Purple Gang

By Derek Ryder

Published on Mar 8, 2020


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The Rules

I woke up groggily the next morning not knowing where I was. I tried to think through the fog but couldn't. I moved slightly and felt my bare leg touch cold concrete. I was naked on the ground. I tried to sit up but was pulled back down by a chain connected to a collar on my neck.

The events of the night before came rushing into my head. I must have fallen asleep on the journey to their place. My head was splitting from chugging the beers the night before. I inspected the collar around my neck trying to see if I could remove it. There was no way.

I needed to pee so badly. I hope the guys will wake up soon. It was so silent and dark part of me was afraid but mostly I had accepted my punishment. One month, it will be fine. I can do this. Suddenly the creak of a door and then a blinding light entered the room.

It took my eyes a while to adjust. When they did Markus was stood in front of me. He was barefoot, shirtless and in shorts. He was wearing the mask he wears during his cam videos. I looked up at him and his magnificent body. 'Hey, bitch how are you?' he asked mockingly.

I tried to speak but my throat was too dry. `Water, please sir' I asked. He walked to a cabinet and removed a metal dog bowl from it. He brought it over to beside my face. I was thirsty, hungry weak and tired.

He began to piss into the bowl. As the stream hit the bowl it splashed me in the face but I was too tired to move. The warm liquid sent sprinkles onto my face. `No water down here, but if you're thirsty then drink that' it was more and order then a request. I shook my head in refusal.

He shrugged and turned to walk away. `No, wait' I screamed in desperation. He stopped. I leaned over the bowl and got set to drink another man's piss for the second time in I don't know how many hours. I start lapping the pee up much to Markus amusement.

I was thirsty I didn't care. I had no shame and before long it was empty. The thought of piss brought my own bladder to the fore front. I was bursting to pee. `I need to pee' I grunted. Markus knelt down and stroked my hair.

`Sorry, no can do. We are finishing our show and then going to bed, it's late. Talk in about eight hours. You might as well just piss as soon as you need to. You will be alone for a while' he said giving me a light slap on my face. He turned and walked out turning the light of as he did.

I tried to resist the urge to pee and succeeded for about an hour. It took a whole hour for me to accept they weren't coming back for a while. I couldn't hold it anymore and let loose. How had I sunk so low? I hoped I wouldn't sink any lower, somehow I doubted it.

Due to my position the piss sprayed onto my stomach and chest and rolled down my sides. The warm sensation of it running down my body was nice at first but then it got cold. I shivered for a while in a pool of my own piss before falling asleep again.

I don't know if it was eight hours but I was awoken to the same blinding light from earlier. The six guys stood at the door way, all with a smirk on their faces. Owen and Rojer walked over to me and lifted me to my feet. One of them undid the chain attached to my collar.

My legs were stiff and I felt weak. I looked around at my clothed masters and down at my own dirty naked body. I could barely raise my head in shame. I looked around the room. It looked like a BDSM dungeon. `Oh, don't worry that's for one of our shows'. Markus said.

They guided me through the door and up some stairs. We walked into the kitchen and I was sat down by the kitchen table. I was handed a glass of water and I greedily swallowed it down. They brought over some bacon, eggs and baked beans and put them in front of me.

The smell was intoxicating. I leaned over to pick up the knife but my hand was swatted away. `Oh no, not with a knife and fork, now kneel bitch.' Marsel said. I didn't hesitate. I wanted the food one way or another. I knelt to my knees and noticed a dog bowl in front of me.

Markus came and sat in the chair in front of me. As he did his crotch came to within inches of my face. He sat in front of me and spread his legs and pulled me closer by the collar on my neck. `Please sir, no more piss, please' I begged once again.

`Oh, don't worry. You won't have to drink any piss now'. He lifted up the plate containing my breakfast and tipped it into the dog bowl. I looked at the food in the dog bowl, it looked so good. I wanted to start eating but thought it was best to wait for permission

Markus lifted his leg. Pushing his barefoot into my face, he left it here for a few moments before hovering it over my food. He looked into my eyes and a wide grin appeared. He lowered his foot onto the food. The beans squeezed through his toes. Tomato sauce spilled all over his foot.

He dug his foot in deeper and curled his toes. He lifted his foot, bean and now scrambled eggs protruded from his toes. `Eat' he said with his foot balancing in mid-air. I looked at his bare foot centimetres from my face. The food smelled amazing and his feet where beautiful.

I leaned forward and took one last look before taking his toes in my mouth and sucking the eggs and beans into my mouth. They tasted excellent. I sucked all the food from between his toes and started to lick between them. He lowered his foot and picked up more food.

He presented his foot again and I continued eating. I could instantly feel the energy return to my body. It was only then I noticed the other five lads videoing me all of them pointing the phone at me from different angles. `Smile, oh and if you misbehave these videos get leaked'.

To my own surprise I didn't even care I was so hungry I just kept eating. I looked up the camera, beans and eggs fell to the floor. I must have looked like a pathetic sight as I licked squashed food of the dirty tiles. I finished and looked up at my masters expectantly.

Rojer and Tim lifted me to my feet and pushed me towards the back door. I stopped in horror at the thought of been exposed in public again. `Don't worry bitch, nobody will be able to see you' I stepped out into the warm sunshine. I looked down at my body I was filthy.

From behind one of my tormenters lifted my arms in the air. I stood there buck naked with my arms raised above my head. The cold splash of the water hose jolted my mind into focus. They sprayed me down for a full five minutes before been satisfied.

The heat from the sun dried me in minutes. I looked around at the property I expected to see a small back garden but this was more like an acre or two of land. The land is poorly maintained but is big, weeds run for what seems like an acre or two until reaching a thick growth of trees.

The place is totally excluded. I felt trapped. How could the guys afford this place? `Impressive isn't it? We wanted to earn some extra cash so found this place on AirBnB. Only wanted to book it out for a week, but the owner said if we clear out these weeds we get it free for a month' said Tim.

Marsel walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. `That's one of your tasks. You should be able to do it in a month. The rest of the rules will be explained to you soon, boi.' Tim calling me boi made me instantly hard which brought laughter from my tormentors.

Tim circled around me. It felt odd being naked outside in front of six clothed guys. 'Look at you, nice enough body, nice abs, but way too pale. How will you be able to work naked in the sun with a body like that? You need lots of sun cream'.

Roger and Tim walked up to me. Tim removed a plastic tube from his pocket. He squirted some on Rogers hands and then his own. The two boys then started to lather my body with the cream. Their touch was sensual and made me rock hard. I was in heaven.

The guys rubbed the cream over every part of my body. The fingers ran up and down my legs. It felt amazing. Roger cupped my balls adding a generous amount of cream as he did. Tim from behind ran his hands down my back, again lathering up my ass with lots of cream.

After they were finished the six of them just stood there looking at me. I was completely covered in cream from head to toe. I wondered why they were looking at me with grins on their faces when the cream started to tingle. It was becoming hotter and hotter.

Something is wrong with the cream, guys. It really tingles.' I said. Don't worry' its jut really strong Russian brand it will pass' Tim said.

After ten minutes the sensation didn't pass. `Please sir please, it's not getting any better can I was hit of please' I pleaded. Timl nodded to guys and I was walked back to the hose. They began to hose me down again. The cream came off slowly despite the high pressure of the hose.

As the cream started to run away I noticed that it was bringing my body hair away with it. I was in disbelief, frozen on the spot. The hose was directed on all parts of my body. As the water hit it exposed more and more bare smooth skin.

The guys noticed my confusion and horror and started to laugh. That's not sunscreen bro, that's hair removal cream' was blurted out amongst the laughter. I looked at my body, from the neck down there wasn't a single hair. I looked like so much younger without hair.

`Ok get inside we are going to getting you ready for the coming month and explain a few rules' said Marsel as the guys walked back into the house. I was brought into the living room and ordered to kneel. I wondered what the rules would be but was sure I wouldn't like most of them.

As I knelt there Marsel retrieved a box from upstairs. He removed a plastic dick shaped device. It looked like a chastity belt from the future. He attached it to my penis and took out his phone. He pressed a few buttons and I felt it lock.

`Technology is amazing these days, a chastity device attached to an app. Even tells me your location, oh and this too' Marsel pressed a button and I felt a small vibration on my dick. It was slow at first but I felt my self-coming closer and closer to cumming.

After a few moments just as I thought I was about to cum it stopped. I looked at Marsel trying to catch my breath. `Interesting device, it can read when you are about to cum and deactivates, I imagine being in chastity and edged constantly would be difficult' he said smiling.

He was right I needed to cum so badly the feeling left behind was enormous. I couldn't handle this again. I must avoid giving them reason to use this. I must behave and do as ordered. In a month it will be over and I'll be back to work, back to normality.

`Ok now to the rules, boi. You will address us as Sir at all times. If you speak out of turn you will be gagged until you learn your lesson. As said before you will pull the weeds out in the back garden. You can do it while we are on Chaturebate' said Marsel.

It didn't seem too bad. Pulling weeds is a fair punishment for what I've done. Marsel continued. `You will be naked the whole time, you will probably wear cloths a handful of times over the next month. You are here to please us and make amends'

`You will sleep down stairs in the dungeon, there is a nice little dog cage down there should keep you nice and cosy. Speaking of which you will always drink and eat out of dog bowls provided and will ask permission to piss. Do you agree to follow these rules?' Marsel finished.

I sat there contemplating my predicament. I had no choice. I didn't want to be naked for a month but I felt like had little choice. I mean not only did I owe them but they had videos of me eating food of Markus barefoot. I had to do what I was told. `Yes, sir' I said defeated.

`That's good. You are going to do a good job making it up to us and we are going to make a lot of money too. Don't worry we won't be too mean to you. We might even take you out to a party at the weekend, behave yourself and you can come or we will lock you in a cage for the night'.

I nodded. This seemed to satisfy him. He lifted me up. `Okay, we are going to put on a show. You might as well make a start on those weeds. There is actual sun cream out by the drain. Don't worry it's expected to rain today' Marsel said before pushing me out into the back garden.

I looked at the task ahead of me. It was going to be a hard month. I walked towards the weeds. My feet were bare and the feel of damp mud on the bottom of my feet was surprisingly nice. I hope it won't rain much this month and I hope I go to the party at the weekend.

At least I had the party to look forward to look forward to. That would make it a lot easier and besides the guys are hot as fuck. This mightn't be as bad as I am thinking.

If you would like to send feedback please do to derekhello34@hotmail.com. My Kik is derekhello33.

You guys should check out the Purple Gangs page, I don't think they are gay but they are very hot and if you guys have any left over money from donating on Nifty maybe tip them too, make sure they don't decide to give up.


Check out my pornhub account too if you like. Just a few videos of a session I had with a master recently. Enjoy https://www.pornhub.com/users/kfasslave/videos

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