Promise Series

Published on Mar 5, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 16

"Happy birthday, Jared." I said, lying him down on the bed as we were kissing. Today was his birthday; my parents and I threw him a party with all his friends. He got a load of stuff, mostly money. But tonight, right now, he was about to get a gift that can't be priced.

I kissed his neck, working my way down over his shirt. My hand slid up his stomach and pulled the shirt off of him. Kissing my way down his chest to his abs I undid his pants. He helped me with his pants, but I made him stop after that. I continued kissing my way down. The bulge in his briefs was enough to let me know he was enjoying this.

"Oh, Tyler..." he moaned. I teased him by grabbing and jerking, but releasing quickly. He grunted when I did that. I could tell he was getting anxious to feel my mouth over him. I removed his briefs and caressed his balls before lowering my mouth on his shaft. Since the first time we did this I had improved with the depth.

"God, Tyler!" I started to go faster, rubbing his stomach every time I went up and down. "I don't know how much longer I can last!"

I sped up, anxiously awaiting his sweet juice.

"I'm cumming!" he panted, thrusting into me hard. I swallowed every drop then sucked the last bit. "Tyler that was incredible. Thank you so much."

"No problem, Jared, it is your birthday." I smiled at him, then lied down next to him and placed my head on his chest.

"I'll do you now," he said.

"No, no. Tonight was your night." I said, letting out a short yawn.

"Are you sure?"


The next morning I woke up alone. Jared's side of the bed was cold so I figured he must have left a while ago. He is finally eighteen. Now, we can get married. Well, after schools out anyways.

"Morning sleepyhead," Jared happily said, walking into my room. He was still shirtless from last night, but had recovered himself with pants.

"Morning," I replied groggily, "your body is so amazing."

"I made you breakfast and all you can think about is my body? You are such a horn dog." he laughed.

"But I'm your horn dog." I smirked.

In truth he did make me breakfast. It was really sweet. As for the taste, well, he could use a couple more lessons. But I never complained. The fact that he made something for me at all was enough to nearly bring me to tears.

It has been three weeks since Jared proposed to me. Mom and dad must have known because when we got home that night they had a small party thrown together. And when I say little, I mean little.

"So, do you have any plans on this big Saturday?" he asked me. I just finished the last bit of the eggs he cooked.

"Uh, no."

"Good. Because now you do." he smiled, walking out of the room with my plate.

"No! Not another surprise!" I groaned.

"Trust me, you'll like this one too!" he shouted from downstairs. I got out of bed and went to join him. I found a note on the dining room table from mom and dad. They went shopping for...something.

"Do you know where my mom and dad went?"

"" he stuttered. He was hiding something from me.


"Don't you `err' me. Now, go take a shower. We have to leave soon." Jared said firmly, but nicely. I have to think fast. What's one way I can get him to crack?

"Mmm, babe, come on." I moaned seductively, rubbing my hands through my hair. "Please...please tell me and I'll make sure you get a surprise too."

He smiled at me and shook his head. "I'm not telling you."

I moved closer to him and stood directly in his face breathing heavily. Lowering my voice as I talked, "You want to tell me. I know you do. If you do tell me there will be a lot more of this in the next five minutes." I grabbed his crotch and began to massage it. He moaned; I could tell I was getting somewhere.

"I'm sorry, but no. you're still gonna have to wait."

Without raising my voice from its previous lowered state, "I'm proud of you, Jared." I then raised my voice. "But damn it!"

"If you come take a shower now I'll make it worth your while!" he shouted, running up the stairs after kissing me.

Tyler's birthday surprise for me did actually take me by surprise. And after the shower I just gave him I'd say he was pretty surprised too. Today I'm taking him to a wedding planner that I know from my parents. I figure they wouldn't mind if I used some of their money. But Mike and Lynette said they'd help pay for it all.

"So, you gonna tell me where we're going yet?" Tyler asked, tying his shoes.

"Nah, just gonna have to wait and see. But we do kind of have to hurry. We have to be there by two. And our shower scene burned a good hour at least." I said.

He stood up and stood straight. "I must look good, huh? I mean, you're practically drooling over me."

" Well, yeah, but I mean...did you dress differently today?"

"No, shorts and a polo like always. Hairs the same; combed and dried forward." he giggled. It just seemed different to me.

"Oh, babe, we are gonna have to take your Murano. There might be some stuff we have to bring home. Most of what we are doing is already done, but I need some of your actual brain to finish the job."

"Jeez, where are we going? Should I bring a passport or something?" he sighed.

Without replying I just laughed at him. This surprise was going to be another big shocker. It is true that most of the arrangement for our wedding have already been made. In my free time I have been sneaking to the planners' office and done a lot of shopping and searching. Most of the things are what Tyler would want; however, I have also put things in that I'd want. This, in truth, isn't very much. I just made sure there was blue in the wedding. This was very easy considering blue is Tyler's favorite color.

"A wedding planner! You brought me to a wedding planner?" Tyler asked, covering his mouth with one hand.

"Most of the plans have already been made, by me. There's only two months left of school and there are still some things we have to do. So, it gives us perfect timing. We just came here to have her meet us at where we're getting married." I said, facing him. Tears flooded his eyes. I could tell this moment was very special to him and I didn't plan on ever ruining it.

"And where would that be?" He wiped tears away from his eyes.

I helped him wipe away the tears. He smiled softly to me, and then I kissed him on the cheek and whispered the answer. "All those times you didn't think I was listening, but I was. That's all I can tell you until we get there."

"All right, whatever you say."

And that was all that was said until we arrived at the wedding spot where his parents were waiting.

"This looks so familiar, but I can't place it." Tyler said, looking at our surroundings.

"Babe, we're not even there yet." I laughed at him.

"I know, but it's been forever since I've been this way, but I think..."

"What do you think?"

He just smiled without saying a word, looking once again, like he was about to cry.

We finally got off the freeway. It actually ends on a regular street so you don't have much of a choice any ways.

"You didn't..." Tyler muttered breathlessly.

"I did." I said quietly, but with happiness in my voice. He looked at me and there they were. The tears that I was so used to. My boyfriend cried the most out of anyone I have ever known. But the tears weren't always bad. Most of the time it was of happiness. And I loved him for that.

"Jared...I...I'm sorry." he cried.

"Babe, for what?" I asked confusedly.

"For ever doubting you." He buried his face in his hands. I didn't know what to do at this point. I'd kiss him, or hug him, but I decided to wait for the opportune moment.

A few minutes later we arrived at our wedding spot. Tyler hadn't moved since the last time we talked. And he was still crying; it had calmed down a bit, but I heard sobbing still. I got out of the Murano and walked to his side and opened the door.

"Tyler," I said softly, "we're here. The planner should be here within the next hour so we have some time to ourselves and I want to show you something."

He looked at me through his tear-stained eyes and slowly got out. I took his hand in mine, which made him smile at me for a small time. I smiled back to calm him down. I led him to the end of a pier. Only a few fishermen were left, and they were packing up. We finally reached the end. I turned towards the water stared. Tyler did the same. He still hadn't said a word since we left the car. I'm gonna have to break the ice; this honestly is okay with me. Personally, I like making my fiancée happy, knowing that I love him no matter what.

"You know, Tyler, I love you so much. That's why I proposed. I have never felt this way about anyone. No girl could ever replace you, much less any guy. You are the one I want to be with. When you used to doubt me as a best friend it did kind of hurt. But I tried to improve on things. For a while I thought I did a good job. Ever since we got together I've tried so hard to be the boyfriend you want me to be. And to be completely honest, it wasn't hard for me at all. I can't recall a time when you doubted me as a boyfriend; well, except the time you were in the hospital. I've been so happy with you. Nothing you could do could even make me think about hating you. We've gotten through a lot which proves how strong we are, how strong we'll stay. Don't be sorry for anything, please. I love you so much." I let out a short sigh after finishing. He needs to realize I love him. I mean, I'm sure he does, but nothing he could do could make me hate him. And we have both proven that.

"Jared I know you love me. I haven't doubted that in a long time. But when I think about the problems I've caused you I just...lose it. I feel so guilty." he said very quietly. He never turned to me; he just kept staring at the shifting water.

"Baby, please don't feel that way. I have never held anything against you. Can we just forget about al the small fights? I mean, look how happy we were an hour ago."

"I was very happy. It's a dream come true that I'm getting married to you. I want to be happy again." he said, finally turning to me. I smiled at him and took his hand again.

"See, I don't care about our past, or at least the bad past. Let's look into the future."

"I love you. Sorry for this." Tyler said, coming into my arms. He snuggled up to my chest and we stared out in the vast ocean together. A gentle, cool breeze blew by. We were happy once again.

"I know you are. I love you, too."

Our wedding planner was really great. She was on top of her game. The place Jared picked out for our wedding was right on the beach. A special spot specifically designed for weddings. Everything was to be white with blue. The actual wedding would be on the beach, but due to the weather we had to take the reception inside a building. The building was also already picked out and would be ready for our use by June 30th; only about two months away.

When the guests arrive at the ceremony location they will be floored by the beauty of it. The arc over the spot where Jared and I will stand is covered in blue and violet flowers. However, there are no candles because of the slight breeze. Everything was white: chairs, tuxes, aisle mat, everything. The guests will then take their seats and wait for me to walk down the aisle with my mom. I had the choice of who I wanted to walk down the aisle with and I chose my mom. But that doesn't mean I love her more. Once we say our own vows we then take a limo to the building of the reception. All the guests will arrive first and again be captivated by the beauty of everything. The tables have a flower center-piece. The colors of the flowers are again blue and violet. Small candles encircle the vase along with wine glasses. Champagne would be traditional, but both Jared and I decided we wanted the wine he proposed to me with: Chardonnay. We will be sitting atop a stand which is slightly higher than everything else. The buffet will open as soon as some people say a few things. Everything will be perfect.

"Well, Tyler, how'd you like everything?" Jared asked me while we were walking back to my Murano. We had just left the building and it was about six. Mom and dad were there and they took us out to dinner, like a celebration dinner kind of. The setup of the wedding was complete. Just a few more details were still needed. The cake, our vows, and our tux's were amongst the most important items; along with the guest list.

"Jared I loved it. It's all I could've ever asked for. Thank you so much." I almost cried.

"I'm glad you like it. I hope June comes up fast."

"Me too, I can't wait to marry you."

We drove back home talking about the rest of the wedding plans like naming some people we want to invite. Austin was among those. Over the past month Austin had proved a great friend.

When we got home mom and dad hadn't arrived yet. We figured they stopped at a friend's house or something. So, the first thought we had together was that we had the house all to ourselves.

People are complicated creatures, on the one hand able to perform great acts of charity, on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It's a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.

The end of A Promise Kept is growing closer. Comments and messages appreciated. Join my group at I have created a new poll and it will be closing on March 10th. It is about my new story. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 19: Promise Kept 17

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