
By Jakester Mobile

Published on Sep 5, 2012



Name: Oliver Raymond King Sex: Male DoB: 10-10-93 B. Type: AB Negative Ethnicity: Caucasion Height: 5'11" (1.8 m./71 inches/180 cm) Weight: 150 lbs. (68 kg) BMI: < 8 lbs (3.6 kg)

Candidacy: Affirmative Status: Ready

... ...


"Oi Oliver, wake your fit ass up! You're gonna miss your meet dude!" Jacks violently shook me awake, repeating himself until I broke sleep


"What the fuck did you just say dude" Jacks continued to shake me, now laughing, until I formulated a clear sentence... impossible to do at this hour.

"I dun wanna go raaaace.. I always get second place I'm tired of silver.." I lifted my body forward, accidentally knocking my head into Jacks'.

"Fuckin' ow dude, you know you have a thick-ass skull."

"Screw you Sacks!" I moaned, rubbing my forehead. I honestly don't remember why I call him Sacks. Nick name, don't know where it originated from. I don't even remember the first nick name I called him that birthed the eventual evolution to 'Sacks.'

I shoved him to the foot of my bed and jumped up, only then realizing, in full view, I was stark naked.

Jacks whistled, "Hoooie! You got a fine ass on you my friend!" He leapt at the opportunity and smacked my ass, walking passed me and peripherally glancing at my junk, as if I wouldn't notice.

"Yea yea it's not the first time you've seen it and I know how much you enjoy it so it won't be the last time" I looked at the clock, ignoring my nudity, and realized he was right, I was about to miss my chance at a silver metal.

Screw the shower, I barely have time to get my speedo on! I shuffled around for my black shorts speedo and couldn't find them anywhere.

"Dude, the fuck is my speedo I'm gonna be late!"

"I dunno did you leave a load down in the wash?" He once again glanced at my groin, I didn't care. I'm not well endowed, per se, but I'm by no means small. Just slightly over average.

"Of course not! I -.. um.. well.. maybe I did.. Fuck you you doubt planter"

"Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me, 'liver"

"Yea yea yea" I went to open the door and realized I was naked, I grabbed a towel and put it around my waist and then proceeded down the dorm halls, down the stairs, to the laundry room. After searching for about 30 seconds I realized that I forgot nothing down there.

I sprinted upstairs and burst into the hallway again and then ran full body to body into some guy on accident.

"Ah! Sorry about that! I lost my swim suit and I'm in a rush, Sorry!"

"Don't worry about it" He walked away and I thought I heard him whisper my name under his breath, but I imagined it.

I got to the door and saw a small packaged box in front of it. I immediately looked back through the hall and saw the man cutting the corner, looking back at me as he disappeared. I picked up the box and went inside.

"Got a package" I tossed the box at Jacks and he caught it, relatively light-weighted, probably wasn't anything interesting.

"Oll, it's for you" He handed it to me but I ignored it.

"Open it for me will ya I'm in a hurry" I looked under my blankets a third time, and shuffled through my drawers a 3rd time. Jacks opened the box and pulled out the contents.

"Let's see; there's a letter, want me to read it?" I nodded, head still turned away and rummaging through my things, "Dear Oliver, I hope these bring that small amount of luck you deserve to help you win your meet today. I'll talk to you later. Sincerely, Toby"

My interest was peaked at this point, as I was sick and tired of getting silver. So I went over to the box and pulled out a size small (my size for my 28" waist) brief-style speedo. I picked them up and inspected them. No lace, but there was cute little upside down triangle right on the back at the top.

"Dude that Toby guy is totally queer eye'in you"

"Fuck off, Toby's awesome. Plus he just saved my life." For some reason I went to the small bathroom in our dorm room to put them on, even though he had seen me naked minutes before.

I threw the towel on the floor and stepped into my new speedo. It kind of shined from the light in a unique way. Almost like rubber or latex or something. I didn't care because they made my ass look faaaantastic. I left the room and got my sandals on, ready to walk to the University Pool like that, then I remembered I had to pee.

"Ope gotta pee"

"Jesus for someone in a hurry you sure like to take your time. Nice speedo, by the way"

"I know don't I look super sexy" I shook my ass right before I closed the door and pulled my speedo dow-... My thumbs couldn't grip it. I tried to stick my thumb under the band but.. it wouldn't go.. The speedo was.. what? The speedo is attached to me.. I started to panic. A chill went down my spine and sweat drew on my neck.

"Ah... has... ahhh. JACKS! JACKS HELP GET IN HERE!" I started to tear up because it was literally a second skin attached to me, I couldn't do anything. I tried getting in through the thighs, through the dimples on my lower back, nothing worked. The speedo was fused to my skin.

Jacks came barging in, breaking the lock on the door.

"Oliver what? What's wrong? What is it? Are you okay?" I looked up at him, eyes teary, and then my thumbs slipped into the elastic band.

I was dumbfounded, I looked down and yanked the speedo off of me, and I started to cry.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong? What happened?" He put his hands on my arms and looked me in the eyes.

"It was..." I looked down at the speedo and at my waist.. I realized how stupid it would sound and elected to not convince Jacks of my craziness, "nothing it was... It was nothing.. just imagined something that wasn't there.. a shadow in the mirror, freaked me the fuck out. It was nothing though.."

"Jeez dude you scared the hell out of me.. In 9 years I have never heard you yell like that before. I thought you cut your dick off or something." I chuckled slightly and noticed the door.

"Yea you busted the door pretty bad. Well if I'm ever being murdered I know who to call now" He laughed and rubbed my arm as he went back into the room.

I picked up the speedo and inspected it more closely... Just cloth. Nothing strange about it. I went pee before I put it on and then left to go to my swim meet, waving goodbye to Jacks as I exited. As I walked to the pool I kept my thumb trapped under the band the whole time.

I liked how protective Jacks was of me.. We joke around as if we're equals but.. I feel like it's more than that.

God damn I hope I win the race today.

Thanks for reading everyone! For questions or comments (constructive criticism very welcome!) please e-mail me at: with this story's title in it! :D

Next: Chapter 2: My Binds Set Me Free

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