Promise Series

Published on Mar 17, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 19

"Good afternoon everyone," Mr. Danforth said. "Today is the last day of school. You are officially free in thirty minutes. Most of you are seniors. You will be going off to college, some will be going out of the country, and some of you may even be getting married." Mr. Danforth held up an envelope that I knew held our invitation for him. I wanted to invite all of my teachers from all my grades. Throughout my life I've been extremely close to all of my teachers. Jared even wanted to invite a few of them. A few wolf-whistles were let out. "Yes, yes, and we will be sure to throw in some good words at your ceremony." Mr. Danforth continued. I also invited most of my friends and Jared invited all of his friends. We are expecting up to 250 guests; including family.

The rest of the period was spent watching a movie and just talking with everyone. As much as I always somewhat disliked school I already missed it. Mostly I miss my teachers. I was so close with all of them

"Tyler," Jared said softy, "what's wrong?"

I looked at him with watery eyes. "I just^Åmy depression. I'm thinking back to my freshmen year and sophomore year. The fun I had, the drama, the sadness, I just can't let it go. And last year was when I met you. Well, the end of my sophomore year was when I met you. You know I'm not that great at accepting change. I'm so excited for our wedding, of course, but^ÅI don't even know." I sadly said. There was pain in my voice. Jared could clearly see I wasn't holding up that great. So, he did what he did best: make me feel better.

"Mr. Danforth, can we go outside really quick?" Jared asked him.

"Certainly," he replied.

"Come on, Tyler, let's talk outside."

Jared escorted me outside. When he opened the door I felt the rush of warm air sweep over me. It gets hot here in the summer, but this year wasn't supposed to be so bad.

"Tyler, it's like with us. I want us to look into the future, not the past. And I knew we've had a lot of fun in the past, but it's better to not look at the past right before you're about to take a big leap into the future. Does that make sense?" Jared said, trying to help me out. What he said wasn't exactly what was making me smile though.

"Yeah, I understand. But it's just I miss all the memories. And I'm really excited for the memories we will have, but it's like I have no control and^ÅI don't know."

"I get it, Tyler." Jared said softly. "Trust me, things will get better."

"I trust you."

Without thinking, he leaned in and kissed me. We kissed until we were startled by someone stepping outside.

"Guys!" Austin said excitedly. "You're missing the^×"

Jared and I suddenly jumped away from each other. Austin started laughing then just went back inside. When we walked in, there were some stares.

"Class, you have less than five minutes. I want to tell you all something before you're free." Mr. Danforth said. "Freedom is the only one thing people have left. Make up your own mind; don't let anyone else do it for you." The bell rang right as he finished. "Have a good and happy summer! Jared and Tyler, I'll see you in a week!"

Everyone hurriedly exited the classroom. Jared, Austin, and I walked to our cars. Jared had wanted to take our own cars to school, but I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was another surprise. Eh, I doubt. He's all surprised out and so am I.

"Babe, I'll see you later, okay?" Jared said quickly. Austin got in his car with him.

"All right, um, where're you going?" I nervously asked. Suddenly, a wave of jealousy shot right through me.

"Um, we're gonna go shopping." he said cautiously. "For Austin. He needs a tux for the wedding so I'm gonna help him out."

"Okie dokie."

Without another word, they drove off, leaving me standing next to my Murano alone. I couldn't help but feel a little lonely. That's normal though, right? I mean, you see your boyfriend drive off with another boy? Jared may not be involved with Austin what so ever, but still.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I walked inside.

"Hi, sweetie. How was school?" she asked, pouring me some of her homemade juice. She made the best homemade things, it's incredible.

"Fine, where'd Jared go?" I asked her suspiciously. I knew she knows where he is.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about." she turned away from me and went back into the dining room.

"Fine, I'll just wait until he gets home since you won't tell me anything." I groaned. Actually, sleep really sounded good at the moment, so that's exactly what I went to do.

"Okay, so I want to include some funny things, but obviously I want to be very serious." I said to Austin, who wasn't even paying attention at all.

"How do they get tea brown?" he asked.

"Austin! Pay attention!"

"I was just kidding." he smirked. "You should mix in a funny thing with the traditional vow."

I looked at him curiously.

"Like, maybe^Åhmm^Åmaybe something to do with money? Something like to love you even if you decide to accessorize with $400 worth of shoes?" I asked, writing some ideas down on a piece of paper.

"Yeah, but maybe something lighter. I mean shoes? You can do better, Jared." Austin said with an unusual sweetness in his voice.

"Well, I have on more week to do it. Actually, not even a week. The rehearsal dinner is in a few days. That is, if we even go through with the rehearsal. Tyler might want to just go straight to the wedding. That's what I'd rather do." I let out a long, tired sigh. Austin sensed my exhaustion and switched sides.

I had driven us to a fast food place far away from school. Right when I sat down I immediately went to work on my vows. It's been hard to make them, but I've had fun doing it. Austin was hungry so he bought some food. He sat across from me.

"You're doing great. So far the vows are very good. You'll finish by the time the wedding is. Your wedding will be perfect by the way. And if there are any problems then the water polo team is here to back you and Tyler up all the way." he said, rubbing my back. I'm not gonna lie, it was turning me on. And instead of even having the "affair" thought pop in my head I decided to go home.

"Well, thanks. I hope he'll like them. But I need to get home now." I said. My breathing began to quicken. Austin looked at me awkwardly then something caught his eye.

"Ah, so you don't want any of this greasy food. You'd rather sample the Tyler desert platter." he laughed. I blushed wildly and turned my head. "All right then, let's go."

"Dad," I said quietly as I walked into his office. I have yet to find a best man and as I was lying down it suddenly hit me: my dad.

"Yeah, sport?" he replied, looking up from his paperwork.

"Can I talk to you about something?" bashfully I asked. I was nervous about asking him, but I have no reason to be.

"Sure, come on in."

"Well, I need to ask you something rather important."


"Will you be my best man?"

Dad looked kind of shocked that I asked him this. I guess he really hadn't thought about it at all. Maybe he was just thought I'd rather have someone else do it.

"Really? Are you sure?" he smiled at me.

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Why not have someone else do it? I mean I'll be more than happy to do it I just thought you'd rather have one of your friends do it."

"Well, to be honest, I couldn't find anyone else. And then I thought about it some more and I don't know why I never asked you in the first place."

"All right then, I'll be your best man."

"Really? This is great then. All I have to do is come up with my vows." I said happily. I started to walk out of the room when dad started talking again.

"You haven't made your vows yet?" he asked, amazed that I hadn't done a rather important task yet.

"Well, I've been busy." I argued. I really had been preoccupied with everything else going on.

"Okay, well you should get busy. There's only one week left."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

I heard the front door close and I hoped it was Jared. Thankfully it was. He stopped at the base of the stairs and looked up at me. His face was kind of expressionless. I was worried something was wrong^Åor he was having second thoughts.

"Hi," he said almost in a whisper.

"Hey," I replied.

Another moment of silence filled the house. I was starting to get worried. But that feeling faded away as a smile slowly appeared on his face. It wasn't a huge smile; it was one of those "it's all right" smiles.

"Wanna grab some food?" he asked.

"Sure, let's go."

Now and then, we all need a little help. So we ask for small favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda no matter what they may tell us. And in those rare instances where there is no ulterior motive, we're so taken aback that we may fail to recognize the truth. That a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.

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Next: Chapter 22: Promise Kept 20

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