Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jul 27, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

"Man, you came buckets," Francesco said with a smirk as he felt himself between the butt cheeks.

"Did you come?"

Francesco moved one hand over his cock. It was still hard. "Doesn't look like it, right?"

Karl turned toward him and took his cock from his hand. Without a word, he began stroking it. Francesco gasped as the fucker took his time and brushed his thumb over the head over and over.

"Hey, aren't you afraid this is too gay?" he asked, enjoying the extra sensation and bucking his hips up.

Karl was looking at his cock, seemingly mesmerized with it.

"Wanna lick it?" Francesco challenged.

Karl moved his head away, but kept his hand there, moving it up and down faster and faster. He locked eyes with Francesco. "No, that's a bitch's job."

Francesco grinned. "So, mine, right?"

Karl kissed him hungrily. Francesco moved his hand enough to know that the other was hard again. He began jerking him off, fast and steady. The pressure on his cock was too much, and soon he was coming. At the height of his climax, he let go of Karl's cock.

In an instant, Karl was on his feet, placing himself with them on each side of Francesco's body. He was stroking his cock with frantic moves. "Open your mouth, Cesco," he ordered.

He was already spent, but he still wanted to feel that new load on his tongue. Keeping his eyes on Karl, he opened slightly and licked his lips. Then, he stuck his tongue out and waited. Karl knelt and held his head, while he used his other hand to aim.

The first spurt hit his palate. The rest coated his tongue, making his entire body twitch in pleasure. Why had he fought against this before? Maybe it was just his vocation to be a fucking whore. He played with the cum in his mouth, making sure Karl watched the show. Then he swallowed and smacked his lips. "Not bad," he said and smiled.

Karl moved fast, but when he wrapped his hand around the back of Francesco's neck, he was surprisingly gentle. "I don't like whores," he said in an unsteady voice, "but I like you."

"C'mon, man, you came twice, you can lay it a little less heavy on the romantic shit," Francesco teased him.

"I mean it, Cesco." It sounded as if it hurt Karl to admit that. "You could put your ass up for the entire world to fuck it, and I'd still... Forget it."

"Go on, this sounds interesting." Francesco placed his hands behind his head and smiled at Karl. "Just so you know, I don't buy it. You're just horny. That's all."

And horny guys could be used. Francesco would have felt bad about using someone before. But now, it no longer mattered. He had shed the so-called morality he had before, because he finally saw the world for what it was. People like Karl and his daddy could do anything. Whatever Karl's crime was, his dad had just chosen to send him there to teach him a lesson, not because he had a duty to pay to society. Just a little slap on the wrist. While Mouse, who had no one to have his back, was condemned to be there forever, after fending for himself because he was all alone in the world. Where was the justice in that?

"It's true," Karl said and pursed his lips. "What do you want me to do to prove it?"

Francesco closed his eyes and tried to rein in the victorious feeling washing over him. "I'll think of something if it matters this much to you."

He couldn't just blurt it out. It would be too transparent, and Karl wasn't stupid.

"Did Karl give you a hard time? I saw him watching you like he wanted to hurt you."

Mouse's worry was genuine, and it made Francesco feel guilty about keeping his machinations a secret. But he had an inkling Mouse would be against it, and he needed all his wits to orchestrate his plot and make Karl beg his daddy or whatever to allow Mouse to come with them back home once their punishment was over.

The redhead was jealous something fierce when it came to Karl. He hadn't blinked when Francesco confessed about having been fucked by Leon. But Karl was a different matter; Mouse preferred to be the one to suck the guy's cock only so that he could be sure that Francesco wouldn't go with him.

He had no reason to be this jealous. But, after all, neither did Karl. These boys were not particularly rational, neither of them, and he needed to dance around them and make sure he saved Mouse's ass while using Karl's obsession for him.

He wished so much to talk to Mouse about the future, to tell him about how they would get a place of their own and build a new life for themselves. He was handy with cars and could find work quickly. Mouse could do what he wanted, but as long as they would be together, day after day, and night after night, everything would be fine.

When it came to getting fucked, Francesco realized that he hadn't been too particular. Sure, Morgan was number one, and despite their rocky beginnings, Karl came a close second. Even his cum was delicious, but he wouldn't let the fucker know that. However, when it came to him fucking another dude, ever since that first time with Mouse, he had come to realize quickly that he didn't think or even fantasize about fucking someone else. When Karl had forced him to fuck Anya, it could have been a hole in the wall, and he would have still come. There was something fucked up in him, too.

If he let Mouse know about his plans with Karl, the redhead wouldn't understand. He would feel unsure, jealous, and Francesco didn't want the complication. After all, it was true that he loved Mouse. He didn't have to think about it long and hard; he just knew it. In that whole fucked up world, there was someone who truly needed him, and that made him want to have that forever.

No matter what Karl was spewing, once they were back home, they would be total strangers. Karl would find some pretty girls to fuck and marry one of them. His daddy would make sure to get him picket fences, a boring job, and the whole enchilada. So Francesco knew where he stood with the fucker. They would go their separate ways, and Karl would pretend he never fucked a boy's ass in his life, once he took to pussy. Yeah, he could talk all he wanted, but he would forget about those bullshit words as soon as they climbed that chopper to take them back home.

But Mouse wouldn't be a stranger; he could really be his boyfriend, beyond that cursed prison island.

"Hey, are you listening?" Mouse waved a hand in front of his eyes.

"Yeah, sorry, just a little tired. I didn't catch much sleep while waiting for you to come back. I'm beat."

Mouse cuddled by his side. "So, I get no cock from you now that I'm back?"

"How about ride me?" Francesco kissed his boyfriend and helped him climb on top. "I don't mind you using me like your dildo."

Mouse huffed like he couldn't believe a thing like that, but he took off his pants and used his spit to get on Francesco's cock that was already up and going after the redhead stroke it only a few times. "I worked all day and when I come home, I have to work you, too," he joked as he began moving up and down the hard shaft.

Francesco laughed and caught him in his arms. He held him close and used his hips to hammer Mouse's ass fast. His boyfriend began moaning right away and quite loudly. Francesco grinned and kissed Mouse to shut him up. "How about being noisier? I don't think they heard you on the other side of the island."

"I want Karl to hear how you're fucking me," Mouse said breathlessly, as Francesco had no trouble moving in and out his ass, like it was a cock sleeve made only for him.

"Why? Did he tell you anything while you were only the two of you?"

"Not much. But he did say that he would win you back. Other than that, he was silent most of the time."

"Don't believe everything he says. You know him already."

"I do." Mouse mewled lewdly as he began meeting Francesco's thrusts one after another. "I sucked his cock."

"What?" Francesco was amused, not upset. After all, Mouse had done that with him watching. "On your little hunting trip?"

"Yeah. He was way too strung up. He kept grabbing me whenever there was a branch in my path or I stumbled over some rock by accident. So I gave him head so he could relax."

"And he did?"

"Not really. Are you mad at me for blowing him?"

"No. I'm not that kind of guy. And Karl's the type of dude who needs his dick sucked on the regular, or who knows what stupid shit he might be up to next."

They were fucking to a rhythm that they both enjoyed. Francesco helped Mouse's ass up just as much as it was needed so that his tight channel would almost withdrew completely from his cock, only to shove it back fast, and give the other a good pounding right where it was good. As a slutty bottom, Francesco knew what worked and used that to make Mouse feel great.

"Yeah, but I could tell he wasn't thinking of me while I played his flute," Mouse said with another shameless moan. "He gave me so much jizz, though, I almost didn't need to eat or drink anything."

That image was enough for Francesco to want to move his hips faster. "So you blew him? With this sexy mouth?" He kissed Mouse over and over. "No wonder he fed you his cum."

"He was thinking of you," Mouse said through small grunts and moans of pleasure. "Each time he came."

Francesco preferred to say nothing. He pushed Mouse so that they could change positions and began pumping his ass hard. "Yes, Kekko, yes, like this, fuck me like I'm yours!"

"Would you two fuckers pipe it down already?" That was Karl in their door. Francesco could make out his shape, but nothing else. Yet, he could tell he was naked.

"Can't sleep? Maybe some warm milk will help you," Francesco taunted him. "Too bad I'm pouring all of it in my sweetheart's ass. Unless you want to drink it from there."

His teasing aimed true. Karl closed his fists and marched out of there without another word.

Mouse giggled. "Kekko, please, be kinder to him. I'm afraid he might snap."

"Don't worry. He won't," Francesco said, sure of himself.

For each taunt he would pay in full, both head and tail. So Mouse, even without knowing it, had nothing to worry about.


If you enjoy Prison Island, drop by my SubscribeStar for more kinkiness:

And for a taste of other kinky stories I write, check out this fragment from a short story I wrote called The BJ Boy about an 18-year-old who ends up sucking a mafia boss's cock for pay:

Next: Chapter 24

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