Private Posedown

By Scott Walker

Published on Nov 30, 2000



By Scott Walker

This story takes place about two weeks before the events of 'Private Posedown', previously posted on this board.

"Come on, Case, two more." I said to my work out partner. "Be strong, pump it up."

Casey struggled to complete his last two reps of standing barbell curls. His face covered in sweat, his teeth clenched, even his nostrils were flaring. He grunted loudly as he strained to finish his last rep. His grey sweatshirt soaked, he gave all his effort and curled the weight once more. I took the bar from him and placed it on the floor.

"Way to go buddy," I said, giving him a solid hi-five. "I knew you could do it."

Casey smiled and wiped the sweat from his face and took a long swig from his water bottle.

"I think that's it for today," I said as I unbuckled my weight belt. "Man, am I ever pumped."

It was one of the best workouts I'd ever had. It was Saturday, two weeks before the Teen State Championships. The coach had given me keys to the weight room and locker area; it was just the two of us in the entire school. The administration had been reluctant but the coach convinced them that since I was representing the school it was advantagous (a word I'd just learned that week) to allow me access to train there. They agreed on one condition; that only one other person be allowed access as my training partner. So I chose Casey, much to the surprise of some of the other muscleheads.

"Shit, why are you pickin' him for?" Craig Adams said, "he never fuckin' says anything."

This last part was mostly true, Casey was not much of a talker. In fact, I don't think I've ever known anyone as shy. He usually came in as soon as the weight room opened, worked out by himself and left. He always remained covered up in sweats and never showered at school. Most of the guys paid no attention to him, thinking he was a snob or worse, a fag. Occasionally if he needed a spot he'd ask me, very quiet and polite and I was always glad to help. He'd thank me when he was finished and then went back to his own workout. If I saw him in the halls I'd nod and he'd return the gesture but that was about the only other contact we had. I must admit the main reason I asked him to be my partner today was perhaps a bit selfish.. It was because of all the guys who worked out in our school weight room, and there were a lot, (we were nicknamed Muscle High after all), no one aside from myself worked out harder or as seriously as Casey. Whenever some of the other guys started showing off for each other or just checking themselves in the mirror, that was usually when Casey made his exit. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, or cared, but I thought at first it was very odd. I was surprised however how readily he accepted my offer of being my work out partner, once of course he was reassured that no one else would be present.

"You did great," I said as I began to remove my sweatshirt. Casey smiled, a little ill-at-ease. He looked so charming, standing there in his sweat-soaked workout clothes, his weight belt cinched tight. He was only 16, a year younger than myself, (another reason some of the guys were pissed at my choice) and about two inches shorter. Hell, I'm only 5'6" myself, which was one of the reasons I gave the guys for choosing him (even though it was bullshit). I needed to do an intense workout, I didn't have time to adjust leg presses and other machines which is what would have been the case if I'd asked Craig, who stood over six feet. Whether they bought this or not, I didn't care. I was the one representing the school, I was the one getting up on stage in front of hundreds of people showing off two years of hard work, I was the one who was gonna win or make a complete ass of myself and I wanted the most compatible guy to train with.

I tore off my sweatshirt, tossed it aside and faacing the mirror, hit a most muscular pose. I growled at my reflection as I twisted my torso from side to side, trying to see every cut and striation. I was still dieting down so they weren't all there yet, but Coach assured me that I should 'peak' on the day of the contest. I stood up and hit a double biceps pose, checking out my favorite body part. Last week they measured 16 1/2 inches pumped but all the guys said they look bigger. Good genetics have given them a good peak and lots of thickness. I flexed and unflexed my arm, watching the biceps respond. I caught a glimpse of Casey in the mirror, occupied with putting away his gear and not watching me. It was almost as if he was doing so on purpose. I hit the double biceps again and asked:

"So, what do ya think?"

Casey looked up quickly and went back to his packing up. "Pretty good." he muttered.

"What do ya mean pretty good?" I said, pretending to sound annoyed, "Lookit these things."

Casey glanced up quickly and went back to his packing.

Now I was beginning to get annoyed for real. I hit a front lat spread and again asked:

"What about this one?"

"Looks good," he said very softly. He caught my glare in the mirror. "I-I gotta go."

"Aren't you gonna shower?" I asked. "You don't wanna go home all smelly, do you?"

"It's OK."

"Well, just wait a few minutes and I'll give you a ride."

It then occured to me what might be happening. "Hey Case, do ya wanna help me with my posing routine?"

"What?" he asked.

"Yeah well, I gotta work on it some more and I could really use the help."

"Look, I think I should just go, it's getting late..."

"It's only 3 O'clock," I said walking over to him. "What the fuck's your hurry?" I grabbed him by his upper arm and swung him around to face me. At that moment I noticed two things; one, as I suspected, his sweatpants were tenting to the point of tearing and two, what I'd grabbed on to was hardly skin and bone. Casey's face changed three shades of red. I touched his upper arm again to make sure what I was feeling was real.

"Shit Casey," I said as I squeezed his upper arm. "What the fuck you got under there?"

"Wha..what do ya mean?" he asked, turning yet another shade of red.

I squeezed his arm harder. "Is that real?" True to form, he blushed again and didn't answer. "Let me see it, bud."


"Come on dude, you got nothin' to be embarrassed about. Let's see that arm."

Casey's face looked as if it was on fire as he very slowly pulled up the sleeve of his sweatshirt. First I noticed the veiny, thick forearms, always an encouraging sign. When he had the sleeve up to his elbow he hesitated before pushing it further. When he pulled it up to his shoulder, my mouth dropped. I again squeezed his arm.

"Shit dude, that's solid. Flex it."

Casey very reluctantly did as I asked. His upper arm formed into a large, peaked ball of muscle.

"Holy shit," I muttered as I ran my hand over the nicely formed peak. "That's fuckin' huge. It's almost the same size as mine." I flexed my right arm and placed it beside his. I was right, mine was only slightly larger, but Casey's peak was more defined.

"Man, that's awesome. Why are you hiding it?" I reached over and squeezed the peak again. "Incredible."

Casey smiled through the crimson shyness.

"C'mon Case, you gotta show me the rest."


"Come on, let's see what your hidin' under that shirt."

"I don't know..."

At this point I was thinking Casey was taking this modest act a little too far. I snuck a glance down and saw his sweats now tenting at full mast. This, I figured was the problem.

"Come on dude, there's no one else here." I walked over to the doorway and ran my hand along the frame. "No hidden cameras, no one watchin'. No one's gonna jump out and snap pictures and plaster 'em all over the internet."

I couldn't believe it! Casey actually let out something that could pass as a mild chuckle.

"Come on buddy," I said very softly. "it's all right."

Casey hesitated and finally began to remove his sweatshirt. First I saw a trim waist and an impressive set of abdominals. In one quick motion, as if to get it over with, he pulled the sweatshirt off and tossed it aside. Now I could see a nicely formed set of pecs, broad, thick shoulders and chest. He stood with his arms relaxed, still very ill-at-ease.

"Damn dude, you are stacked."


"You look fuckin' amazing."

The three shades of red reappeared.

"Why are you hidin' such a build?"

I think Casey wasn't sure whether I was being serious or patronizing. I walked over and pretending not to notice the hard-on, pounded his pecs with my fist. They made a solid thumping sound and even though I didn't hit them very hard, Casey didn't budge.

"Can you make them move?" I asked.

"Make what move?".

"Your pecs. Like this." I put on a pec dance for him, making my chest muscles bounce and move as if by themselves. Casey had obviously never seen this before, judging from his expression. I stood in front of him, grabbed his hands and placed them on my chest. He held them there for a split second before taking them away quickly. As he turned away I noticed a large wet spot on his sweats. He quickly picked up his gym bag and headed for the door. I ran and caught up to him.

"Where you goin"" I asked, trying not to sound angry or threatening.

"I really should go.."

"You mean because of that?" I said, nodding my head in the direction of his crotch.

Casey began to tremble and looked so scared he may have wanted to throw up.

"Shit, dude, don't worry about that. It's not the first time it's happened." OK, I lied there but I wanted to put the kid at ease.


"Shit, yeah. I've seen some of those jocks in here gettin' off on the guys flexing and showin' off ."

Casey seemed to relax a bit.

"Is that why you never stick around when the guys start showin' off and shit?"

Casey nodded. "I thought they might think I was a fag or something..."

"Why would they think that?"

"You know, you guys are always talkin' 'bout your girlfriends, how you're gonna go and screw her after..."

I looked Casey straight in the eye, took a deep breath and asked: "Have you ever heard me talk about a girflriend?"

Casey thought for a second. "No, I guess not. But I see you talkin' to those two girls all the time by your locker."

"You mean Sarah and Janette? They're just friends. School friends that's all. I don't have a girlfriend."


I chose my next words very carefully: "I'm not really interested in girls that way."

Casey got this odd look on his face. I could almost see the light bulb go on over his head. He relaxed and even showed traces of a smile. "But what about the other guys? Don't they razz you?"

"No. They've never said anything to my face. What they talk about behind my back, I don't give shit about. Besides, I'm stronger than most of them anyway; even most of the football guys can't lift as much as me."

"But don't you know...around them?"

"I used to, but not much anymore. I guess I'm just too used to them." I stood in front of Casey. "Now, where were we?" I took his hands, gently this time and placed them on my chest. I made the guys bounce but this time he didn't recoil. I reached over and cupped my hand under his right pec. He flexed it and the hardness made me hard. "I'll have to show you how to do this," I said, bouncing the boys once more. I moved in closer until our still sweatpant-covered crotches touched. Casey pulled away, no doubt a reflex reaction but I pulled him close and ground my dick against his. The friction caused may have set us on fire so I pulled my sweats down and indicated for him to do the same. Again he hesitated, but I reassured him we were completely alone.

"C'mon muscleboy, don't be so scared."

Casey's face lit up at the use of this name, so he stepped out of his sweats. I put my arms around him, pulled him close and while we rubbed against each other, I planted a big wet one, with tongue, on him. I was surprised this time he didn't resist, in fact his tongue fought back. I took my hand and placed it on his dick, stroking it to full size. Mine, which since I'd started puttin' on muscle got as much of a workout as its master I named it 'Scotty', needed little encouragement to respond in kind. Sensing that Casey was unsure of what to do, I took his hand and introduced it to Scotty. We stroked one other for a few minutes until I was sure he was ready. I crouched down, and inroduced my mouth to "Casey jr." As expected, he resisted, but when I gave him an extra little erotic sensation he relaxed. His dick was nice shape, not too long, and not skinny. He'd certainly have nothing to be embarrassed about in the showers. Both of us caught glimpses of ourselves in the mirror; two well-muscled high school kids gettin' it on in the weight room. I even noticed Casey attempt the pec dance as I worked away. After about two minutes of pleasurable moaning, I felt a gusher churning in his sac, erupt up his cockshaft and into my waiting mouth. He moaned and writhed as he emptied his seed. I stood, and with some of his residue still on my mouth, kissed him deeply.

"Um, yummy," I said as I licked my lips and winked. Scotty was still at full attention, waiting to erupt. I knew Casey would be reluctant and maybe even squeamish to get up close and personal with my alter-ego so I suggested:

"Flex for me bud. Show me those muscles."

Casey began hitting some awkward, unpractised poses as I jerked openly on Scotty. "Come on muscleboy, show me those big biceps. Come on, make me proud." Casey did his best as I egged him on. "Come on, let's see that back. Lookit how wide and thick it is....Lookit the size of you man! Big fuckin' muscleboy. Two big fuckin' muscleteens gettin' it on in the weight room. Yeah, come on buddy" I was getting close and Casey was getting tired. "Show me the magic." Casey hit a single biceps pose and looked admiringly at the mound of muscle atop his arm. This was exactly what I needed to make Scotty erupt and I did so, all over the dumbbell rack.

"Man, that was the best," I said as I caught my breath.

Casey took his towel and began wiping up the spent seed. I watched him as he bent over, even his butt was muscled. I rubbed my hand over his tight round little ass and wondered what other delights I may be able to introduce this muscleboy to. We grabbed our gear and headed for the changeroom. We had some more fun soaping each other, hugging in slippery abandon. After we dried off I offered him a spare string tanktop but he opted for the extra sweatshirt.

"Man, if I were you, there's no way I'd wanna keep that body covered up."

Casey blushed yet again. "Do you really think I look that good?"

"Are you kiddin? Man, if Coach saw the body you were hidin' under those sweats, he'd have you goin' up on stage in the Contest with me."

Casey's demeanor turned serious. "Could you do me a favor? Please, don't tell anyone right now. Please Scott?"

This was the first time he'd called me by name and I kinda liked it. I still didn't know why he was so secretive but agreed.

"When I'm ready," Casey said. "Then I'll surprise everyone."

"Can't wait," I replied. "Just be sure I'm there."

"Wouldn't do it without you. Couldn't... do it without you."

This time it was my turn to blush. "Come on muscleboy, let's get somethin' to eat; my treat.."

Hope you enjoyed this latest TeenMuscle episode. Thanks to everyone who wrote and commented on Private Posedown, this story is for all of you. And special thanks to Jason, Bob and Dick for their encouragement. Scott and Casey may return as contest time draws near. In the meantime, keep pumpin' and pleasant dreams.

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