Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jun 2, 2021


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

The days were unusually quiet with Karl off his back seemingly forever and Mouse away hunting. At first, Francesco had been wary of his ex-bed partner if he could call the fucker that, but day after day he relaxed. Except for that strange evening when Karl had watched him and Mouse, nothing betrayed that the blond was still in the slightest interested in him. Francesco began to wonder whether he hadn't imagined the whole thing; maybe he had been so marked by that asshole that he had had an illusion or something like that.

On the contrary, Karl seemed to go out of his way to interact as little as possible with him. Leon didn't behave differently towards any of them, so the blond was still the de facto leader. In that quality, he was entitled to order Francesco around, but he did so in an impersonal way, while looking any other way but at him.

He had been worried about that, initially. Maybe Karl was like a poisonous snake, lying in wait, ready to strike, and lulling him into a false sense of security. But it looked like his ex whatever they had been didn't care about pestering him again.

The most surprising part of all was that Francesco felt a bit empty once the realization that Karl no longer cared for his ass hit him. Was he alright in the head to even consider a thing like that? What? Did he like to get pushed around and messed up with so much? He hated himself whenever he thought of that.

Mouse was amazing. They fucked every night, and Francesco was discovering that there were many ways to give and receive head, among many other wonderful things. So, all in all, he should have been fucking pleased with how things were. Only there was that tiny part of him, stupid and a sucker to get punished or whatever that longed for something he didn't even care to put his finger on.

In other words, he missed having a fat cock up his ass. Leon's was out of the question; that had been a one time thing, and Francesco didn't ever dare to attempt something in that direction. Ollie and his boyfriend were in love, and the chances of threesomes or foursomes were slim as fuck.

So, he missed getting fucked, not by Karl in particular, he tried to tell himself, because he hated the fucker, but in general because he was just a slut gagging for a cock pounding his ass into the next day. That was his dirty little secret and didn't care to share it with anyone, not even Karl.

"Got those done already?" A gruff voice woke him up from his thoughts as he absent-mindedly polished a small spear meant for either defense or hunting.

He raised his eyes to meet Karl's intense stare, expecting the other to move his eyes away and leave as fast as his feet could take him. That didn't happen and Karl just stood there, his eyes set hard on him, scanning him like he was some fucking detection device. If he could discover a need for cock in Francesco, he deserved a special prize.

"Almost," he replied after a while.

He couldn't read that gaze. It wasn't like before when it was clear that Karl wanted him, or even after when the blue eyes had stared at him with bloodlust and anger in them.

"Stop looking at me like that," he said, unnerved by whatever was going on there.

"Like what?" The other boy's voice was harsh and showed to anyone interested that he had no lost love for Francesco.

"Like you can't decide if you want to fuck me or fight me," he said after a bit.

There was a flash of anger in Karl's eyes, but it died quickly. So fighting was, after all, what the fucker was after. It was better to know than not know. And if Karl brought it up, he was game, because that little dance they were doing was getting tiresome.

"Just do your job, Francesco. I don't want nothing to do with you."

Karl had taken to addressing him by his actual name and stressing it like some important detail. It was maybe his way of letting him know that they were through, indeed. And Francesco was pretty damn fine with it all, only that he wasn't, not for good. Maybe they needed to fight already and get it out of his system.

"Then why are you still standing there?" he asked as he returned to his job at hand. "I'll do my part, don't worry. But if you want to fight me, just fucking do it already. Stop driving me nuts."

To his surprise, Karl chuckled. There was something in that sound that reminded Francesco of that day when he and Mouse had been caught together by the asshole. He had come loads that time, even if he hated Karl. When he wanted, the fucker could fuck well. With proper education, maybe he wasn't half-bad. He shook his head and wondered for the umpteenth time whether he was starting to lose his mind lately. In that heat, in their situation, maybe it wasn't that farfetched to believe it.

"You're no match for me, skinny," Karl taunted him. "I'd be through with you in five seconds. What would be the satisfaction?"

Francesco felt the back of his neck getting hot. "I don't know. You'd finally get over it."


"It, me, whatever. I don't read minds."

"You have too much of a vivid imagination, Cesco." Karl's voice warmed, and Francesco looked up at the mentioning of that nickname he hated. "I told you. We're done."

"Good. A reminder is nice. Make sure to tell it to yourself when you jerk off thinking of me."

He knew he had said a stupid thing because the next moment, Karl was by his side, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him to his feet. He braced for a punch, cursing his big mouth. But Karl did nothing like that. He just kept him close and breathed on his face, while his eyes burned. For a moment, he expected Karl to do something idiotic like kiss him, but he was just pushed back.

The fucker walked away without another word. There was something in Karl's sure steps that irked him. Like the guy had just found something important about him and now could use it to gain the upper hand.

"He won't do anything," Mouse whispered in his ear, as they humped lazily.

They were by the riverside, and it was one of the rare moments when the entire group chillaxed. Francesco kept staring at where Karl sat, arms hooked over Ty's and Anya's shoulders while making out with them. The two beautiful boys were kissing Karl's neck and teased his cock and balls. It didn't look like Karl was forcing them or anything, and that made him mad. Why, of all people, the fucker had had to behave like that with him?

"I'm not sure," Francesco murmured. "You keep your eyes peeled. If anything happened to you, I'd have his head."

Mouse chuckled and kissed him slowly. "Karl's not stupid. He may be a mad dog, but he wouldn't burn the shed while he's still in it."

Francesco wouldn't bet on it. He couldn't figure out the asshole for what he truly was, and it scared him, not knowing what could happen next. That was he kept telling to himself.

A few feet away, Leon was slowly fucking Ollie, both lost to the world around them. It was like looking at the best porn live. Ollie's long legs rested wrapped around Leon's waist while the giant used his hips to push his cock in and out. It was so gentle it made Francesco ache for it. Ollie was moaning softly and time and time again, Leon caught his lips and kissed him. The rhythm of the giant cock going in and out, in and out, slick and hard, was hypnotic. It made Francesco's throat so dry.

"Do you want me to ask?" Mouse straddled him and Francesco helped him get down on his cock.

"What?" He was breathless, as always when Mouse squeezed his cock inside him, making him forget about everything.

"If they want to switch. For fun," Mouse added.

Francesco began licking his nipples slowly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know," Mouse breathed out. "You want Leon's cock."

"I don't," he protested, but meekly. He took a hold of Mouse's hips to drive him home, over and over.

Their eyes met. Mouse knew he was lying, but he didn't press it.

"Hey, hey, hey," Karl called out. "These two cocksuckers here have an idea for a party game!"

Francesco was just getting into a rhythm with Mouse, so he frowned and tried to ignore the fucker.

"Come on, guys, it's fun! It's about making one of us swallow a boatload of cum!" Karl insisted.

"What is he getting on about?" Mouse asked and broke their kiss.

"We don't care!" Francesco shot back.

"Who's going to swallow?" Ollie asked.

"The loser, obviously," Karl said. "All of us are locked and loaded, right?" He stretched lazily, showing off his muscles.

Francesco couldn't take his eyes away. "So? Is this the kind of game you used to play with your buddies or what?"

Karl set his eyes on him and watched him for a few intense moments. "Anyway," he continued, "the loser could be any of us. The rules are simple."

"Do you mean we might see you," Mouse pointed at Karl, "getting served a nice meal for a change?"

Karl smirked. "Sure. If I lose. But I don't intend to."

"Let the fucker --" Francesco started, but, to his surprise, Mouse dismounted him and walked over to Karl.

"What's the game about?" Mouse asked, standing face to face with Karl.

Ty and Anya giggled and brought a rudimentary wooden bowl they had made. Karl took it and showed it to the others. "We'll sit in a circle, jerking off. Each one gets a turn, admits to a secret wish that's about sex, obviously, and shoots in the ball."

"And? The loser is the one that misses or something? Messy shooters get to drink it all?" Mouse joked.

"Nah. It's about truth," Karl said. "The liar won't shoot. That's the guy who gets the others' cum."

"Are you serious?"

Karl looked over Mouse at Francesco. His eyes burned, making him feel conscious of his naked body. It was like the fucker was fucking him with his eyes. In an instant, in his mind's eyes, he was on all fours, and Karl was pounding him hard from behind.

"Cesco knows already. Look at his dick twitching," Karl said with a smirk.

He closed his eyes and looked away before Mouse had a chance to notice, afraid that his eyes or the look in them would betray him and his dirty thoughts.

"Let's do this," Ollie said. "I know I won't lose. Leon either."

"Yeah, yeah, lovebirds," Karl taunted them, "keep telling yourselves that. No matter who the loser is, he gets to gobble down all the shots. You're in?"

"I'm not," Francesco said brusquely and stood up. "Mouse, let's go."

"Are you chicken?" Karl called after him.

Mouse came by his side. "Don't give him the satisfaction. If you're not in, I'm not either."

"I'm in," Francesco said and smirked at Karl. "I want to see this fucker choking on our loads."


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While the most recent chapters can be found there, all the chapters and the entire story will be published and completed on Nifty, too.

Next: Chapter 15

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