboratory assistants experimented constantly on ways to increase superman's cum production. There was a "quota," and if superman didn't reach it, there were consequences.

Those consequences could vary, depending on how far from goal superman had fallen. Sometimes, it was simply an hour of Lex tickling his feet, his ribs, his pits. superman, like all Kryptonians, was madly ticklish. Strapped down, and kept in check by kryptonite, all he could do was struggle, laugh, and beg for Lex to stop. Sometimes, the torture was a bit more severe: the one superman hated most was when he was made to stand over the mobile fucking machine: a large dildo, permanently attached to a rod that rose from a chamber in the floor, and then moved down, back and forth. Lex could control the speed, the force, the length of time that the dildo was inside superman. Occasionally, he would change the smooth one with one that was ridged or, the one that was the worse, the one with the small prickles on it. They weren't firm enough to do any damage, but they kept superman's nerves firing, and again, as with the tickling, he would beg Lex to stop.

Begging Lex to stop wasn't enough, however. If superman didn't also beg to get fucked, the torture would continue. It WAS true that Lex would fuck him whether he begged for it or not, but begging for it was humiliating and increased both superman's sense of being a slave, and Lex' feeling of pride at having conquered the man he always wanted under his thumb.

One time, the milking was a complete failure, and that's how the problems for superman started. Lex was INFURIATED. "So, nothing from you today, NOTHING. Have you an explanation, superbitch?" superman had learned his place. "I am sorry Master Lex. I don't understand it either." Lex was not satisfied: "You will be given one last chance. " He put a visor on superman, which would permit him both to watch a video, but also to feel as if he were "in" the video. Lex had a favorite: it always worked when superman's production was low: it was one of superman, untied but with Lex straddling his chest. In the video, Lex played with superman's nipples, letting him think he could escape, and then thwarting the escape. He continued until superman pleaded "tie me up. PLEASE tie me up." After Lex did, the torture did not stop. Now, he played with one nipple while he edged the man of steel, and then changed hands so superman's nipples were not treated unequally. Every now and then, he'd push his knee into superman's crotch and take one nipple in his mouth while he squeezed the other. superman's moans grew louder and louder and finally, he yielded, begging for Lex' cock. In the video, superman could feel the thrust of Lex' cock. And on every other occasion Lex had used this, he shot a big load.

Not this time. And Lex was infuriated. "WORTHLESS. ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS. WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME WITH YOU?" His evil mind began thinking and then he turned to an assistant. "Get me the ropes. Lots of them. A gag. A blindfold. Lace all of them with kryptonite. " Then he turned to superman. "Perhaps a day of suffering, feeling the kryptonite permeate your body, will stimulate you. " Lex kept a pair of kryptonite cuffs on superman's ankles and wrists at all times, with just enough of the stuff to keep superman under control, so he couldn't fight it as he was bound and gagged. He could feel the pain, and his pleading was muffled by the gag. Lex put on the blindfold just before he and his assistants left for, as he put it, 4 hours.

They never returned. Someone had tipped off the Metropolis police force and, as Lex and his henchmen approached the secret lab after investigating possible targets for robbery, they saw the police cars zooming in. "Can't go back. It's a shame. I'll miss you superbottom," he cackled as they took off in the other direction. The "superman lab" was hidden deep in the building, and it took the police more than 2 hours before they found it, and found superman, his skin a pale green color and not moving. "HE'S STILL BREATHING" one of the officers yelled. "We've got to try to do something." The ropes were regular ropes, laced with kryptonite, so they were easy to cut. The gag and blindfold went off too, but superman was not responsive. His eyes were closed, he didn't answer any questions. "Can superman die?" The police asked each other. They rushed him to Metropolis' best hospital, but none of the doctors could do anything. One doctor had an idea. "There's a researcher in Philopolis. He's been doing some major work on blood filtration: taking out toxins. It's risky but... maybe." "CALL HIM. I'll have the Commissioner get Wonder Woman to do transport in her plane. MOVE. " The quick thinking worked, eventually. Dr. Golodny was not optimistic: "I've never programmed the filters for removal of a molecule like kryptonite,but we'll do the best we can." Wonder Woman, the police force, and the doctors watched as they hooked superman to the device. It worked by removing a large portion of blood from the patient, passing it through a filter, and recirculating the blood back. There would be times when pressures would sink dangerously low, although no one knew what that value was for a kryptonian. They were guessing.

As the blood came out of superman and through the filter, it was dark green. "Definitely poisoning. Let's hope. Let's just hope." On the second pass, superman's blood seemed less like overcooked vegetables, and began to look more like blood. "DOCTOR. I THINK IT'S WORKING" one of the nurses was excited. "Well, yes. We're removing the poison but... we have no idea of the damage." It took hours, but eventually superman's blood attained a bright scarlet color with an under color of green. Five complete circuits didn't change it. And superman opened his eyes. "What... what happened? Where am I?" What followed was a detailed account of what had happened, where he was, and how they had removed the toxins. "Dr. Golodny, I'm not sure how to thank you." "Metropolis isn't sure how to thank you, Doctor," the commissioner shook his hand. The only one who wasn't smiling, was Dr. Golodny. "The filtration wasn't a complete success. There was too much that permeated you, superman. I don't know the effect." "OH GOD. I feel so tired." superman lay back. "I think I need to sleep." The commissioner and the Doctor looked at each other. Then superman realized what he had said. "I DID say I needed to sleep didn't I?" Something everyone commented on was how superman did not NEED sleep. It was one of his powers. "Superman, what color underwear do I have on," it was the first question the Doctor could come up with. superman stared and then, his voice was strained. "I DON'T KNOW. I DON'T KNOW. I CAN'T SEE. DOCTOR. I'm going to try to break the straps holding me down, do you mind?" "I think I was going to ask you to do the same thing superman." He pushed. He pushed hard. No dice. Over the course of the afternoon, they tested one superpower after the other. "His powers are gone," the Commissioner said in a defeated tone. " There was silence. Finally, the Doctor spoke. "There are no promises of course, but I'm wondering. Superman, would you agree to undergo continued filtration therapy? It's clear that the current filters aren't going to do any more good, but if I can study the results and begin to work on new filters, maybe... Just maybe. "I don't think there's any choice" superman spoke to the doctor. "If this might work, we have to give it a try." Now Wonder Woman spoke. "You have access to the plane whenever it's available, superman, but... with you out of action, we're all going to have to work harder to patrol the cities. It may not always be available. "What if I moved to Philopolis?" superman asked. The commissioner thought about it for a minute. "It is certainly possible. Maybe the most feasible of all alternatives. But we'll have to create a story. Lex has to believe you're dead. And that means, clark has to die too. We'll need a new identity. And we'll need to change your new identity's life story: we can't have something like Clark Kent moves to a new newspaper for better money." And it went forward. With the Metropolis Police Force behind him, it was fairly easy for Clark Kent to become Kevin Clark, an aspiring actor who had an MBA and, when confronted with the fact that he was aging out of many roles (in earth years, superman would have been 37. One thing that happened almost immediately when his powers were gone, was the appearance of gray in his black hair). The commissioner pulled some strings, and the hunky former actor with the jet black hair and bright blue eyes, was now working at the publishing house.

"Kevin" had to make some major changes to his life. With his superpowers, working out had never been necessary. Now it was. And it was frustrating: the loss of powers did not take away his physique, but without the background, he was a big muscular man, who never seemed to be lifting what he should be. Then, of course, there were the treatments with Dr. Golodny. Twice, sometimes three times a week while Golodny worked with new filters. There were ups and downs. Two months into the treatments, superman looked up once and said "blue." Golodny looked at him. "Excuse me?" "BLUE. Your underwear is blue." Golodny's mouth dropped. "Let's do some more tests." He brought over a box that he hadn't opened yet. "Tell me what's in it." "Books." "Too easy superman. Tell me the titles, the authors, the year of publication and the color of the jackets." Superman answered all of them. He continued to pass Golodny's tests, until he began to fatigue. "We're making progress! It's just a matter of time!" Golodny was elated. Then he ran into a roadblock, just like one does in research. No filter he tried seemed to give much more help. superman got back some of his strength, so that he didn't embarrass himself at the gym anymore. Flying was out of the question. Golodny did not dare to do something that might harm his patient, but superman, impatient, stabbed himself with a safety pin. Blood flowed. His invulnerability was not back yet. Not at all. "There's a lot more work to do superman. Are you up for it, or..." "That's not a real question doctor. OF COURSE I'm up for it. " Golodny smiled. "I thought you'd say that. But you have to accept that now, it will be more difficult to adapt the filters. We'll have to go to less frequent treatments because we'll be moving more slowly. I'm sorry about that but... I don't quite know what to do." "It's ok Doc. I owe you for this. Big time. "

And so it went. Until about a year after the treatments started. That's when "Kevin" got a call. "Kevin Clark speaking, how can I help you?" If you had been looking at "Kevin" that day, you would have seen the blood drain from his face. "Did you REALLY think I wouldn't find you superbitch? REALLY? " "What... do you want, Lex?" "Oh, we weren't finished supestud. Not even close." "I'm not doing this again, Lex" "Ha ha ha. You sound like you think you have a choice. You don't. I'll be coming for you superstud. Your DNA is probably still the way it was and..." he dropped his voice. "I bet your ass is even sweeter than it was." superman felt his cock get hard. He had tried to date in this new city, but he had been unsuccessful. Whatever else one said about Lex, he was an excellent Top and DOM. He had joked once, and superman had heard him say "when bottoms have me, they're spoiled for life. Nothing else is good enough." superman had to agree. He had accepted he was a bottom: the part he didn't accept, was being a sub. It had been easier with Lex: he was SO dominant, and SO controlling." "It's not happening Lex. NOT HAPPENING" "Kevin" slammed down the phone, but he was thinking that even with his powers he hadn't been able to stop Lex. NOW what was he going to be able to do? It turned out that he was able to do nothing. When he got to his apartment after work (no therapy that night, and he skipped the gym), he saw Lex sitting at his table. "What the...." Lex smiled. "I told you. We'll pick things up exactly the way they were." "GET THE FUCK OUT" Kevin yelled, and Lex laughed. "Why don't you just take off your jacket, sit in that chair, and put your hands behind your back? I'll do the rest." "Kevin" gulped. Lex was buff, and he had felt that buff body, naked, on top of him and in him. Lex was just a bit taller than him and he looked at this hot man. His mouth went dry. Resignedly, he took off his jacket. He moved to the chair. "Gimme those wrists, 'kevin'" Lex pulled them behind superman's back, and tied them. "Don't need any kryptonite this time, heh heh heh." superman tried to turn around: how did he know? "I got people inside EVERYWHERE, clark. I know everything. " He whispered into superman's ears. "Even without powers, you are one fucking hot stud and fucking you is STILL going to be glorious. And once I get you to the milking lab.... " "Don't. Please. please don't. " superman spoke as Lex opened the top two buttons on his white shirt, and found a nipple. He played with it the way only Lex knew how to play with it. "OH GOD. OH GOD. " "You wanna get FUCKED clark?" When superman didn't answer, Lex squeezed harder. "Do you wanna get FUCKED?" A whimper came out of superman, then the word "Yes." "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" "Yes sir. " "Heh heh. You were gonna get fucked anyway. Let's toddle off to that bedroom." superman saw that Lex had been at his place long enough to put leather wrist restraints at the top of the bed. There were additional restraints. "This is gonna be fun. REAL FUN. Lay down." "Yes sir," superman gulped. He moaned as Lex undressed him, then undressed himself. "Good times are back." He lifted up superman's legs and superman felt the familiar feel of Lex' bulb at his hole.

Next: Chapter 2

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