Predator x Prey

By MARccty .

Published on Dec 18, 2016



This is a work of fiction, and any resemblances to real-life people, places, or things are purely coincidental.

This work contains graphic depictions of sexual relations between boys. If you aren't 18, please wait until you are before reading.

This work is told from the point of view of a morally bankrupt sex addict whose behavior neither reflect the attitudes of the author, nor is encouraged by the author.

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******************************************************************************* Predator x Prey *******************************************************************************

Target Acquired.

I saw him again as I meandered through the thinning crowds in one of the frat house's side rooms. Leaned against the wall, drink held limply, he looked just as forsaken and miserable as he did when I first spotted him over an hour ago. He was wearing a simple black V-neck and dark jeans. A matting of long black hair framed his face and glasses, with biceps and abs rippling beneath his shirt. His brown skin and almond-shaped eyes gave him a somewhat Asiatic appearance. While he didn't attract immediate attention, he was extremely handsome once you took a good look at him.

As a joke to myself, I decided to estimate his dick size based on his appearance. Probably I routinely impress my girlfriends with this "skill" at quantifying men we oogle at together around campus. Little do they know that it isn't conjecture, but empirically gathered data-I've had sex with many of them before. Girls can be touchy about these things though, so I try to keep the details to myself. But hey, It can't be helped that I've been blessed by the Gods with such good looks and charms that I get more action with straight guys than most girls. Girls too of course give me a lot of attention, but I don't think that would work because a girl can't fuck me. Well, I guess she technically could if she used a strap on, but I like dicks, not strap-ons.

I looked into the mirror in the hallway, adjusted my hair and collar, and flashed myself a devilish grin (evoking a look of mingled amusement and disgust from a passersby behind me). Tonight had been frustratingly fruitless so far, especially compared to last weekend, which ended in me getting spit-roasted by the quarterback and running back of the University football team, but I had a feeling this boy would be the one.

I boldly walked straight up to him. "Hey, what's up?" I asked casually.

He seemed taken aback by the sudden attention. "Not much, you?" he replied cautiously.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to trick you or anything," I laughed. "I'm friends with one of the Brothers. I like to make sure everyone is having a good time."

"Well, my friend begged me to come with him here and then ditched me. He probably went off with a girl somewhere," he said feebly, clearly annoyed at his friend's apparent betrayal. He stared into his cup. "I'm too sober to be here right now but not drunk enough to go home."

Probably straight, I thought as I ran my eyes over every inch of his body. Not that it really matters. I've had guys insist they were straight while fucking me in the ass. "Are you a freshman by chance?"

"Uhh, yep."

Excellent, I thought, licking my lips. Nothing beats fresh, young meat.

"Well why don't you come upstairs? Seeing you standing here like an idiot all night is embarrassing me."

He looked relieved at this unexpected rescue. I briefly envisioned myself as a knight in shining armor saving this "damsel" in distress and had to repress a snicker.

I have the key to my buddy's room in the frat house, which I have free reign to use as he is at his girlfriend's place tonight.

"Take a seat on the bed, I'll get you some of the good stuff," I said, walking over to the mini fridge. To my delight, he wordlessly obeyed.

"The stuff they serve downstairs is watered down," I confided as I handed him a drink. "Of course, you freshmen will drink anything, probably even mouthwash, so the Brothers can get away with it."

Several drinks later, his tongue had loosened and he was talking freely. I can handle liquor very well, and was pacing myself to ensure sobriety as I closed in on my prey.

"I don't have many friends, so I spend almost all my free time at the gym," he was confessing, speech slightly slurred. "Its kind of hard to make new friends when you're a freshman, ya know?"

"Yeah, I feel that," I said reassuringly, smiling uncontrollably. I found it hilarious that someone this hot was so incredibly awkward. It really made me want to bully him. Girls probably hit on him all the time and he doesn't even notice.

My phone buzzed. I looked to see a text from Kelsey. She had taken Julia home early, who had felt sick. Apparently she was now throwing up. Thanks for letting me know Kelsey, I thought sarcastically.

He was still rambling on. "...I'll never get a cute girlfriend. I'll be a virgin forever..."

I threw down my phone and snapped back to attention. I was practically salivating from the revelation that this boy was a virgin. I could feel my cock stiffening in my pants.

"Guys like you must get all the girls," he pouted.

"Oh, you would be surprised."

I licked my lips. I was bored of hearing him complain, and horny, so it was time to take a shortcut.

"Why don't you lie down, I'll get some good music on. Stretch out, relax a bit!"


I went rummaging in the closet for my handy rope and came back to the bed. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed, mumbling something.

I quickly pulled up his sluggish arms, and began tying his wrists back against the bed's headboard,

By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late. "...fuck? What are you doing?"

"Tying you up," I replied calmly as I finished.

He shook his outstretched arms feebly but I had them expertly secured. I sat on his legs to prevent him from thrashing them. He squirmed and struggled a bit, but quickly gave up, his strength blunted by the alcohol.

"Not cool man, doing this without asking..." he mumbled in resignation "...just let me sleep now..."

I began rubbing his chest with my hands, feeling his muscles. He recoiled at the touch of my cold hands against his bare skin. "You've got a great body," I remarked with satisfaction . I lifted up his shirt and continued rubbing, all the way down to his groin.

"What are you doing?" he asked feebly, his voice cracking.

"I'm going to take your virginity," I announced, licking my lips.

This announcement brought renewed struggles, which were ineffective. "No way man. There's no way I'm getting fucked."

"I'm going to fuck your dick, not your ass, silly," I said as I unbuckled his belt.

"No no no no...wait!" he stuttered, panicky.

With his belt loosened, I pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees with one jerk. His cock sprung out from under them, standing up proudly. He was squeezing his eyes shut while turning his head off to one side. "Don't look, its embarrassing!" he whimpered, blushing.

His cock was pointing straight up, twitching. I leaned closer to take in the sight of his erect cock. It wasn't too large or too small, but had a nice thickness swelling in the middle. "Wow, you have a great cock," I nodded in approval. A bead of precum began to ooze out of the tip.

"Holy, shit, you're really turned right now, aren't you?!" I laughed with a thrilling realization. This encounter was developing to be far hotter than I anticipated. I could feel my own cock leaking in my pants. He was wordless by now but was breathing heavily, eyes still shut. I let out a slow breath on his cock, and he shuddered. I wanted this cock inside me so bad.

"Huh, so you're actually a pervert?" I teased, the heat rising within me. "You obviously enjoy getting tied up and messed around with."

He began to struggle restlessly again. I stood up and quickly took off my own pants and briefs, the latter of which I casually flung at his head. "Cover your eyes with that and pretend I'm a cute girl if you like," I offered. "Oh wait, your hands are tied. Never mind!"

My briefs fell half draped over his nose and mouth, illiciting a muffled retort. He blew out hard with his mouth and they slid off. His rapidly changing movements and face expressions were endlessly entertaining.

His dick had somehow gotten even harder, and was overflowing with precum. "Aww, you want to put it in now, don't you?" I asked patronizingly. Guess we don't need lube tonight, I thought, smacking my lips.

I straddled his torso and gripped the base of his cock with my left hand. He moaned helplessly but it was mingled with pleasure.

"Wait one more second..." my grip kept slipping around his cock but finally I positioned it to pierce my asshole directly, and began lowering my hips. I'm taking this hot boy's virginity! I thought triumphantly, heart pounding with excitement as his head pushed against my entrance. Moments later my well-trained asshole yielded, sucking in his hardness.

"Holy shit!" he gasped, eyes widening and fixated on the place we were connecting. "I..its going in!"

What a cute reaction, I thought, letting out a satisfied sigh as I felt his cock slowly filling my insides with warmth. "Your cock is sooo great," I breathed, beginning to ride him with long, slow strokes.

"A...Ah! Wait!" he yelped.

"Feels really good to fuck a boy in the ass, right?" I asked lustily. Although putting on a brave front I was in ecstasy as his cock massaged my insides, and it took all my self control not to explode.

"Yeah, it feels amazing!" he began pumping his own hips.

"Finally you're honest," I mumbled. I couldn't stop stroking my cock as his moved up and down in my ass."I can't hold it in much longer," I gasped, my asshole clenching as I neared climax.

That was too much for him to handle. "Fuck! Fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" he cried, intensifying his thrusts. I felt his hot cum erupting inside me, and became dizzy with pleasure. A long, indistinct sound escaped his lips as his lust emptied.

"Shit, I'm cumming too" I groaned, strength giving out. "A..aaaahhh!" I released my load, which shot out in long spurts. "...ahhhhh, holy shit," my voice turned into a chuckle as I saw my cum splash his face and chest.

"Blehh, salty!" he spat, grimacing. His softening dick slid out of me, leaving a trail of cum in my hole. His head fell back against the pillow, clearly indicating his exhaustion.

In a haze of horniness, I realized we had just done it bareback. That was crazy good sex, the best sex I had in ages, I thought. Well, now it was time to make my escape.

"Thanks for the meal!" I hummed, getting off from on top of him to put on my briefs and pants.

"Hey, untie me," he asked sleepily.

"Hmmm....nah," I said, dressing myself. Leaving him tied up here would be a funny joke to play on my buddy.

"What? Come on, you have to untie me..."

"Well that was fun. See ya," I waved, ignoring his pleas. I stepped out the door and closed it behind me.

I was sitting in the dining hall with my girlfriends at lunch, chatting away idly.

A voice came from close behind me.

"Excuse me!"

"I think he's talking to you," Kelsey prompted me.

"Cutie!" Julia whispered.

"Hmmm?" I turned around.

It was the freshman whose virginity I stole at a party a few weeks ago. I was mildly surprised this freshman wanted to see me again after that incident, especially considering the compromising state my buddy found him in.

Based on past experiences, he would either get violent or get clingy. I had taken the calculated risk that he would revert to the latter if this scenario came up.

"Oh, its just you," I said dismissively. "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you," he said passionately, essentially confirming the latter.

Guys who got clingy after a hookup were always problematic. These guys get hung up on my looks and want to be sex friends or even boyfriends afterwards. But it never worked out once, and they who initiated it were always the ones who quickly ended it. Once I realized this nearly two years ago I instituted a policy of sticking to one-night stands. This policy ensures I get the dick with the least amount of drama.

It was time for some damage control. I cleared my throat loudly. "Excuse me ladies, I'll be back in a moment." Shooting him an icy glare, I seized his arm and marched him out of the dining hall.

"So?" I asked when we were outside, crossing my arms impatiently.

"I've been working up the courage to talk to you for weeks," he blurted. "I even figured out your schedule and...mmmffff!"

I covered his mouth with my hand to cut him off.

"Gosh, you're embarrassing. And kinda creepy too."

He pushed my hand away. "Anyway, I...I'm serious about you!" he sputtered, blushing.

"Hah? I raped you while you were drunk and humiliated you," I hissed. "It would be best for you to forget about it and move on with your life. Or is Stockholm Syndrome another one of your fetishes?"

"I loved every second of it," he proclaimed stupidly.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "You know I'm a slut right? I can't count how many guys I've fucked since you," I said haughtily. This one usually sent them packing.

"I don't care," he retorted stubbornly, to my dismay.

I paused for a moment to consider the situation. The sex with him had been truly exceptional. But deep down, I knew I found his awkward, stupid honesty both endearing and refreshing. Maybe continuing this relationship was seriously worth considering.

"What was your name again?"

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