Preaching to the Choir

Published on Jan 15, 2000


Preaching to the Choir Part Nine

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and no gesture toward common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Snow on the Mountain. That is not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

I hoped to check out DeSoto's equipment after lunch, but I went up to the roof top over look to watch the storm, lay down and fell asleep. I woke up at three in the afternoon, and discovered that I wasn't the only one in the house to be tired. Almost every one was sleeping.

I found Wally in the living room quietly playing the piano.

"I must be much more tired than I thought." I said. "I never sleep in the daytime."

"Same here." Wally said. "Heavy manual labor is not much like playing the organ. Frank, Gus, Larry and Charles just left to try to get home. They wanted to see if their houses were damaged. There was a lull in the storm and they took advantage of it."

"Their cars are still here." I said.

"Frank called friends in the next neighborhood, and they will lend them a car." Wally explained. "This only leaves Bob and Templeton in the choral portion of our party."

"The red-neck verses aesthete ratio is out of whack now?" I said. "There is something about the twins and Fire-hose that suggests that the amount of Bach and Beethoven in the house may diminish!" Wally laughed.

"That may be. But they may be able to ring my chimes!" Wally said. "My ass is sore, but I seem to want more."

"You seem to be holding up well!" I said as I leaned over him and played with his tits. He continued to play the piano, but moaned a little when I pinched them. "Are you getting ripe?"

"I seem to be." Wally said. "It's hard to believe that I am just as excited now as was at the beginning of the weekend. I didn't know sex could be so good . . ., and plentiful."

"Same here." I said. "I'm afraid that we may never have another weekend like this again. Extraordinary circumstances. And extraordinary cocks. You, Templeton and Frank have given me a workout."

"Templeton and I were talking. We've never had so many men who could take it." Wally said. "It's been a revelation." Vince "Fire-hose" DeSoto entered the room.

"Finally! Someone awake!" He said. "Every one looks like sleeping beauty. I'm dead tired but too keyed up to sleep."

"Well, I know a fireman in need!" Wally said. He got up and the three of us hugged. I then dropped to my knees and pulled his shorts down so I could suck his cock. He was still soft. But the member was firming up. Uncut, I worked my tongue into the skin and immediately encountered the warm tastes of precut.

"I take it that Max doesn't mind if a guy is dripping a little?" Fire-hose said to Wally.

"It seems to me that he positively likes it." Wally said as he dropped his shorts. He was well beyond being at half staff. "Ha s Bob told you about his sexual interests? Max is a great bottom."

I was going to complain about the analytical nature of the conversation , but lost my train of thought when I realized that eighteen inches of cock were at my mouth. Wally dropped to his knees and began working on DeSoto's cock. There was room for two.

Bob entered the room. "I see you have gotten underway." He dropped is shorts too. He began to lubricate my hole.

"Can I sit on it?" I asked.

"Sure, Any way you want." DeSoto said. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and laid back in the carpet. He was deeply tanned and covered in hair. Tan lines indicated he used Speedos. Wally lubricated Fire-hose's member, but it was already coated in pre cum that oozed like lava from his piss slit.

"Just relax Max."Bob said, "and we will help lower you on it." I positioned the cock head at my hole and lowered myself. The first two inches were all head so it was easy. He head was the same size as the shaft, so there was no relaxing after it entered. Four inches later, I wasn't sure I could take it. I was shaking like a leaf. Wally opened a bottle of poppers and gave me a shot.

I arched my back and quivered then sat down all the way. His shaft slightly diminished in diameter as it reached his balls, and I was in ecstacy. I felt as if his cock was touching hy heart. Every movement stimulated my compressed prostate. I had the feeling that I was massively invaded. I guess it must have been like being fisted, but with an oozing bloated cock.

"You are good!" DeSoto moaned. "Do you think you could take it on your back?"

"I think so." I said. "If you are slow." We rolled over, never breaking off the cock-prostate contact. He began to pump, an inch or two each thrust. Fire hose was sweating and shaking a bit himself. My legs were on his shoulders then he took my ankles and spread them so that I could offer no resistance and he picked up the pace.

"Damn! I haven't been this deep in years!" He cried. "Your tunnel is hot as hell. It's like a velvet lined oven." He looked me in the eye, then looked at my rock hard cock. A bead of precum emerged every time he thrust deep. "How are you doing?"

I couldn't seem to talk. He thrust all the way in and stopped, undulating and grinding his fully enveloped cock in my chute. His chest hair was matted to his body by the rivers of sweat the poured from him. Vince arched his back and his whole body twitched.

"Can't hold it! I going to shoot." He collapsed on top of me as he filled my ass. I could fell his cock jerking in my ass. He slowly withdrew and rolled onto the floor exhausted. I didn't have any idea what Wally and Bob were doing while Vince screwed me. I had been totally involved.

When I looked up I saw Wally who was looking at my still hard cock.

"You haven't shot yet? He asked. I shook my head. He lifted my legs again and slipped his tree trunk into my well lubricated ass. I offered no resistance and was surprised that it was so easy. Wally did long strokes, pulling entirely out except for his cock head and then thrusting to the hilt.

Wally's cock had been a challenge a month earlier, but was relaxing after the horse cock I had just taken. He was doing two short thrusts, then one deep penetration. I realized he was humming Beethoven's opening bars to the Eroica.

"Fucking Beethoven!" I said. He and Bob burst out laughing.

"Can I have a turn?" Bob asked Wally. Wally looked at me, I nodded. Wally fucked me with a few more bars of Beethoven and shot. He came in my ass then pulled his still spewing cock out and left the remainder of his load in my hairy gut. Bob's cock replaced Wally's in my increasingly tender ass. Bob's long thick cock rammed my prostate on the first thrust, and on every subsequent thrust.

"My prostate feels like a punching bag!" I gasped. Bob smiled and continued his regular rhythm.

"I hope this is as good for you as it is for me." He said. "And if it ain't, you're up Shit Creek, because I'm not stopping!" Bob had that blissful look on his face that you get when you are on the edge of an orgasm, and know that every thrust you make before you climax is pure gravy.

I felt the same, my chute was responding to every movement he made, and it seemed as if I could feel every feature of his cock, from the bulbous head to the veiny shaft as Bob pounded my hole. I had an explosive climax, spurting sperm Roman Candle fashion. Bob did the same, but the two orgasms merged in my ass, and I couldn't tell whether the sensations came from Bob's or my cock.

We were all on the floor winded and breathing hard. DeSoto and Bob were soon asleep. Wally and I went into the kitchen. The phone lines still operated and we were able to pull up the local radar on the battery powered lap top. The edge of the green, yellow and red echos was moving out. The storm would be past in another hour or two. We turned off the computer to conserve the battery.

The phone rang. It was Franklin. They had all gotten home without too much trouble and all was well. Power was to be restored throughout the city by the morning, although it would be much later in the suburban areas. Richmond's massive flood wall was working well, so the storm was a massive inconvenience rather than a disaster.

Wally hung up, and the lights flickered and turned on. We had noticed lines down on the road, but they apparently didn't serve the house. We heard machinery, and could see flashing yellow lights on the road. Wally quickly donned his Hawaiian Beach comber ensemble and we went to see what was happening. Bob had said that it might be days before a city crew could clear the road.

On the top of the bulldozer was the distinguished chairman of the board of the largest bank in the city. He was a neighbor and obviously was having a great time. "Worked construction summers as a college student." He yelled over the din of the machine. "You've done a great job cleaning up the trees! No one in this neighborhood seems to be handy with machinery." He quickly removed the mudslide from the road and went off to repair something else.

Wally returned to the house and started to get dinner ready. I went upstair to take a shower. Wally, Templeton and Bob were the only members of the choir left. Bill, Skeeter,Ronnie and John-Boy were still here as were the electricians, Mike and Bubba. DeSoto and Clyde and Wilbur, the twins from public utilities were the newest members of the group. Clyde and Wilbur were the only unknown quantities. The big shower on the top floor was empty. The rain had stopped and I open a window and felt a cool, comfortable breeze. The water was warm and refreshing.

"Do you mind company?" Bubba asked as he came into the room.

"Not at all." I said. "This is the place for guys who are gregarious."

"Does gregarious mean horny as shit?" Bubba asked.

I laughed. "In your case it does! As a mater of fact, it seems to mean that to me also." I told him the news about the storm and the newly opened road.

"Nothing lasts forever." Bubba said. "This has been one hell of a weekend. Never been in a situation when there was a cock ready every time I wanted it."

Skeeter, Clyde and Wilbur entered. They were all semi erect. "Are you guys getting hard or going soft?" Bubba asked.

"Bend over and we will see." One of the twins said. Bubba smiled and bent over. One of the twins got in front of him and fed Bubba his cock, the other went to the rear. The one at the rear dropped to his knees and rimmed the hairy electrician. Bubba was surprised but obviously excited.

"Now this here is a blind taste test. I'm Clyde, Will's at your back door. " Wilbur rose and shoved his cock in Bubba's ass. "We like to share and share alike, so you relax, take everything we shove into you, and let me know if you can tell the difference."

"Don't worry Bubba." Skeeter said. "I played the game earlier today and it's lots of fun." Skeeter replaced Clyde, giving Bubba his cock to suck. The twins were to the rear. Alternating fucking the big electrician. "Nice technique you have there, boys." Skeeter said with clear admiration.

"We don't get much chance to use it much. Clyde pulled his cock out, Bubba's ass hair slipped along the shaft until the bloated, red, purple and shinny head emerged. He then poked the head in the hole a few times , then went deep. Bubba moaned. "I fuck until I am ready to pop, and then trade off to my brother and cool down."

The other brother chimed in. "We can go for hours if we are carful." He had effortlessly switched places with his brother. He had pulled his foreskin over his head, as he entered. Three or four thrusts later his head emerged as purple- red as his brother's, and just as shiny. Bubba couldn't see, so was unaware of the switch. "Although we stop when the guy we are screwing begins to cry."

"Do they ever come back for seconds?" I asked. "I've never gone for more than a half hour with out a nice long rest period." Their technique was polished. Bubba had no idea who was in his ass, or indeed that they were trading off.

"Uncle Jake liked it a lot. Still does." One of the Twins said. "An dwe had a real good time with the Scout leader."

Bill entered the room. "Hey guys! Save some for desert!" The four men broke apart. Bubba was stroking his cock. "Bubba. Save it for later. This is our last night here, don't squander a load on handwork." The men obeyed Bill as usual.

I left the shower and dried off. Looking out the window, I could see the sun in the west. The storm was over. Vince came up behind me and put his arms around me.

"Thanks. That was great." He said. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

"It was a stretch, but once you were in it was great." I replied. "It was more comfortable deep inside that on the way in."

"Yeah, it tapers as it hits my balls." He said. "It's like my own built in cock ring. Usually I can go a long while before I shoot. I was just too excited to hold back with you. Not many guys can take it. I've never bottomed, but they tell me it's too much." He paused, "What can I do for you? I owe you one."

"Don't worry. This isn't a tit for tat group. Everyone does what they want. I like the bottom. Your ass is really virgin?"

"I'm a late bloomer. My wife died three years ago. Sweet woman, but sex for procreation only. Two boys and a girl. I thought that my interest in men was just as an alternative outlet." Vince said. "You know, a blow job now and then, a drunken night at a convention with the boys."

"Did you fuck a few?"

"Two, I got six inches in. I knew I liked it , but my cock was more of a exciting decorative accessory that an sex toy to the men. Then I found Bob and Charles." Vince said.

"You discovered that you enjoyed it?"

"I had never had guilt free sex with a man before. I sixty-nined with Charles, sucked cock for the first time, ate cum for the first time all while Bob encouraged me. He told me what to do, what Charles liked. I ended up with seven inches in Bob's ass. I was great."

"Am I your first total penetration?" I asked.

"Yes. My first." He whispered. "I really want to feel that again. I want your ass real bad." I looked him in the face and saw pleading in his eyes. "I've never felt this way before. What can I do to fuck you tonight?"

"I hate to tell you this. All you need to do is ask." I said. "We can get together after dinner. There seems to be a group recreational session after desert, we can get together after. Did having Bob and Wally watch us bother you?"

"Turned me on. Bob I knew, but Wally is a stranger. It really turned me on." Vince said. "That's something else I didn't know about myself."

"Exactly how attached are you to your virgin ass?" He looked at me and knew exactly what I was talking about. "Are you willing to explore its recreational potential?"

"Let me think about that." He said. Someone yelled that dinner was ready, and we went downstairs. Wally made a spectacular seafood stew of all the shrimp and other fish that were threatened with defrosting in the electrical outage. It was a hearty fisherman's stew, rather than a ladies luncheon dish. We had wine with dinner and the group was very festive. With the road re-opened, Skeeter had replenished the beer supply too.

"It's been a long weekend," Bill observed. "I keep on wondering if there is anything we have missed."

"With thirteen men and eight feet of cock, there should be something we could do!" Wally observed.

"I for one." Clyde said, "wouldn't mind trying out some of the things you have tried already."

"Are you boys tops only?" Bubba asked.

"Bubba, you are the least refined human being in the city!" Bill said. "The boys don't need to list their sexual skills."

"Bubba deserves an answer." Clyde said. "He was a good sport with us earlier today. Wilbur and I are semi virgin." The room burst into gales of laughter. When the group quieted down he continued. "You may have used the expression go fuck yourself, well that's our approach. We screw each other once and a while, when the nights are long and cold." He said this with considerable theatrical flourish.

"Or short and warm!" Wilbur added. "Or in the daytime in the city utility barn!" Laughter broke out again.

"And I can truthfully say, as twins we have been true to our brotherhood!" Clyde added.

"Except for Uncle Jake." Wilbur added again.

"Well he's a relative." Clyde amended his previous declaration. "I can also truthfully say, that this group of men has deeply inspired me. While Wilbur's cream is sweet as it can be, and his cock is as pleasure giving as can be, I am inspired."

"In short." Wilbur said. "And I might point out that Clyde is never short winded. We have decided to suspend the rules of out chaste semi virginity, for this night only, and become red-neck sluts!" There was applause.

"Well men," Vince said from the other side of the table, "I too share some virginal aspects with the twins. My ass is pure virgin, with no exclusions for bothers, uncles or even a well hung passers-by." Skeeter gasped in amazement.

"How old are you, Fire-hose?" He asked.

"Sixty, but I am feeling a need to feel new experiences and expand my repertoire of skills. I sense that this is a group of gentleman, and as a true Richmonder, born in Jersey City, I have always trusted the kindness of gentlemen.

"I need to make a confession!" Skeeter said in a Baptist preacher voice. "I am an inverted virgin. I have truthfully never seen a cock I didn't lust after!" Laughter broke out again. "I have a dream! If I could get a taste of cum from every man in the room, my life would be complete." There was more laughter. "I don't ask for much. I don't need the whole load. Just one squirt, a drop deposited on a buddies chest would be fine with me. I don't even mind if it is a small dribble from a tender ass." He paused. "Please, remember me. It is more blessed to give that to receive. And give early, and give often."

"Well thank you Brother Skeeter for that confession." Bill said laughing. "I am sure that every man here can help you to realize you dreams and aspirations."

Next: Chapter 10

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