Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Feb 16, 2003


Sgt. Allen, led Todd into Miss Jacob's office by holding him by his hair. Todd, completely naked and shaking with fear stumbled along trying to keep from falling. After entering the office, Sgt. Allen locked The door. He let go of Todd's hair and smiled again at him, then started slapping his face back and forth.

Todd cried hard but made no effort to defend himself or move. In his heart, he knew it would be useless. He weighed 140 and was a mere 5ft 3 and the man who was abusing him was at least 6ft 6 and well over 250 pounds. Sgt. Allen talked to him as he slapped him, "I understand you tried to rape Miss Jacobs, is that right punk?" Todd cried and stuttered, "no sir, I didn't, please believe me sir!" Sgt. Allen let Todd go and sat down on the couch and eyed the naked 19 year old boy. Miss Jacobs had a beautiful one here, he thought. He was going to make a great sissy girl, and a wonderful cocksucker. He wanted the boy sucking on his cock now, but he restrained himself. No, this is going to have to be set up correctly to insure his cooperation and to do that, he continued to plan his assault on the boys' mind. The boy would be sucking his cock within the hour, but first things first. The setup would have to be completed. Miss Jacob's idea of using the drug that kept him drifting in and out of reality always worked well. When Todd was deeply under the effects of the drug, Miss Jacobs used her soft voice and soft body to send his hormones into high gear. Then, when he was returning to reality, he did not know it, and continued to be the person he was when he was under the drug. Miss Jacobs was indeed turning him inside out emotionally.

"Now," Sgt. Allen said to Todd, "Tell me your side of the story, did Miss Jacobs seduce you or give you any reason to think she wanted you naked and on her lap?" Todd thought quickly, If he said anything against Miss Jacobs who wanted to help him, Sgt. Allen would tell her and she would be done with him and he would go to jail for sure. He had to protect his relationship with her. Todd instead told Sgt. Allen that he thought he was having some kind of illness spell, and could not really explain his horrible actions but he assured him that it would never happen again if he would give him a chance to prove that he was a good and decent man.

Sgt. Allen knew from experience that now was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment he lived for. The moment he would destroy Todd's old life and give him his new life. "MAN?" He shouted at Todd, "You a man," "that is the funniest thing I have ever heard of in my life." "Look at you, you're so tiny, like a girl, look at your body, you have the body of a girl with pretty legs and a great ass!" "Fuck, boy, you're a girl!" "Look at you crying again, that's what girls do, they cry!" "You're a girl, Todd." Tell me you're a girl, I want to hear you say it, and you better say it or you're going to jail sure as I'm sitting here. Todd looked down at the floor and saw his penis getting larger as he repeated the words, " I am a girl, I am a girl, I am a girl." Sgt. Allen gloated, "See there, saying you are a girl is giving you a hard-on and girls don't get a hard-on, do they pussyboy?" "No Sir," replied Todd.

"Get your sweet ass over here pussy and lay down across my lap and do it NOW," Sgt. Allen yelled at Todd. Todd was shaking and crying again as he hurried to comply with the orders. The Sgt. Pulled him down and moved his hands over Todd's ass and could feel Todd's cock on his legs. He told Todd that he was going to be spanked for trying to rape Miss. Jacobs and for getting a hard-on without permission and that he fully expected him to cry as little girls do when they are spanked. Todd was also warned that he better not attempt to get off his lap or he would immediately take him to jail.

Frank Allen was a city police sergeant and had been one for 7 years. His relationship with Miss Jacobs had begun 2 years ago when a naked young man had waved him down on the dirt road just west of town. The man had babbled on to him about a woman who was keeping him captive and that he had escaped with no clothes because she had taken them from him. The guy was probably about 21 years of age and had a very slight build. He was about 5ft 7 and weighed probably 150 pounds. Frank locked him in the back of the police car and visited more with him, getting as much information as he could. It seemed that the boy actually lived there with Miss Jacobs and for some reason had a falling out with her. He decided that it would be prudent to check this out before making a report or notifying anyone. He told the boy that they would go and talk with Miss Jacobs now and for him to shut up and not say anything until he was asked to speak. The boy agreed and sat shivering, holding his hands in front of his privates at an attempt to hide them.

Frank had driven to Miss Jacobs's mansion and since at that time there had been no fence around the property, driven right to the front door. He had taken the boy by the arm and rang the doorbell. Miss Jacobs opened the door and immediately thanked him for finding her student resident who had been upset by some discipline she had insisted on giving him for disobedience. The boy had tried to break away but Frank had held him firmly by the arm and pushed him inside the house, where Miss Jacobs grabbed him by the ear and took him in to her office. She told the Sgt. That the boy had walked into her office naked and was quite aroused and had gotten fresh with her.

Sheila Jacobs actually knew a great deal about the Sgt. Allen. When she had moved here, four years ago, to set up her operation, she had her sources investigate the powers that be. From the Mayor on down, she knew things about them that most of the local people did not know. She knew for instance that the Mayor, John Willows was having an affair with Karen Weller. She knew that that Betsy Prose, a teller at the bank, had been caught embezzling and was being blackmailed for sexual favors by the bank president. She also knew that Sgt. Allen, divorced, living alone, liked young men. His former wife had been very willing to tell everything she knew about her ex-husband. It seems he had been blackmailing a young man who he had caught in the park soliciting sex. His wife who immediately sued for divorce had found out the arrangement. She had taken him to the cleaners and let her friends know what her husband had done. Sgt. Allen left town and settled here, where no one knew of his past. He was hired by the police dept. and after only three years had made Sergeant. Sheila Jacobs quickly formulated a play to utilize Sgt. Allen's position and penchant for young men.

Sheila Walker had spanked the boy's naked ass in front of him and had seen that the Sgt. Had gotten a huge hard-on from watching. She had allowed the boy to struggle off her lap and resist her. Frank Allen had jumped in to help her by grabbing the boy. She had feigned injury to her hand and thought she should go to the doctor to get it checked, but did not know what to do about the boy who had attacked her. Sgt. Walker had volunteer to watch him until she got back if she wanted him to. He had told her that then, she could make up her mind if she wanted to press charges for attempted rape. Sheila had thanked him for his thoughtfulness and quickly got her car keys and said she would be back as soon as possible. Then, she asked if the Sgt. Would mind finishing his spanking for her and he told her, he would at least talk to the boy.

The young man waited until Miss Walker had left, then he got up to leave the room. Sgt. Allen had to tell him to sit down. He had been turned on by the boy and his emotions got the best of him. He told the boy he was a liar and everyone would know he was. Then he explained that he was going to ask him to do something for him and if he refused, he would make sure Miss Walker would press charges, and so would he for resisting arrest. He told the boy, if he refused, he could count on at least 5 years in the state pen and the black gangs there would make him there little slave girl. The boy's defiance had disintegrated and he gave up. The Sgt. had the boy on his knees sucking his cock for the next 30 minutes and had cum in his mouth twice. Sgt. Allen then told him, if he said anything about it, he would encourage Miss Walker to file charges. If he kept his mouth shut he would let him alone. The boy had agreed quickly and thanked the Sgt. When Miss Walker had returned, the Sgt. Had informed her, that the boy had a change of heart and would be good and that he had also spanked him for her. Mrs. Walker had thanked him; sent the boy to his room and asked the Sgt. If they could have a talk about a part time position with her business. She had turned on the VCR and rewound a tape as she talked. When she turned it to play, the Sgt. Became alarmed to know she had recorded his punishment session with the boy. She calmly popped the tape out and handed it to him and told him to relax. She had know he liked young men and had told him that if he would help her on a part time basis, she would make it worth his while. When she had told him how it worked, what his part would be and that his cut per young man procured and trained would run from 25000. to $75,000, he had told her he would be honored to join her. After his nasty divorce, he had not recovered financially, but now he could see that this was a dream come true.

Now, here he was with another young man who was naked across his lap, rubbing his cute ass with his hands. Feeling the boy's hard-on between his legs as he spoke to Todd. "So, you like to prance your cute ass around naked, is that right pussyboy?" "Did you really think that you would be able to fuck Miss Jacobs?" That would be like a poodle trying to fuck a great dane, you little pussy." "What were you going to do, stand on a chair," Frank laughed. Todd was frightened and embarrassed, but why was he having this raging hard-on? This big man was treating him like a little girl and it was turning him on. I am laying naked on this man's lap and he is feeling my ass and I have a hard-on, Todd thought. Todd turned his head towards the man and voiced his objection as respectfully as he knew how. "Sgt., Sir, I am not gay, I don't like boys, I like girls, please sir." Frank smiled, this was so sweet, to think that this young 19 year old boy was objecting to being treated like a fag, yet in a few minutes, he would know that not only was he going to be gay, but a gay slave. Sgt. Allen continued to set him up for it. "Listen to me closely Todd. I have a jail full of tough guys, white and black that would be sooo happy if I brought you to jail. They would be fighting to see who owned you." "Do you know why Todd?" "Because whoever owns you will fuck your mouth, he will fuck your ass, and he will be so tired from fucking you he won't be able to get out of his bunk to take a piss." "But he won't have to Todd, pussyboy, because he will have you." "He will just snap his finger and point to his cock and you will rush right over to him and insert his cock in your mouth and be ready to drink his piss without spilling any." "Do you know why you will obey him Todd?" Because, In the beginning, you disobeyed, thinking that you weren't gay and that you were a man, but after being beaten, you did exactly as you were told, because you are not a man." Frank gently pried his ass cheeks apart and caressed his crack as his finger slowly inched inward toward its' goal. He could feel Todd's' cock twitching and knew from his labored breathing that he had lost another round in the game of seduction.

Todd felt the police officers' fingers invading his ass. One finger was inching closer to his asshole and no one had ever done that before and he knew he was not a man after all. He knew he was more a girl than a man. The man was right after all. Todd made up his mind right then that he was being used by a bigger male that he was and it served him right for only being 5ft 3. It serves his mother right too for leaving him in this place where his life had fallen apart so quickly. He suddenly realized that it was exciting to be at the mercy of this man. He knew that now he did not have to pretend he was a man anymore. Why didn't he accept the truth years ago when all the other kids called him homo, queer, pussy, cunt and make fun of him? He had wasted years trying to be a man and now he knew the truth. He was meant to server stronger people and obey them and make himself useful to them so they would be pleased with him and he would not be hurt by them. "Ughhh, the mans' finger was going inside his asshole and Todd found himself helping to spread his ass by moving his legs a little farther apart.

Sgt. Allen noticed his helpful movement and praised him for it. " That's right pussyboy, you're a good girl now." "This is what you were destined for, this is what you were built for. " Are you listening to me Todd?" Todd winched as the finger probed his rectum, " Yes, " he replied. Frank withdrew his finger and brought his hand down hard on Todd's' ass, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Todd yelled loudly and began crying again, he had never been so much as in a small fight in his life and could not ever remember being spanked by his mother and it was stinging his ass with pain. "Listen to me Todd, you need to show me respect." "You do not answer me or Miss Jacobs like that again. You will show me the proper respect by addressing me as Master when we are alone. Sgt. Allen when there are others around, do you understand, answer me?" "Yes Sir, Master, thank you Master," Todd cried.

"Good girl, good girl," Frank praised him. " Now I must ask you for a decision." "Do you wish to stay here with Miss Jacobs, or do you want to come with me to the jail and become a cocksucker for all the inmates?" Todd cried harder, but Sgt. Allen could hear him between sobs, begging to be allowed to stay with Miss Jacobs, that he would obey her and be a good boy. "No Todd, If you stay with Miss Jacobs, you will not be a good boy, You will be whatever Miss Jacobs wants you to be and obey her every command, won't you?" "Yes, Yes, Master, I will, I will, Thank you Master!" "Hush, Hush, little girl," Frank interrupted, "I'm sure you will obey." "Now Todd, would you like me to spank you and make your pretty little ass bright red so Miss Jacobs will know you have been properly punished and allow you to stay with her?" "Yes Master,"Todd said, knowing that Miss Jacobs was expecting him to be punished for being bad. Frank praised his little play toy again, "good girl, and after I spank you, I am going to give you a reward." "A treat that I want you to enjoy, because I will be treating you often, would you like that, my little pussyboy?" Yes Master," answered Todd, who was no longer crying. Suddenly, Franks' hand came slapping down hard on his ass in rapid succession, first on one cheek and then the next and on and on as Todd bucked up and down screaming and crying as the tears flowed. Finally, it ended, but not the crying.

Frank laid his hand on Todd's bright red-hot ass and comforted the boy. After a few minutes, He spoke. "Todd honey, I want you to get up and kneel in front of me, do it now." Todd got off and kneeled in front of the police officer, his Master." "Listen carefully Todd, You are going to unzip my pants." "You are going to pull my cock out and put it in your mouth and softly suck on it until I cum in your mouth." You are going to swallow every drop of cum and clean my cock with your tongue afterwards, do you understand?" Every fiber in Todd's mind said, no, this is wrong, but his cock was so hard and he was So excited at the obsceneness of it all, he could only say, "Yes Master." "Do it now slave." Frank ordered.

Todd crawled closer to the Sgt. and reached out and fumbled with his zipper. He had never unzipped another man's pants before and he was awkward, but he managed to do it. His own cock was about ready to explode from excitement as he reached in and found the mans huge cock and carefully pulled it out. Frank reminded Todd that, "If you hurt it in any way, you will get another spanking just like the last one boy."

The big cock sprung out of his pants like a flagpole and Todd moved his face with it, capturing it with his lips. He thrilled to the wickedness of it all. If his mother and brother and friends could just see me now, I bet they would be surprised and jealous of me, Todd thought to himself. He also thought that this all was their fault and it served them right that he was sucking a man's cock. He could not comprehend that his reasoning process was now flawed and the first evidence of the whole point of his training. Todd massaged Frank's cock with his tongue and was surprised at the pleasant velvety feeling his tongue encountered. He slowly moved his mouth back and forth over the length of the entire cock, not wanting to let one inch go unexplored. The man who owned the cock was making strange guttural noises and was moving his cock to meet his lips. Frank tapped Todd on his head and Todd opened his eyes to meet Franks gaze. Frank whispered, "keep you eyes on my cock, and I want to hear you make slurping noises pussyboy" Todd's answer was garbled but respectful, " yebg maszer" Todd started slurping the huge cock now, making wet smacking sounds that excited even him.

Todd sucked noisily on his first cock. His own cock harder than it had ever been, reaching for relief, but not finding it so it continued to sway blindly. Frank continued talking to his new cocksucker, " You are no man pussyboy, but you are going to make a very fine cocksucker and I want you to feel very proud of being able to suck cock." "I wish your dear sweet mother could see you sucking my cock." "She would be so proud of you Todd." "Not at first though, I suppose she would think you had let her down and that you had turned into a worthless cocksucker." "But after watching you for awhile, she would have to agree that you actually were a worthless son, not good at anything, that you had let her down all your life," "Don't you agree Todd?" Todd could only nod his head yes. "But now, she would have to agree that her son was going to turn into a very fine cocksucker." "You should feel very proud Todd." Todd's eyes had closed and the humiliation of the words he was listening to and the soft feeling of the hard cock in his mouth had all but sent him over the edge of lust.

Suddenly, Sgt. Allen's breathing was becoming heavy and he groaned. He tapped Todd on the head and Todd again opened his eyes. Frank spoke to him, "Listen closely, you will keep your eyes on my cock, and when I cum in your mouth, you will not swallow it." "The cum will be warm, and thick." "I want you to hold it in your mouth and get used to the wonderful taste of it because you will swallowing a great deal of cum in the future." " I will hold your head steady and withdraw my cock until only the head is in your mouth which will leave room for my cum." "Blink your eyes twice at me if you think you can do that my little pussyboy." Todd's eyes slowly blinked twice. Frank patted his head softly, " Good girl, Todd, Good girl, here it comes sweetheart, don't spill any." Todd's eyes were wide open, The Sgt. Held his head tightly with both hands and the cock was moving slowly in and out of his mouth. In and out, in and out, in and out. Todd felt the fat muscle using his lips. Todd knew that the cock was his master and the very purpose of his existence was to be available to the cock for its pleasure. A thought came in to Todd's mind not. Maybe this is not real, maybe it's another dream. He felt like it was real but he felt that way when he had dreamed that Miss. Jacobs was in bed with him and she was naked and he was sucking on her breasts and she was masturbating him. He had dreamed that Miss Jacobs had made him take off his clothes as soon as his mom had left and talked to him dirty and played with his penis. But it was only a dream and he had thought it was real and he had acted like it was real and gotten into big trouble. He cautioned himself to not take this too seriously. This too was surely a dream. But it was so erotic and exciting. He finally decided to enjoy it because eventually the dream would end and he would go back to his life and back to college.

"Ummm, " Frank groaned and sent his cum into Todd's waiting mouth. "AGGHHHH," Frank passed his seed into his little pussyboy girl. Todd felt the warm fluid hit the back of his mouth and he concentrated on holding it without gagging and swallowing. In and out the cock slid, depositing more cum. Todd's lips held on tight least any cum escape. His eyes watched his Master as he slowly recovered from his fucking.

Then it was finished. The hands still held Todd's head, Todd's lips still gripped the head of the cock, Todd's mouth still held the warm cum. Occasionally, the cock head jerked, and more cum slid into the waiting receptacle. There was only the heavy breathing of Sgt. Allen and Todd. Sgt. Allen had just had the most exciting climax of his life. He chuckled to himself, Hell; the induction of the new pussys was always like this. He looked at the pretty boy in front of him, still holding his semi hard cock. Miss. Jacobs had told him his cut of the price for this boy may be close to $75,000. He wished he could quit the department, but he knew that his position there was important to his position here with Miss. Jacobs. The money he was receiving for these young men had made his police pay totally unimportant now. How he loved this job.

Now it was time for the next part of Miss Jacobs planned programming of Todd's mind. The word game was very important to keeping Todd's mind confused. Todd was being taken down a long road, with many twists and turns, leading him to a state of mind; from which he would never be able to find his way back again. Sgt. Allen whispered to Todd. Todd, holding the head of the cock with his lips, concentrating on not swallowing the warm cum in his mouth, listened intently to the important words his Master was telling him, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

To be continued E-mail the Author

Next: Chapter 4

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