Powers That Be

By Tim

Published on Apr 26, 2001


Well, I was being asked for a little more of something resembling action so that's what you're getting in this chapter, I'm still getting a feel for the way's that I can use the magical powers in this chapter so sorry if it's a little crude. That's it really. Make sure to let me know what you think of the chapter and of the story. Now, it's time for some shameless self- promotion, I've got another story on the archives called 'Shining Star', it's nothing like this story, but, if you like my style of writing then it might be worth your while checking it out. I also love getting e-mail's from people that I don't know (and from those whom I do know.) so if you are planning on reading the below chapter then please, please e-mail me to let me know what you think of it, what you have to say doesn't have to be complementary, but if you have something that you'd like to suggest or say then use this address - shiningstar@oceanfree.net.

This story is in no way true, I don't know the celebrities mentioned, and if I did I don't think that I'd be going around writing about them. As may be able to guess, this story is fiction (I guess the magical powers might have given that away, but you never know.) Nor do I know the sexuality's of the celebrities who are used in this story as characters. If you are too young (dictated by what ever the law is in your own corner of the world.) then you shouldn't be reading this.

I hope you enjoy it!

I'd finally found my passport (It was inside a sock (???)) and was on my way to JFK airport to meet up with 'N Sync. I made my way onto the plane after my flight was called and sat down in the first class seats that 'N Sync had provided for me. I stretched my legs and revelled in the luxury that had been provided for me. Leaning back I quickly fell asleep after take off. Next thing I knew I was being pushed from side to side.

"Excuse me Sir, we're experiencing some turbulence so if you could just fasten your belt. Thank you..." Said the Airhostess before moving to the next row and the next sleeping person. I turned to grab my seatbelt and fastened it, falling back asleep as I did so. A thought drifted across my mind as I went to sleep but I dismissed it. A couple of minutes later a jolt woke me and with a troubled look on my face I stared out the window. This was no ordinary turbulence. I could see the clouds swirling around the plane, pushed and controlled by a racing wind, which also banged against the plane. Feeling forward with my mind I listened in on the conversation taking place in the cockpit.

"But what the hell is it?" Said the pilot tensely.

"I don't know! Traffic Control says that they're not getting any reports of unusual weather nearby." Replied the co-pilot.

"But just look out the window! What the fuck is going on?"

"I recommend making an emergency landing."

"But we can't request a priority runway allotment without something wrong with the plane and there's nothing wrong!"

"Well tell them something's wrong, because I don't want to stay up here a minute longer!" Commanded the pilot just before I pulled out of their conversation.

So, something was wrong but no one knew what. But why had I woken up? I usually slept through turbulence and I knew that I didn't have any problems with it. On a hunch I used the magical senses that Lance and the others had shown me. I closed my eyes and a whole other world opened up in front of me, a world where people were outlined by drifting flakes of magic. I looked outside the plane and confirmed my worst fears. The wind was magical. Someone was trying to scare us or hurt us.

/Lance./ I called. /Lance, JC, Justin!/ After about five minutes of trying to find them telepathically I finally heard someone answer me.

/Tom? What's wrong? Is your flight delayed?/ Said Lance.

/I wish!/ I said. /Something's wrong. Someone's doing something magical to the plane and I don't know what to do!/ I showed him what I could see and what I could feel.

After a couple of moments deliberation Lance finally said something. /All right Tom. Justin says that it's simple weather control magic, but it's hard to counter. He also says that it would have to be someone on the plane so look for someone who's casting a spell./

/That's going to be difficult. We've got to stay in our seats./ I exclaimed.

/Then do it from your mind! It's not that difficult, close your eyes like before and concentrate. I know you haven't done anything like this before but you're going to have to if you want to get to the ground safely!/

/Ok ok Lance. I'll try./ I took a deep breath and relaxed every muscle in my body, concentrating on my thoughts and feelings. The more I thought about it the more I felt a throbbing pain towards the back of my head so I concentrated my thoughts that way. Now I knew that the person was behind me, but since I was at the front of the plane in first class that wasn't of much help. I stopped breathing all together because it was distracting me and I needed to focus harder. Eventually a picture formed in my head. I could make out the interior of the plane and within a couple more seconds the people took form, different colours representing each person's aura and the form that the magic took around them. For the vast majority the magic swirled in random patterns, with some it flowed more regularly, indicating some power, but towards the back of the plane, deep into economy there was a person into whom the power whirled and plunged, indicating not only a powerful ability but a heavy usage at the moment. I'd found my mage.

But I didn't know what to with him. I didn't think that I could take someone like that on, I hadn't had enough practice with fighting to be able to take someone really serious on, and I didn't even want to try on a crowded aeroplane. As for countering his magic, I didn't think that I could do that, and if I failed then all I'd be doing would be warning him that I was on board the flight. There was only one thing that I could do. I had to try to take him on mentally. And hope that I could do it long enough for the pilots to get this plane onto the ground.

As if in a daze I looked down at the seatbelt holding me in and opened it. I stood up and turned to walk down the passage between the seats ignoring the jolts that shook the plane from side to side. An Airhostess scurried up to reprimand me for getting up. One glance her way and her fragile mind closed down and she slumped into an empty seat. I continued my walk down the aisle. Eventually I got as far as the man, who I'd seen in my mind, I gripped onto the heads of the seats on either side of me and looked down at him. He was dressed in a Grey suit and everything about him said 'ordinary'. He looked up from the model of the plane that he was holding at me and the smug look on his face quickly disappeared. I locked my eyes onto his and held them there. As he stared back at me the ordinary blue of his eyes quickly changed to a fiery red and I flinched with the power that was emanating from them.

"Do you really think that you can do anything against me?" He asked smugly. Too smugly.

"I already am." I said as I felt the same rush of power that I'd felt before seeped into my mind and a shadow fell over his face from the black colour of my magic radiating from my eyes.

Suddenly the hand of his that was holding the model of the place clenched and the model shattered and shards of plastic sliced through his hand. Refusing to show any weakness he kept his fist closed as the blood seeped from between his fingers. "You're nothing more then a boy. Who's controlling you?" He asked, reasserting control over himself. I was losing ground again.

"If you think that someone's controlling me then you're already in trouble. I will beat you and then there'll be nothing left of your mind. Give up now." I said, putting as much power as I could behind the command. A spasm rocked his body from the attempt to keep the spell controlling the weather outside going and to keep out of his mind at the same time and for a moment the howling wind calmed, but only for a moment.

"Impressive, boy. But you're only a boy; I'll win here. I've had hundreds of years to practice my magic." He pushed harder; I could see the streaks of his life force entering the magic that he was pushing at me."And you're losing to a twenty year old? That's sad." I sneered, focusing not only my eyes but also my mind and my thoughts onto winning this literal battle of minds. He flinched again as I saw more of the pit of desperation that was his mind. He knew that he was losing and I snuck in similar thoughts, hoping to weaken him further and it worked. He began to think of how hopeless the struggle against me was and how it was inevitable that I would win. The light in his eyes dimmed and then he shook his head, trying unsuccessfully to get me out of his mind. But I was rooted too deep and when my instincts told me so, I gave his mind a mental twist and he fell unconscious.

I fell to my knees and put my hands up to my face. When I looked up again everyone was staring in fear at me. I cursed myself and wondered what I was going to do about them. I thought that in JC's direction, hoping that he'd be able to do something about it before I fell unconscious myself.

"Tom. Tom!" I heard through the fog of sleep. "Wake up!" Said Justin.

"Just five more minutes, that's all I want. Just let me sleep." I mumbled. I felt his tongue pushing into my mouth and the shock value of that woke me up.

"Thought that might do it." He laughed. I sat up and looked around. Someone had pulled me into a seat and the plane was empty save for Justin and I.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Well, JC and Lance took everyone who saw what had happened off the plane and the council is getting rid off their memories right now, as for the bad guy, the council's dealing with him. You did a pretty good job back there Tom."

"Tiring." I managed to say.

"I suppose it was. Do you think you can walk? I'd love to carry you but I think it might look a bit strange, don't you?" He joked.

"Can't I just lie here?"

"We've got a flight to catch. You can sleep on that. Come on, get up." Justin then pulled me to my feet and I leant against his shoulder, smelling his aftershave.

"Mmmm." I said. "That's nice."

"Come on." He grunted as he pulled me along. "We can't fly all the way to Ireland so I don't want to miss this flight."

"Welcome back." Said JC as I opened my eyes to look around the plane. I grunted in greeting and tried to close my eyes again, but the moment was passed and I couldn't get back to sleep. I sat up in my seat and looked around me. Justin was sitting to my left, and JC was sitting to my other side. Across the aisle Lance, Chris and Joey were sitting.

"So we were in time for the flight?" I said, knowing the answer already.

"Yup, we got to it in time, thanks to a freak storm that delayed it." Said JC. I raised an eyebrow at Justin and he just gave me a small smile. I yawned.

"You're still really tired, aren't you?" Said JC. "I guess it's to be expected though."

"Why?" I asked.

"Didn't I tell you?" He said. "When you exert yourself magically it's the same as exerting yourself physically, only most of the time you don't feel it until afterwards."

"No you didn't tell me. But no harm done." I said. Frowning, I added. "Speaking of harm, what is going to happen to the people who saw what happened on the plane?"

"Nothing's going to happen to them, but they've already had their memories wiped, if that's what you mean." He answered. "But on another note, congrats on winning your first little battle! Even though it wasn't that little, he was a reasonably powerful mage, you should be proud that you beat him."

"Do you know what he wanted?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I'm sure that the council are going to have fun asking him that!" He replied. I nodded at his answer and when he drifted back into his own thoughts I turned to Justin and smiled. There was something that had been on my mind for a while and I wanted to clarify things.

"I think we need to talk." I said.

"What about?" He asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Us." I said. "I want to know how far you want to take our relationship."

He thought about it, by this stage I was getting quite good at telling when people were thinking. "I don't know... Can I stay safe and say as far as it goes?" He said, his eyes twinkling.

I smiled, that was the answer that I had hoped he was going to give. "I was hoping that you'd say that."

"I'd give you a kiss right now." He said. "But we are on a public flight and everything."

"Damn right." Said JC. "I don't want you two getting caught out by anyone, is that clear?"

"Yes boss." Said Justin meekly.

"What were you doing listening in on our conversation?" I asked.

"I wasn't, but you two are so loud... it's not my fault."

"Yeah right." I muttered.

/He's right you know./ Said Lance telepathically. /Maybe you should try talking like this, it's way more private./

/Well, I guess if you could hear us then maybe he's right.../ I said. /But it's not really the same thing, is it?/

/That's the whole point!/ He laughed.

/You know what I mean!/ I said.

/Yeah yeah, I do, but when you've got to keep the conversation private, it's the best way./ He replied, being serious again.

/I get your point. Happy now?/ I wanted to get back to my Justin. Wow, I could call him that now. A smile crept across my face.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Justin.

/You, me, us./ I thought.

/Yeah, me too. You don't regret what you said a minute ago do you?/ he asked, concerned.

/Not for a second. And I'm not going to either./ I said firmly. "How longs left in the flight?" I asked.

JC answered me. "Another hour and a bit, you should try to get some more sleep, Ireland's five hours behind JFK so jet-lag is really going to hit you and considering how tired you were earlier..."

"Good advice, I think I'll take it." I said, yawning again as if on cue.

/Need any help?/ Offered JC. /I could send you to sleep if you'd like./

/No thanks, I think I can make it on my own./ I said.

/If you're sure.../ And then, seeing that I was he stopped talking to me.

An hour and a bit later I was woken by Justin and told by him to put my belt on, because we were about to land in Dublin International Airport. This time the weather was good, and there was no one who was planning on interfering with it! Grumbling, I pulled the belt around me and secured it. We made a smooth landing, and then we were on Irish soil.

That's if for now! Make sure to e-mail me about it!



Next: Chapter 9

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