Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Feb 20, 2003


Procurement & Training Chapter 4 Continued: by

The 19-year-old Todd, knelt, holding Sgt. Allen's cum and his cock head in his mouth as he listened to his Master's words. Sgt. Allen and Miss. Jacobs had planned and refined the mind washing of Todd. Using techniques that included soft drugs, threats of jail, public exposure as an attempted rapist, physical violence, sexual suggestions and humiliation, they had taken Todd's confused mind to a place it had never been before.

Sgt. Allen continued talking to Todd. "If you tell Miss. Jacobs what I am doing to you, I will call you a liar and I will definitely take you downtown to the jail and give you to those sexual predators to use for the next 5 years at least, do you understand pussyboy?" "Blink your eyes once slowly." Todd's eyes blinked in acknowledgement. "I will recommend to Miss. Jacobs that you be given another chance to make good here at her home, but that if you should even slightly disobey or disagree with any of her wishes, she is to call me and I will come back, handcuff you, charges will be filed and you will be lodged with several men who will treat you like a communal whore. Your mother and everyone will know of what you tried to do and your life will be over. "At any time, if you fail to obey Miss Jacobs or ME, you go to jail. "Do you still have my cum in your mouth pussyboy?" Todd's eyes blinked slowly. "Good girl, Frank said as he patted Todd's head. "After I am gone and Miss Jacobs releases you from the corner of the room, I want you to fall on your knees and kiss and lick her shoes like a little puppy dog". " Because I am going to recommend that Miss. Jacobs treat you like that for awhile until you learn some control over your actions." " After some needed discipline has corrected your bad manners, I am going to suggest that Miss. Jacobs take away all the clothes you brought with you, and give you some girl clothes to wear." You will quickly agree to what Miss. Jacobs wants to do, because I want a pretty boy/girl sucking my cock." You will make a very pretty transvestite, sweetheart, and you will do it, because if you don't, you know what will happen." "Blink your eyes if you understand pussyboy." Todd's eyes blinked slowly. "Now, I want you to slowly begin swallowing my cum and then I want you to lovingly lick any cum off my cock, do it now." Todd swallowed the cum and realized that this was all he had eaten since earlier in the day when Miss. Jacobs had given he and his mom refreshments when they arrived. Todd then went to work with his tongue softly licking Sgt. Allen's cock until it was clean. Sgt. Allen then had Todd blow softly on his cock until it was dry and allowed him to put his cock back in his pants and zip them up. "Now pussy, stand up and let me see your ass." Todd's ass was still a bright red but Frank pulled him down over his lap again and whipped his ass more, causing Todd to begin crying again. " Now, my little cocksucking pussy, kiss my feet and get your ass back to the corner where Miss. Jacobs had you standing and wait for her." Todd turned to leave and Sgt. Allen gave him one last hard slap on his ass as Todd ran to his corner.

When Miss Jacobs drove up to the big house, Sgt. Allen was standing outside casually throwing small stones into the beautiful pond by the side of the house. He waved at her and walked to meet her. They sat down on the patio and discussed the day's events and the present condition of her property's mental condition. Miss. Jacobs was pleased with Sgt. Allen's work with Todd and thanked him and shared with him, her feelings that this young man could be worth more to them by keeping him as rental property than just selling him completely. She told him that if they did keep him, he would still receive his 25% of generated income and the boy's services would always be available to him whenever he wanted him. Sgt. Allen smiled, saying, "Sheila, you're the boss, I'm very happy with our arrangement and whatever you decide is fine with me." "Do you have any idea how long Todd's training is going to take and do you have your eye on your next student resident?"

Miss. Jacobs reached down and extracted a manila envelope out of her handbag and set it on the table. " Hey, Todd hasn't even been here 24 hours yet." " Much too early to see that far down his road." "But, yes, I have another boy I am looking at." Taking a photo out of the envelope and handing it to him, she said, "What do you think?" Frank Allen looked at the picture of a young man. ` He was totally naked, standing in a shower room washing himself." He was very handsome, a great tan, muscles like he had been working out for several years, and was carrying what Sgt. Allen judged to be about 8 or 9 inches of soft cock. "I'm impressed," He finally said as he handed the photo back to her, "what's the deal with him?"

Sheila Walker smiled. "I have my ways." "I have a friend who has a ritzy adult bookstore. He has watched this guy going from an infrequent visitor to an almost daily patron. He always watches the movies and always buys illustrated transvestite books and magazines." " He spends on the average of $100. Per week on TV sex books, how can he do that?" Frank laughed, "He wants to be a girl?" "Exactly," Sheila replied, "And I'm just the girl that can help him." Frank frowned, "But how did his photo get taken?" "That's the interesting part," said Sheila. " The guy that owns the store wanted to see more of him, so he told him he was the weekly winner of the contest. He told him he had won 8 hours of free use of the VIP viewing room, complete with free movies, free books, bed and mirrors and oh did I mention 2-way mirrors?" "Oh shit," Frank laughed. "Anyway," Sheila continued, " The boy brings a bag with him which turns out is full of things like nylons, garderbelts, wig, lipstick, nail polish and stuff and poses in front of the mirrors looking at himself and playing with his flag pole." "And get this," " the boy can suck his own cock and do it very easily." Franks attention was drawn to the picture again, "wow, a TV able to suck his own cock," "What are you going to do?" Miss Jacobs smiled and said, " I have an investigator looking into the boy's background and present circumstances, and I have bought a film of him sucking his own cock." "It's being sent to me." "I will let you know how it develops." Miss Jacobs thanked him again and watched Sgt. Allen drive away. She then turned and went in the house to deal with her sweet little submissive boy whose mind was in for more drugged juice, pleasure and pain.

Todd, standing naked in the corner, heard the door close, and then the clicking of Miss Walker's high heels on the hardwood floors. She stopped somewhere behind him and then she spoke. " I see by your behind that the Sgt. finished your spanking Todd." "Are you ready to apologize to me now?" Todd had long finished his crying and he was eager to obey Miss Walker, "Yes, may I please apologize Miss Walker?" "Yes you may turn around and tell me how sorry you are." Todd turned around and faced the beautiful woman and immediately his hands went to hide his privates as he started stuttering his apologizes. "Hands to your side" Todd, Miss. Jacobs corrected. Todd dropped his hands quickly and began crying as he poured out his heart to Miss Jacobs and promised to obey her every wish. He pleaded for her to forgive her. Miss Jacobs sat down in a comfortable soft chair, snapped her fingers and pointed in front of her. Todd hurried to her and dropped to his knees and began kissing and licking her shoes, thanking her for being so kind to him. "I will forgive you, but you must still be punished, and earn my forgiveness." "Oh yes, Miss. Jacobs, thank you, blubbered Todd." Miss. Jacobs saw that Sgt. Allen had indeed prepared him well and now she would take him back to his dream world of pleasure and confusion. "You must be hungry, thirsty and tired Todd, You will follow me on your hands and knees to the kitchen so you can eat something, then you will take your shower and go to bed for the night," instructed Miss. Jacobs. "You will not be going to jail as long as you are obedient, if you understand and agree, you may nod your head." Todd quickly nodded his head in relief and felt a wave of happiness come over him as he crawled along behind his beautiful landlady

Todd waited patiently as Miss. Jacobs fixed his supper. She brought him a glass of warm milk and told him to drink it all immediately, which Todd did. He had not realized that he was so hungry and the milk, although tasting funny again, helped stop the hunger pangs that he had been having. Miss Jacobs told Todd to sit quietly and not to move while she attended to something and she would feed him when she came back. Todd nodded, he was afraid to talk and mess things up.

Time dragged on for Todd, and still no Miss. Jacobs. He was still hungry and still afraid to move without her permission. He was so tired that his eyes were getting heavy and he was falling asleep while on his hands and knees. He was having trouble focusing his eyes. Finally, he heard the clicking of Miss Jacobs's shoes coming. When she walked into the kitchen, his attention was drawn to her and his penis quickly grew to it's full hardened length. Miss Jacobs was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She was almost naked, wearing a bikini type brazier and panties with a garderbelt and nylons. She also was wearing high heels that must have had 4 or 5-inch heels on them and she now absolutely towered over him as she went to the counter to get his supper. Todd was breathing so hard now and his eyes were as large as silver dollars as he could only stare openly.

Miss. Jacobs picked up a dish and patted Todd's head, saying, "come girl," and clicked her heels over to the table. Todd obediently crawled behind her, his eyes on the lovely curves of her buttocks. She sat his dish on the table, then went and retrieved her plate and brought it to the table. She sat down and looked at Todd who was still breathing hard. She patted his head and sat his dish down on the floor beside her and told him, "Eat girl, hands on the floor, use your mouth only." Todd looked down at his dish and then back at Miss. Jacobs in confusion. Miss Jacobs screamed at him, " Are you stupid, are you disobeying me?" Shaking with fear again, Todd lowered his head to his dish and began eating his supper. It was bread and gravy poured over it and Todd was getting gravy all over his face as he forced his face down into the dish to eat.

Miss. Jacobs had positioned him so she could see what effect this was having on Todd's cock. When she had yelled at him, his cock had withdrawn and now, as he was eating, his cock was returning to its usual hard state. The drug was working well with the boy and would take him even deeper into his dream world. She watched him eat like an animal and patted his head, offering praise to him. Good girl Todd, you are being a very good girl." "I want you to lick your dish clean girl," That's it girl, lick it clean for me."

Todd had a hard-on that he would like to play with, but Miss. Jacobs was making him lick his bowl, and he was trying to keep his eyes on the beautiful legs in front of him. He wanted to kiss Miss. Jacobs legs and tell her how much he loved her and tell her he would do anything for her. "Miss. Jacobs," he started. Slap, came a stinging blow to his face as she corrected him, "Bad girl Todd, you were not told to speak!" The tears came to Todd's eyes quickly and he cried in silence. Miss Jacobs got up and wiped Todd's face off with a wet washcloth and said, "Come girl." Todd crawled behind her with his eyes full of Miss Jacob's beautiful ass again. She sat down in a chair, snapped her fingers and pointed in front of her. Todd quickly was there between her feet.

She smiled at Todd, softly speaking, "Would you like me to masturbate you honey?" "Yes please, Miss." Slap, another stinging blow to Todd's face. Miss. Jacobs smiled again at Todd. "Girl, you don't have permission to speak, you must nod your head yes or no, do you understand?" Todd nodded his tear-streaked face. Miss Jacobs explained to Todd that he had been bad and was being punished so she could not play with his little penis. "Todd, have you ever seen a dog hump someone's leg before?" she asked. Todd nodded his head yes. "Would you like to hump my leg without using your hands?" Todd was breathing hard and sweating now as he quickly nodded his head yes. Miss. Jacobs smiled her wicked smile. She was enjoying Todd's trip to never never land. "After you lick my shoes clean, you may hump my leg girl," she instructed. Todd bent down and carefully licked each shoe clean, then excitedly positioned himself in a squatting position with his penis against Miss Walker's leg. He excitedly began moving up and down on her leg, rubbing his penis on her nylons. Sheila looked at the rutting boy who a few hours ago had been the pride and joy of his Mother and marveled at the power a woman could hold over a male. She had reduced this normal young man to an obedient animal who would do anything to satisfy his sexual desires, which she was embedding in his mind. She spread her legs apart and he moved with the leg, not missing a stroke in his own movement. His eyes were focused on her thinly covered pussy as the sweat rolled down into his eyes.

Miss Jacobs watched as Todd's eyes glazed over and the groan escaped from his lips. She could feel the warm cum squirting out onto her leg and she grinned as Todd looked at her for approval. She waited until his rutting and jerking was finished before she pushed him down and instructed him to lick up all the cum on her leg and on the floor. Todd sensed that he had pleased Miss. Jacobs by humping her leg and it had been the best cum of his life. It felt good to Todd to finally make someone happy with him and to know he had done well and she had smiled at him and called him a good girl when he had done such a good job of licking up all the cum.

Sheila Jacobs pulled the boy up on her lap. She put his head to her breasts and whispered. She immediately noticed his heart beating faster and his cock again rose up to a standing position. She reached down on his belly and used her finger to wipe some cum off. Her finger went to his mouth and pushed inside. Todd sucked the finger and moaned. He was listening to Miss. Jackson telling him that he was now her slave and that she owned him. Miss Jacobs watched his cock throbbing in renewed lust. She knew he was hers now. Any possibility of resistance had been slapped and threatened out of him by Sgt. Allen. Now she was probing his mind for weaknesses, and susceptibility to suggestions. She was actually giving him a lie detector test. She would tell him of her plans for him and watch his cock's reaction. She had learned a long time ago that cocks do not lie no matter what its owner says.

Sheila continued whispering in Todd's ear. "I am your Mistress and owner Todd and you will obey me totally." Todd nodded. "You are not going to go to college." "You will go to school right here in this house." "Your schooling here will teach you all the important things you will need to know to be a good slave." "Todd continued sucking on Miss. Jacobs fingers, his eyes falling closed while he listened. "You will be taught to behave like the pretty girl you are." "You will be dressed in nylons and high heels." "You will wear nylons and garderbelts. "You will be taught how to put makeup and lipstick on to make yourself attractive to the women and men who will use you sexually. "If you want to please me, you will ask me to help you become a she/male." " I will love you if you if you obey me." "I want you to paint your fingernails and toenails a bright pink and I want you shave all that ugly body hair off." "Will you do that for your Mistress?" Todd nodded his head. I want you to wear pretty silk panties and nylons, will you do that for your Mistress, Todd?" Todd nodded his head again, his eyes opened partially, Miss. Jacobs continued, "I have lots of pretty panties in my drawers Todd." "Do you want to go in my room and look in my drawers at my pretty panties?" "Todd did not nod, he had fallen asleep on her lap, his cock still hard. The drug Todd had been given worked very well, He was asleep, but he was still taking in information, which Miss. Jacobs was now feeding him. She continued holding him as he still occasionally sucked her finger. Her other hand slowly massaging his semi hard cock as she whispered in his ear.

To be continued Email the author

Next: Chapter 5

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