Pucks and Bodyslams

By Boston Beth

Published on Mar 26, 2002


Hey, what's up. This is not my first fan fic but it is my Nifty debut, so please go easy on me! I'm sorry if this seems a little dated, events in my life did not let me post it earlier--it takes place during the just-past Olympics and before Wrestlemania (which was a little better than I expected it to be). This is my take on what would happen if some of the World Wrestling Federation superstars met up with some of hockey's heroes during the games.

DISCLAIMER: All of the following people mentioned in this story (except for Tony and Kristin, who are original characters of mine) are real and I don't own them. However, I am not saying any of them are gay or that I know their opinions on the subject. The only one I can tell you for sure who's gay here is me. What you are about to read did not happen.

STORY NOTE: This is a story that happens to have sex in it as opposed to a quickie with nothing except descriptions of the horizontal cha-cha. There will be a fair amount of talk here. Some of it will be sexual, some will not. (This part has sexy situations but no sex. Part 2, if you want to see it, will have sex I promise!) If you are looking for something fast without a lot of depth, maybe you will have better luck someplace else. But if what I've described sounds okay, then read on! I truly hope you enjoy it.

TITLE: Pucks and Bodyslams in Salt Lake City (1a/?)

AUTHOR: Boston Beth

WHO'S IN IT: For the WWF: Paul Levesque (HHH), Chris Irvine (Chris Jericho), Adam Copeland (Edge), Jason Reso (Christian), Kurt Angle(that's his real name so these parentheses aren't really necessary). For the Olympians: Mike Modano, Chris Chelios, Jeremy Roenick from Team USA; Pavel and Valeri Bure from Team Russia, plus some surprise guests, twists and turns along the way.

FINE, BUT WHY WRESTLING & HOCKEY? I'm a big fan of both sports. And I have two research papers that I really, really don't want to do.

Vince McMahon was at a loss. He was convinced that the NWO revival was just what the World Wrestling Federation needed in order to keep the fans interested. But things weren't turning out the way he expected. The anticipation for Wrestlemania was not as heavy as in years past. Vince just couldn't understand why fans wouldn't be dying to see Hogan, Hall, and Nash--wrestlers who had talent, charisma, and whose combined ages were approximately 200 years old. He had to do something before the viewers at home found new appreciation for "Friends" and "Everybody Loves Raymond". The best way to do that, he figured, was to lock up all the writers until they came up with something halfway decent and give the entire roster of wrestlers a short vacation.

"Is this a lucky break or what?" asked an extremely happy Paul Levesque, better known to his fans as The Game, Triple H. He seemed more excited as the plane neared the Salt Lake City airport. "I used to watch them when I was a kid, but I never thought I'd actually be getting to the Winter Olympics!" he remarked, filled with anticipation.

"Can you believe it? We're going to see the USA- Russia hockey game! That was nice of Vince to get us the tickets." remarked Kurt Angle, no stranger to the games or to the gold.

"Yeah, it sure was. He was nice to do that. I've noticed he hasn't been himself lately." added Adam Copeland, his arm around the neck of his lover Jason Reso. "I've never been to Utah before, so this should be quite an experience. I can't wait to see it. Think of all its natural beauty. We'll be seeing wheat- colored sunsets!"

"Don't forget those majestic, snow-drenched mountains." said Jason, sleepy from the long trip.

"And the most important, most breathtaking sight of all." said Paul.

"What's that?" asked Chris Irvine, staring out the window into the clouds, asking as if he weren't really interested in the answer.

"Geez, Chris. Mike, of course!" Paul sat back and smiled, knowing that soon he would be in the arms (and, he hoped, the pants) of his fellow sports superstar, the NHL's Mike Modano.

"Oh, oh yeah." said Adam. " Man, Paul, you have got to be the luckiest guy on earth. He is so hot! I don't know what you did to deserve such a gorgeous creature but damn I wish I saw him first..." Adam finished, laughing slightly. Paul was annoyed that Adam was starting up with this again. Adam made no attempts to hide his attraction to the sexy center, no matter who was in earshot.

Jason shot him a look of disbelief. Quickly Adam turned apologetic. "Hey, nobody's better than you sweetie!" Adam reassured his man with a quick kiss on his lips that did not make the sour pout on Jason's face disappear.

Kurt let out a heavy sigh. "It's good to get away anyhow. I think Chris and I need a break." he said, talking about his boyfriend Chris Benoit. Chris had to see the doctor to get an update on how his neck was healing, so he was unable to take the trip. "I am really getting sick of him being around the house all the time." he continued, moping.

"Problems at home, huh?" asked Chris.

Kurt shook his head. "Not really serious problems. But we get into a lot of little fights, you know?"

"Well, maybe it's just a matter of too much closeness." said Adam.

"Yeah." Jason continued. "Not only were you together all the time on the road, now you both have to deal with being together all the time at home. It's an adjustment for the both of you. Maybe you can let him know how you feel."

Paul said, "I say Jason's right. Kurt, maybe you

need to try some open and honest communication. And, incidentally, that does not include making grunting noises while your legs are hanging over his shoulders. That's why Mike and I have a terrific relationship." he said confidently. "It means not losing your cool when you feel like a little spat is going to blow up, you know? You've got to open up a little and let him know when things are bad, before they get worse."

Chris shifted his legs and took another drink. "Good advice, Paul. But don't take it too hard Kurt. At least you have someone. You all do. I'm here all alone. I feel like some kind of loser." he said sadly.

"Are you kidding?" said Kurt. "Sometimes I think you're the lucky one! You don't have to answer to anybody. You can come and go as you like. No extra stress in your life when you're not getting along with your boyfriend. No arguing about you wanting sex and he doesn't. There's a lot to be said for being single!"

Paul nodded his head. "Don't listen to him. He's just bitter and frustrated. And, by that last statement, it's because Benoit isn't keeping the bed warm lately."

Kurt expelled a heavy sigh. "Oh, get off my back." he said.

"Now see, there's your problem right there." answered Paul. "You need to stop telling Benoit that!" Then he turned to Chris. "So what if you're not with anyone? You're still going to have fun. I know it. You always find a way." he said, raising his voice so that he could be heard over the noise of the descending plane.

"Maybe you're right." said Chris. And definitely you're wrong! thought Chris. Ah, what does Paul know. He's happy. He doesn't understand at all. None of them do.

Chris had been rather unlucky in the romance department lately. He was feeling as if the rest of the guys were part of some flashy, exclusive club and he was the one who would never, no matter how hip or cool he was, be on the guest list. He had recently discovered that one of his crushes, Matt Hardy, was taken. Well, Chris figured, if he wanted to hook up with Gregory Helms, at least if they wanted to role- play Superman and Lois Lane they'd be all set.

His other crush was Tony Luciano, a writer for the WWF. Chris had fallen for him the first day they met. That long, black curly hair, those eyes that made you want him in every part of the house, not just the bedroom--Chris took one look and he was gone. They became great friends and Chris thought he would have a chance when he found out Tony was gay. But Tony made it was very clear that work came first and that he wanted only a friendship. So that was out.

The final heartbreak came not that long ago, from someone that Chris knew would be at the game and who he was not looking forward to seeing. Chris and Brett Hull had met and had a one night stand. The night was laden with passion and Chris tried to fool himself into thinking it could develop into something serious. But once the steam from the heat they created faded, he saw the truth--there's no chance for real happiness with a married man, especially one who already had a lover on the side. Why become another problem for him, Chris reasoned, he's already got enough. And forget anything meaningful with a fan. They all wanted Chris Jericho--the larger than life character. He never thought Chris Irvine was such a terrible guy! So now Chris was alone, but not without hope.

After a seemingly endless flight and car ride, they made it to a quiet, restful night at their hotel. The next day was spent touring the Olympic Village noshing and talking of nothing except hockey and the guys who play it. By the time they got to the E Center and became part of a rocking, rowdy crowd of thousands, they were ready for anything that was coming. It was a tight, fast paced game and the crowd was just as high-energy as the players. Word got out that wrestlers were in attendance so naturally some of the fans had to let them know just how they felt about them. All the chants one hears at an event like this were there--"USA number one! Go United States! Shoot the puck! Austin's gonna hand you your ass Jericho!" Okay, maybe one doesn't usually hear that last remark at an Olympic event such as this one.

"Woo-hoo!" yelled Kurt as he and the rest of the boys made their way to the dressing area, still ecstatic over the USA's 3-2 win over Russia. "We are going for the gold, baby!"

"Now it's time to party!" proclaimed Adam. With his tight leather pants and silky black shirt it looked like he was all set to make that statement come true. And most of the others were ready to follow. Jason and Kurt looked just right for the nighttime. They wore tight jeans and shirts that teased at their muscular forms. Following the lead of his boyfriend, Paul was forgoing his usual t-shirt and jeans uniform in favor of a flashy, form-fitting Armani suit. But Chris was giving off quite a different vibe. He sported a sweatshirt and formless jeans. His hair was in a tight braid and he wore his glasses. Far from being his TV persona-that of the sexy, charismatic "ayatollah of rock and rolla", he looked ready to play the part of tonight's wallflower.

"For now, I want to see Mike." said Paul. They got to Team USA's dressing room and peeked through the entrance. They saw Mike sitting on the bench, still in his uniform. While he was chatting with his teammate Jeremy Roenick Mike removed his skates. Paul leaned against the doorway and admired how Mike could make this mundane task so graceful. Paul's heart filled with pride at the sight of the handsome, dark-blonde player in red, white, and blue. And with the ways he was creating to get Mike out of uniform, Paul was quickly filled with other feelings too.

"Well?" asked Adam. "Are you going in or what?"

"Yeah." said Kurt. "What are you waiting for,

your entrance music? It's not happening. Come on already."

"Excuse me, but is this where the future-gold-medal winners-of-America meeting is taking place?" asked Paul as the group made their way into the room.

Immediately Mike recognized Paul's deep, sexy voice. "Paul?" he asked. "Hey, you made it!"

"How's my Olympic hero doing?" asked Paul.

Mike rose from the bench and stood in front of Paul. "He's just fine now." he said, reacquainting himself Paul's powerful frame. "How are you guys doing? I haven't seen you all in a while!"

"Just fine!" the boys responded. Mike visited Paul at television taping as often as his schedule would allow, and he had become good friends with many of Paul's co-workers.

"Everyone, I'd like for you to meet Jeremy Roenick." said Mike. Greetings were exchanged all around. "Hey, it's good to meet you all, I've been a big fan for years!" he said.

"The feeling is very mutual!" said Paul, noticing Jeremy's slightly clammy handshake. He couldn't tell but the sight of Adam and Jay discreetly holding hands made Jeremy nervous.

"Paul, I'm so happy you came. I've barely seen you since Christmas." said Mike.

"I know, I know." replied Paul. "I've just been so busy with working on Wrestlemania. And then this roster split we've got coming up. Everyone's been going crazy trying to make this all work."

"I'm surprised they even let you get away. Wouldn't they need you to write?"

"Usually. But Vince, in a rare moment of compassion, decided that I needed a break and it was okay that I come here and see you."

There was a pause. Mike looked into Paul's eyes, admiring his handsome lover. "Paul, I've gotta do this. We've been apart for too long." Mike threw his arms around Paul, gave him a quick kiss on the mouth and rested his head on Paul's broad shoulder.

"Uh Mike, are you sure we can do this here? Aren't there any reporters around?" asked Paul. He had to be conscious of the media and deep down inside he resented it. Paul and Mike's employers knew of their relationship and they weren't particularly thrilled about it. They did not want to deal with the fallout if it was discovered that Paul and Mike-who were not only role models to the male audience, but also heartthrobs to their sizable female fan base-were in a serious relationship. So far though, Vince McMahon and Doug Armstrong hadn't made any attempts to control their relationship. After all, they knew they could not tell two grown men what to do with their lives.

"It's okay, Paul. They all left a while ago." Mike said, looking into Paul's eyes.

"Oh. Well, in that case." Paul drew Mike close and their mouths met. At first they kissed softly. Paul's tongue parted his lips and went straight through Mike's. Now it was passionate, surprising, as if it were the first time. Paul's hand moved to Mike's backside, rubbing it firmly as everyone watched and hollered.

The only one who didn't appreciate their performance was Jeremy. His face was a little red and he let out an exasperated sigh. "Mike, I thought you said you weren't going to do that. You know it freaks me out!" he said.

Mike wore an apologetic look. "I-I'm sorry Jeremy. I guess I got a little carried away, not having seen Paul for so long." he said.

"I'm sorry too." said Paul. "I wouldn't have done that if I'd known."

"It's okay guys." Jeremy said, half focused on them and half on the ceiling.

He turned to the other wrestlers. "So, did

you guys enjoy the game?" asked Jeremy, anxious to

take his mind off what he had just seen.

"Did we ever!" Kurt said enthusiastically. "It

was awesome. You guys looked good out there. It is

going to do me proud to see you and the rest of our

team skating around Sunday with the gold! I know

you're gonna do it!"

"Now just wait a minute, Kurt!" Adam interjected.

"Jeremy, it was a great game, don't

get me wrong. And please, don't take this

personally because you are one of the best in

the league. And you too, Mike, you looked good

out there. You always look good." Adam flashed him

another smile before continuing. "But Canada

is due. Fifty years is too long without the gold. Sunday, it's our turn!" The Toronto native ended


"Yeah right Adam!" said Paul. "My friend, do I need to remind you of what they say about history? It repeats itself. What happened at Lake Placid is going to happen here. The spirits of the past are going to have something to say about this! The United States is the best team and that's that!"

"Excuse me?" asked Jason. "May I remind you may I remind you that we've got Jarome Iginla, who is only the current top point man? Plus we have Michael Peca and Chris Pronger and Brendan Shanahan?" he continued. An unimpressed Paul shook his head and indicated with his hand that Jason was talking too much. Undeterred by Paul's opinion Jason continued. "And all these players led by Gretzky, who is only the greatest player ever? There's no way we're gonna lose!"

"That may be so, but don't discount our guys!" continued Paul. "Bill Guerin's good-you can't deny that! You can have Pronger, I'll take Chris Chelios any day. Nobody hits harder than he does! And, and, and you forget. One of the hardest shots in the league, Brett Hull! So don't tell me we don't have a great team!"

Hearing Brett's name sent a chill through Chris's body. But that wasn't enough to keep Chris out of a good hockey discussion. "Don't forget, we've got Lemieux!" said Chris, coming alive for the first time tonight. "And Yzerman, and Joe Sakic!

"Somebody call for me?" asked Joe as he entered the room. The boys quickly gathered to meet the Colorado star. Of course, it might have had something to do with seeing the rugged, handsome star up close that made them want to hurry!

"Wow! We're all big fans. This is a real pleasure to meet you." said Paul, shaking his hand.

"Same here. I couldn't wait to meet you, Paul. In fact I've been dying to meet you all ever since Mike said you were coming. I mean, I'm in the presence of quite a group here. A fellow Olympian, the undisputed champion, one of the best tag teams of all time, and of course, Stephane Richer and Roch Voisine!" he said, laughing and pointing at Mike and Paul.

"Very funny, Joe!" said Mike, who thought it was.

Just then a tall, imposing figure strolled into the room. "Well, well look who's here!" said Chris Chelios. He was down to a pair of pants and the boys couldn't help but stare at his toned, nicely cut chest. "They did come!" Chris shook Paul's hand. "Sergei, Anna, it's always a pleasure to see you!" The entire room broke out into laughter.

"Geez, I thought I was coming to the Olympics. Instead we get amateur night at the Comedy Connection." Paul said in a deadpan voice, returning Chris's greeting. "Having said that, I'd like to say it is a pleasure to meet you, Chris."

"Seriously, I'm excited to meet you all too." Chris continued, shaking Adam's hand. Kurt was the last of the boys he introduced himself to.

Kurt found it hard to take his eyes off Chris. He

was captured by his expressive eyes and his mouth.

That mouth, Kurt believed, was begging to be kissed.

And by the way Chris held Kurt's handshake, it was

evident that the attraction was shared. He had Kurt's

hand much longer than a man who is just meeting

another man would not usually hold it. Chris lost

track of time as he admired the brilliant blue jewels

Kurt had for eyes.

"You-you played a fantastic game, Chris." Kurt said suddenly in a fairly steady voice.

"Thank you." Chris replied, breaking his hold.

"That was good, the way you stayed in front of the net. You know, so that you could find it easier to shoot the puck away from the goalie. That's good strategy, Chris." Kurt could barely make out his sentences. He could feel his head getting warmer and a little dizzy.

"Well thank you, Kurt. That's very kind of you to say. It's all part of working for the team though."

"Yeah, that's true, hockey being a team sport and all." Now Kurt was wearing the look that he wore in the ring--intense, yet vacant.

"So how long do you think it'll be before Kurt leaves with him?" asked Paul in an aside to Mike.

"Half an hour, tops!" Mike replied.

Joe's sharp voice suddenly broke the tension. "Hey, enough about hockey. I want to hear about Wrestlemania!" he said.

"Yeah! I'd love to know the inside stories!" exclaimed Jeremy.

"So would I." added Chris, returning to reality.

"Sorry guys, but that's top secret." said Paul.

"Yeah, I'm afraid Paul is right." added Chris Irvine. "Paul and I are in the main event and even I don't know who's going to win."

"Oh that's right!" said Jeremy. "It's Hunter versus the homewrecker, right?"

"You could say that!" said Chris, laughing along with the rest of the group. It was to laugh, really. The whole world believed that Paul and Stephanie were lovers on screen and off, but Chris was the only one who knew Stephanie's secret. And it was very important he not say a word. If Vince ever discovered that she was actually dating Tony's sister Kristin. Why, he'd be so upset and humiliated that he would have to leave the business. Hmmmm, thought Chris, I wonder when I should tell him the happy news?

"Gee, I thought that the winner of that match won the rights to Stephanie!" said Kurt.

"Nah, the winner gets the rights to Mike!" said Adam.

"You wish." said Paul without a trace of humor in his voice.

"Nice try, Adam." said Mike, used to Adam's games by now.

"Okay, I can see we'll get nothing out of them. Come on Mike, spill it!" said the Detroit defenseman.

"Spill what?" asked Mike, removing his jersey and padding. "Paul doesn't tell me anything!"

Chris was not convinced. "You mean he doesn't tell you about what goes on behind the scenes?" he asked, amazed.

"Well, he talks a little about future storylines and where they're touring, but not about who's going to win matches or anything like that." Mike said, now down to his undershirt and pants.

Chris walked over to Mike and said something in his ear that left them both in hysterics.

"What? What did he say?" asked Paul.

"Do you mind sharing it with the whole class?" said Jeremy.

"I didn't want to say it out loud because I knew it would bother you." said Chris, pointing to Jeremy. "But now I have to tell you. I said to Mike, you mean that when you guys are in bed, you don't say to him, oh baby, I'll give it to you harder if you tell me who's going to win the Intercontinental title!" Chris starting breathing heavily and thrusting his crotch while telling the joke. As everyone else laughed Jeremy's face turned red.

"It's just a joke, JR. Lighten up, will you?" said Joe.

"Okay, Chris." said Paul after he regained his composure. "Just for that, I'm going to tell you who will win the Intercontinental title."

"Good. And I hope it's not that Regal guy. He's the most boring wrestler out there!" said Jeremy.

"Yeah." agreed Joe as Chris nodded. "That look he has is so stupid, like he just walked into a room full of rotten eggs!"

"Hey, Darren's a good friend of mine. He's nothing like what you see on TV." insisted Paul.

"Oh, so that's why he's champion?" asked Joe.

Paul was momentarily sidetracked by the obvious answer. "Uhm, well.Wrestlemania! That's what we're talking about here. The winner will be." They leaned in close. Then the hockey guys yelled and pumped their fists in the air victoriously.

"RVD! RVD!" they chanted.

"Finally you're giving him a belt!" said Joe.

"No!" said Jeremy emphatically. "Don't you remember he was hardcore champ! At least twice."

"Oh yeah, you're right. Aw man, RVD's gonna kill him! That's a major belt so that's awesome. Hey, who's the Rock fighting?" asked Joe.

"Hogan!" said Kurt.

"Hulk Hogan?" asked Jeremy. "Isn't he, like, eighty years old?"

"Yeah." said Jason. "And he doesn't look a day over one hundred!"

"That isn't a match. That's a massacre!" said Chris.

Joe looked at his watch. "Hey, as much as I'd like to stay and talk, I've got to go, guys. I gotta make a phone call." he said. As he made his exit he stopped to talk to Mike.

"So listen, my boyfriend's coming in from Denver later today." said Joe. The boys couldn't believe what he'd just said.

"His boyfriend?" whispered Kurt to Chris Irvine. "He's gay too?"

"I guess it's true what I've heard." answered Chris. "The NHL is the biggest gay club in the world!"

"It's okay if he and I stop by later on to see you and Paul?" Joe asked.

"Of course it is." said Mike, smiling.

"I'll talk to you later then." said Joe as he made his


"What was that about, Mike?" asked Paul. Mike had

pulled off his soaked blue undershirt, revealing his

firm, muscular chest. He tossed it carelessly on the

floor. "Oh, it's a surprise." Mike's smile and voice

carried a sense of mystery.

"I've gotta get going too." said Jeremy. He took a few steps, then turned around suddenly to face the boys.

"Actually, let me ask you something. I just want your opinion." he said.

"Okay." the wrestlers said in unison.

Jeremy stood with his legs slightly apart and one hand on his hip. "Do I look good?" he asked earnestly. "I mean, my outfit. I look good, right? Do you think this brown is a good color for me?"

"Uh, yeah." said Jason, unsure of where this was going. To Kurt he whispered, "What is he asking us this for?"

"Hmm. That's a good question. It seems a bit odd to me. I mean, you see the way he reacts when anyone mentions the subject of men admiring men? I don't know why he would want us checking him out." replied Kurt.

"Maybe he's playing into some kind of stereotype, you know? Maybe he just automatically thinks we're experts on this."

"Well, that's one explanation." said Kurt, thinking about what else it could be.

"My hair looks good? I worry about that, you know." Jeremy continued, giving it a quick brush with his fingers.

"Oh! Oh yeah." said Jason and Kurt. They did have to admit, Jeremy did look stylish and attractive. The brown turtleneck and slacks he'd selected did play against his skin well.

"And these pants don't make my butt look too fat, do they Adam?" he asked, his backside slightly jutting out to give it a better view. Adam examined it discreetly yet carefully.

"It's quite acceptable." he said, the underlying meaning in his voice suggesting that he found it more than that.

"Good then! I'm off. Well, it was great to meet you all!" Jeremy said in a friendly voice, shaking hands with the wrestlers. "I hope you can make it to the game Sunday?"

"We wouldn't miss it for anything!" they replied.

"All right then. Catch you guys later!" he called out, leaving the room.

"I thought he'd never leave!" said Paul, hugging Mike tight. "He sure knows how to put the squash on some fun, huh?"

"Well, listen." said Mike, giving Paul a peck on the cheek. "If he's not comfortable with it, we should respect that."

"I guess you're right." said Paul, releasing his lover. Mike flashed him the smile that made Paul feel like the luckiest man in the world. "Wanna watch me shower?" he asked flirtatiously.

"Oh! Like you have to ask!" Paul responded, giving him an evil grin of his own.

"Good then!" said Mike, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his pants. Soon they joined his shirt on the floor, leaving Mike in a soaked, bulging jock strap. "If you want to see the rest, you'll have to follow me!" he teased, walking towards the showers.

"See ya, guys!" Paul yelled behind him.

"Bye!" they all responded.

Chris Chelios, now standing next to Kurt, grabbed a towel from the stack near the bench. "I think that sounds like a good idea." he said.

"OK. So maybe after you get out we could talk more about the game?" asked Kurt, his heart pounding at the sight of Chris.

"Yeah sure." he replied, removing his jock.

"Great. I just know Sunday's game is going to be terrific. It will be---" Kurt was struck by the sight of all of Chris's hard muscles"---amazing! Just amazing!" he said, his voice rising a couple of octaves.

"All right. See you guys later!" Chris said.

"Bye Chris!" they called back, shaking their heads at how beautiful Chris looked walking to the showers, his hips slightly swaying, uncluttered by clothes.

Kurt was lost in thought. Not only was he letting his mind run free with fantasies of the gorgeous defenseman, he was also curious about Jeremy's behavior. He was so concerned about it that he did not hear himself being addressed.

"Hey! It's Kurt Angle!" said one man.

"It's true! It's true!" said the other.

Kurt quickly turned around to see Pavel and Valeri Bure right in front of him.

OK, that's enough for now. I would really appreciate some feedback-praise (of course!) and constructive criticism would be terrific. If you have nothing good to say, please do not waste your time or energy telling me. Part 1b has more Pavel and Valeri, plus some good stuff that will lead to better stuff. Thanks for reading! Send letters to writeongirl77@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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