Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Mar 25, 2003


Procurement & training chapter 7 By tallywacker38

Sheila Jacobs watched her new slave who was on all fours through the window when she was interrupted by the telephone. Picking it up and answering, she continued watching. "Hello," she answered. "Hello, Miss Jacobs, this is Sgt. Allen, are you busy or do you have time to talk?" "I have time, what is it Sgt. Allen?" "Miss Jacobs, I have a young man here at the courthouse who Judge Malloy may have to sentence to the county jail for forging a $1000. check." "That is a felony and even if it is his first offense, he will do some jail time for it." "He is sitting here crying and he's scared to death of jail since when I booked him, I had to walk him through the cell block naked and in view of the other inmates who yelled out a lot of comments to him." " Judge Malloy is here too and I mentioned to him that you have helped several young men straighten out and that you might be willing to take this young man under your wing." Miss Jacobs, instantly read between the lines and asked to speak to Judge Malloy.

"This is Judge Malloy, Miss Jacobs." Miss Jacobs exchanged greetings with the Judge and then asked about the young man. "Well," the Judge responded, He is 20 years old, and a nice looking boy but he does have some problems." "He has lied to us about who he is since we picked him up but we finally got some truth out of him." "We contacted his parents finally but they want nothing to do with him anymore." "Evidently he has had a habit of lying all his life so no one will believe him anymore and he has no friends." "I hate to send him to jail because the other inmates will certainly have their way with him and use him, if you know what I mean." "Sgt. Allen suggested you might be able to help him if he were given to you instead of sending him to jail." "You would be given free rein with him and the only thing we would ask is that you bring him back to me in 30 days to see if I can release him permanently to you or if I must send him to jail." Miss. Jacobs knew that if Sgt. Allen had mentioned her to the Judge that the boy would be of the special type she was actively seeking. Judge Malloy, what if the boy were to lie about me and how he was treated, would I be in any legal trouble?" "Absolutely not Miss Jacobs. Sgt. Allen has personally vouched for you and I trust you implicitly." "I realize that you may have to be harsh with him to get him turned around and since we already know that lies are second nature to him, anything he says against you will be simply treated as lies I assure you." "Thank you Judge Malloy, I appreciate your confidence in me." "I will take the young man, but I cannot take him until tomorrow afternoon, is that alright?" "Absolutely, Miss Jacobs," the Judge said, "and I thank you for your public spirit." "I will have Sgt. Allen hold him in the jail for safe keeping until tomorrow afternoon, thank you so much Miss. Jacobs." "That's ok, your honor," Sheila Jacobs replied as she looked outside at the scene before her. Linda was walking Todd on all fours like an animal. She absently hung the phone up and reached down to massage her herself between her legs, as she watched and thought of the new boy who would soon be learning of his new life.

Linda unsnapped Todd's leash and petted his head. Sitting down in the lawn chair, she pulled her dress up and slipped her panties off in one quick motion. Todd looked at her not believing this was happening to him. But it was and like it or not, he knew he was aroused and hard. Linda grabbed his head by his hair and pulled him roughly to her. His face was sandwiched between her legs and he could smell her sex. "Lick stupid," she snapped at him. His tongue was out and licking her mound as she talked to him. "Look at you now Todd." "I am going to do such great things with my life and all you will ever do is be a cunt licker and I would assume a cocksucker also." "I sold you to Miss. Jacobs for $5,000 to pay you back for being rude to me you little pussy slave." "You are going to be a sexual slave all your life." "A life of sucking pussies and cocks." "I feel so powerful over you, you dumb fuck." Linda jerked his head back and pushed him over on his back. She was on him, straddling him. She moved up and covered his face with her ass, finally positioning her pussy over his mouth. Todd was breathing hard. He was humiliated but he found himself so excited over his predicament. His mouth was going to be raped by this girl he had offended and deep down he knew he deserved it and now he was craving it. "I am going to urinate in your mouth slave," Linda rasped. "I will piss a little at a time so you won't spill any." "Drink it all Todd or I will whip your ass, understand?" Todd nodded his head, as he could not talk. Suddenly he felt and tasted it swallowing as fast as he could.

Miss. Jacobs left the window and sat at her desk. She had to make a phone call. The call from Sgt. Allen had actually solved an immediate problem for her. Taking a small black book from desk drawer, she thumbed through the pages until she came to the name she was looking for. Dialing, she picked up a pen and scratched some figures on a pad. "Hello, Las Vega Woman's Services, May I help you?" the woman's voice softly said. "Hello, this is Miss. Jacobs, may I speak to Miss. Chalmers please. "One moment please," the receptionist replied. A moment later, "This Is Miss. Chalmers, how are you Sheila." "I am fine, are you busy," Sheila replied. After a little visiting about the weather and how things were going, Sheila got to the point of the call. " I am receiving a piece of equipment tomorrow that you may be interested in." " It is only 20 years old, in very good shape." "It has been checked out with the original owners but they want nothing more to do with it so it is free and unencumbered." Miss. Chalmers interrupted, saying," If it passes the tests and can be programmed here, I will take it, depending of course upon the price. Miss Jacobs held her ground. She knew that Miss. Chalmers desperately needed male slaves for the wealthy wives of high rollers who spent their time at the tables, spending millions of dollars. Miss Jacobs quickly answered, "Actually, I have been offered $150,000 from the Middle East, but because of the problems and cost of shipping, I would really prefer to send it to you, but If you're not interested I understand." There was silence on the phone before, "Send it Sheila, If it passes the tests the money will be wired to you." "Let me know the flight number and arrival, fax a picture of it and it will be met at the airport." Sheila Jacobs smiled, replying, "Thank you, I will phone you tomorrow when it is in flight, Bye for now." "Goodbye and thank you Sheila, let me know if you find other equipment, Miss Chalmers said, hanging up. Sheila Jacobs had just made a quick $100,000. The going rate for a common slave in Las Vegas was set and only high quality slaves brought more. She was pleased at making the money with so little effort. She would give Sgt. Allen $10,000 for his timely contribution.

Sheila Jacobs was interrupted by Todd and Linda entering the house. Todd was walking on all fours with Linda behind him holding the leash attached to his balls. "Well, Linda, did you have a good time with your old friend?" Sheila asked with a smile. "Oh, yes, Miss Jacobs," answered Linda, " But I wish I had more time with him," and laughed. Miss. Jacobs took the leash from her and pulled Todd over to her favorite chair and sat down, pulling him down on her lap. Her hand went to his semi hard cock and fondled it, bringing it to a hard stand immediately. "Perhaps that can be arranged, I believe you have an apartment by yourself this year, is that right?" Linda shook her head yes, "I sure do, I needed my privacy this year." "I have thought very seriously about doing what you are doing with slaves, but on a much smaller scale if that is ok with you and if you don't mind." "Miss. Jacobs smiled, both women completely ignoring the young man on her lap who she was slowly masturbating. Todd's eyes were closed, his face red with embarrassment at being humiliated like this as if he were a small child. Yet, his cock was throbbing with lust in Miss. Jacobs experienced fingers, much to his shame.

Miss. Jacobs looked directly at Linda, "How would you like to take Todd home with you for a couple days." Linda's eyes lit up at the suggestion, exclaiming, "Could I really take him with me?" "That would be great, I would love to Miss. Jacobs." Todd could scarcely believe his ears at this sudden turn of events, but he kept his eyes closed so he would not have to look at Linda. The fingers on his cock continued to squeeze and then stop and then squeeze again at intervals, causing him erratic breathing. "He's yours for two days, but you must do something for me in exchange." "What," Linda asked. "I want you to pretty our little guy up with makeup, lipstick, polished finger and toe nails and see he is shaved of body hair again so he is very smooth, when you bring him back." Linda smiled broadly, "I'll do the best I can for you." "I know you will," Sheila said, and I think you will do good at this kind of business." "You will make a lot more money doing this than you would with a college degree, but a college degree can come in handy later, so keep your schooling up." "Our little boy Todd here is going to do a lot of schooling too, aren't you Todd, open your eyes and keep them open." "I need Todd to call his mother right now before you take him, so she knows he is well and happy.

Miss. Jacobs picked up the phone and gave it to Todd, "Call her Todd, and remember to thank her for finding this wonderful house for you." "You will tell her that I have been very kind and helpful to you and that you have changed your mind about attending school this year so you can work for me and my friends to take the financial pressure off her, do you understand?" " Or would you rather have Sgt. Allen come and get you?" Todd was shaking his head yes and then quickly no. "Miss. Jacobs continued, "I want you to sound very very happy and tell her you will call her again in a couple of weeks." "Yes Miss. Jacobs, Todd quietly said. "Now I am going to put you on speaker phone so we can hear your conversation, dial her number now,"

Todd waited for the connection to complete, his eyes trying not to look at Linda as she sat on the sofa directly in front of him smiling at him. Miss. Jacobs was massaging his balls gently as his cock continued throbbing and bobbing. "Hello," Todd heard his mother's cheerful voice over the speakerphone, "Hi mom, it's me." "Hi honey, how's it going?" "Fine here mom, I just wanted to tell you that I have decided to not attend school this year." "I wanted to stay out a year and work and Miss. Jacobs said she had a lot of work I could do and some of her friends do too and I can still stay her with her and pay my own rent." "Oh honey, I want you to get your schooling, you can work later." "No, mom," Todd quickly said with a little agitation at which Miss. Jacobs fingers squeezed hard on his balls, causing him to groan. "I'll be fine mom, this is what I want ok, and everything is going great ok." Miss. Jacobs fingers relaxed and once again began slowly masturbating his erect penis. Todd's eyes turned once again to see the broad smile on Linda's face and knew his face had turned crimson red again. His mother's voice again asking if Miss. Jacobs was treating him good which caused Linda to put her hand over her mouth so her laughter could not be heard. "Yes mom," rasped Todd, "she is very nice to me and I enjoy being here with her." "I knew she would be son, promise me you will obey all her house rules and not cause her any trouble." "Ok, mom, I promise." "I have to go mom, just wanted to say hi and bye." "Bye son, be good, I love you." "Bye," Todd replied and Miss. Jacobs terminated the call. Linda laughed out loud and said, "That was great how you handled that Miss. Jacobs." "Thank you Linda," she said," and as a reward for Todd's obedience, I will allow him to hump my leg like a good little doggie, go ahead Todd."

Todd was once again lost in lust and slid off Miss. Jacobs lap and squatted down, putting his groin to her leg and moved up and down on her leg, rubbing his cock against it and breathing rapidly now. "You must not cum Todd or I will have to spank you again in front of Linda," Stop when you need to but then continue when you have yourself under control," Miss. Jacobs warned. Linda got up and came over to stand by Miss. Jacobs where she could watch Todd's face, the smile still on her face. Miss. Jacobs snapped her finger and told Todd to keep looking into Linda's eyes and to feel very proud for degrading himself in front of Linda. "Todd's mind seemed to snap and a smile appeared on his face as he once again realized that he was pleasing two women and making them happy by humping the beautiful leg in front of him.

To be continued Email the author What would YOU like to see happen in this story?

Next: Chapter 8

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