Powers from the People

By Eddie Foster

Published on Oct 23, 2011


Tom stayed with Jamie on the sofa in front of the console. 'So,' Jamie said, 'You didn't want to go out with me.'

Tom snaked an arm around Jamie's back, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, on the neck, and finally on the lips, lightly. 'No, not really.'

'Not even if I do this?' Jamie kissed him forcefully, their tongues intertwining and leaving them gasping for breath.

'Perhaps I could be persuaded.' Tom kissed him again. 'Seriously, though, you're my best bud. You have been for fifteen years. Isn't this a bit strange?'

'It feels right though. I love you in a way I could never love anyone else.'

'Me too. But is it passionate?'

'It's comforting, calming.' Jamie thought for a moment. 'And you're hot. Even hotter than I remember. But it's not what I'd expected. Not what I'd hoped for. It's like snogging my best friend, my really hot, great in bed, best friend.'

'No reason not to do it. But.' both boys' eyes drifted to the other sofa, where Dan was rubbing Sam's smooth chest amidst giggling.

'Dan, huh?'

'Yeah. That's what I'm here for, isn't it? To distract him while you go for Sam?'

'The perfect wingman. He's amazing. He's slim, toned, just a little taller than me, big cock, great ass.'

'I'm all of those things. Except the porn star cock from off your phone, but that'll change later.'

'You are. But. It's like you already have a place in my heart. A major, important place.'

'I'm with you bro. Friends?'

'Always. With benefits.'

Dan and Sam had come to a similar conclusion, pushing the no sex rule as far as they could while sucking and nibbling each other's chests. 'You know,' said Dan, pointing at Sam's erection, 'That thing is obscene.'

'And I bet you're looking forward to it my friend. Almost as much as you're looking forward to Tom's.'

'It's like I've wanted him for ever even though I've only even fancied boys for an hour.'

'All part of the ship's plan?'

'No, I don't think so. More like, if I'd been gay I would always have wanted him.'

'Cool. So what about Jamie?'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, you and Jamie'll have to happen. And me and Tom.'

'I like him. He's like you in some ways. And he's well fit like me.'

'Arrogant bugger.'

Sam smiled at this. 'We'll figure it out, won't we?' He shouted, 'Hey, wanna swap? Move if you got the smaller cock!' Tom and Dan, the latter protesting that seven inches was not small, swapped places, Tom joining Sam.

'So,' Tom said, 'That go ok?'

'Yeah. You?'

'Sure, I mean we're best buds. And we find each other attractive. Why not?'

'I hear you. So what about us?'

'I fancy you. And I like you. You're cool, and I reckon we can fall in love too.'

'I've been gay all my life. And I've never really gone for slim, toned guys like me and you.' Tom looked crestfallen but Sam continued, 'Until now.' They kissed, slowly at first and then with more force, Sam pulling himself on top of Tom until their erections met. They ground together, slowly, and broke apart.

'I guess that answers that,' said Tom, whose entire midsection had turned to water as he attempted to control his hormones. 'I can barely control myself.'

'You can never have too many friends,' Sam said. ruffling Tom's hair. The boys looked across the room, and saw Jamie straddling Dan's stomach, Dan's erection poking up behind Jamie's back and not looking small at all.

'That feels amazing,' gasped Dan, as Jamie massaged his abs one by one. He reached up to caress Jamie's cheek, but Jamie pushed his arm away.

'I'm going to help you remember that you don't always have to be the strong one,' Jamie said.

Dan used his strength to flip Jamie over, and pinned him down. The taller, stronger boy could not be moved. 'And I'm gonna help you to stay still and enjoy stuff.' They kissed, and as Dan released the pressure on Jamie's limbs he pushed his arms around Dan's back. Turning his hands into fire, he massaged Dan's shoulder blades.

'That feels fantastic,' Dan gasped.

'I'd been a bit worried about being with you - Tom's my best mate and I've fancied Sam for as long as he's fancied me. But I reckon now that it's going to be ok.'

'Yep,' said Dan, pushing himself off the coach and somersaulting over to where Tom sat. 'Your turn to move,' he told Sam.

Dan sat down next to Tom. 'We've all been friends for, what, four years?'

'Yeah, that's about right.'

'I always thought you were cool.'


'Now I think you're hot.'

'Me too.' Tom looked into Dan's eyes for the first time.

'Like what you see?'

'Hell yeah.'

'Me too.' Instinctively they reached out their hands together.

'I don't think I can even kiss you,' Tom said. 'I think I'd lose control. I'm already leaking.' Dan looked over and saw that he was right: Tom's dick was leaking a mixture of precum and water.

'I bet that would taste good,' Dan said, checking himself. 'That was really gay.'

'Good. I think it's the same, you know, gay or straight. It doesn't matter which you are. Just who you're with. And I'm glad I'm with you.' Tom wrapped his left arm around Dan's neck, laid his right hand across Dan's left shoulder, and settled his head onto Dan's muscular chest. Dan put his right arm around Tom's back and used his left hand to stroke Tom's arm where it lay across his own.'

'This is nice. Calm. We have all of eternity to go further.'

On the other side of the room, there was nothing calm about proceedings at all. Sam had begun by telling Jamie how brave he thought he was in coming out when he had, at the beginning of their senior year, and Jamie had told Sam that it wasn't about bravery but desire for a boyfriend - how else was he supposed to get one? Sam had outlined his complex plan for seduction, which had set Jamie off laughing.

'Why are you laughing at me?' Sam asked, offended.

'Because none of that was necessary. All you had to do was ask. Although,' Jamie said, 'the way you took your shirt off was awesome.'

'You liked that, huh?' Sam threw his leg over Jamie's and straddled the shorter man, placing his hands over Jamie's shoulders. Jamie moved his hands so that one was resting on Sam's ass and the other was caressing his cheek. Sam slid down, moving his face towards Jamie's, and as they kissed their erections touched and Jamie's body began to glow.

'Relax,' he said, 'I'm in control now. I like you with just the amount of hair you have.' That wasn't enough, though, and Sam's features began to ripple as his body started to evaporate into air. Where Jamie's fire touched his lover, lightning began to spark through them. The boys deepened their kiss, and the sofa disappeared and they fell to the floor with a thud.

Tom and Dan, who had witnessed this scene, walked over holding hands. 'I think the computer really means it about the no sex thing,' Tom said, helping Sam up as Dan lifted Jamie to his feet with one hand and little effort. The four of them embraced, as the lights came on in the ship, brighter than they had ever been before.

I NEED TO SCAN YOU PROPERLY came up on the console, and the four of them found themselves propelled backwards and pinned against the same wall. Wave upon wave of white light hit them as they sank into the wall of the ship.

'This is what the People had. It would have been too bright for us before we were changed,' said Sam.

As the ship fed back into the transformation matrix all the details it would need to perfect its redesigning of the human form, the console's message changed


'Yes,' said each of them, surer about this than about anything else in their lives.

Dan's body, formed of living stone, was ejected from the wall into the centre of the ship, where it was joined by Tom's in the form of water. 'We have to alter each other,' Tom said, 'To be perfect.'

'You already are,' said Dan, although he nevertheless reached out in a column of dust and made Tom's feet a little larger, just as Tom used a jet of water to trim Dan's pubic hair into a neat triangle.

Seeing Dan looking at his cock, Tom said, 'We don't have to worry about those. The perv over there,' indicating Jamie, 'Has given the computer all it needs.'

'Just one change,' said Dan, tweaking Tom's cock so that he had a foreskin for the first time in eighteen years.

Dan and Tom were returned into the wall in their human forms, and watched while Sam and Jamie repeated the process. Sam reached out with a gust of wind and caused Jamie's pectoral muscles to flair out slightly at the top, pushing out his shoulders. Nodding his appreciation, Jamie used a tongue of flame to clear the rest of the hair from Sam's chest, and then to thicken the treasure trail leading down to his cock.

Jamie and Sam were returned to their positions on the wall, and the lights flared even more brilliantly than before. Then, suddenly, they dimmed to a more normal level, mood lighting appeared around the sofa, which reappeared along with four portable consoles, and the boys dropped to the floor.

Picking themselves up, they arranged themselves on the sofa and picked up the consoles, which had a simple enough navigation system. Jamie, a keen historian, began to read up on the history of the people. Dan, who had always wanted to become an engineer, began to learn about the technology which had brought the ship to the planet and given it the ability to transform them in this way. Sam, who knew all this anyway - not consciously, but as if he had an encyclopaedia in his mind which could answer any factual question - began to read up some of the great literature of the ship's home planet. Tom, whose passion was acting, called up an incredibly ancient soap opera. They settled down to watch, Tom curled up against Dan's chest next to Sam, who was holding Jamie's hand. This meant that they were all able to look over at Tom's console when he gasped.

'Look,' he said, 'They look just like us.'

'Except that they're purple and have four arms, and only a finger and a thumb on each.'

'Are we going to get four arms?' Sam asked.


'And what's that? Is that. sex?'


A couple on the screen had held their bottom pair of hands together. A yellowish fluid crept up the male's arms into the female.


Jamie glanced down to where his hand was still holding Sam's. He kissed his ear.

'Dan, guys,' Tom said.


'I love you guys. I just wanted you to know.'

'What's up?' asked Dan, stroking Tom's back.

Tom glanced at the console. His countdown had thirty seconds left. 'I'm about to change back.'

'What's going to happen?'

'I don't know. Can you keep holding me?'

'Of course.'


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