Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Sep 19, 2003


Procurement & Training 10 By tallywacker38

This is pure fiction. Graphic sexual content ahead. If you're not an adult over 18, do not read.

Chapter 10

Sheila Jacobs lay in bed and looked at Todd who was standing holding a tray, which held her breakfast and coffee. Todd had put his makeup on complete with bright red lipstick. He was wearing white nylons with matching garderbelt and a short black skirt, which did not cover his rock hard cock. Miss Jacobs watched as his cock was jerking and bobbing uncontrollably. Todd attention was drawn to Miss Jacob's naked body, which at the present time was being lovingly licked and kissed by the new boy, Danny. He too was naked and being urged on by Mistress Jacobs who was pulling on the leash that was attached to his balls. Reaching down, She grabbed his hair and pulled him up to where she wanted him. "Lick gently', she admonished him. Snapping her fingers, Todd quickly set the tray on the table and lifted the coffee cup carefully to her lips as she sipped. Snapping her fingers again, he stepped back, replacing the cup on the tray, which he picked up and again stood, waiting for further instructions.

Todd was burning with jealousy. He loved Miss. Jacobs but she would not allow him to pleasure her as this new guy was. He wondered why he was allowed to and not himself. He loved her completely and would do anything for her. He had not been allowed to cum for over a week now and his penis was about to burst. He checked again and saw that more precum had emerged. He carefully shifted the tray to one hand and with the other; he caught the clear liquid with one finger and carefully put it in his mouth. Miss. Jacobs eyed him through half closed eyes as he had made sure that it had not leaked out on her beautiful hardwood floor. Suddenly, she knew it was time. She raised her knees, clamping them around Danny's head and gasped roughly. Then the room was filled with her loud moaning as she came in Danny's mouth. Wave after wave of intensive pleasure took over her body as she jerked and bucked on the bed.

Danny was sandwiched between her legs and was pulled every which way as she came. Todd stood there caught up in the lust of the moment and realized that he was also cumming but that he could do nothing to stop the pleasure from consuming him. The tray, he was carrying was almost ready to fall as he held it with both hands as his penis shot 4 large squirts of cum across the floor before it stood quiet and let the remainder hand down to the floor. Todd felt faint and afraid now and he knew he was in trouble.

Sheila, while cumming, had watched Todd's cock shoot. She had wanted to see how long he could go without a spontaneous ejaculation. Todd's face was flushed and his knees were shaking. She could see the fear in his eyes as he silently mouthed the words, "I'm sorry", to her. Tears appeared at his eyes and rolled down his cheek. She knew that Todd love her totally and was safely tucked away as her slave forever and now she would allow him to humiliate himself in front of her and Danny. Danny had continued to lick softly at her pussy and had cleaned her. "Off", she whispered to him. Danny got off the bed and stood there looking at Todd and at the floor where the cum lay. Sheila propped herself up with pillows and addressed Todd. "Todd, honey, you need to set the tray down and clean your mess up". Todd looked at her and then at Danny who was standing there quite embarrassed at having a hard-on in front of Todd. Todd looked at Miss Jacobs, the helplessness of not knowing what to do, showing on his face. "Should I go get a towel, Miss. Jacobs'? Sheila gave him a stern look and softly said to him, " I think you know how I would like to see you degrade yourself for Danny and I, don't you"? "You know that Danny is not like you, he's much more macho where you are more effeminate". Todd looked down in total embarrassment at how Miss. Jacobs was talking about him in front of the stranger who she had allowed to worship her while he had just stood there and accidentally ejaculated right there where they could see. "You do want to please me, don't you Todd", Miss. Jacobs asked him. "Yes Miss. Jacobs", Todd stuttered as he set the tray down and dropped to the floor. He lowered his face to the first puddle of cum and began licking it up, burning with shame as he heard Miss. Jacobs carry on a conversation with Danny about how Todd craved humiliation and how he loved degrading himself in front of Danny. He listened as Danny told her that he must be a real pussy to want to do that in front of anyone. Miss. Jacobs agreed telling him that Todd was quite perverted so she occasionally allowed him to express himself this way because she knew he craved it.

Miss. Jacobs asked Danny if he wanted to stay here with her or go back to the jail to which Danny quickly asked to be allowed to stay. "Well, Danny, if I allow you to stay here with me, would you be willing to do me a favor"? "Yeah, sure", He replied. "I have a girlfriend in LasVegas who is waiting for documents from me and I think she would like very much to meet you". Miss. Jacobs continued, "Would you be willing to go there, all expenses paid and take them to her"? "You would be staying at the MGM Casino and have a credit line of $1000.00 to gamble with". "Wow, really, I would love to do that for you Miss. Jacobs", Danny replied, "How long would I be there"? Miss. Jacobs got off the bed and walked to the bathroom naked, saying, "about 3 days". "I have to go to the bathroom honey, would you please make sure Todd cleans all that cum up for me, don't let him miss any". "Sure", he answered.

Danny walked over and checked out the floor where the naked Todd was finishing up the last puddle of cum. "Hey cum licker", Danny said forcefully, "You missed some behind you, get back here and lick it up". Todd ignored him, finished his licking and sat back on the floor. "I said lick this up, you pussy", Danny hissed at him. Todd was almost crying with anger as he quietly retaliated with "Fuck you". Miss. Jacobs came back into the room and Danny told her what Todd had said to him. "TODD", how dare you talk to Danny that way". "You apologize to him right now". "Sorry", Todd mumbled. Miss. Jacobs explained to Danny that if he wanted to stay with her, that he would have to show Todd that he would not stand for that attitude. "I know you're not gay, Danny, but I think you should make an example of Todd, right now, but making him suck your penis, It looks like you could use it, Miss. Jacobs laughed. Danny thought to himself that he better not fuck things up here for himself. He knew he would like to hang around here rather than that damm homosexual jail and She even said she knew he wasn't gay and he looked more like a girl anyway than a guy and he didn't want to blow a trip to LasVegas. Danny walked over to Todd, his cock semi hard. He stood in front of him and whispered to him, "Suck it, cocksucker". A vision of Sgt. Allen forcing him to suck his cock entered Todd's mind as he looked to Miss. Jacobs to help him. She whispered into his ear," If you love me, you will do it and you will make me proud of you". "I know you love me when you degrade yourself for my pleasure and it will help you to become my little pussyboy She kissed him on his forehead and smiled down at him and sat down to watch.

Todd's heart was filled with love for this woman who cared so much for him that she would allow him to suck another man's cock for her enjoyment. She said she loved me and now I want to prove to her how much I love her too. His eyes teared up because of the love in his heart for her as he crawled on his knees to Danny. He looked at the penis with the glistening precum oozing out of it and slowly opened his mouth and engulfed the engorged head and applied his tongue to the bottom of the shaft creating a sealed orifice for the penis to slide in and out of. He felt Danny's hand grab his hair to hold his mouth steady as his hips moved in and back. He looked up and saw Danny's superior grin as he violated his victim's mouth. His eyes moved to Miss. Jacobs off to the side and kept them on the love of his life. Her smile told him that she was proud of him and that she truly did love him. He finally knew that at last he really did belong to someone who loved him. He felt a warmth in his mouth. Cum splashed against the back of his throat and he gagged, but he swallowed and maintained his firm grip on the plunging shaft. Danny was making animal grunts as he climaxed into the boy's mouth. Todd held on as Danny's jerking slowed and his breathing calmed. Then, he tenderly pulled his lips off the pulsing shaft and licked it, then let it drop harmlessly down. Miss. Jacobs clapped her hands and announced that his apologize was obviously accepted.

The next day found Sheila Jacobs, Todd and Danny at Atlanta's International Airport. She had finished telling Danny that a Limo would be waiting for him In LasVegas when he landed and the driver would be holding a sign saying DANNY. Danny thanked her and told her he would deliver the package for her and boarded the plane. Sheila waited at the boarding area until she watched the plane take off into the air, then turned, looking at her watch, walked off quickly with Todd trying to keep up on his high heels.

They left the airport and drove the short distance to the Airport Hyatt Regency Hotel. They entered the Restaurant and were seated by the Hostess. Todd fidgeted in his chair, wishing they would order, as he was hungry. "Miss Jacobs, may I eat something please", Todd asked. She looked at him and finally spoke. "This is an important meeting Todd". What I want you to do is sit there like a good girl and do everything you are told to do". "By the way, for your information, our little friend Danny will not be coming back, do you know why"? "No, Miss Jacobs", Todd answered. She looked at him with a serious stare, "because I have sold him honey and in a few short hours, I would imagine he would be starting his training and learning how to become a perfect slave". Todd was dumbfounded at this revelation. Was that possible that this could go on nowadays? "If I don't miss my guess, he will find himself sucking more cocks than you ever will, Isn't that comforting to you dear"? Todd could not hide a smile as he lowered his head and adjusted his napkin on his lap. Miss. Jacobs continued, I am waiting for a client who has a particular problem with an inheritance". "You will sit quietly and answer any questions that may be addressed to you, but otherwise keep your mouth shut, do you understand"? "Yes Miss. Jacobs", Todd replied quietly.

Miss. Jacobs had ordered coffee for them both and as they sipped their coffee, Todd noticed a woman talking to the hostess who then pointed in our direction. The lady walked straight to us and asked if we were expecting Mrs. Weller. Miss. Jacobs held out her hand to her," Yes, Mrs. Weller, how nice to meet you". "I'm Sheila Jacobs and this is Todd". Mrs. Weller extended her hand to Todd and he reached out and put it limply in her hand as he had been taught, saying," I'm pleased to meet you Mrs. Weller". Mrs. Weller sat down, and exchanged pleasantries with Miss. Jacobs but kept eyeing Todd. Todd lowered his eyes in embarrassment and turned his normal shade of red.

Miss. Jacobs, waited until the waitress had brought coffee to the new arrival and refilled their cups and then asked Mrs. Weller how she could help her. "First of all, please call me Helen, I prefer it and the reason I called you is because my lawyer, Roger Keterson, suggested you might be willing to help me with a problem with an inheritance which I am a part of". She stopped abruptly, glancing at me, then said, "Is it all right to talk in front of the uh, uh, young lady here"? Miss. Jacobs smiled back at her, replying, "Oh yes, Todd is with me and totally uninterested in what we are talking about, let me give him a toy to suck on while we talk". Todd looked up in alarm as Miss. Jacobs pulled something out of her handbag and handed it to Todd. Todd took it and discovered it to be a small rubber dildo and looked at Miss. Jacobs, who raised an eyebrow as a warning. Todd turned his brightest shade and looking around, slowly put the dildo in his mouth, hiding what he could, with his hand. Mrs. Weller was totally fascinated with the humiliation of the boy in public and began asking questions of Miss. Jacobs about him.

Todd tried to survive the only way he knew how. He tuned the world out and devoted his full attention to sucking on his rubber dildo to please Miss. Jacobs. He could not explain to himself why he was getting a hard-on, but he was aware that for some reason, he was excited at being put on degrading display for Mrs. Weller. He would move his hand to hide his dildo from the waitress and people as best he could. He was aware of the two women talking, but he could not pay attention.

Helen Weller explained her unfortunate situation to Miss. Jacobs. A very wealthy Uncle had passed away with only two relatives left in the world. Mrs. Weller was one and the other was a distant cousin who had been made aware of the old man's grave condition some time ago and had moved in with him and according to Mrs. Weller had influenced the uncle to make him the major benefactor of his estate. It was true that she had been left a sizable sum of $200,000 but the cousin had made off with over two million dollars, plus several valuable properties which were worth as much as the money. They had gone to Mr. Keterson to have the will prepared and he had insisted that because of the young man's age, that there be safe guards in place so the money would not be squandered in youthful ignorance. Kenny Shaklee had objected but the old man had seen the wisdom of such controls and had agreed with the lawyer and the controls were made a part of the will. Kenny's look at the lawyer left little doubt that he was livid with anger at the attorney and even suggested that the lawyer might be trying to make more money from his uncle which offended the lawyer to the point he told the young man to get out of his office while he and his uncle finished their business.

Helen Weller continued her story, explaining to Miss. Jacobs that after the death of her uncle last week, She got a phone call from Mr. Kerterson's law office asking her to come in for a consultation. He informed her of the Will's content and offered his opinion that Mr. Shaklee had manipulated the old man into leaving the bulk of the estate to him by fraudulent means. He had explained to her that the original will had divided everything up equally between all living heirs and even leaving $200,000 to charity. Now, instead, Mrs. Weller is getting the $200,000 and charity is getting nothing.

Helen Weller had broke down and cried at the deviousness of her cousin. She could not imagine how anyone could have been so greedy. Then she had gotten mad and asked the attorney if there was anything she could do to stop her cousin. He had gotten up and closed the door of his office and sat down behind his desk and opened a phone book. He wrote your phone number and name on a blank piece of paper and told me that you would be able to help. He gave me this copy of the will and said there are controls and checks that he put in the will and that I should give it to you to look at. Mrs. Weller handed the copy of the will to Miss. Jacobs who started reading it while Helen looked over at Todd who was still red in the face while sucking on his rubber cock with his eyes now closed and head lowered.

To be continued Is anyone reading my story? Email the

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