Prince Caspian on the Set

By Bad Boy

Published on May 23, 2008


This story is of course fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of William Moseley, Ben Barnes or anyone else mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

"The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" is owned and copyrighted by the Disney Corporation.

It was a warm day on the set of the latest Chronicles of Narnia film and Ben Barnes was worn out. When his agent had phoned him months ago to tell him that he had been offered the part to play Prince Caspian in the sequel to "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe", he jumped at the chance. While Ben had been working in the industry for some time, he had only previously been offered small roles, and relished the chance to play a title character in what many saw as the next great fantasy franchise. Enthusiastic, he set off for New Zealand to begin filming his first major role.

It did not take long for his enthusiasm to be tempered however by the long and grueling days he was required to put on at the set. The role of Prince Caspian was one grounded in physical acting. Sword fighting, horseback riding, and performing many of his stunts had began to take their toll. Coupled with the fact the he was beginning to miss his friends and family back home in England, Ben was starting to think that starring in big budget films may not be for him. While he got along well with his co-stars, they had already bonded while filming the first Narnia film and had fallen back into inside jokes and recalling adventures together while filming the first film, further alienating Ben. They were also much younger than the 28 year old Ben; only William Moseley, who played Peter Pevensie, who would be celebrating his 21st birthday in a few weeks had really reached out to Ben, and while not best friends, they had spent the few spare minutes they had together in the trailer which they shared discussing football, tips of the industry and basically just becoming good friends.

Today had been a particularly grueling and frustrating day on the set. The morning had been taken up for the most part filming action scenes, while the afternoon had focused on scenes between himself and Anna Popplewell, who played Susan Pevensie. The script called for a few scenes in which the attraction between the two characters would be evident, but try as he might, Ben found it wrong to even feign attraction for a girl who was almost 10 years his younger; try as he might, he could not please the director.

Sensing his two stars frustration, the director had decided to call it a day, sending both of the stars to their trailers while promising that they would pick it up tomorrow right where they had left off. Upset that he had failed to give the director what he was looking for, Ben was nevertheless relieved and told Anna that he was sorry, but that he was just so tired from the shooting earlier in the day. As he retired to his trailer, Ben was looking forward to getting out of his costume and slipping into a nice warm shower.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, he started stripping off his costume as quickly as possible. Damp with sweat and caked with mud and dirt, Ben was happy to finally get out of his garment, throwing his costume onto the floor, not caring where it landed. Normally, he would not have stripped in the middle of the trailer, but knowing that Will would be filming late into the night and would not be back for a while, made Ben confident that he would have the trailer to himself for at least a few hours.

It was not long before Ben was left in only his black boxer briefs, when he finally caught a look at himself in the makeup mirror across the room. While he would definitely not consider himself narcissistic, he was also not naïve. Ben was acutely aware that it was more his look that had gotten him roles in the past, especially the role of Prince Caspian, then it had been his acting experience. Ben had decided long ago that while acting was what he wanted to do more than anything in his life, he would have to play the part of being the pretty boy for as long as he could, or at least until his resume had enough work on it to allow him to land jobs based solely on experience. In order to maintain that look he worked out regularly and judiciously, and the effort he put in definitely showed on his body.

From his black mane of hair, to his chiseled facial features, his dark skin, to his defined pectoral muscles, strong biceps, and washboard abs, Ben was undeniably what every woman wanted, and the producers knew it, casting him to set the hearts racing of not only the young girls who came to see the movie, but their mothers who brought them as well.

As Ben surveyed his impressive body in the mirror, he felt a slight twinge from underneath his boxer briefs that he had not felt in quite some time. Being so busy on the set had forced Ben to disregard and dismiss any sexual urges he might have had. Combined with the fact that he was almost always with someone else and that his female costars were much too young for him, the situation had left him frustrated and horny on more than one occasion. Remembering that he would have the trailer to himself for a few hours before Will would come back from shooting his night scenes, Ben decided to give into the urges he had been having for so long, and sat himself down in his makeup chair.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, his cock began to stir within its fabric confines. While he ran his one hand through his jet black hair, he watched himself in the mirror as his other hand began to explore his body, the body he had neglected for so long.

He began by rubbing and pinching his nipples, whenever girls played with them, it drove him wild, and as they became erect and hard, he admired the way they crowned his defined and hairless pecs. He continued down his body, feeling the ridges of his abdominal muscles as they undulated across his stomach. He finally got to his belly button and the start of his dark treasure trail which his hand followed right down into his briefs.

Reaching into his boxer briefs, Ben finally came into contact with his prick. Massaging the sizable lump, his dick quickly reached a semi-erect state, and he decided to let it out of its fabric prison. He decided to leave his underwear on, instead just pulling the front of them down and tucking them underneath his large and hefty balls. As he began to play with his now freed cock, he once again watched himself in the mirror.

While Ben was proud of his body, he was just as proud of his cock, a perfect ending to a perfect body he always thought. While not overly large, when fully erect his cock came in at just over 7", it was thick enough to illicit moans from every girl he had ever fucked. Two large ball sacs hung below, the whole affair surrounded by a dark thicket of pubes which he regularly trimmed.

As he turned his attention to finally getting his rocks off, his mind started cycling through the normal images he used when he used to masturbate at home. Past girlfriends, one-night stands, celebrities, and more but for some reason, nothing was doing the trick tonight. He even quickly thought of Anna Popplewell, but nothing was getting much of a rise out of him. As he sat there in his chair, lazily playing with himself, he was about getting ready to give up, when a thought of William Moseley quickly entered his mind. As soon as he did his semi-erect cock stood up as straight and hard as it had ever done before. Ben was taken back. While he had one or two gay friends, the thought of messing around with them had never crossed his mind; in fact Ben would have up to this point said he was as staunch a heterosexual as there had ever been. But there was no denying that his cock had reacted to his thinking about his costar. Unsure of whether to continue, his sexual desires finally got the better of him and he continued to play with himself while fantasizing about Will, anything to relive some of this pent up sexual tension.

As he began to vigorously stroke his cock, Ben closed his eyes and imagined Will knelling in front of him, servicing his impressive cock. Will would begin by tonguing Ben's heavy balls, licking them, moistening them before sucking one and then the other into his mouth, letting this sit in his mouth, enjoying the heat of each as his tongue played with each ball in their sac, each one heavy with cum begging for release.

Will would then take that tongue of his and run it up and down the impossibly erect and turgid cock, running it up and down his manhood, enjoying the feel of the one large vein that ran along the underside of Ben's cock. He would then stop at the top of Ben's cock, roll back his foreskin, and take just the large and flared cockhead into his mouth, playing with the piss slit. Will would then attempt to take more of Ben's cock, his soft, cock-sucking lips encircling Ben's engorged cock.

It would be now that Ben would take control over his younger and inexperienced co-star, resting his hand on Will's head and forcing him down onto his cock. Will would resist at first, and probably gag as he was forced to gobble down more and more of Ben's cock, but Ben would tell him to relax and eventually would have his entire cock down Will's throat, Will's chin resting on his balls while his nose would be buried in his pubes.

Ben would then begin face fucking the young stud who was so eager to please him, using his powerful body to thrust his cock in and out of the inexperienced but ever so eager William Moseley. As he held Will's head in place with his hands, he would piston his cock in and out of Will's mouth, his penis head hitting the back of Will's throat every time. As Will would begin to gag again as Ben's cock was being forced ever deeper, Ben would begin with the dirty talk, telling him to be quiet, to be a good little cocksucker and to take his cock like a man. He would force Will's nose into his thicket of dark pubes, making him inhale his sweaty scent, telling him that is how a real man smells. Ben would continue to fuck Will's face faster and faster, his taut ass rising off the makeup seat as he stuffed Will ever deeper, enjoying the feeling of those moist lips running up and down his thick cock, conforming to every curve of his cock while Will's tongue continued to dance alongside Ben's cock, making him feel better than an girl ever could.

While Ben was imagining all this, his hand was now flying up and down his hard cock. His balls were begging for release and he intended to answer their pleas. By now his boxer briefs were down around his ankles, leaving his perfect ass exposed. A perfect bubble butt, Ben's ass was flawless and hairless, the only hair being the dark hairs which surrounded his undefiled, virgin asshole. As he came ever closer to climaxing, Ben imagined that while Will was giving him the blowjob of a lifetime, he had also managed to sneak a finger into the never before breached asshole of Ben Barnes. Without even thinking, Ben used his one free hand and inserted his own index finger right up his ass. The feeling was intense, and coupled with the image of the finger belonging to William Moseley, it forced Ben Barnes overboard. As his balls tightened in their sacs, his cock became even harder if such a thing was possible, and he reached climax. As weeks of pent up cum were finally released he involuntarily cried out Will's name as the cum from his cock shoot up in the air, landing on his pecs, abs, and pubes. Six strong shots erupted from his cock, culminating in a slow dribble that ran down his cock, still rock hard despite the climax he had just experienced.

As Ben came down from his euphoria, he opened his eyes and was confronted with the image of William Moseley in the mirror in front of him, dressed in his costume. While at first Ben thought he was still in his fantasy, it soon became clear that his fantasy had ended and that reality was staring him in the face.

There he was, Ben Barnes, sitting in his makeup chair, underpants around his ankles, covered in cum and just having shouted out the name of his costar while climaxing, the same costar who now stood in his trailer. As Ben racked his mind, trying to find a solution to the situation which he faced, he was able to survey the figure of William Moseley and was shocked at what he saw.

Will's face was surprisingly serene, and it did not take Ben long to ascertain why. Will was standing there with his hand down his trousers, clearly massaging what appeared to be a sizable lump in his costume. Will, noticing that Ben had become aware of his presence, slowly approached Ben's chair, spun it around so Ben was facing him and dropped to his knees in front of Ben, his face only inches from Ben's swollen cock.

"Well Prince Caspian, I think the fun is about to begin..." Will said.

Hope you enjoyed this first installment. I plan on writing more if there is some interest in seeing more from this story. Please send any comments or what you would like to see happen next to

I look forward to hearing from you guys!

Next: Chapter 2

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