Putting on a Show

Published on Aug 25, 1999



Kelly was broke. That wasn't unusual for him or any of the others in the dorm.

His roomate was always broke but seemed to find money for things like pizza, beer and an occasional suprise wardrobe.

They had become friends as most roommates do in college. Mac was a midwestern looking kid although he was from Santa Cruz, a beach city near San Francisco. While Kelly was a southern boy from Atlanta with the accent to match.

Both ended up in the cold state of Michigan at the UofM and suffered the usual pressures of freshman year combined with the winter weather that neither were used to.

Their heater either didn't work or worked overtime. So at times they put on ski parkas to sleep and other times were bareass trying to endure the steam heat. When cold, they didn't hesitate to get in the same bed. And when hot they didn't seem to mind being naked around each other.

Kelly certainly didnt' mind. He had sucked dick since he was thirteen. An Uncle there, a cousin there, a buddy now and then and even his step dad. He was queer..and kept it quiet on campus. Sooner or later, he knew he'd have some sex with a classmate..but there was too many other problems to deal with.

As for Mac, he didn't know what Mac's sexual activities were other then the midnight masturabation that was hard to ignore. And once or twice Kelly joined in. Each boy in their own beds, in the middle of the night, rubbing their erections sharing without touching....enjoying without talking about it...and thinking about whatever made it enjoyable. For Kelly it was memories of other partners and the image of Mac naked now and then. But he didn't know what Mac fantasized about.

"Wild night last night huh?" Mac said after one of those sessions. "Yea...guess we all get horny" Kelly said. And the two never talked about it further.

As for freshman problems, Mac was always relaxed and Kelly worried about tests, schedule, tuition, his part time job and of course money.

"You worry too much man. Go with the flow" Mac would advise again and again. Kelly didn't know how to do that..nor how Mac did.

Finally in the middle of the winter months with Christmas shopping looming ahead and the thought of going home without presents for anyone, Kelly asked the question that he wondered for the past three months.

"Mac you gotta tell me. How do you do it? Not the kickback attitude, I mean money. You always seem to have enough to spend on stuff"

"You really want to know?" Mac absentmindedly stroked his smooth chest and across his erect nipple. That distracted Kelly but only for a moment.

"Yea..tell me man..I gotta make some bread too"

"Well you know the quadrangle?" Mac revealed his habit of hanging around that part of campus and meeting strange men. "Hell, a bj is a bj. You just close your eyes and imagine it's a girl" he explained the twenty dollar blowjobs that provided him funds.

"You ought to try it. With a face like yours, they'd really go for it. If you want to make more money, that cute butt could make you a fortune"

Kelly suddenly became self conscious as he stood there wearing only his jockey shorts. His cock was stirring so he quickly sat on his bed and pulled the sheets across his lap.

"I did that a couple, well a few times too" Mac continued his confessional explanation. "Didn't like it..the first time anyway. but Christ I made fifty dollars each time. "

Kelly was trying to absorb everything that Mac was saying. His roomie had made money getting blowjobs and now admitted he had been buttfucked too. And Mac seemed to indicate he liked it. That was more important then making money doing it..at least Kelly thought so.

"You think I'm an asshole?" Mac said. He stood and stretched. His smooth skin revealed his ribcage and muscles as he did it. It wasnt' the first time Mac had done this..but now it turned Kelly on with hurricane like suddenness.

"No...I...ah. Did you ever do it to others?" Kelly asked.

"Fuck? hell yea, girls, guys..all the same. Though guys usually are tighter" Mac laughed as he adjusted the mound in his crotch.

Kelly tried to see if the boys cock was getting hard like his.

"No I meant blowjobs" Kelly said.

Mac paused and looked out the window.

"Man look out there." Kelly stood and moved beside Mac at the window.

"There are hundreds, no thousands, of horny guys like you and me. What do you think they do to get off? Think they jack off like we do at night?" Mac slapped Kellys butt but gently. Kelly didn't jump or react. His body thrilled at the touch.

"Hell man they got erections just like the one you got now"

Kelly hadn't hid his boner when he stood beside Mac. He wished he had now.

"It's cool. It's natural. So if we jack off, suck, fuck, get sucked, get fucked whatever, why not? It doesn't hurt anyone. And if we can help others get off and make a little bread, why the fuck not?"

Mac put his hand on Kellys bare shoulder.

"hey you can make some too...let's go"

Mac threw Kelly's jeans and tee shirt at him as he pulled on his own.

"Come on" Mac urged.

Kelly's head was numb. But he did as he was told puttting on his tee shirt, jeans and a University sweat shirt. The ski parka barely on, Kelly had to trot to catch up to Mac.

"now you go over there and kind of walk around. Be friendly and appear like you're just out for a walk" Mac's words flowed form him in a steamy bruch of air. It was like seeing the boy talk, Kelly thought. Then suddenly Mac was gone.

The night air filled Kelly's lungs as he looked around. Students were walking this way and that. Adult forms too walked here and there. It was almost midnight and the foot traffic was far more then Kelly thought.

He saw a figure by another building. Kelly thought it looked like Mac. The were actually two silhouettes there. One, the Mac like person, was laughing and stamping his feet. The other reached out and put his arm around Mac's shoulders. Kelly looked away rather then intrude...although they were twenty yards away anyway.

"Hi" a voice said to him. It was another student who seemed to walk up. "got a light?" Kelly didn't smoke but carried a lighter...a gift from the Uncle who had introduced him to buttfucking long ago. "Sure" kelly flicked it and saw the flame illuminate the face of a Grad . Student who was also a teaching assistant.

"Cold night huh?" the voice asked.

Kelly didnt' know what to say.

He turned and saw the two silhouettes walking away from where they had stood. Mac was going somewhere to do something with the guy. The thought of seeing Mac naked sucking or being sucked...fucking or getting fucked totally turned Kelly on....

"You want to go somewhere warm?" Kelly surprised himself with the words.

"Shit yea" and they moved to a building where the Grad. Student pointed. His key allowed them into a basement doorway and they were in a darkened storeroom. "Dont' worry, we're safe here" the guy said.

"Great" Kelly said feeling the students hands begin to undress him.

The kisses were deep, the lips were tight, he licked and was licked. He sucked and was sucked, he gasped as the Grad Student stabbed his butthole with his tongue..and then he was ready. Imagining that it was Macs hands holding his bare buttocks, Kelly sighed as the cock moved into him and fucked.

"Wow you are one horny dude" the grad studend said after recovering form his orgasm. Then he sucked Kelly until the boy exploded into the darkness of the room.

"We should get together again" and they parted.

"So how much did you make?" Mac was there when Kelly arrived. He was in bed shirtless and had his hands behind his head.

"Oh nothing" Kelly admitted "it was just sex"

"Man, you gotta learn. It's not "just" sex. You're a cute, good looking, sexy kid and they like that. You're going to study business right? It's your product. Sell it..or you'll be bitching about money for the rest of your life"

"I made one hundred dolars" Mac waved the bills. Kelly didn't ask him how.

"Come on" mac jumped out of his bed. He was naked which startled and delighted Kelly.

They went to a bar and despite their fake ids drank beer and ate pizza. "Got sex gives me an appetitte..you want that?" Mac ate his own and some of Kelly's pizza. "I thought you had sex too?"

"sssshhhh" Kelly said looking around the place.

"hell man let em know. They're all jealous" Mac said "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce that tonight my roommate and I had wonderful glorious fantastic sex" he stood and belted out the announcement.

"Hope you two will be very happy" someone yelled and everyone laughed. Mac realized what he had said and how it sounded. "Fuck you" he said.

"anytime" another person yelled.

"See? They all want it" Mac said resuming his beer and pizze as if nothing had happened.

It was two or three weeks later. Kelly now had a few dollars for Christmas thanks to Mac's instruction and some horny older students and men in the nearby town. Mac too seemed to be out every night and announcing how much he made.

Kelly was in bed and about to jack off when Mac came into the room.

"Man I made a deal of all deals tonight" he announced as he began to strip off the laywers of sweaters, shirts, underwear that the weather had demanded he wear.

Kelly watched the strip show, letting his hidden erection get harder and harder.

"You and I are going to make a crapload of money myboy" Mac was not totaly naked and standing by the bathroom toilet. His penis in his hand shot a stream of urine in a artistic arch towards the toilet..as he continued to talk.

"I met this guy in town? We did it of course. And I told him about you. He wants you just based on the way I described you of course." Mac shook the last drops and walked back into the room.

"Anyway, he wants you and me at the same time" Mac paused "five hundred dollars"

"What?" Kelly moved up in the bed now, moving his hand away from his erection and letting the sheets drop a bit.

"Yea. but there's a catch" Mac said looking cautious.

"What we have to watch him do each other or what?" Kelly blurted out a fantasy he had been having of watching men have sex with Mac.

"better put that away before it explodes" Mac's eyes were aimed towards Kelly's sheets where his boner had appeared above the edge.

"Oh sorry, I was just about to...." Kelly began to explain.

"No. We have to have sex together while he and some friends of his watch. It's a party and they wanna see two students get it on with each other" Mac turned away walking in a little circle explaining.

"And we can get together with the party guests afterwards if we want" Mac began to convince Kelly to agree.

"hell he said if we do real good, he might give us more"

"Uh, well, I dont' know. I mean we're roommates and ..." Kelly didnt' know how to reply. He didnt' want to seem too anxious.

"yea, I know." Mac seemed serious as his hand moved down his belly to his cock and began to flick it gently. "We dont' know what each other like or anything. So here's what I suggest. Let's do it. We can have sex before so we know what we're doing and everything..and put on a show..hell we can pretend to like it. For five hundred dollars, I'd do it with anyone" Mac saw the expression in kelly's face.

"Hey I didnt' mean it like that man. You're a sexy guy. I told you that before. Why do you thik you making bread now? " Mac "hell I've thought about doing it with you lots of times" he paused to see if kelly was pissed off.

"really? me too" Kelly said.

"good then its settled" Mac moved to Kelly's bed and lifted the sheets. "Lets get started".

"You boys were everything you claimed" the man counted out the ten fifty dollar bills and then added another one hundred dollars. "you want to stick around and mabye we can have some more fun tonight after everyone leaves"

"got to hit the hay...classes tommorrow" Mac said stuffing his share of the money into his pocket where a few twenties an a couple of fifties had been put after he had private times with the party guests.

Kelly was quiet. He didn't know what to say.

"what about you, I'd like to spend the night with one of you at least" the man put his hand on Kellys shoulder.

"gotta go man sorry" Mac said.

Kelly shook the mans' hand and asked if he could come back. the thought of spending the night with the man was one he liked.

"We made out like bandits. How many times did you do it?" Mac talked about the night like some job....

"hey why are you so quiet?"

"hell man I made money, had a good time and all that...but it wasn't the same as when we ..." Kelly wanted to say things that he though Mac wouldn't want to hear.

"I know" Mac stopped. They stood on the sidewalk on the way to their dormatory. Other students were around butnot many it was very late. Very few lights were on in the dorm windows.

"Know the reason I didn't want to stay..even if he offered us money?" Mac gently held Kelly's parka collar.

"Because I got so turned on having sex with you while they watched..all I could think of afterwards was going back to our room and doing it again and again with you"

He pulled Kelly's collar and kissed him right there in public.

Like that first night they had sex, that night was wild, uncontrollable, hot sweaty and both were amazed their bodies kept wanting to explode.

"It was a hell of a show last night" Mac said as he lay there stroking Kelly's smooth buttocks" they had just recovered from yet another pair of orgasms.

"We ought to do it again" kelly said "especially if we can do this afterwards"

"Sounds good to me" Mac moved Kelly's buttocks apart and lowered his head to give Kelly a sensation he wasn't expecting.

It was a hell of a show.

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