Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Feb 13, 2003


Todd walked in the house after a hard days work on the highway crew. He was sweaty, dirty and smelled like road oil. It had been over 100 degrees today and he was bone tired. He left his oil soaked steel tipped boots on the back porch and checked the refrigerator for an ice-cold coke. Ahhh, yes, mom had been to the store. He popped the tab and guzzled half the can before he stopped. Karen Walker, Todd's mom walked in from the living room and greeted her oldest son.

"Hi son, you look terrible, was it a hot one today?"

"Mom, you know it was, I'm glad this is my last week before school starts."

" Oh, by the way, any word yet on if I have to stay in the dorm again this year or did you come up with an off campus room?" Karen Walker smiled at her handsome son. She was so proud of him for working this rough road job this summer to help pay for his college board and room. At first she had worried about him. Todd was only 5ft 3 and weighed less than 140 lbs. He had a beautiful body and legs that most girls would love to have. His blond hair, winning smile and white teeth were going to go far towards helping him succeed in life. Still, she wished he were stronger and bigger so he could stand up to some of the local boys who were jealous of him. Because Todd always was popular with the girls. As a matter of fact, he had more girl friends than boy friends. But today, her hard work had paid off for her favorite son. She had found an unbelievable off campus room for her son at a price well below the going rate.

Karen smiled and waited for his reaction as she told him. Todd pumped his fist into the air and let out a war hoop. "YESSSSS, YEEHAA!!"

"Oh thanks mom, this is the best news I have had all summer, you don't know how I have worried about this all summer!"

"Where is it?"

"How much is the rent?"

"Is it a private residence?"

"Tell me, tell me!" Todd felt a tremendous load lifted off his shoulders. Last year, as a freshman at the University, he had gone through continuous hazing and ridicule. The jocks took great sport making fun of his size. A lot of the girls too had joined in. telling him he would make a very pretty cheerleader. He had even heard the comment several times, " fuck, he's prettier than most of us!" He had eventually formed a friendship with a group of girls he had classes with, but he found they were treating him more like a girl than a man and they guys had picked up on that and spread the rumor he was gay which caused him even more trouble. Some of the gays were always trying to hit on him and he was just tired of all the bull shit. Now, at least he would be out of that environment and with real people. He did not know them, but he knew he could always make them like him. He was well aware of his good looks and personality.

Todd was nervous as his mom shut the car off in front of a gated residence. She rang the buzzer on the post and waited. A woman's voice came over the speaker, "yes, may I help you?" Karen Walker winked at Todd and gave him a thumbs up and whispered, "classy place, huh, Todd?" She then turned towards the speaker and said in her most pleasant voice, "Hello, this is Mrs. Walker and my son Todd." The speaker came to life with a cheerful voice, " Yes, welcome, the gate will open automatically, just drive on in, I will see you at the front of the house Mrs. Walker

Todd was amazed. This was unreal. He had never lived in any place as grand as this. He asked his mom again, "Are you sure this is right, why would anyone rent out a room in a mansion like this for a lousy $100. a month?" Karen assured her son that everything was on the up and up. Miss Jacobs had told her that she enjoyed having younger college students living in her home. It helped keep her young too. Todd was about to go nuts with excitement at such beautiful surroundings. Now, the girls would be really impressed, and the boys would just have to eat their hearts out. Todd could see that his social life was going to take a serious upswing.

Miss Jacobs was coming down the sidewalk as Karen drove up and squeezed Todd's hand in excitement. "What do you think honey?" Todd quickly pulled his hand away before Miss. Jacobs had seen the intimacy between mother and son. "Mom, I'm speechless, and look at Miss. Jacobs, I had her pictured as an old lady, but she is really young looking kind of." "I wish you had let me take out a loan for a car though, I am going to look silly being a sophomore in college and still riding my bike." Karen looked at her son lovingly and reminded him that money for her did not grow on trees and that they had just seen lots of guys riding bicycles. Todd immediately was sorry for complaining, "I'm sorry mom, You have done well, I hope I can repay you for being such a wonderful Mother."

"Honey, I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I wanted the best for you, and staying with Miss Jacobs will be a wonderful experience for you, she seems so cultured. Please don't complain about anything Todd, It would hurt me if this did not work out for you.? Todd saw tears starting to run from his mothers' eyes and he reassured her that he would make Miss Jacobs like him and she would not get any complaints from her about him.

After a short introduction outside, Miss Jacobs ushered them into the house where she had some refreshments waiting. Miss Jacobs picked up the phone and told someone to please unload the luggage and bicycle from the walker's car. Todd immediately spoke up, "please no, Miss Jacobs, I can get it, I don't want to be a bother." Miss Jacobs smiled at him, "nonsense child, I saw the size of the luggage and that bicycle is up too high for you, I have a boy here doing some work for me, he is much bigger than you, He will do it." Todd turned beat red having been humiliated so badly in front of his mother and being called a child too. Miss Jacobs saw his reaction and smiled at him saying, "honey, don't pout, I'm sure you will grow in a few years." Todd glanced at his mother and saw the worried look on her face. He knew he had over reacted and thanked Miss Jacobs for her kindness. Miss Jacobs walked over to Todd and gave him a polite hug and kissed the top of his head saying, " Dear Todd, you and I are going to get along just fine and I know you will just love it here. Todd's mother smiled broadly at both of them and knew that Todd would be fine here in this beautiful home with the kindly Miss Jacobs.

Miss Jacobs led them into her office area where they spent the next hour enjoying coffee and sandwiches and Miss Jacobs even had a glass of punch for Todd. As Miss Jacobs visited with his mother, Todd had a chance to look Miss Jacobs over and he realized that she was absolutely beautiful, even though she was just a little overweight. She was probably around 6 feet tall and had an ample set of breasts. He chuckled to himself thinking, maybe I will get lucky and get to see her naked sometime. Todd hated to see women so tall, why couldn't he have been 6 feet tall. When Miss Jacobs excused herself to check on his luggage and bicycle, Todd yawned, suddenly feeling very tired, and suggested to his mom that she make her exit so he could get settled in. Karen agreed and was hugging Todd when Miss Jacobs returned. Karen kissed her son for the last time and made him promise to obey Miss Jacobs and to make sure he helped out at the house to repay Miss Jacobs for her gracious arrangements. Miss Jacobs led Todd's mother out to her car, they exchange hugs and soon Karen Walker was out the gate, leaving her son to a fate that she could never have envisioned in her wildest dreams.

Miss Jacobs walked back into her office and smiled at Todd who seemed almost asleep in the leather chair. As he heard her high heels clicking on the hardwood floor, he tried to focus on her but found He was having trouble doing that. Miss Jacobs, or Sheila Jacobs, as she was know, sat down on the couch next to Todd. Todd watched her as she smiled a peculiar smile and watched her crook her finger at him, saying, "Come over her honey and sit on your owner's lap. Todd got up from his chair, walked to Miss Jacobs and sat carefully on her lap. Todd's mind was fuzzy and he could not focus well and yet he knew something was wrong. He was sitting on his landlady's lap and she had called herself his owner. Sheila Jacobs pulled Todd to her and whispered in his ear. Words that sent his heart racing and his pulse into high gear, She pulled his face to her and brought her full lips to his and slowly inserted her tongue into his mouth. In and out her tongue went, slowly and lovingly, while her hand unzipped his fly and brought out his stiff penis. It sprang into the air like a shot as its new owner softly fondled it, wiping away the pre= cum with her finger. Sheila Jacobs held the glistening finger in front of Todd's eyes and gently put it to his lips. Todd stared blankly at her beautiful face, lost in the lust that had overtaken him and unable to do anything except that which he was doing. Her finger probed his lips and he opened his mouth slightly and allowed access to his tongue. A finger with cum on it was invading his mouth and he held it with his tongue as it slowly moved in and out leaving the sticky substance to acquaint itself with his taste buds. Miss Jacobs softly whispered to her new soon to be slave. Telling him to eat the cum like a good girl. "You will soon be my little girl now."

"Your mommy has given you to me to use and train."

"Do you understand that sweetheart?" "I want you to suck on my finger right now if you understand that you now belong to me and must obey me totally, do it now honey." Todd sucked the finger as he looked into the eyes of this beautiful woman who was holding him tightly on his lap as she gently masturbated him and Todd knew that he now belonged to her.

Miss Jacobs whispered instructions to Todd. He slowly removed himself from her lap and unbuttoned his shirt while she loosened his pants and slid them down to his ankles. Todd sat on the floor and took off his shoes, sock s, pants and underwear and completely naked sat back down on her lap. Sheila loved this part of the procurement. From last year when Todd's name had been recommended to her as future property, investigating he and his mother, sending her the information of a very reasonable off campus room, which would cost less than the dormitory to now having the property sitting naked on her lap still under the effects of the drugged punch. It had all been captured on camera which was still filming as the naked boy listened intently to her whispering. Lost in lust, he obeyed her instructions. He played with himself knowing it was ok and it was pleasing her, but being careful not to cum because she had warned him he would make her mad at him if he did. He looked down at his movements as she continued to talk softly to him. He was being alert to any precum appearing. He was to catch it with his finger and lick it off and then get back to the slow masturbation that he had grown to love over the years. Miss Jacobs told him how happy he was here and as long as he obeyed, he would please her but if he disobeyed her, she would have to send him home to his mother and bring her disappointment and shame. She asked him if he wanted that and was rewarded with tears in his eyes as he said. "no Miss Jacobs, please don't send me home, I promise I will obey you, you will like me I know it." Miss Jacobs was playing with his nipples as he pledged his obedience to her as his tears rolled down his face and he masturbated.

Sheila was thoroughly pleased with herself. It had gone off without a hitch, as had the others. Now she told him to stand up and follow her to her desk. She pulled a folder out of the drawer and arranged some papers in front of him. "These are papers that you need to sign honey, use this pen and sign each at the bottom of each page." Todd took the pen, thanking her, and signed each paper without seeing what they were and gave the pen back to her. "Now Todd, the reason i asked you to come to school two weeks early was so you could learn what was expected of you. Your mother was told you would be working here and so you shall."

"I want you to leave your clothes here and follow me, your luggage is already in your room." Todd followed, keeping his eyes on the swaying buttocks in front of him, not noticing that he was still playing with himself. Upstairs, Miss Jacobs ushered him into his room, which was bright and cheerful. Todd stared at the huge bed and other furniture. It made him feel like he was a child. He would have to get a run at the bed to be able to get in it. The two chairs also were big. She told him his clothes had been put away for him, that he was to shower and get into bed and take a short nap and she would come and get him later. She pulled him to her and entered his mouth with her tongue, holding him as he went limp in her arms. "Stand up sweetheart, did I tell you to stop playing with yourself?" Todd's hand went back to his penis and he apologized for forgetting. " You must learn to obey Toddy."

"Now take a shower and jump into bed. You are not to wear any clothes unless I instruct you too. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss Jacobs, I understand."

"When you are in bed, you will think about obeying and pleasing me but you will not play with yourself in bed."

"If you understand me, get down on your knees and kiss and lick my shoes, NOW." Todd dropped to his knees and began kissing and licking Miss Jacobs's shoes while his penis bobbed up and down, fully erect. Miss Jacobs smiled and said "Enough slave, there is a glass of warm milk for you on your night stand, drink it all, shower and go to bed, I will come for you after your nap." Todd looked at Her beautiful ass as she walked out, then looked at his cock, which was still standing straight out.

Todd got up quickly and went to the bathroom and shut the door. His face was flushed with lust and he furiously masturbated his cock in rhythm to his deep breathing until he ejaculated into his hand with a moan as he sank to his knees next to the stool. The sperm kept coming until it spilled out of his hand onto the floor. Slowly he recovered his senses and he started to wash the cum off his hands in the sink. Todd took some toilet paper and wiped up the cum off the floor and carefully made sure he flushed it down the toilet. After his shower, Todd drank his warm milk and jumped up into bed completely naked and was soon fast asleep, dreaming of the beautiful woman who was so dominant over him and who played with him.

In her office, Miss Jacobs watched the young man peacefully at sleep. She had been pleased that he could not help himself from jacking off over her in the bathroom. Cameras had been placed all over the house so that nothing escaped her recorders that were set to run when movement activated them. The milk he drank contained a drug that would partially cleanse his memory of what had happened between he and Miss Jacobs but would leave enough in his memory that he would not be able to know if it were only a dream or if it did indeed happen. She so enjoyed the beginning of his trip to utter depravity. It was going to be like an ambush. What chance did his 20 year old innocent mind have against her 42 year old cleverness. She would weave a web around his mind that would be impossible for him to break out of. She could make him into anything her mind could conceive of. This boy would be given multiple personalities that would make him a valuable piece of property. Men and women with different jaded tastes would find him exactly what they wanted, and they would pay handsomely for his services. In two hours she would begin to play with his mind and emotions and commence to turn him inside out. She was still working on his college schooling. It would be a problem for his training. She had made a few discreet phone calls and had two of Todd's future clients working on the problem. He would be dropping out of college this week without his knowledge. Records were being changed so that any notification or correspondence to his mother, Mrs. Karen Walker would be sent to Miss. Jacobs. As soon as Todd was prepared to talk to his mother on the telephone, she would have him make a call to her assuring her that everything was great. But first, his real schooling was about to commence.

End of Chapter 1 To be continued


Next: Chapter 2

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