Promise Series

Published on Nov 4, 2006


"Kiss me."

"Tyler, I..."

"Please, Jared."


Finally, the moment I had been waiting for. My best friend was about to kiss me to see if he was gay, or not. I slowly leaned in. Our lips brushed against each other.

"Hey, Tyler!" we quickly pulled away from each other. Ugh, another girl. I hate all these girls on him all the time. Not really on him, but always talking to him. I barely ever get anytime alone with him. Even the time I do get alone with him he's barely paying attention.

"Hi, Julie. What's up?" he asked her. I couldn't take much more. I'm so sick of not having him alone. I'm so sick of not being able to talk to him without some girl, or anyone, pulling his attention from me. Luckily, I got him on my birthday Friday night, alone, in my room. Now, he agreed to do almost anything with me or for me on my birthday so it's not like I'm forcing him or anything like that.

"Oh, nothing much. I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a party I'm throwing Friday night." she asked him. He looked like he was thinking about something before finally replying.

"Sure, I'd love too." he smiled at her. I just looked at him with awe.

"You can come too if you want Tyler."

"No, I have plans Friday night." I stared at Jared; of course, he looked at me confused, and then realized what just happened. This was it. I was done. I threw my hands up and started to walk away quickly. Tears started to form in my eyes. Jared shouted to me, maybe even chasing after me, but I started to run. Run from the person I needed most in my life. Run from my best friend. Run from Jared.

I finally lost him.

Jared walked back to Julie. Pain was on his face. He knew he had messed up big time.

"Man, what's his problem? It's like he's in love with you or something." she laughed at her own remark. Jared looked at her with disgust.

"So what!? Maybe he does love me! Don't you dare make jokes about my best friend!" Jared shouted at her. The students that were still at school looked at both of them with weird faces.

"What the hell are you looking at?" he shouted to them. They just turned away and kept talking. Jared grabbed his backpack and headed to the parking lot. He had parked his car right next to mine. We always did that. Expecting me to be in my car, he was very upset when he didn't see me anywhere. After an hour of waiting, he decided to try and find me.

However, little did he know, someone else had already found me. Someone I despised, Julie Brayer.

Man, how could I be so stupid? I completely broke his heart. Me. Breaking Tyler's heart. Again. Why does Julie ruin something every minute in my life? It's like she's competing with Tyler to win over my love. Honestly, Tyler already has a lot of it. He's my best friend. The guy I look up to. The guy I tell everything to. And the guy I want to love. But many things stand in the way of that. Personally, I have nothing against gay people, but I find it a problem for me to be gay. My parents wouldn't want me anymore. I don't know about my other friends. And I really don't know how everyone else will react.

"Mrs. Delfino, it's Jared, is Tyler there?"

"Um no, sorry. He hasn't called either. Do you want me to leave a message?" Mrs. Delfino is the best person. She is so cute. Well, besides my mom.

"No. Thanks though. Bye."

"All right. Goodbye dear."

Great. So he hasn't gone home or called at all. I don't know where else he could be. God, this is my entire fault. He loves me so much. I's just hard for me. Maybe he went to the park. That's where he usually goes when he needs some time alone.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"The same thing you want Tyler, Jared. But sad to say he just doesn't want someone like you." Wow, she knew how to push my buttons.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Well, he wants a girl for starters. Not some washed up fag who just wants to get in his pants for a gay test. Face it Tyler you're a fag and no body wants you, period."

She looked at me with hatred in her eyes. I can't believe she's doing this. Everybody knew her as a whore, well, except for a few people, like Jared for example.

"Listen, whore, I'm not trying to get in his pants the way you are. I love him. He loves me. Maybe not the same way, but he does love me. Of course I want him, but if he's happy with dating a girl, I'm fine with that because then he'll be happy. Although, when it comes to dating you I'm afraid I'll have to step in." My eyes focused on her glare.

"Watch your step Tyler. Don't make me out you to the entire school. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

"You wouldn't dare. If you did that Jared would hate you."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take to go out with him," she still stared straight at me. I don't even think she's blinked at all. "Now, you will not talk gay to him. You will not think gay around him. You will not even act gay around him. He's mine. Understood?"

What am I supposed to do? Back off from the boy I love more than life itself? My life support? My reason for living? But if I get outted that means Jared could get hurt just as much as me. I won't risk his happiness or safety.

"Understood." I muttered.

"Good. Now, continue walking around doing nothing."

Julie walked away with a winning smile on her face. I'm defeated.

Next: Chapter 2: Promise Kept 2

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