Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on May 19, 2015




Chapter 15: The Plan/What Did You Do

(Where we left off)

(Roshon POV)

Terrence- You're serious

Me- She's right. If we don't then we're just prolonging the inevitable

Terrence- Alright bro. I'm with you

Christina- Oh my god, you 3 are insane

Nicki- 4

Raven- Come on Christina. If they came after me and Kiely the who's to say you and Nicki aren't next

Nicki- Bitch ass niggas can try

Raven- Careful what you wish for

Terrence- So how are we gonna do it

Me- The way things are out here I'm sure guns aren't hard to get

Nicki- Guns? What kind I can get what we need

Christina- From who

Nicki- Depends on what kind we want. I got different people for different situations

Terrence- And how do you know these people

Nicki- I do have family members you know

Me- All we need is a few pistols, with silencers if possible, gloves, all black clothes, some masks, an expendable car, some lighter fluid, and some matches

Christina- Damn you done this before or sum'n

Me- Na I just watch enough tv and movies to plan a perfect crime

Raven- Wouldn't be better if we just stole a car

Terrence- Yea. I can do that

Raven- So all we need is a plan

Nicki- Easy get em all in one place and take them out

Christina- Where

Terrence- What about that spot on the beach we went to the first day Ro came

Me- Yea but it'll be hard to get them there without them seeing nobody else

Christina- Under the pier

Terrence- What

Christina- Under the pier. There's a few support beans to post up on where they won't see us, we can block the entrances to keep them from running out, it's unlikely for anybody to see under there, and the parking lot for the car is right there

Nicki- That doesn't sound like a bad idea

Me- So we put 2 of us at one end, the other 2 at the other end, and one of y'all gone have to lead them in

Terrence- It's gonna be hard to get them in there without them getting suspicious

Me- Which makes you the perfect man for the job

Terrence- What

Me- Think about it. You just broke up with Pooch, Hosea is gonna be wanting some payback, you're probably the next most likely target

Terrence- So what, I'm supposed to just tell him to meet me there

Raven- That actually might work. If he's desperate, which I'm sure he is, he'll come and with the rest of those pigs

Christina- We're gonna need somebody to stay in the car too

Me- Columbus will probably help

Nicki- So final question, when do we do this

Raven- We get all the things we'll need as soon as possible, when everything is in place we do it

Christina- And we're positive we really wanna do this

Raven- You don't have to but I think I do

Christina- Are you serious? If you think I'm allowing y'all to attempt this without me you're delusional

Nicki- I'll go work on the guns

Terrence- I'll go to the store and get the rest of the stuff

Me- I'll go with you

Christina- I'm just gonna stay here with her

Raven- Oh don't use any cards. Strictly cash

Me- Don't worry. I got this. We'll be in touch

Raven- Ok

Me, Terrence, and Nicki left. It's weird how we just walked out without even saying a word to each other. Normally we're all fun, games, and jokes, I guess plotting to rid everybody of certain scum buckets can do that to people. Once we made it outside Nicki just branched off to her house without a word or a look, while me and Terrance hopped in his car. For a minute we just sat there deep in thought...

Terrence- We're really doing this

Me- Yup. One necessary evil in pursuit of a higher purpose

Terrence- You sure you wanna do it. You don't have to

Me- Fuck that, they're my friends too and you're my brother. These dudes are done terrorizing people that I care about

Terrence- I just don't want nothing to happen with you bro

Me- As long as we stick to the plan we'll be alright

Terrence- Yea. Can I ask you something though

Me- Is that a trick question, you know you can talk to me about anything

Terrence- It's about Pooch

Me- What is it

Terrence- What would you do if you were in my shoes

Me- I'm lost what exactly are your shoes, I thought you were over him

Terrence- Nope definitely not over him, especially after seeing him with Brian today

Me- Look bro you know I always keep it g with you and I'm not gonna stop now so that being said, I think you should forget about him

Terrence- WHAT

Me- Look I know it sounds crazy but after the stunt he pulled today with Brian when they're clearly not together, he needs to learn that you won't give into his childish mind games. You need to focus on your new boy toy and then when Pooch sees you've moved on he'll come running to you demanding you take him back

Terrence- And what if he doesn't? What if he just decides to move on

Me- Then you'll find out how he really feels

Terrence- Love sucks

Me- Especially puppy love. Now come on we got supplies to get

Terrence- Aww shit. Ye, Jay, and Diggy still at the house

Me- Damn. Alright you go entertain them, maybe while y'all are out you'll see Hosea and you can set the trap

Terrence- Alright

Terrence got out and I switched to the drivers seat. While he went to the house, I started up the car. Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up to see "Dog Ass Nigga". Wondering why Pooch would be calling me I answered....

Me- So I'm thoroughly confused as to why you are calling me so what can I do you for

Pooch- Roshon, Columbus is on his way to L.A. General in an ambulance

Me- Wait what happened in practice, is he ok

Pooch- No not in practice, he never made it to practice. Coach had us running til he got there but after the first hour I got worried so I came to the locker room to call you to see if you knew where he was. Then I heard the shower running so I checked and there he was, all bloody and bruised up

Me- (Starting to cry) But he's ok right

Pooch- His breathing was low and his pulse was faint but I think so. Do you have a way to the hospital

Me- (Crying) Yes

Pooch- Alright. I'm right behind the ambulance I'll keep you posted

Me- (Crying) Ok

Once I hung up, I noticed that I had received a pic from an unknown number. I was almost scared to open it, but I couldn't help but open it. Then my heart stopped, right along with my breathing, I felt like I forgot how to breath, like all the oxygen in the car had disappeared. I dropped my phone as I tried to pull it together. Once I was back to my weeping, irregular breath state, I grabbed my phone and looked at the picture which I noticed was just 1 of 5...

Image 1: Columbus appeared to be wincing in pain with a few bruises and a busted lip.

Image 2: Columbus had 2 huge dicks inside him.

Image 3: Columbus was being force fed a dick.

Image 4: Columbus was getting his face nutted on.

Image 5: Columbus was laid out on the floor looking lifeless,(just like how we found Pooch) and like he just fell through a forest hitting everything til he hit the ground.

I could explain my feelings. Not at all. I don't even believe the words exists to describe how I feel. I just know who I want to take it all out on. With rage in my heart and my head, I started the car and sped to the nearest store. Once inside, gathering the essentials for the plan was simple, paid with my cash and hurried back to the car and let Raven know that I was ready. After taking a moment to calm myself, I headed to the hospital which turned out to be closer than I thought. By the time I rushed in, Pooch, Chris, and Tip was already waiting there. Once Chris spotted me, he ran to me and embraced me as tight as he could. I wrapped my and around him as he cried on my shoulder while I did the same with him...

Chris- (Crying) Who would do this to him

Me- (In tears) I think I know

Chris let me go and looked me dead in the face...

Chris- Really

Me- Yea. (Pulling out his phone and showing them the picture messages) Any of you recognize this number

Chris- Yea that's Laz's number. I don't get it why would he do this

Pooch- Because he's rolling with The Hunters now

Ti- No shit

Pooch- Yea. He helped them when they got me

Ti- Probably mad cuz Chris dumped his ass

Me- Doesn't matter. They'll all be gone soon anyway

Pooch- Hold on, what are you talking about

Me- Did they say anything about how he's doing

Chris- Doc said his blood pressure was low and he lost a lot, and they're trying to get him back conscious. He's strong though. He's gonna be ok. He has to be ok

Ti- They did say if Pooch had waited about 5 more minutes he wouldn't even had a chance

Me- Thank you Pooch

Pooch- No problem, he's my friend too

Chris- So did you find out why Raven or Keily didn't show up today

Me- The Hunters picked em up while they were leaving the party last night

Pooch- What

Ti- They must be really pissed. I ain't never seen them turn up like this

Chris- Pissed ain't the word

Me- Ain't no telling who they gonna go for next

Pooch- Y'all gotta start being careful

Me- And how long will we have to look over our shoulders scared of them

Pooch- Look after graduation they won't even look in our direction

Me- And we're just supposed to just allow them to keep terrorizing everybody else

Ti- You do understand that y'all got them kicked outta school right. Y'all and Terrence started something that day in the lunchroom when y'all fought them. I mean what did y'all expect, we'd be living in the land of gumdrops and lollipops or sum'n

Me- That's why we're gonna kill em

Chris- Who is we

Pooch- Yea who's we

Right on que, the doctor walked in behind Pooch...

Dr- Umm Mr. Brown

Chris- Yes Dr

Dr- Your brother is awake

Chris- So he's ok

Dr- Well besides a few broken ribs, he's fine. We gonna keep him overnight just to make sure and you can take him home in the morning

Ti- Can we see him Doc

Dr- Sure. Follow me

Pooch was still staring at me but I paid him no mind as I walked past him. Once we reached his room the doctor walked off as we slowly proceeded inside. Walking in, seeing Columbus laid up in the bed, in so much pain, that was enough to prove just how important it is that we succeed with our plan. We have to make sure that nobody else has to deal with things like this at the hands of The Hunters. We surrounded his bed Chris and I at his side's, Tip behind Chris, and Pooch at the foot of the bed. He looked up and smiled at us...

Columbus- Do you think it'll be less embarrassing if we tell everybody I slipped and fell

We all slightly giggled. Even Columbus laughed but quickly stopped with a painful groan...

Chris- Aye. Take it easy bro

Columbus- Damn. It even hurts to laugh

Ti- I guess asking how you feel is out of the question

Columbus- I'll feel better when I can put those cowards in one of these beds

Pooch- Apparently your boyfriend is already planning something similar

Columbus- Wait what

Me- I wouldn't have to had you let him when he was about to do the same for you

Pooch- So now this is my fault

Me- Indirectly but yes, yes it is

Columbus- Hey calm down. It's not anybody's fault. And what is he talking about Roshon

Me- Don't worry about it. You just get better

Columbus- Look whatever you're planning, just let it go

Me- Babe. That's not an option. I refuse to let anybody else get hurt by these monsters

Columbus- Roshon listen, stay away from them. Just let it go, they'll get theirs

Me- You're right. They will get theirs

I kissed him then left the room. Before I could make it very far, Pooch grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall...

Me- Get the fuck off of me

Pooch- No. Not until you tell me what is going on

Me- Puh-lease. Honestly we'll be doing you a favor

Pooch- Doing me a favor? By committing the worst crime known to man

Me- No the worst crime is acting like things can't be worse. Pooch let's be real it's a miracle that you didn't bleed out in the back of that truck. Columbus was minutes away from death. How long, Pooch

Pooch- How long for what

Me- Until it's not just an injury, til the pain is unbearable, until torture goes a little too far. All we're doing is waiting around for worse instead of changing it. Not anymore. I will do whatever is necessary to protect myself and the people I care about, which last I checked consist of the same people you care about

For a while he just started into my eyes. I could see that he was reading the rage and frustration in my eyes. He let me go and took a step back...

Pooch- So what, you just gonna take on The Hunters by yourself

Me- Don't bother yourself with the details. It didn't concern you

Pooch- But it concerns Terrence, right? That's why you won't let me know too much

Me- Maybe

Pooch- Look Roshon, this isn't a game

Me- Don't you think I know that? How do you think it feels watching a person you care about experience pain like that knowing you could've done something to prevent it

He was silent, and while I could've ended our talk there I decided to dig just a little deeper...

Me- What if it was Terrence

Pooch- What are you talking about, we're over

Me- And I'm supposed to believe that you've moved on with Brian? Please, that trick is way too old to work on me. You still care and it eats you up that you think Terrence doesn't. Now I'll ask again, what if it was Terrence

Pooch- Then I'd find and end every single one of those degenerate bastards

Me- I thought so

While I walked away I was stopped by his last words...

Pooch- How can I help

Me- (Smiling to himself) I'll be in touch

I left the hospital and hopped back in the car. First order of business...

Raven- (Answering the phone) Hello

Me- My end is covered

Raven- Alright. Nicki just confirmed her end. We could pull this off tonight if we wanted

Me- Then it's on for tonight

Raven- Ok, I'll let the others know

Me- Alright

I hung up and drove off. Not only is Pooch on our side now, but we are doing this thing tonight. Tonight we get to end the reign of terror The Hunters are responsible for. I just hope everything goes according to plan...

(Terrence POV)

With all of the drama going on right now, winding down with the New York homies was a no brainer. When I had got home they were all chilling with a leftover bottle from the party. After only hanging with then for an hour it seemed like old times. Kanye and Jay went to take a shower while Diggy gave me a little post birthday head. I knew he would try to do something with me especially after finding out that I'm single again. Still no matter how good he was at sucking I was thinking about Pooch. I know it's pathetic and I'm supposed to be moving on but I can't help it. No matter how hard I try to prevent it he manages to find his way right back in my head. What's wrong with me? I have guys at me all the time and I'm still stuck on the one who cheated on me and lied to me. How hopeless can I be? Diggy must've noticed how I wasn't really paying him any attention. He stopped at just stared at me...

Me- What

Diggy- I don't know. Here I am blowing like a hair dryer and you're not even getting hard so you tell me

Me- I'm sorry

Diggy- Look as much as I rather have you fucking my brains out right now, I'm way too good a friend to just let you keep whatever is going on to yourself so spill

Me- I can't stop thinking about him

Diggy- Who dog boy

Me- Pooch, you ass

Diggy- Yea Pooch. Why do you just take him back and quit playing with that college boy

Me- I'm not playing with Pharrell. He's just a breath of fresh air, when he's around I feel like I can just let go

Diggy- Well you better do something cuz you can't have everything

Me- It's a hard choice

Diggy- Not really

Me- Oh yea, how so

Diggy- Stick with what you know

Me- Then what if I feel like what I know isn't what's best for me

Diggy- Hmm, then you consider other options. Can I ask you something though

Me- Yea

Diggy- Why do you feel like Pooch isn't what's best for you

Me- Because we draw too much attention. Our relationship becomes so public that I have to hear about it from everyone and whether it's good or bad , it just adds to the pressure

Diggy- It really shouldn't be anyone's business but I understand how feel

Me- No you don't

Diggy- I know all about people putting pressure on your relationship

Me- Ok maybe a little bit but not the way I do. When I first went out with Pooch everything was just perfect. You know I got lost in him. He was my "epic" love. The love that consumed me and made me happy. Now I just can't bear the thought of losing that forever and at the same time, I'm ready to let him go and see how things work with Pharrell

Diggy- You are one confused person

Me- Yup. I am

Diggy- And I bet you still don't know what to do

Me- Nope. Seems like I'm just gonna have to follow my heart on this one

Sad thing even my body was indecisive. My head was focused on Pharrell, while my heart yearns for Pooch. Ugh I'm starting to hate myself for storming off the way I did at the beach with Pooch. Maybe if I would've just stayed and heard him out a little we'd still be on good terms and The Hunters wouldn't be on a rampage. Then in the back of my mind is those memories of him lying to my face. Which makes me think about if he'd do it again? If I have him a second chance, would he still lie to me? I don't care if it's to spare my feelings or not. I just wanna know that everything will be completely honest between us. Then I'd have to break off things with Pharrell. I may not know him as well as I would like to but it's not fair to him for me to lead him on only to get back with the ex that I confided in him about. My life has always been a roller coaster but this here is like a never ending up and down cycle with no intentions of stopping or slowing down.

While Diggy got dressed Roshon called...

Me- What's up bro

Roshon- Columbus is in the hospital

Me- Oh my god. Is he ok? What happened

Roshon- The Hunters. They happened

Me- This shit has to end

Roshon- Glad you said that because it's on tonight

Me- Tonight!?! Are we even ready

Roshon- Yup. Nicki is set, I got the stuff, and I even recruited some extra muscle

Me- What extra muscle

Roshon- Well first you have to promise not to be mad

Me- Ok. I promise I won't be mad

Roshon- Well as it turns out dog boy wants in

Me- You asked Pooch to help us get rid of his best friend

Roshon- Correction, ex-bestfriend and I didn't ask him he asked me

Me- And you couldn't say no

Roshon- Well somebody has to carry these big ass niggas to the car

Me- And speaking of the car, do we even have the dump car

Roshon- No but we will. So I need you to do your part and make sure Hosea is where he needs to be

Me- Alright. Hurry up and get home

Roshon- Actually we're meeting back at Ravens place so just go there

Me- And what about my friends

Roshon- Damn I keep forgetting about them. Actually that seems like a good idea

Me- What

Roshon- Well it's five of them and tricking them into thinking they're walking into an orgy might just be a better plan

Me- And how am I supposed to do that

Roshon- You got 3 of the most seductive New York freaks who might actually like teasing somebody like Hosea. Improvise

Me- Alright I'll think of something

I hung up and as I turned to face Diggy, all 3 of them was staring at me waiting for me to spill...

Me- How much of that did y'all hear

Diggy- Enough

Me- So will y'all help me

Kanye- What's in it for us

Me- You get to tease a straighty until he cum I'm his pants

Jay- Ooooh sounds like fun

Me- So y'all in

Jay- What's the plan

Me- Simple we go over there, assets on display, I do the talking, and you stir up the hormones

Kanye- Sounds simple

Me- Aight let's go to work

It took about 15 minutes to get ready. Jay had on some tight skinny jeans that did nothing to hide his long thick pipe going down his thigh and a bright yellow thong that would show if his shirt just inched up a little bit o bit. Kanye wore a pair of joggers that his ass was eating from behind, and he was free balling so dick was swinging back and forth. Diggy threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and sagged them with a pair a bright pink briefs on, he even made sure to have his entire ass out to the point where the skin of his upper thigh peaked out. I just kept on my same clothes considering Hosea was already lusting after me....

Me- Damn

Jay- We look good as fuck y'all

Kanye- Yea after this I think we researched deserve a good nut

Me- And I have the perfect person for y'all but right now it's time to go do this

Diggy- Let's go. You niggas is making me hard all over again

Jay- So how we doing this

Me- Just followed my lead. Let me do all the talking

Kanye- So my only question is, is we fucking

Diggy- Good thing I bought all those condoms from the airport. I knew Terrence ain't changed a bit, still got all the hoes and fucking everything walking

Me- Shut up. You don't even know what you're talking about. I've only had sex with 1 person out here

Jay- Damn Pooch had dick like that

Me- The one time we did, it was like that

Kanye- Must be nice

Jay- Shut up. So we out or no

Me- Let's go

We left the house and walked down to Pooch's old house. The driveway was empty but the car that Hosea has been driving was sitting in front of the house. Hopefully this means he's alone. We walked up to the door and rang the door bell. It took awhile and the door finally opened. Hosea was shocked to see me. Not in a bad way though. His slight smirk and already growing package in his boxer briefs was all too assuring...

Hosea- So just 2 days since the breakup and you're on my doorstep

Me- Yea. I need to talk to you

Hosea- And what could you possibly want to talk to me about

Me- Well i got some friends here who's looking for a party

Hosea- What kind of party

Me- If you let us in we can discuss the details

Hosea- Come on

He stepped aside and looked us all up and down as we walked in. Then shut & locked the door before leading us down to his room in the basement that was dimly lit and set up like asmall apartment. He took a seat in the middle of the loveseat while I sat in the chair across the table from him and the guys sat on the couch. He looked over at them then to me...

Hosea- So, about those details

Me- Well i know how you and your new crew rolls and it seems that it's exactly what my friends and I are looking for

Hosea- You? Damn somebody moves in fast

Me- Not really. See Pooch decided to prance around with Brian today as if they're together in a sorry attempt to make me jealous

Hosea- Sounds like he's succeeding

Me- Na I just figure two can play that game

Hosea- So you want me and my boys to run train a train on you

Me- Well i was thinking of something more along the lines of an orgy. You on your his on top, me and mines in bottom

Hosea- Why not just let me murder that ass right now

Me- Where's the fun in that

Hosea- Sure you didn't think I'd agree to it without some sort of preview (While groping his now fully hard dick I'm his boxer briefs)

Me- That sounds fair. Who do you want to go first

Hosea- You

Me- Baby you got it all wrong. You don't get a preview of the special event. Thats why these three are here

Hosea- Ok then. Gimme light skin first

Jay stood up and walked in front of Hosea...

Me- Meet Jay. He tops most of the time with the right equipment he might let you inside. Those lips can do wonders. His oral pleasures can rival even the best. Oh and he's known for being able to turn out straight men on the regular

Hosea- Is that right

Jay didn't even say a word. He pulled off his shirt, took off his shoes, slid off his pants, and stood up, with his 10 inch thick pipe hanging out. I pulled out my phone and started recording, then put it on the table where he wouldn't notice. Hosea stared at it and licked his lips, which Jay took as an invitation to step right in front of his face as his dick tapped Hosea's lip. To my surprise, Hosea opened wide and started swallowing. I did hear that when The Hunters bring in a new guy, he has to be their gimp for a week. They each fuck him in every position sexual from a sexual position book. Maybe he's not strictly a top after all. Hosea was sucking like a pro while he started fingering Jays hole. After a while, Hosea stopped sucking and Jay keeled next to him kissing, sucking, and licking Hosea's nipple while Hosea kept fingering his hole...

Hosea- Damn. So what's up with dark chocolate

Me- Kanye. He'll top if you want him to but he loves getting those phat soft cakes of his ate out before taking some good dick in his hot hairless hole

Hosea- Hmm sounds like my kind of guy. Why don't you get rid of them clothes and lemme take closer look at them cakes

Kanye- My pleasure (Starts stripping)

Hosea- And you peanut butter, go ahead and get naked too. I'll find you something do in a minute

As Diggy started to undress, Kanye made his way over to the other side of Hosea. He knelt and bent over the arm of the loveseat, presenting his ass to Hosea...

Kanye- Close enough

Hosea smacked it hard before shoving his tongue right up his ass. Kanye moaned out loud as Kanye sunk 2 fingers in with his tongue. Diggy was stroking his skinny 8 inches with a finger in his ass. Even I started stroking my own hard on. Jay whispered in Hosea's ear and starting licking it and kissing on his neck, and playing with his dick. He was trying to convince him of something. Whatever it was Hosea tried his best to resist it but even his best wasn't enough for Jays talented tongue. Hosea and Jay stood up...

Hosea- Aye peanut butter, come here

Diggy made his way in front of Hosea. Hosea grabbed Diggy by his ass and pulled him in for a rough kiss. Jay slid off Hosea's boxer briefs to his ankles and Hosea stepped out of them. Hosea ended the kiss...

Hosea- Let's take this to the bed boys

They all stood up and walked to the bed. The bed was against the wall behind the couch. I had to move my phone to make sure I was catching everything. Hosea grabbed a tube of cherry lube from his nightstand then laid in the center of the bed, Kanye climbed over his face and sat right on it, with Hosea eating Kanye out he bent forward and took his 9 inch thick veiny member down his throat, then Kanye grabbed Hosea by the back of the knees and lifted Hosea's legs in the air. While Kanye had Hosea's legs hooked under his arms, Jay crawled right up Hosea's exposed hole and dipped his thick tongue inside. Hosea's toes curled as he moaned into Kanyes ass, enjoying Jays oral talents. Now with Jay on all fours with his face buried in Hosea's ass, Diggy slid between Jays legs and took his dick down his throat. I can't believe my eyes, the plan was a complete success. The only thing that could make this better is if Laz was here to blackmail too. I'm sure Diggy

could work his magic on him. Then not even 30 seconds later Laz walks in through the basement entrance, wearing no shirt, glistening with sweat, and judging by the print in his gym shirts free-balling. He instantly turned to the bed where everybody looked at him without stopping what they were doing...

Laz- Oh shit. (Looks at Terrence) What you doing here

Me- I'm sure your friend won't mind explaining after everything is over

Hosea- Nigga, just get in where you fit in

Laz- (Dropping his backpack) So Terrence, wassup

Me- I'm off limits, til tonight that is

Laz- Ok then

Laz kicks off his shoes and drops his shorts, revealing his thick 7 inch hard on. He grabbed the lube and makes his way to the foot of the bed in between Diggys legs. He squirts some along his dick and on his index & middle fingers on his tight hand. He tosses the lube up towards Hosea and starts stroking himself with his left hand while slowly digging his fingers inside Diggy...

Hosea- So you ready to take that dick

Kanye- You ready to take that ass

Hosea- Smart ass huh. I got sum'n for you

Jay stood up and started stroking his meat with lube. Laz scooped up Diggy while he wrapped his legs around his waist as they made out. Kanye remained on his hands and knees while Hosea slid from under him and got in position behind him. Hosea pulled a box of condoms from his nightstand and pulled out 3. He gave one to Laz and the other to Jay, who grinned as Hosea gave it to him. Hosea rolled on his condom and slid his piece right inside Kanyes hole. Kanye moaned and gripped the sheets with the intrusion. While Hosea long stroked Kanye, Jay had his lube covered fingers inside Hosea's tight ass. I wondered what time of sound he was gonna make when Jay buried that monster inside him. Right now he was using his deep voice telling Kanye how tight his ass is, and how it's his ass now, and how he gon be screaming for it harder. I bet he becomes a real bottom bitch when Jay gets inside his tight muscle ass. On the other end Diggy was bent over making out with

Kanye with his right leg propped up on the bed with Laz jamming into him. Diggy let out a high moan as Laz sunk into him. I still don't know how he stays so tight but once he gets a good dick in, he becomes one of the loudest pieces of ass ever. Laz picked up speed fast, he was pounding Diggy and staring right at me with a smirk on his face. Diggy was screaming out anything that came to his mind ass Laz gave him the dick he's been begging for. I looked over to Hosea and while his pace wasn't any faster his thrust were powerful. With every thrust Kanye would moan and his ass would shake like an earthquake. Jay finally figured that Hosea was ready. Like the dominant top I remember, Jay bent Hosea over Kanye and drove his monster dick right into Hosea tiny but accepting hole. Everyone paused as Hosea howled at the intrusion. Laz looked surprised to see him bottoming for Jay. Maybe Laz isn't a full member of The Hunters yet and has no idea about the

infamous initiation week. Judging by how tight his ass is he is still a virgin. That got me thinking if he's not in with wine The Hunters why did he help with Pooch? I guess I'll have to find out. Hosea was moaning like a bitch with Jay balls deep I'm his tight ass...

Hosea- Fuck. Damn that's a big ass dick

Laz- I thought you was a top homie

Hosea- You'll understand after The Hunters jump you in...FUCK, damn man. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah shit. Fuck me

Just how I suspected. Hosea was big and bad before now I realized that he was just a homo-repressed, down low bottom bitch. He whined with joy while Jay gave him the pipe. He had him calling him baby and daddy and asking for his nut. Hosea was a completely different person when his freak side came out. Kanye was enjoying the fuck from Hosea, while Hosea was in bliss with the ass he was fucking and the dick he was taking. Laz had Diggy on his back now jamming into him. The entire orgy lasted about an hour. In the end, Jay was fucked by Hosea while Kanye took a turn inside Hosea, Diggy and Kanye swapped out, Diggy took a ride on Hosea while Jay had a second go, Jay even convinced Laz to let him get a taste of his virgin ass. They all came at least twice. Jay and Diggy left them their underwear as they all got dressed while Laz and Hosea laid exhausted in a bed full of cum and both covered with it. As we headed to the door Hosea spoke...

Hosea- Aye Terrence

Me- What

Hosea- I'm first in that ass. Just wanted to let you know

Me- Just make sure you and your boys show up

With that we all left out of the basement entrance and headed back to my house...

Diggy- Now that was fun

Jay- Hell yea Terrence why you ain't jump I'm

Me- If Hosea thinks he's ever getting to fuck me, he's crazy

Kanye- What wrong with him? Cuz the dick and that little muscle ass is on point

Me- Long story

Diggy- So what about that gang bang you just invited them to

Me- It's a set up for something else

Jay- Why are you holding back all the details

Me- Because, the less you know about this particular situation the better

Kanye- Ooh that don't sound good

Me- Exactly why you don't know what it is

As we got the house and into my room, Roshon was already waiting for me with 2 huge bags of stuff on his bed....

Roshon- Is it done

Me- They'll be there

Kanye- So what ate we supposed to do while you handle your business

Roshon- I know somebody who'd love to entertain you guys

Diggy- Who

Roshon- We got this friend Big Sean, he's quite the nympho

As Roshon squared them away for the night, Christina shot me a text staying that the dump car was in place and Nicki has her part at Ravens house. We had an hour to get there. It's almost time...

(Pooch POV)

It's about 12:15 pm. Before I got home Roshon called me and told new what to do, he even dropped me off 2 silenced pistols with a pair of gloves. When I got home from the hospital Brian instantly rushed me. Ever since we first fucked he couldn't get enough of me. I had always seen him as such a dominate top, now he's like a slave for my dick. Here I am trying to shower and get in the right headspace for tonight, then he comes in, pins me to the wall, turns around and starts throwing that ass back on my dick. Instead of pushing him off the way I wanted to, I indulged him. I propped my leg up on the side of the tub and met his thrust. It didn't last long. Once I had pulled out and came in his ass, he blew his load all over the tub floor. We both cleaned up and proceeded into his room. He threw on a pair of silk gray pajama pants and laid in his bed sparking a blunt and turning on his tv. I had my black jeans, black boxer briefs, black v-neck, and black

jacket laid out. While I got dressed deep in thought, I spotted Brian focusing on me...

Me- What are you staring at

Brian- Well it's 12:30 on a Monday night and you're getting dressed like you're about to go out and rob a bank

Me- So

Brian- And you were completely disconnected when we were fucking

Me- Look I'd love to tell you but I think I shouldn't

Brian- Hey I understand it's your business

Me- Thanks

Brian- But I can't help but at least ask

Me- Look Brian let's just say after tonight, I'll finally be able to move on with my life

Brian- You're making a move on The Hunters, alone? Hell no I'm going

Me- No. I don't want you getting involved. People might die tonight

Brian- Yea, you will if you try to fight them alone

Me- I'm not gonna be alone. I'll have plenty of backup

Brian- You sure you won't need me. I'm a hell of a shot

Me- Who said anything about shooting

Brian- I may have peaked at the pistols when you first hopped in the shower

Me- You know snooping isn't a good thing

Brian- Couldn't help it

Me- So what was the shower sex for

Brian- So you can remember what to come back for

Me- Look I'm gonna be fine Brian

Brian- Just in case

Me- Well in out of here. Don't lose any sleep over me tonight alright

Brian- I'll try. You be safe

Me- Always

With that I threw on my gloves and grabbed my guns. My bike keys in my pocket, I left out at 12:50. I'm supposed to be at the spot at 1 o'clock. As I get closer and closer. The nerves build up more and more. I never in a million years thought I'd be on my way to execute my best friend. Hosea had been three for me forever and now I'm about to take his life. I know what he did to me but I can't figure out if this is the right response. Should I do this? Is there another way? My brain was racking with questions that I could focus enough to come up with an answer for. As the pier came into sight saw a few flashes of light and blacked out...

(Terrence POV)


Raven & Christians was hid away at the north entrance of the pier while Nicki & Roshon were hiding at the south. The Hunters walked in with Hosea leading the group. They were in all black and Laz held a camera. I was posted dead center with my back against the wall. They made a half circle around me; Soulja, Tiger, Hosea, Laz, and Thugzilla...

Hosea- So we're here. Where yo boys

Me- I called em off. I thought that maybe we could make this a 5 on 1

Thugzilla- Damn. You must not be too bright

Tiger- You taking about taking more that 50 inches of dick

Soulja- Sounds like my kind of guys

Hosea- Enough of this talking shit. Turn around and lemme see what you working with

I slowly turned around and pulled my briefs just under my ass...

Tiger- Damn. Kid got cakes

Soulja- Boy

Thugzilla- That shit look delicious

Laz- So this what you been hiding in them jeans

Hosea- Nice wonder how it taste

Hosea knelt behind me and spread my cheeks and started eating my ass like he did Kanye. Once I saw Laz kneel to get a better angle, I signaled the rest of them...

Me- NO, don't stop

(Roshon POV)

Terrence gave the signal and it was like everything went in slow motion. We stepped out of the shadows and set it off. With the original Hunters standing up, they made for easy targets. I don't know who hit who but I saw a 2 bullets go through Soulja's chest with one of mines going through his head, Tiger was the victim of Ravens surprisingly good aim as she emptied an entire clip in his chest, Thugzilla reached for his own gun but wasn't quick enough as Nicki sent 2 bullets right through his skull. Laz tried to run but I shot him I'm the leg causing him to fall to the ground. Hosea stood up and threw his hands in the air...

Hosea- Who the fuck are you

Me- Karma

We pulled off our mask as Hosea was struck by surprise. Laz held his leg and begged for next. Terrence was starting at Hosea with so much hate...

Hosea- You planned this

Terrence- It was time for somebody to end you

Hosea- So you're gonna kill me. Just like that

Terrence- Just like that

Laz- Terrence look. They made me do it, they said if I didn't Chris was next and it'd be a trip to the morgue for him

Hosea- You little bitch

Laz- I'm sorry but if I means I get to live then the hell with y'all. I was never even with y'all. I just wanted to make Chris safe

Terrence- Raven, did Laz help with you

Raven- No

Me- What about Columbus? The pictures was taken with your phone

Laz- I was at practice when that went down. I didn't even know about Columbus until 2 hours ago

Terrence- Ok Laz. If you speak about this to anybody that little orgy video from earlier will make you very famous

Laz- I got it

Hosea- Pooch won't ever forgive you if you kill me

Me- Oh really, maybe you should check with him on that...

(Terrence POV)

As Pooch pulled up, I felt myself tense up. I didn't know what to say or do. Hell I didn't even know if I should say or do anything. So I decided to refrain from speaking and looking at him...

Pooch- Umm, if y'all don't mind giving me and Terrence this moment with him

Roshon- Yea let's get the bodies into the car

Christina helped Laz off the ground while Roshon, Nicki, and Raven worked on loading the other bodies. Pooch glanced at me for a moment. I tried not to look his way but of course I ended up making eye contact with him. He looked like he wanted to burst out in tears. He quickly turned his attention to Hosea...

Pooch- Since we're all here, I figured we could have a lil chat

Hosea- Yea well better make it quick I got some dying to do

Pooch- Shut up

Me- We don't need to discuss anything so...

Pooch- No. We do before you die you're gonna explain everything and I do mean everything, from that night at the Club and the morning

Me- Pooch stop...

Pooch- NOOOOOO, this piece of shit is gonna come clean about everything

Hosea- Fuck you

Pooch jawed Hosea so hard he drew blood with no problem...

Pooch- Tell him what you did to me

Hosea- The part where I fucked your brains out the first time or the second

Pooch punched him again...

Hosea- Or do you wanna hear all the bloody details from the third time

Pooch uppercut him causing a good steam of blood to fall from his mouth...

Hosea- I don't know what you're talking about

Pooch- Don't play dumb with me! Tell him (Pulls out one of his guns aiming it at Hosea ) or I swear ill shoot you

Hosea- (Laughs) Please, you're ain't got the balls to...(Gunshot)

Before Hosea could finish his sentence, Pooch shot him directly in his kneecap. Hosea fell to the ground moaning and groaning in pain. Pooch must have found out something he didn't try to explain to me before...

Hosea- Fucking son of a bitch. You shot me

Pooch- (Squatting down to Hosea) Yea. I did. Now I went to the hospital, i know what you to me. Take this chance to redeem yourself or the next shot is right between your eyes

Hosea- (In pain) Alright, alright I'll tell him

Me- Tell me what

Hosea- Pooch never had control of what he did. I have the bartender $500 to slip an experimental pill into Pooch drink that night

Me- What did this pill do

Hosea- In short, its a mind control drug. It makes the person who takes it easily pursued. That's how I got him cheat on you. The next morning it was still in his system. Without it he wouldn't have ever done it

Me- Did it make him lie to me about it too or was that him

Hosea- I might have messed with his head about telling you. He was going to the first time but I talked him out of it. Your entire breakup was my fault. I'm sorry ok. I just wanted my best friend back

With that Pooch kicked Hosea in the face, knocking him clean out. Pooch turned around to look at me. We were both speechless. His eyes were tearing up. I don't know what have him confirmation to do it but he just walked up to me and embraced me. After a brief second I wrapped my arms around him too. As soon as he felt my touch he starting crying. I don't know exactly what to say but I that this signals the end of our breakup. With the whole truth out now, I was glad to take him back because it really wasn't his fault. I soaked in the happiness of the moment. Once I was ready to face him, I opened my eyes. I saw Hosea reaching for Thugzilla's gun...

Me- Pooch!

I tried to switch our positions so that maybe he could shoot him before Hosea could get off a shot. Pooch caught a glance of Hosea picking up the gun and forced me back against the wall. I heard Roshon yell at the end of the tunnel before all I could see was Pooch's chest. I heard the un-silenced pistol go off 3 times before a hail of silenced shots were fired. I peeked over his shoulder and Hosea was dead riddled with bullets. The problem I noticed was Pooch didn't move...

Me- Pooch, he's dead. You can move now

I heard his breaths jumping in my ear. Instantly, I began to fear the worst...

(Pooch POV)

I can't believe it. I don't understand. I don't get how Hosea missed with a clear shot. Wait? Wait, what's that? I could feel something wet dripping from the back of my right shoulder, another trail started right next to the first, a final trail began just a few inches above my waistline on my left side. Then the pain hit and I realized that I was just shot 3 times by my ex bestfriend while protecting my boyfriend...

Terrence- Pooch, he's dead. You can move now

I wanted to say something but the pain and thoughts about what's gonna happen clouded my mind. Without a word I fell back, hitting the sand feeling the burn as it made contact with the bullet wounds. I could hear the girls screaming in the background freaking out, Roshon was screaming for Terrence, and Terrence was making eye contact with me. He was frozen with fear, I could see it...

Roshon- Come on we have to get the body

Raven- What about Pooch

Me- Get Hosea out of here. I'll take care of Pooch, just go

Everybody but Terrence grabbed Hosea's body and carried him away. Terrence call 911 as he knelt next to me. He held me close while he cried...

Me- Don't...cry

Terrence- Shhh don't talk. Just hold on ok. Hold on helps coming

Me- I....I...love...you

Terrence- I love you too baby. Now just relax ok. You're gonna be fine. You hear that helps on the way...

I heard the sirens. My vision started to get blurry. I could hear Terrence crying thorough his words. Although it was more crying than talking. I couldn't do anything but wait. Wait for that bright light everybody talks about. Wait for my entire life to flash before my eyes. Wait til their was nothing to see, or hear, or say. As everything faded away I saw it. College football games, Terence cheering for me in the stands, getting drafted in the NFL, my first pro game, then the most beautiful thing in the world, me & Terrence both dressed in all white tuxedos holding hands at my spot, with rings on our fingers. And that was it. I saw everything my life could've been, then their was nothing. Darkness surrounded me. The last thing I heard was a faint echo...

EMT- (Echos) CLEAR...


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: The Tour (Chapter 2 in the works), Pairings (Chapter 3 in progress), The Sugar Shack (On pause), Perfect Pitch, and Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight (Chapter 4 coming soon)


Next: Chapter 18

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