Professors Unpredictable Seminar

By Caterina Duvay

Published on Jan 25, 2004


A Professor's Seminar Continues


Catherine Duvay


(Disclaimer: Not for minors! Bodies have been changed to protect the guilty. Feedback much appreciated, esp. from like-minded gurls!)

Hi, I'm Kristina, a 31 year old college professor of women's studies. I'm 5'9" tall, slender with smooth athletic legs, a lovely firm ass, narrow waist, small natural breasts and an intelligent if not startlingly pretty face. I'm told I'm very sexy, especially by my students and especially since I was introduced into the captivating world of submission by two particularly devious but gorgeous bitches.

Since my induction into lez-bondage by Monica and Sandra (see my Unpredictable Seminar series), I seduced a student, Julia, a lovely young thing with the sweetest pussy who was all too eager to please me, and I was given a collar to ensnare her as I myself had been ensnared.

Yet I couldn't go through with it: she was much too innocent and I could get into much too much trouble if word leaked out in the college community. Bad enough I was wearing my own collar, but this was seen more as a token of being `out' and liberated than anything else.

When I showed up alone at Monica's the Friday after my first visit there I was rebuffed because I hadn't brought a companion. They just shut the door in my face. I called afterwards but they never returned messages. I was heartbroken, but I persisted in my resolve not to engage Julia in anything perverse: bad enough I was licking and sucking and fucking her, and she me, but aside from a pussy-paddling our first night our sex was kept within bounds. Many a time she pleaded for roughness, but sub that I am I didn't have the desire. Many a time I wished she had taken the lead and exercised her attraction, the physical chemistry that had me panting for her, to do her own bidding. But I guess she wasn't built that way. Eventually I grew bored with her and encouraged her to drop out of my summer session, which she did.

Now I had no-one -- well, no-one who could satisfy me the way I wished. Lots of gurls flirted and I occasionally responded, but the magic of Monica and Sandra's devilishly intelligent torture had evaporated and was not to be repeated. The conventionality of it all was killing me, though some sex was better than nothing of course. My meanderings to the few local dyke bars were not rewarding: the clientele was too coarse and man-like: I wanted a girly-gurl, if you know what I mean, and a smart one.

One Friday evening as I was sorting the few erotic articles of clothing I possessed I chanced upon Nikki's card, the girl from the lingerie shop.

While enmeshed with Monica and Sandra I had been instructed to purchase things from Loveladies, a lesbian's erotic dreamworld masquerading as a lingerie store, and Nikki had given me the thrashing of a lifetime. Later that week I ministered to a beautiful and elegant older clerk, quite spontaneously, as I was preparing for my rendezvous with the students, and she turned out to be Nikki's aunt. She was in her mid-forties I surmised, and her pussy and thighs were divine. I couldn't believe I did what I did during that delirious week. I was both ashamed and proud at the same time: whatever was happening made me feel so damned alive I couldn't renounce it.

I fingered Nikki's business card....and was getting so horny I could hardly catch my breath. A physical sensation of lust filled me inside and out as I thought...

"Hi, Nikki," I said on the phone, a bit hesitantly, "I'm Kristina, the teacher..."

"Hi, teach," she responded, "how can I help you?"

"Well... I was .... I was wondering if, if maybe I should stop by the store and look at some things," I said.

"You didn't need to call me to ask that, sweetie."

"No, I guess not.... It's just that..."

"I think you probably want me to make a house call, don't you?" she casually asked.

I cleared my throat. I didn't want to get things too complicated. But I was so hot, so lustfully consumed, and so lonely.....


"Well, what?"

"Yeah I guess."

"You've gotta do better than that, Kris -- you've gotta want it or not."

"I want it," I admitted.

"I know you do," Nikki said, "and I know pretty much exactly what you want, slut."

I shuddered and closed my eyes dreamily. "Yes, Ma'am."

"I'll see you tomorrow at 8. I have your address from the receipt. Dress for the occasion, slut."

"Like dress in any particular way? " I asked, growing more embarrassed.

"Dress to be undressed. I think you enjoyed my first lesson, didn't you?"

Mmmmmm. The mere thought of her taking me so unexpectedly, of her whipping me, pulling me by the hair as she played the paddle across my ass and cunt made me faint.

"I loved it," I replied huskily.

"I thought so," she said. "See ya tomorrow."

Prompty at 8 Nikki showed up at my door. She looked ravishing in worn and torn jeans, studded leather jacket, tank top and high-heeled leather boots. Her jet-black hair and nose-piercing made me salivate. She was dressed so roughly but looked so alluringly feminine my heart dropped.

And she was not alone! Her aunt, Marge, the clerk I had knelt before on my return visit, accompanied her. She was wearing a very elegant form-fitting dress with pumps, quite sexy. Her dirty blonde hair neatly fell about her shoulders: she looked like a cross between Goldie Hawn and Meg Ryan at 45, full-figured and enchanting.

We exchanged greetings and sat in my living room. Marge pulled out a product catalog and I thought there had been some miscommunication: was this merely an Avon call?

I was dressed in a halter top and cut-offs, no bra, no panties, no shoes. But I had taken pains to apply makeup: my lips were salmon, my eye shadow blue, and with dark liner it accentuated my large beckoning eyes.

Nikki gave me a glance and sat next to me on the sofa with Marge and we started to go through the catalog. This was bizarre, but I played along, slowly turning the pages to view scantily clad gals with various fetishistic garb. Nikki began to press her leg against mine and Marge let her arm stray around my back. She fiddled with Nikki's short black hair with her fingers.

"Do you see anything you like?" inquired Marge.

"It kinda all turns me on," I frankly replied. "They're all so beautiful.... Like you and Nikki," I added boldly.

Marge kissed me full on the mouth and I lost myself in it, in her. Nikki caressed my breasts beneath my halter top and then when Marge was finished with our kiss she turned my head for her own luscious lips. I sank into them as Marge gently spread my legs and brushed my mons with her left hand. I softly moaned. Nikki pulled away and smiled.

"Let's go upstairs, shall we?" she cooed.

I led the way followed closely by Nikki whose hands were on my hips. Marge brought up the rear and shut the door to my bedroom. She carried a large handbag, which she set down near my couch.

Nikki pushed me to the floor.

"Hands and knees, bitch," she commanded. I obeyed. She ran her hand along my back and down my thighs while Marge undressed slowly. Marge was not a 2 percent body fat person: no, she was real, voluptuous, stunning and strong, with full breasts and lovely thighs and legs. She peeled off her stockings and then slipped back into her heels, reached into her handbag and handed Nikki several lengths of rope.

Nikki had me sit up on my legs as she ripped off my halter top and wound it around and into my mouth, cinching it securely. She put me on all fours again, lifted my skirt and spanked me hard several times, hard enough to elicit a muffled cry. Then she removed my skirt and commanded me to lie face down on the floor.

She took my right leg and bent it back towards my head as I was lying and she had me hold my ankle with my right hand. She then fastened the rope from wrist to ankle, tight, and repeated the process for my left side. I was on the middle of the floor of my own bedroom, completely naked, bound ankle to wrist, my back involuntarily arched. I could move my head from side to side. My legs were open, my ass and cunt vulnerable from behind.

Nikki then moved to within my line of vision.

"Can you see me, slut?" she inquired. I gave a muffled assent. She slowly began to strip. Her young firm body was ravishing. She had wide muscular shoulders and an extremely narrow waist. Her stomach was taut. Where Marge was voluptuous she was lean. Her nipples were delectably swollen and large. Her cunt, like mine and Marge's, was completely smooth, but my eyes widened when I saw that her clit was pierced by a small ringlet. How I wanted to flick my tongue against it! She was completely nude except for her leather boots which rose to the middle of her thighs.

"Come here, precious," purred Marge, and Nikki dropped to her knees between her aunt's legs. She took her time running her tongue along the inside of her aunt's thighs and down along her legs to her feet, which she cradled and licked, slowly, every so slowly, glancing at me all the while. Marge was hot and wet and relaxed as Nikki rose to suckle on her ample breasts, then kissed her on the mouth. Marge caressed Nikki's hair and cheeks and gently guided her back to her pussy, the pussy I myself had tasted not so very long ago, then up again to her mouth for a longer kiss.

Nikki sidled over to me, pulled my head back by the hair and asked whether I too wanted a taste. I nodded rapidly.

"You'll have to earn it, bitch."

I was so helpless, so vulnerable, stretched to my physical limit, hands clasping my ankles, legs pushed wide apart.

"Teach her how to cum properly, Nikki," said Marge, "show her the ropes."

Nikki clutched several strands of rope in her right hand, long and silken, and she ran them along my back and thighs and lightly brushed them in the cleft of my ass and pussy. I trembled and moistened. She removed my halter-gag and turned my face to hers as she knelt down to confront me.

"I'm going to start at 77, dear little slut, and I want you to count for me. If you fail to comply you'll be gagged again and the consequences will be far worse. If you endure, then my aunt's delicious pussy will be waiting, understand?"

She rose to her feet and placed one booted foot under my mouth. I understood very well and kissed it as she brought the first blow down across my back.

"Seventy-seven!" I exclaimed. Then I kissed her boot again.

"Seventy-six!" as the second blow lashed against my left thigh.

She was so beautiful, so severe! I began to lick along the side of her foot in between lashes, and my body jumped and I was growing delirious with excitement, but I kept count assiduously. Then Nikki trained a volley near near my pussy and I was on the verge of cumming...

"Thirty-three!" I moaned, panting, licking gratefully.

"Don't even think of cumming without permission, beauty," advised Marge.

My breathing settled and Nikki rained down lashes, one after another, which splayed into the cleft of my asshole and along my pussy lips and I began to tremble involuntarily.

"One!" I shouted finally, burning, dying for release.

"Go and get your reward," was Nikki's response.

I inched my way on the flat of my stomach towards the sofa where Marge awaited me. She hoisted my head up to her pussy and I buried my lips in her savory womanly cunt.

"What a sweet little slut you are!" she said, moving my head up and down her slit as I greedily lapped and licked and drank her juices. She came violently on my face, covering me with her juices, and when she was done she unbound my hands and feet.

I rolled over onto my back, sore from Nikki's treatment, drunk with fatigue and the pleasure-pain of my flogging and the need to cum, and my hands involuntarily sought out my own cunt. Nikki however lashed them viciously and I drew them away and she roughly pulled me to my feet. She kissed me hard and fierce and led me to the doorway into my bathroom. I wanted her badly. I dropped to my knees in supplication.

Nikki lashed my wrists together behind my back -- apparently she must have been a sailor since she was so expert in rigging! -- and secured them to the doorknob of the bathroom door. I was on my knees and each leg was on one side of the door. I leaned my weight forward and my hands grasped each side of the doorknob and were uncomfortably high. My feet met at the same spot on either side of the door but my knees were spread revealing my ardent and tender cunt.

"Arch your back, slut!" commanded Nikki and I of course obeyed. This in fact made it easier on my tiring muscles.

She knelt facing me, a tuft of small ropelets in her right hand, and she splayed them across my chest as she gazed at me with her magnificently wicked eyes.

"You like being my slut?" she inquired.

I assented. She then fingered my collar and motioned for Marge to join her.

"Get this fucking thing off her, Marge, and then I want you in position."

Marge snipped off the collar with a pair of scissors and then lay down beneath Nikki, directly under her cunt and its pierced clit. Nikki lowered herself and let her aunt ravish her treasure as she flicked the ropelets around my breasts, onto my stomach, and across my mons, my drowning pussy, while I strained leaning forward. She kept my thighs apart with her lashes and Marge began to moan into her cunt and a dreamy look crept into Nikki's eyes and her blows grew wilder and my own breathing grew rapid and as she snapped the ropes across my cunt I screamed out and shuddered in a tremendous climax. Nikki grabbed my face and kissed me with lovely force and I felt her shudder as well into her own climax. Marge moved under my pussy and gingerly licked me while we kissed, moving from pussy to pussy to after-pleasure us.

But grateful as I was, I wanted Nikki's cunt for myself.

I was unbound. We rested but remained undressed. Marge took it upon herself to rummage through my kitchen and return with some wine and cheese to fortify us for the evening ahead.

"Is your aunt," Nikki asked me, " as much of a slut as mine?"

"Not that I know of," I chuckled.

"Do you want to see me fuck her?"

I didn't know how to respond, so I remained silent.

"She's every bit as much of a slut as you, do you know?" she continued.

"Auntie ... get me my tool and harness me up, will you?" she ordered Marge.

Marge silently obeyed and I could now see who was really in charge: Marge seemed to be in pleasure-trance as she buckled Nikki's strapon and offered herself to be taken from behind.

The sight of the ravishing lean Nikki thrusting into forbidden fruit made me swoon with desire. I knew her aunt's cravings, her passion: they were the same as mine and I longed to be the object again of Nikki's attentions, and to please her as she perhaps had never been pleased before.

"Fuck her," I urged, surprising myself, "fuck your fucking aunt!" Nikki smiled lasciviously and I slid onto my back underneath the older slut and brought my tongue up against her clit as she was thrusted into. She came so quickly and easily and powerfully that Nikki seemed disappointed. She let me clean off her strapon and as I did so I took the liberty of allowing my hand to graze against Nikki's thighs. She was again crazed with her own lust and I thought I should take advantage, so as I licked the cock I almost imperceptibly let my tongue stray onto her flesh, along her engorged labia.

She made no protest so I grew bolder and bolder. Marge meanwhile, sated, unbuckled the harness and I had full access to the treasure I sought, Nikki's lovely cunt. Nikki now lay on her back as I tended to her. I tickled her clit-ring with my tongue and she shivered, and I pulled on it with my lips and teeth and she cooed.

"You take care of my niece," came a voice behind me, "while I take care of you."

I felt Marge thrust the strapon that had just delighted her into me, deeply, so deeply, and this inflamed my lust for Nikki, my desire to bring her to an orgasm she would always remember from her obedient slut.

I teased her clit mercilessly, lapping and nibbling and stopping, engulfing her cunt lips with my mouth, spitting on them, flicking her clit again and again, bringing Nikki to the verge time after time, all while Marge fucked me and spanked me and urged me to lick her fucking niece.

I myself was on the verge of cumming and Marge showed no signs of relenting so I determined to draw Nikki into my pleasure. I made and O with my lips and encircled her clit and plunged my tongue onto and around the pearl with rapid vicious touches and Nikki finally lifted her pelvis into me with such force I thought I would be smothered, and she screamed just as I myself thrilled into a quaking climax.


I was sorry to see the two of them go the next morning, but happy nonetheless. Nikki had commanded me to refrain from masturbation, from any physical contact with girls, until further notice, and only with her express permission. I willingly agreed, in return for promised pleasures of a new variety: my own ring. She was oh so right after our first encounter: I'd be back. And back I was, and back I looked forward to being, grateful beyond words for this beautiful unique commanding bitch of a Mistress who deserved my submissive love and devotion.

Next: Chapter 10: Professors Seminar Continues 1

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