Professor Gets Schooled

By Paul Isaac Grant

Published on Jan 25, 2025



Professor Gets Schooled

New story from a LONGtime Nifty reader and first time author. This story is fiction. The chapter below starts midway into a well-established Dom/sub relationship. If you're interested in more (including the backstory), let me know. If you enjoyed this, please donate to Nifty.

The alarm on my phone went off again and I knew I could not afford to hit snooze one more time. I was already going to pay for hitting it the first time but I just needed that extra 9 minutes after heading to sleep so late because I could not help scrolling through porn before bedtime.

I washed up and headed to the workout room. Tyrone had me convert this small bonus room from the home office I barely used so he could whip me into better shape. I felt the camera follow me as I crossed the room all the way to the opposite corner. I removed all my clothes and placed them on the bench nearby and faced the corner. I made sure to bring both feet into the 1" x 1" square Tyrone made with two pieces of tape.

Ten minutes. Every morning. The first couple weeks of morning corner time were hard. I felt impatient and silly but I grew to respect the corner because it became a good opportunity to calm myself to prepare for the day. Once in a while I would still get an erection, especially when I start recollecting all the infractions I would have to report that evening, anticipating the punishment.

I walk over to the treadmill. Twenty minutes. After working up a sweat, I had to do my stretches, push ups, and crunches in the dead center of the room so Tyrone's camera placed on a side table against the front wall can inspect everything.

I showered up next and dried off, checking out how pink my cheeks were in the mirror. Monday's punishment was visible, though fading. I went back to the bedroom to get dressed. I opened the top drawer and let out an instinctive "FUCK!" when I realized I had forgotten to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer last night and my Wednesday jock was in there. "Fuck fuck fuck" I kept chastizing myself. I had to pick up a different one and head back into the workout room to change where the camera can inspect my outfit as well.

I realized I was running behind so I had to pick up the pace. Turned on the electric kettle and started to get the ingredients for the Wednesday protein smoothie when I realized I had *also forgotten to pick up bananas on the way home from work yesterday and I quite literally dropped to a squat with my hands still on the counter as I started breathing heavily. It had been a long time since I had messed up so many things in a single day and I started to get apprehensive wondering how Tyrone would react.

It did serve me right. I had completely lost focus yesterday. I was really on one. I was so horned up all day at work, even sneaking in a few porn breaks, that I rushed home to properly jerk off. And I did. And it was glorious. I came twice. I knew I would pay for them the next day but it was worth it. Except, it got me too relaxed and I did not get through all the papers I had to grade. I knew I had a couple hours in the middle of my day on Wednesday so I gave up halfway through my stack and had returned to scrolling and porn, which kept me up late.

I gathered myself and made the smoothie and packed it in my bag. Poured my coffee into the travel mug and grabbed a power bar since I did not have time for my own breakfast now.

That one decision to race home to jerk off yesterday now had rippled into a mountain of pain I would have to face. Missing ingredients, wrong jock, 12 more papers I had to finish grading during my break today, and now I could not find a parking spot and knew I would be late.

I headed straight for the gym, walked across all the machines, and got to the door: "Tyrone Marshal, Assistant Coach." I looked at my watch -- 9:14 A.M. -- I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

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