Questioning Travis

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Apr 27, 2015


Travis stood in front of my desk totally naked and at attention. He had been that way for some time. Perhaps his arms and legs were cramping? I didn't give a shit of course. In fact, that was part of the fun. A lamp on my desk was trained on Travis' beautifully toned, muscular smooth body and especially on his fat hefty fuckmeat. Travis was hung. That was one of my many interests in him. Travis was in his early twenties. He was also married, and his lovely wife was about to give birth to their first child. Travis loved his wife and was so fucking proud to be a new daddy he could hardly stand it. But Travis had that huge hunk of fuckmeat, and he couldn't stop wanting to shove it up every cunt he met. I had taken it into my head to punish Travis for his indiscretions. I had also masturbated more times than I care to recount thinking about getting cute young Travis under my thumb...and under other things as well.

Travis was totally one hundred percent straight. Which made all of this more fun. It was more fun to make him suck my sizable dick and swallow my cum. It was more fun to make him spread his muscular young ass cheeks for me to shove my nine inches up his formerly virgin, now frequently fucked asshole. And the games were just beginning. Travis is an actor by profession. He is not the brightest boy in the world, but he is ambitious, and with his amazing body and rugged good looks, he is making a name for himself in the business. I held Travis' future in my hands, and he knew it. He hated sucking my dick, but the more he hated it, the more I enjoyed it. I'd make him open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue. Then's I rest my thick leaking fuckmeat on his tongue and slowly work it in and out of his mouth, until my fuckmeat was sliding on a lake of dick leak and boy spit. Recently in our rather new relationship, I'd been teaching him how to deep throat and trying to get rid of his gag reflex.

Our arrangement was for three months. If Travis agreed to be my total sex slave for three months, I would not show his wife the photos of him fucking Alice, a young actress in a recent show in which he appeared. As I say, he truly loved his wife, but his big fat dick often had a mind of it's own. Travis didn't want to lose his wife and baby-to-be, nor did he want his blossoming career to tank, so he had agreed to my proposal. To say he hated me would be an understatement. He loathed having to lick my balls and suck on my asshole. The first week or so, he couldn't suck my shithole without getting sick.

Travis had informed his wife that he had to be away for two months to work on a special theater project that might kick-start his career big time. I allowed him to telephone her almost every day, after all I am a compassionate man. I allowed him to telephone her with my dick up his ass, pounding away. Dear boy...he told her he was working out! Getting a work out more like!

But the reason Travis was standing in front of my desk on this fine Spring evening was that we were going over his journal. I had ordered the young man to write a journal for me of every single sexual experience he had ever had. I had demanded every single dirty fucking detail. At first he had allowed as that was impossible because he had been a randy young man, and there had been quite a bit of fucking, and also he simply couldn't remember. I helped him get going by taking a cattle prod to his testicles. Watching a six foot two muscular hunk cry like a baby and hop from one big finely shaped foot to the other with his dick swinging like a fucking sledgehammer while I zapped his ballsack was delightful. I had several ways of helping Travis complete the many tasks I set for him. He hated most of, that's incorrect. He hated all of them! He loathed them. He feared them. To see that muscular hunk writhe in pain brought my dick to dripping erection. Also, part of our deal was that if he didn't comply with my every order, no matter how trivial or severe, we added days to his servitude. Of course, the more photos I took of Travis, and the more I knew about his love life, the more leverage I had. The poor dumb, cute kid was trapped and didn't even realize it.

I am not a monster. I am compassionate . I even allowed him to go home and spend a weekend with his wife, wearing a tight plastic cockcage with a heavy padlock on it of course.

I didn't want him fucking her during my time. Of course, she was close to delivery now, so they probably would not fuck anyway, but he might convince her to suck his dick, right? And I couldn't have that on my time. I controlled his dick and when he came...if he was ever allowed to cum.

Travis shifted nervously from large naked foot to large naked foot. Sweat trickled from his sexy armpits. That was another thing he hated...licking my armpits clean, especially after I worked out. I don't know which he hated more, licking my sweaty armpits or licking my sweaty balls. The first time I had him lick my balls and my taint was pretty traumatic for him.

He protested with tears running down his handsome face that he was totally straight and couldn't handle licking the balls of a dude. Well, as you can imagine, we got over that.

I spanked his nutsack violently with a wooden spoon. Soon he was begging me to allow him to lap my fucksack. I kept congenially explaining to him that these were just parts of the human body, and nothing about the human body should disgust him. Not even licking and sucking on a Man's hairy, sweaty asshole!

Anyway, I was going over an entry in Travis journal. I spent hours grilling the young man on every single entry. It almost drove him mad. For mistakes and errors I encountered, he was punished. The current entry concerned Tina Hampton, a Freshman girl that Travis had fucked in high school. Travis had been a senior at the time.

"So, Travis, when you were a high school jock, you liked young cuntmeat, is that right? From your journal entries, it seemed like you really went for the young pussy."

"I don't know, Sir. I was a kid...a teenager. I was horny all the time. I tried to score with pretty girls, that's all."

"Yes, but you were a senior...what, eighteen or so, and this little twat Tina, she was what, fourteen? You went hunting for fourteen year old cunt, right?"

"I guess." He hung his head in shame.

"Did she have hair on her pussy yet, or was her cunt bald. You neglect to mention that in your journal. YOU need to be thorough, Travis, or I will have to punish you. Was her cunt hairy or bald?"

"How am I supposed to..."

I cut him off. "Think back. Think back to little Tina's fourteen year old virgin cunt. Was it hairy or bald?"

"Pretty bald. Just a few hairs."

"I see, barely into puberty. You liked to fuck them young. You could go to prison for that, Travis. I wonder where little Tina is now? You fucked your big thick leaking eighteen year old dick into the virgin cunt of little fourteen year old Tina, right?"

"I guess."

"We have already established that you had a pretty fucking big dick even back in high school. You were over nine inches even back then. So it must have really hurt little Tina. You don't mention in your journal if it hurt her when you forced your nine inch plus fuckmeat into her virgin cunt. Did it hurt, Travis?"

Was he crying again? He cried an awful lot lately, at the strangest things. Was he feeling guilt? "She said it hurt. She begged me to take it out."

"But you didn't stop, did you?" Did I just see Travis' huge thick fuckmeat give a twitch and a little lurch? He hated standing bare assed naked in front of my desk with the video camera capturing every detail of his sex life. I drew a large red circle around Tina's name. "You didn't stop until you were satisfied. You will have to re-write this entire section. It is not acceptable.

I want much more detail. Did her virgin pussy bleed from your big fucking dick?"

"A little." I could see he was remembering now. His fucker was thickening. It was fucking turning him on.

"How often and how many times did you fuck Tina before you dumped her for another bitch? It says here in your journal you dated her for two months. Dated is not an acceptable word. You should have written that you FUCKED her for two months, right?"

"I guess." His handsome head hung even lower.

"Look at me!" He did. "How often did you fuck her?"

"It's so fucking hard to remember. I don't know. I tried to remember, I really did. It's...."

"Did you fuck her more than three times a week?"

"I guess, I fucked her almost every day."

"Did you ever fuck her more than once a day?"

"Jesus, sometimes we'd fuck twice and a couple of times three times." Sweat was dripping from his chin into his beautifully formed pecs.

"Do you suppose it hurt her as much as you say it hurts you when I fuck your ass until you can barely stand up?"

"I suppose. I didn't think at the time..."

"THAT'S RIGHT. YOU DIDN'T THINK! Did you wear a condom when you fucked her?"

"Sometimes." His fingers twitched, but his manmeat got even thicker.

"Sometimes. So sometimes you risked her getting pregnant at fourteen just to dump a load from your needy teenage nuts, is that right?" He shifted and his big balls danced and jiggled.

"Please, Sir, I was a kid. Just a kid. I was..."

"Did you ever fuck her in the asshole?"

"No. I tried, but she didn't want it. I guess that was partly why we broke up. She wouldn't let me."

"Well, big boy, now that you are taking my fuckmeat up your shithole once or twice a day, as well as the big dicks of some of my friends, perhaps you understand better why she was a bit reluctant...right?"

He seemed visibly shaken. "Yes, Sir. It really hurts."

"Boys seldom consider the pain a cunt has to put up with taking jock dick up her pussy or asshole. Do you fuck your wife in the ass?"

He looked at me, tears filling his usually clear eyes and running down his strong masculine yet youthful face. "She pregnant...I don't...I..."


"Sometimes. I didn't realize it hurt so much. She said it did, but I never thought..." He squatted down on his haunches and began to cry harder. His knees were spread slightly and his nuts were hanging especially low today, almost brushing the carpet. How beautiful his fuckmeat and sack were.

"Stand up, Travis. I didn't tell you to squat!" He struggled back up to his feet. "Turn around and present your ass to me!" He slowly turned revealing the smooth hard slabs of his ass gloves, the lovely deep ass crack and the beautiful arch of his back just above the ass. Then remembering what I had taught him and fearing punishment if he should not do it perfectly, he arched his back and spread his legs, thrusting his hunky ass right at me. I notice a bit of fear sweat on his back just above the crack, and I also saw a few droplets hanging precariously from his scrotal sack. "Spread, Travis!"

He groaned, either in frustration, humiliation or disgust or perhaps all three and bent over more. Then he reached back with his large hands and pulled his ass cheeks apart, revealing his perfect pink puckered asshole. It did look a bit puffy and red from all the recent fucking it had been getting, but I had not yet begun to seriously stretch the hole. I don't consider ass fucking a boy twice a day with a nine inch dick hole stretching. That is just preliminary! Travis had yet to introduced to some of my gut busting dildoes.

"Now where in your journal were we Travis? Oh yes, we were talking about fucking tiny Tina. You need to put in much more detail here. You don't describe her cunt lips or her titties.

I'll bet she had delightful little nipples. I see that you have listed in the index one hundred and sixteen different girls you have fucked, some long term and some one night stands.

I need details on each and every fuck, Travis. You need to work harder, or I'll be forced to punish you. Now, I want a second section in the journal devoted to the boys at your high school."

"I NEVER did anything with a dude. I never even jerked off with another guy. I swear!" He looked so cute talking to me bent over like that, ass cheeks spread.

"Travis, while we speak, why not shove a finger up your asshole for me? Use your spit and shove it as deeply as you can up your asshole. That would be nice."

He let out a huge groan this time. "Travis, was that recalcitrance I heard in your voice? Don't make me angry, Travis. Now get that fucking finger deep up your boycunt!"

His breathing grew ragged as he worked a finger up his asshole. His asslips and hole were a bit sore from the pounding I had given them just that morning. What he didn't know was that in an hour or so, two of my very well hung black buddies were dropping by to ram that asshole! "Deeper!" I suggested and with an added grunt he pushed harder. His asslips gripped the finger tightly. Quite soon, that asshole would be much much looser. His ball sack wobbled as he finger fucked himself. "In and out, Travis, while we speak. Now where was I? Oh yes. I know you were sorely lacking in homoerotic experiences in high school. I want to know about your teammates. For example...did you have the biggest dick in your school, or did another boy have you beat? "

"Steve Schmidt..." he grunted, doing a hell of a job to impress me.

"Who was Steve Schmidt?"

"A kid on my team. He had a dick that was almost grotesque. The girls couldn't even take it. I don't know what he did for sex. He was a quiet kid and didn't hang with us much, but every time he stripped down, everyone in the locker room stood still and watched. Even Coach! We never saw it hard or nothing...but it hung almost ten inches soft and it was as thick as my forearm." I loved the squelching sound of his finger fucking in and out of his asshole.

"Does Steve Schmidt still live here in town?"

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him in years. There was a rumor he was gay." That peaked my interest.

"Tell you what, Travis, I'm getting bored. What about shoving two fingers in and out of your ass for me?"

That caused more of a sob than a grunt. "Please Sir, my hole is sore from this morning, and I don't think it can take two fingers! Please?"

"I am resolved, Travis. I want to see two fingers fucking deeply in and out of your asshole! i have worked with boys much younger than you who can take three or four! Now, stop being such a baby. Fuck your cunt with two fingers!"

It was a test really. All part of a test to see how far I could push him. How much did he want to keep his wife and child secure? How much did he want to keep his secrets secret?

The video camera kept filming as the muscular boy/man rammed two thick fingers in and out of his pink, pulsing asslips. His voice was shaky when he tried to speak. Sweat flew from his muscled torso. In and out.

"How much longer, Sir. it hurts pretty bad!" He grew childish at moments like this. I loved it.

"Oh, no more than fifteen or twenty minutes, I should think." This time, the groan was high pitched, like a bitch in heat. "But, I want to see it harder and deeper, or I'll have to take a hand to you!" He hated it when I spanked his ass and balls. I spanked his ass and balls almost every night. He hated it even more when I allowed my buddies to spank him. It was so demeaning for a handsome muscular jock with pecs like slab and a tight tummy and thighs like tree trunks to get spanked with a leather strap on his bare ass. And of course the spankings to his ample nut sack were extremely painful. Often his scrotum would be swollen for days. If he closed his legs while getting sack or ass spanked, days were added on to his servitude. One of the things Travis had learned was that he had to keep himself spread wide open for us at all times. We needed constant access to his nuts, dick and ass!

I had recently begun to put photos of him spread out for everyone to see up online in an attempt to get a bunch of college aged dudes to come over to fuck him! Next I would try for some high school boys. He seemed to feel particularly ashamed when young guys used him like a cunt!

His fingers flew as he plowed them in and out of his boypussy, trying to please me, so that I might let him stop. My dick was rock hard and dripping behind my desk. Soon, I would have him lick my dick leak off the floor. The poor baby had had to give up a really good part in a top notch show to become my fucktoy...the least I could do was to offer him my cock slop!

"In college, you went into the theater department. There are lots of faggots in the theater, Travis. Didn't you ever let one of them suck your dick?"

"I told you, I never, UGH...(His fingers must have hit a sensitive spot) I never did anything with a dude. Nothing!"

"But I bet you had some really faggy theater directors. Did they ever make you go on stage naked? Did you ever do a nude scene, Travis?"

"Yeah, a couple of times. I had this director that used to make us rehearse naked so that we would get in touch with our bodies. It was gross and stupid. But I liked seeing some of the chicks naked. Most of the time though, he made the males rehearse naked alone with him. We all knew he loved to watch us."

"Oh my, yes. He loved to watch your fucking huge dicks swinging and slapping your thighs. And he made you go on stage naked in an actual play and show the entire audience your big dick?"

"Yes, sir, in three shows! I know he had a thing for me. Please Sir, may I stop finger fucking my hole now? It really hurts."

"Just a little longer. Tell me about your father's dick, Travis."

"MY? Shit...I don't know. " Squelsh...squelsh...squelsh...the fingers fucked the hole.

"Yeah...was your daddy's dick long and thick like yours. Does it run in your family?"

"I...yeah, I guess. When I think back to seeing him in the bathroom or at the swimming pool, it always seemed really big to me."

"Did you ever masturbate thinking about your Daddy fucking your Mommy? Did you ever imagine him shoving his big fucker into her cunt?"

Travis' dick gave a giant lurch and stood out from his groin hard. He had spring a full fucking hardon from my dirty talk. That a boy!

"Sometimes, oh, God, sometimes I thought about them having sex..." His voice was very meek.

"You thought about them fucking. You thought about your Daddy fucking your Mommy! About her sucking on that huge hunk of fuckmeat and choking on it! Is that what you thought

about, Travis?"

"Sometimes...sometimes I could hear them fucking through the wall."

"Keep those fingers going, Travis...rub your prostate! Your dick is leaking. You could hear your Daddy fucking his meat into your that right?"


"OF COURSE NOT, YOU DUMB TWAT!' He crumpled to the floor. His fingers slipped out of his asshole, which stayed wide open. He lay on the floor rolled up in a fetal position.

"You removed your fingers without permission. You will be punished for that. For now, crawl over here and lick my dick leak off the floor!"

Travis crawled. Big, handsome, muscular Travis the Actor crawled on all fours, remembering to arch his back so his ass was the highest part of his body. He was learning.

He would learn. It might take months...but he would learn!

Next: Chapter 2

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