Promise Series

Published on Nov 16, 2006


"Honey, I threw up the lasagna from last night. It didn't taste too good on the way up." mom cried to me.

"I'm sure it didn't taste too good on the way down either." I smiled.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"I'm kidding. I'll make you some soup."

"Thank you, Tyler. Are you sure you don't mind staying home today?"

"Mom, trust me, it is fine."

A day without school is great, but a day without Jared isn't so great. Well, I'm taking are of my mom so it's for a good reason. Maybe Jared will call me. Ha-ha, wait a minute, I forgot who I was talking about.

The day is going by fast. It's already noon. I've been eating all day and took a five minute nap. Now, I'm watching Maury. All of a sudden, I hear the doorbell ring. I go to answer it and there stands the hottest boy ever.

"Hey, Tyler."

"Jared? What are you doing here?"

"Well, you didn't come to school today and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. And I can't stand you not being there with me." he smiled at me.

"Oh," I was touched by his worried face, "that's sweet. But I'm fine. My moms sick so I had to stay home."

"Now that's sweet. Can I come in or do you not want me in?"

"Sorry, come in. do you want something to drink?"

"Nope, thanks though. So, um, about last night Tyler, what did you think?"

He seemed a bit nervous to me like he was hiding something. Maybe he rethought about loving me. I hope not.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when I feel relationship comfortable would go out...sometime?" Jared asked nervously. He was fidgeting with his fingers and I could see little beads of sweat dropping from his forehead.

"Jared, I wouldn't want to go out with anyone else, you know that." I smiled at him.

He smiled back and said, "Great." For the next few hours, he stayed with me and kept me company and we talked about everything. We may be best friends, but we still have a lot to learn about each other. Sometimes he even helped me with my mom. She seemed kind of embarrassed when he would help, but she couldn't really object.

At around five, my dad came home. He took over as being nurse so Jared and I could go out. We decided just to grab a bite to eat and talk. Simple and cheap, yet classy, literally.

"Jared, that place was really good. What was it called again?" I giggled.

"It was that good, huh?" he smiled.

"I'm serious."

"The Forbidden Region."


We continued to talk and walk around. Our feet took us to the park. I was talking about funny stories of my mom and dad; like the time my grandparents on my mom's side came over for a week. Oh, man, what a riot.

"Now Tim, don't laugh at all those embarrassing jokes my mother tells when she gets here." mom said to dad as they were coming downstairs.

"They're not really embarrassing, Jill. Some of them are actually kind of funny. My favorite is when you jumped off a high-dive as a kid and the top of your bathing suit came off, and the lifeguards were using it as a slingshot." dad laughed as he made a slingshot motion and noise, but soon stopped after he saw the look on my mom's face.

"That was actually a funny weekend." I laughed again.

Jared laughed back as he tried to say, "Yeah, I can't wait to come over and spend some time with you and your family."

After another hour, we decided to head back home.

Ok so this was a short one too. But I'm trying to get a new chapter out about every six days. Anyways, I'll make them longer...I'm just preoccupied with some things. Fan mail always helps with ideas and keeps me wanting to write the stories. I have a group so go there and I'll start posting my story on there. And a few extras eventually.

Next: Chapter 4: Promise Kept 4

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