Primed at the Pump

By Bryan Thompson

Published on Sep 16, 2004


The burly police officer spun me around, still holding onto my dick. How had I not noticed the hard-on through his uniform before? He looked like he had stuffed a cucumber into his pants.

"You got yourself a hot little number here Jack, what's the story?"

"Well John, I got this here out-of-state faggot attempting to engage in lewd homosexual acts in my restroom with my poor young mechanic, Matt. I got there just in time as he had him bent over the commode and was attempting to perform an illegal and immoral act on his asshole. So naturally I brought him in here to teach him a lesson."

The officer turned back to me, and said, "We don't go in for that kind of thing around here son. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Uh, officer, it is a little difficult to be questioned about lewd behavior when you are holding my dick in your hand, sir." (When would I learn to keep my big, sarcastic mouth shut?)

"Well! So what do you want to do then, report me to the judge?!" He and Jack enjoyed a hearty laugh at this. "You see boy, I'm sheriff, judge and jury in this town. So why don't you just answer the question!" And he released his grip on my dick, only to take hold of my balls and squeeze them painfully instead. "This is just in case you decide to get smart with me again!" he warned.

"Well, Officer, while purchasing gas at this station, I was propositioned by him (I nodded towards Matt who smiled at me) and I accepted and we engaged in a consensual, adult act. What is the problem with that sir?"

"Matt, did this fellow insert his male organ in your anus?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess..."

But before he could finish, The cop squeezed me tightly by the balls and said "Finish your story"

"Well, then that man over there interrupted us and brought me in here and has been holding me against my will and attempting to force me to perform oral sex on him and he has also committed lewd acts on me."

"Like what, boy?"

"He, uh, this is difficult to talk about, officer."

"Shall I go ahead and pass along my verdict then, boy?"

"Uh, no sir, I'll tell you. He has violated various parts of my body, sir."

"Be more specific!"

"He has repeatedly touched my penis against my will, and he hung tools from my nipples and he put things in my asshole, and he hooked a shop vac up to my cock, uh, penis, sir."

"A shop vac! That's a new one Jack! I'd like to have seen that - how'd it go?"

"Got him nice and hard John, want me to hook him up again to show you?"

"Maybe later."

Officer John (if indeed he was a real cop) continued to hang onto my balls and looked from me, to Jack, to Matt and then said "I'm ready to announce my verdict: All right son, When you're in my town you need to keep this big toy of yours in your pants. And if you decide to take it out, you'd better be prepared to accept the consequences. What is the point of whipping that thing out in public if you don't want others to play with it? I don't know about how you do things up in New York, but down here, if you take your gun out of your holster, you'd better be prepared to use it. I sentence you to three blow jobs - one to each of us in this room. Punishment to begin immediately. On your knees boy! Case dismissed" he exclaimed as he began to lower his zipper.

Jack and John stood on each side of me and forced me down to my knees. "Should we let him pick, or shall we go in order of size gentlemen?" John asked the other two.

Jack laughed as John stepped in front of me. I nearly gasped when I saw the size of sausage that he pulled out of his pants. It even eclipsed the size of Matt's big unit. "Ready for the long arm of the law boy?" John laughed as he pressed his cock and balls into my face.

Matt knelt beside me and caressed my bare body with his fingers. "You might as well just relax and enjoy yourself, no one is going to hurt you. Let's just have some fun together and you can be on your way. We don't mean any harm, this is just our way of having a little fun." And with that, he bent over and began to suck my cock.

Amazingly, I ended up laughing both at the ridiculousness of the whole situation as well as the pleasure of having the mouth of this hot stud on my cock. What the hell, how often did I get to be in a four way with three horny guys. My cock sprang to life again as Matt worked his charms on me.

"Ready for your community service?" John laughed. Matt stepped out of the way as the cop swung his big tool in front of my face again.

"Yes Officer."


What followed was an intense afternoon and evening of sucking, fucking,and cockplay with lots of hot two, three, and even four-way action. Why had I ever resisted? Why had they even needed to tie me up? Jack should have just jumped in and joined us in the men's room all those hours ago!

When we were finally all spent (how many times had I cum in one day?!) we were lying on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs in a puddle of sweat and cum and discarded condoms, I got at least a partial answer to my question when John asked Jack,

"Did you show him the hall of fame yet?"

"No, he still needs to be inducted! Get the picture Matt!"

Matt grinned and stood to his feet. What a hot piece of ass he was! I couldn't quit looking at his long sinewy muscles. His tanned chest was still heaving from our extended sex play and his beautiful cock was in that blissful half-way state between erect and flaccid. His wide shoulders narrowed to a tiny waist with narrow hips. He was like a living sculpture. He laughed and shook his unruly light brown curls from his forehead. I enjoyed watching his bare butt as he walked over to the counter and retrieved the polaroid picture Joe had taken of me earlier when I was hanging in his garage. He returned and handed it to his boss.

"Come on young fella' - you are about to be inducted into our hall of fame!" I sat up from reclining against John's chest and pushed myself up to a standing position. Was there any part of my body that didn't hurt after today's work-out? My dick and asshole were particularly sore from over-use, but all of my muscles ached as well. I reached my arms over my head to try and stretch out some of my cramps. Matt smiled and reached over to caress my cock while I stretched.

"Oh no you don't!" I laughed, "I'm too sore for another round!" He put his arm around me and we followed Jack and John to the back of the garage where Jack unlocked a door and flung it open. I had no idea what was coming next.

I gasped when I saw the inside of the storage room door. It was COVERED with snapshots just like mine. Naked guys, hands tied over their heads, cum dripping from their mouths, chins, and faces. Joe bent to pin my picture up next, and that was when I noticed that the poor guy in the picture beside mine had a 1 1 0 painted on his chest. They weren't three lines! I was the one hundred and eleventh male that had been subjected to this! I couldn't help but burst out laughing. As I glanced over the doorful of polaroid pictures I was flabbergasted to see the whole gallery. Most of the guys were pretty hot looking - they knew how to pick them! I bent down when I noticed a familiar face - I won't say who but there turned out to be a fairly well-known politician and a Hollywood celebrity included on the wall as well!

"How do you like number 12?" Matt offered shyly. I stood on my tip toes to see the first row - it was Matt himself! "I never left." he explained.

"Yeah, and business sure did pick up after you got this fine piece of meat to use as bait, didn't it Jack?" Joe laughed as he took hold of Matt by his cock and squeezed it playfully.

"I won't put your picture up here if you don't approve." Joe offered.

"What the hell? I earned a place on here didn't I?" I laughed.

So if you are ever traveling through the back highways of the wild west - be careful where you stop for gas, unless you want end up as number 112!

The End

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