Quite Normal

Published on Dec 11, 2008



Sean fantasized about a hot, athletic, blonde man with blue eyes, muscled chest and big hands ripping open the white shirt he was forced to wear, ignoring his tie and grabbing his nipples turning him into a whimpering hard cock'd lad ready for whatever the guy wanted him for.

He'd kneel to lick and suck the mans hardness or let himself be lifted on a counter or shelf so his removed trousers allowed anal entrance and hard fucking making him knock over books and nick nacks while gallons of white cream shot up inside him to the point it flowed up his body and dribbled out the corners of his mouth.

He panted. The fantasy, though imagined time and time again, made hsi body tighten, his back arch and his toes curl before his gut released streams into the air.

Jokes in school about cock sucking, butt boys and boy slaves as well as name calling that included fag, queer and asshole didn't bother him. That was the way his peers talked to and about each other.

Their largest rebellion against the school authority was not wearing undershirts so their brown nipples and sun tanned skin shown through their obligatory white shirts.

He knew there was nothing unusual about this classmates let alone him. Even the fact he had come to accept about his own sexual identity didn't bother him. Afer all for him and others he schooled with, sexual activity was limited to jokes, personal fantasies and countless self satisfaction.

Sean was gay. He knew it. The joy of seeing, evaluating and fantasizing about men replaced any shame, fear or self hatred. He was lucky to have liberal parents, open minded siblings and an intelligence that knew he was born to be what he was.

"Hey nice ass kid" the voice was deep. He didn't turn around. Sean was used to such comments from older kids at school trying to get a rise out of him. Besides he knew his butt was what many called a "bubble". Even his aging Aunts would pat him on the hiney and say similar though less crude things.

"Shouldn't you get a looser suit?" His mother said "One that uh doesn't ... well fits you better"

He stood looking at himself in the mirror along side his brother and sisters. They all modeled the swim suits they had chosen. Sean wanted on that looked like those the Olympic swimmers wore.

"Shit you may as well be naked" Thomas chidded him. Their mother smacked him on the head "stop cursing" she said.

Sean posed and adjusted his speedos so a few pubic hairs appeared. His buttocks protrusion was visiable as he turned sideways.

"OK Mom" he retrieved a looser fitting pair of shorts and hid the speedos until he could slip them into a bag. Yes he shoplifted them. It was for the times he could wear them away from his family.

"You whacking off again?" Thomas said in the darkness of their room. Sean stopped jacking off and pretended to be sleeping.

Eventually he heard Thomas begin to do the same thing and he tried to silently resume. Neither brother said anything. Their muffled moans and groans gave them away until their bodies tired and sleep took them both into the dreamed encounters they wouldn't admit to each other and provded wet spots to be discovered in the morning.

"Hey come over and we can mdo stuff" Connor said. Sean knew the coded message meant some lying, bragging and eventual erection comparision finalized by some masturbation games. The guys all did it. Nobody would admit to it of course.

Thomas had graduated and told him life away from the parents, the religious high school and their hometown was great. The girls all wanted to blow him, he said. Sean wanted to ask "what about the guys?" but he dared not.

Eventually he knew he would have to say something private to Thomas before he told his parents. But that would be years, he hoped, away.

"Hey bubble butt" for some reason Sean turned around. He was a senior then and there were no older students to pick on him. In fact more then once, he stopped his classmates from picking on the younger ones, especially the cute ones that got similar name calling he remembered receiving.

It was Trike, one of his classmates Sean had known for years. "What are you up to Friday?" Trike was always friendly but hadn't ever included him in any discussion or get together.

A few special guys are sleeping over, pizza, Gallectica shows and" now he whispered "got some smoke and beer".

"Uh yea sure" Sean said feeling at last like an older guy instead of a kid in high school.

"And maybe some other stuff" Trike smiled and moved close as he patted Sean's butt.

"Hey" Sean said but it wasn't loud or angy.

"It's ok, man we're all into it" Trike said.

How the boy knew he was gay confused Sean. Was Trike saying he too was gay and the others there would be too? Had they done things together over the years? Sean hadn't even touched the friends he jacked off with, not even letting his bare legs touch them. If Trike was talking about what he thought, how did he know Sean would be willing?

For the class hours and days left in the week, Sean tried to get more glimpses of Trike, how he moved, what he looked like. He even snuck into the gym bleachers to spy on Trike wearing regulation gym class shirt and shorts.

To his delight the class was playing "murder ball" a dodge ball type of game and Trike was on the skins team, meaning he was shirtless. As he watched. Sean's penis became a cock, hard and throbbing in his trousers. And to his delight he saw the light reflected off a metal object that seemed attached to or hanging from one of Trike's nipples.

Wearing jewelry wasn't allowed. Not even the girls could wear showy ear rings. They could wear studs. Boys weren't even allowed to wear puka shell necklaces or rings; only watched were allowed.

Trike had pierced a nipple. Sean was sure he had to hide it from his parents as well as the school. He guessed the coach didn't care since he obviously hadnt' told the administration that one of the students had a nipple ring.

Sean masturbated several times that afternoon and evening thinking about shirtless Trike and his nipple ring. As Sean pinched his own nipple his cock drooled as if triggered by the new sensation.

Friday came and to his delifght, Sean's parents didn't question him going to Trike's for the sleepover party. He felt older as he rode his vespa down the street in the dark.

"Honey wear something white" His mother called after him. He pulled the white like sweater on for warmth and visability in the darkness. It made sense so it wasn't a kid doing what his mother said.

Trike was smiling as he opened the door. He was shirtless. The gold metal was totally visable now and there were two of them. One gold ring hung from each nipple.

"Yea got em last summer" Trike said seeing Sean staring. "Folks don't know" he added.

There weren't others inside the house. Sean wondered if Trike had tricked him. Would they get drunk and naked and fuck like he fantasized about for what seemed like a lifetime?

"Downstairs" Trike led the way to the family room in the basement where four other guys from their class were already partying.

He nodded or said hi to them. Connor was there. He was the only one Sean really knew. All the others like Trike, Sean had seen, some for years and one or two were transfer students.

"Shit no shirt no tie no coats" Trike toasted their freedom from school. The others, including Sean raised their glasses and drank from them. Sean didn't really like the taste of beer. Thomas had given him his first one and told him eventually he'd get used to it and want it all the time.

He drank it down like a cold coke on a summer day. The others cheered him for guzzling and Trike gave him a full glass.

"I thought you were a live wire" he said. The basement was warm. Sean thought that was the reson that Trike and some others were shirtless and Connor and another kid were stripped to their boxer shorts.

He pulled his sweater and undershirt off too, feeling free, acceptable and sexy s Trike's arm lay across his newly bared shoulders.

"Men tonight, anything goes. Whatever you wanna do we do, nobody tells anyone tomorrow, agreed?"

They raised their glasses again and yelled "Agreed" loud. Sean felt the hand on his butt patting him the entire time.

"OK who goes first?"

The game was truth or dare and it took those gathered to a level of personal revelation and action that began the rest of Sean's life.

"I haven't ever" He answered truthfully to the question of how many times he had sex with another person.

"Bullshit" Trike charged "not even jacking off a guy?"

Sean shook his head. He felt the blush of embarassment.

"We'll have to change that" one of the others said and got a laugh.

"Hell that's why we're all here" it was Connor said getting more laughter.

Sean wondered had he wasted those j/o sessions with him? Could he have indeed reached over and touched the other guys cock like he fantasized or been jacked by him?

The Glacctica shows gave an excuse to darken the room lights. He felt Trike's hand on his waist unbuttongin his jeans all the way down. He wiggled his way out of them until his bare thigh touched Trike's and felt the boys hand resting there.

His cock had tented the jockey shorts. It was dark so he didn't try to hide it.

"Got a special tape, from my Dad's dresser" Trike said inserting the old tape into a machine. The roomfull of horny young men made comments but then got quiet as they watched the two naked men and one woman.

Most, like Sean had seen some porno on the internet but never in public with others and never on a huge TV screen.

Cocks that weren't hard got hard. Fingers stroked or felt skin, some their own and others each other in the darkness.

Breathing could be heard.

Sean felt Trikes hand under his shorts fumbling at first but he spread his legs and sighed as the first touch of another hand was felt on his erection and balls.

Nobody said anything as the light of the screen illuminated Connor now on the floor facing another guy. His head moved. And the gasps and moans told everyone the boy was providing a sensous blow job.

Again, Sean wondered if he could have been that guy had he been more brave when he and Connor spent private time watching each other masturbating.

"Come on" Trike whispered.

He saw the boys cock sticking out of his boxers insteead of tenting like his own cock did. They moved through a curtain into the total darkness of another room.

Their the touched each other, explored, felt, stroked, pet and urged each other's underwear off.

Sean couldn't believe he was naked with another guy. Only Thomas had been in the same room with him when he was naked. Of course there were thsoe brief times in the locker room but there few guys would look at each other for fear they'd be thought queer.

He felt the arms around him and the muscled back his own arms encircled. Their lips pressed, slobbered and explored each other. Their cocks squeezed between their flat bellies.

Sean didn't know what to do next. Trike didn't seem to be as confused as they kissed, pinched.

"Pull em hard" Trike whispered feelign Sean's fingers on his nipple rings. Sean tugged and felt Trike's kissing get harder.

Their tongues invaded each other's mouths. "Here" Trike said pushing Sean back on to some kind of box or shelf.

His mouth moved down Sean's body and soon was licking his balls and cock. "Don't cum yet" he instructed.

Sean held back despite the pain in his gut. He felt his legs lifted and Trike's tongue under his balls then across his butthole. He almost orgasm'd immediately.

"Not yet" Trike said a little louder then a whisper.

Sean wondered if the others heard them, if they knew what they were doing, if Connor wished they had done this.

"It's gonna hurt a bit, just keep breathing"

It hurt more then a littel bit. Sean stiffled the sounds of his reaction less the other guys knew he was letting Trike fuck his ass. He was a queer. This is what queers did, he knew.

Then as if some kind of switch was tripped, Sean got suddenly hornier then he had ever been before. Things dropped as he bounced on the cock that was inside him. It didn't hurt so much as turned him on further.

He heard Trike's panting and muttering. He felt the boys arms holding him as his hip thrusting made Sean bounce like a little kid held up only by the cock inside him.

"Shit you guys were really goin at it' Connor said. He was standing there naked. His hand held his own hard cock.

Sean and Trike moved back into the main room. They too were still naked, holding their discarded underwear.

"He's one hot fucker" Trike said.

"Told you" Connor said.

Sean looked at Connor. "how did he know?" he wondered.

"My turn" Connor took Sean's hand and led him to the couch. Sean was still reacting to the sensations he had gotten moments ago. He leaned across the back of the couch and felt Connor slide into his cum lubricated asshole.

It didn't feel odd, weird or anything but natural.

Sean was gay.

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