Psych Volunteer

By Chuck

Published on Nov 4, 2002


Part 4

I was early for next week's appointment. I was sitting in the chair for about ten minutes anxious to get started when Ted opened the door & walked in.

"OK, Dan, let's get started. Last week you showed me that you have potential & we need to work on enhancing that. We need to work on your gaining confidence. We're ready to move to the next level. I want you to come over here & take off my shirt."

I felt my face turn red. If we weren't in the psych lab I would have belted him. Who did he think I was? I certainly would never let him talk to me like this outside of here. I knew better than to say anything to him. He might throw me out & then where would I be? I'd never get a girlfriend.

He stood there, calm, certain I'd do what he said. I walked over & felt my face burning with shame & anger.

"I want you to look in my eyes while you do it, Dan."

I forced myself to look up, staring into his dark eyes, his face expressionless. "I want you to do it sensuously, like I'm the girl of your dreams & this is the first step in seducing her."

I reached out & put my fingers on the top button & slowly unbuttoned it, all the while keeping my eyes locked on his. Slowly & deliberately I moved down & undid each button. As I reached the bottom of his shirt I made one swift tug & yanked his shirt out from his pants. There were two more buttons. I undid those quickly, then grabbed his arm & lifted it slightly, undoing the buttons at each wrist.

Then I walked behind him, putting my hands on his shoulder & gently let my hands rest there before massaging very lightly. After a minute of this I slowly slid his shirt down his arms & watched his back muscles come into view as the shirt slid off him onto the floor.

"Very good," he said, "We are making progress. You seem more confident, you're getting there. Now I'm going to sit in the chair & you'll strip down to your underwear in front of me." He sat down, put one hand under his chin & regarded me with a curious look on his face.

I stood in front of him, spread my legs a little & in one quick motion pulled my polo shirt over my head & threw it on top of his shirt. I reached down to my belt & took two steps forward so that my crotch was just about level with his face, about a foot away from it. Slowly I pulled the belt off & still gripping it in both hands I reached around & put it behind his neck, pulling him forward so his face was just about in my crotch.

"See anything you like?" I said in a husky, what I hoped was a bedroom voice.

"Oh Dan, you're such a big boy," Ted responded in a falsetto voice. We both cracked up. I stepped back & shrugged off my shoes & pants, standing there in my tighty whiteys.

"Now Dan, you've done very well so far, but I think the next step may be difficult for you, but it is a necessary one. I don't want any questions, I want you to do as I tell you, do you understand?"

"Yes, Ted."

"Good, I'm going to take off my pants & underwear. When I do I want you to take off your underwear too. You need to be completely comfortable being naked & natural. You've trusted me, I haven't steered you wrong, you've been naked in the locker room with other guys loads of times. But this will be different. Since we're working on making you more comfortable around the opposite sex & making you sexually confident, you have to know that it would be natural for either of us to become aroused."

My mind was racing. I didn't really want to see Ted naked. But he probably had no more interest in seeing me naked. And seeing Ted with a hard on? I'd never seen another guy hard & had no interest in it. It was almost queer. But Ted was definitely straight & helping me & this was a clinical study relating to sex, so it would make sense that at some point he'd have us both be naked.

I nodded my head. Ted got up & quickly shucked off his pants. He was wearing black boxers that he casually stripped off, like he was getting ready to take a shower. His torso was smooth, but my eyes immediately dropped below his waist. He had a luxuriant growth of thick, black pubic hair. His balls were large & hung low with little hair. But it was his cock which commanded the most attention. It was huge. It hung over his balls, long, thick & meaty. He was uncut & the head was completely covered, the foreskin extending well beyond it, enhancing its already incredible length. It was pink, but the foreskin was slightly darker. I'd always compared mine to other guys' in the showers & never found myself lacking, but next to this monster I felt like a little kid.

Ted seemed to take no notice of my staring at his dick. "Now Dan, we can begin once you take off your underwear."

I fixed my eyes on a spot on the wall & pulled them down & kicked them across the carpet.

"Good. You will act as the woman & I will show you how to proceed. It's important for you to pay full attention so you must do exactly as I do. Sit in the chair."

I sat down, my legs slightly spread, my balls resting on the cushion, my cock hanging over the edge. I put my hands on the armrests, feeling slightly weird. Ted got down on his knees in front of me. He grabbed my ankles & suddenly lifted them up, placing them on his shoulders. He adjusted me & told me to hold onto my ankles. My ass was hanging off the chair & if I felt ridiculous before I felt my face burning red in embarrassment.

I didn't feel the slightest aroused & doubted I would get a hard on under these circumstances. In pulling my legs up over his shoulders I had slid down the back of the chair so that I was looking up at Ted.

"Now I'm going to simulate oral with you."

With that he took my legs & pushed them apart. "Keep your legs like that. Here," he said as he grabbed my hands off the armrests, "Hold them in place."

I kept my mouth shut. I felt ridiculous & didn't see how this was helping at all. Ted got down on his knees in front of me & put his head down beneath my vision so all I could see was the top of his head over my cock & balls. Suddenly I felt his tongue very lightly brush just below my balls. I jumped in shock, letting go of my ankles.

"Didn't mean to scare you. Put your hands back."

I did as I was told. He bent down again & I felt the tip of his tongue lightly trace in a zig zag pattern from just below my balls down to just right next to my asshole. I tensed up thinking he might actually lick my asshole, but he stopped.

"Now Dan, if you were a girl I would use my tongue in a teasing & erotic manner to increase her desire. Since you don't have all the requisite parts I'll do my best to demonstrate."

He bent down again & this time his tongue actually licked the lower part of my balls causing them to move around in their sac. I had to admit his tongue did feel good licking there. Unlike what he'd just done, this time he didn't lose contact & suddenly his tongue & mouth seemed to be everywhere at once. He was licking & kissing me moving rapidly between my balls & asshole, but never quite touching either. In a matter of seconds I felt that whole area moist from his spit.

I'd never thought about that area of my body before, but apparently my body knew how to respond. That tongue down there felt awesome & I watched as my dick thickened up, filling with blood. If Ted hadn't warned me that would happen I would have been embarrassed. Within a minute it hardened all the way, growing, reaching past my bush, covering my navel then extending past it till the head was engorged resting on my stomach pointing at my face.

Ted meanwhile had put his hands on my ass & pressed my cheeks apart. He'd started to lick around my thighs & his tongue was licking my ass as well. It felt so good I didn't even think to be embarrassed. I closed my eyes & let the pleasure sweep over me. His tongue felt like nothing I'd ever felt before.

I felt him pause momentarily. That allowed me to catch my breath. I was also aware that I'd started sweating. Before I knew it his tongue was back, but it was different. This time he was darting it in & out in rapid stroked focusing on the area right above my asshole. I squirmed in the chair & as I did his tongue landed right on my asshole.

He lifted his tongue off for a second. Then he put his lips back on my ass & covered my hole completely. His tongue thrust forward & in a few deft sweeps had thoroughly coated my hole with his spit. I'd never experienced any pleasure like this. I knew it was wrong to let him lick there, but my dick was leaking like crazy, I was sweating & I could see my chest heaving as I responded to his tongue.

He seemed to really get into it. His tongue kept lapping at me & I could feel how hot & moist I'd become. He pushed my legs further apart, his tongue getting more insistent in its ministrations. I could hear the lapping noise he made, it was almost obscene & the grunting noise I'd just noticed issuing from my mouth complemented what he was doing.

His mouth & tongue were pushing hard against my hole, insistent, yet teasing. The pleasure was reaching the point of no return. Even though I wasn't touching myself I knew I was going to shoot. I looked down & caught his eye looking up at me. That was all it took. I felt the spasm start from deep within my balls & I closed my eyes & bellowed as the first spurt of cum landed on my neck & chest. Cum kept shooting out of my dick, ropes of it over my chest, my abs & pubes. I couldn't believe how much I shot.

Ted gave my hole one final swipe of his tongue, then pulled away. He stood up, glanced down at the load all over me & smirked.

"Clean yourself up," he said as he threw me a towel, "Next session I have a surprise for you."

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