Ra Adventures

By K.V.

Published on Jan 11, 2001


RA Adventures (C) KV 2000

If you're offended by sexual activities between men, I must ask you to leave...after I ask you what the hell you're doing here. In any event, in the cosmically unlikely chance you ended up here by mistake, go ahead and leave. If you're over 18 and meant to be here, please, kick back, relax and enjoy!

Big thank you's to all those of you who have written. I've enjoyed hearing your opinions and reactions. --------------------

Chapter 3

I plopped back down on the sofa in stunned silence. This was just too much for two days. I could *not believe that Matt and I had just kissed...well, almost...I really wasn't sure what it was, but it felt wonderful. My poor head was overfull of ideas and left over intoxication. What I really needed was a vacation! And to think finals were next week. I had to get with it.

FINALS!! I looked over at my clock. 9:34 -- I'd better hurry if I was going to make it to my ten o'clock class. I really couldn't afford to skip, what with it being the last week of class. Thankfully I didn't have early classes on Fridays.

I stepped into my flip-flops (you really just *don't want to know what lives in those showers), grabbed my shower gear and bolted out the door. I went straight for my stall, which was thankfully empty. I did notice that the shower next to me was still on and briefly wondered if Clint was still in there. Never mind, I thought and stripped out of my slightly damp boxers and let the water rinse over my body. About half way through shampooing my hair I suddenly remembered that, in my haste, I had left my towel in the room. I have done it before, but usually remembered *before I was all soapy and wet. I hurried up and finished bathing. I opened the curtain and poked my head out to see if by chance somebody had left a towel sitting around. Not likely.

I was surprised to see Clint standing there just finished toweling off.

He turned and smiled when he saw me. "I was wondering if you were going to make it before class."

"Yeah, me too. Um...could you do me a favor?" I could put my dirty boxers back on or just pad down the halls in all my glory, but I wasn't keen on the thought of dirty clothes and...well...I wanted a towel.

"Sure, whatcha need?"

"Well," I started...feeling stupid already, "I......I...forgot my towel. Would you mind grabbing one from my room and bringing it."

"No need," he said as he grabbed the towel off his waist, "...unless you mind sharing." I tried not to stare, really I did. He was even more spectacular from the front than from the back. His chiseled pecs that rose and fell with each breath; his carved abs led down to a nicely trimmed happy trail that fanned out to an equally nicely trimmed bush. His flaccid manhood lay pink and long against his thigh. I cut my appraisal short so that I wouldn't appear too obvious.

"Not at all," I finally answered as I stepped out of the shower, dripping on the floor, and reached out to take the towel from him, never breaking eye contact. I began toweling off as he continued to talk to me. I got the distinct impression he checked me out a couple of times, but then again, don't all guys do that? I think it's some primordial response to see if your own equipment is better than your neighbors...the whole survival of the fittest (or biggest) thing. I tried to brush it off.

Finally I wrapped the towel around my waist and we walked toward the doorway. I opened the door and walked out completely oblivious to Clint's exposed state. He didn't even flinch as he sauntered out and walked calmly beside me not missing a beat in our conversation. I admired his poise as I let us into my room. Here I finally dropped the towel and slipped on some clean boxer briefs depositing my dirty clothes onto the pile. I turned and noticed Clint was still standing there -- naked. My brain churned for a minute as I wondered what his intentions were. I thought all about a nice quickie and then forced myself back into reality. It had to be something much simpler and far more platonic, I was sure.

"Ok, my turn to forget something," he blushed a little. I was positively amused at the sight of this big stud looking embarrassed. "I, um, didn't bring a change of clothes." I was confused...his room was only down the hall. I finally understood. He had forgotten his keys and his roommate had an early class.

"Here, put these on and I'll let you in on our way to class." I tossed him a pair of my boxer briefs, which thankfully fit. He thanked me for not making him walk down the hall naked again. I apologized after which he, again, told me to loosen up. I finished dressing and grabbed my bag as we headed out the door. We walked to his room and I slipped the key in and turned the lock. I opened the door and he rushed in. He slid into a pair of loose jeans, and I tried not to appear too obvious as I watched him button the fly. He slipped on a gray t-shirt that clung to his chest and showed off his nice defined V shaped torso. The thought of him wearing my undies beneath his clothes was really sinking in now. He slipped into some Birkenstocks and dabbed on some cologne. He then ushered me out the door.

"Who're you trying to impress, Tucker?" I took a deep sniff. A handsome man that smells good too? I was on cloud nine.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" he looked puzzled.

"The cologne, doofus." I nudged him over. "What is it?" I asked. Whatever it was, it was getting me lightheaded all over again.

"Aqua di Gi•...Armani I think." He answered.

"Nice stuff, dude. You'll be beating the babes down with a stick." We laughed and headed down the stairs.

"Nah," he finally said, out of the blue. "I'm not looking around right now."

"Oh. How come?"

"Too many one-nighters. I just feel like I'm getting a little old to be sleeping around like there's no tomorrow. Know what I mean?" It was a rhetorical question, I knew, however I most certainly *did know what he meant. I had screwed around several times with guys and girls, never bothering to settle into a relationship, and only rarely repeating the encounter. It always left me feeling so empty once I finally got around to thinking about it. I really wished for a stable relationship, somebody I could look forward to coming home to.

We finally made it up to our classroom and moved from our habitual seats so we could sit next to one another. I was wondering why we had never become friends until now. I have a terrible habit of really ignoring the people around me if they aren't in my already-established circle of friends. *Note to self: try to be a little more open in the future.

Our teacher sauntered in her usual five minutes late. She cracked open her book and began lecturing. I met Clint's gaze as he rolled his eyes. I grinned and tried to pretend as though I were still paying attention to the lecture. If I was going to try to explain anything to Clint later I needed the notes...so I scribbled away.

Eventually the teacher *did have to pause for a breath and somebody took the opportunity to ask her if she had graded our tests. We were all getting anxious to review them and study from them since we were fast approaching our final. She informed us we could pick them up the beginning of next week if we wanted to review them before the final. A groan went up across the room. Clint smiled and winked at me. I chuckled as the lecture resumed.

After class we walked down the stairs of the building. "I'll catch you later, man." Clint said as he flashed me another grin.

"Alright. Take it easy!"

I watched him walk back toward the dorm. He had that typical jock saunter, and it really sent me into orbit. I was really riding a hormone high. I was walking in the general direction of my next class when a shiny black Trans-Am pulled up beside me, and the window rolled down. Recognizing Matt's car, I opened the door and hopped in.

"Hey! Where to?" he asked.

"Education building...I have psych next period."

"Psychology?! Kev, please tell me you finally picked a major..." I punched him in the arm and smirked at him.

"Look, dumbass, I finished the coursework for my major my third semester...all I have LEFT is electives. Don't give me grief! Besides," I continued, "it's my last class meeting. It's too late now anyway." I guess I'm what you call a general scholar. I had taken classes in nearly every area and had changed my major a handful of times.

"Whoah there tiger...take an extra testosterone pill this morning?" We laughed as he pulled up in front of my building.

"Oh hey, I forgot to ask you. Michelle (Matt's girlfriend) and some of her friends are going to the coast this weekend -- you know, a sort of pre-finals break. Melissa lives down there. Wanna come?" he gave me a pleading expression.

"Her, like, little sorority sister friends? Totally cool!" I mocked.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up. Still, it's five of them and one of me. I'm *way too outnumbered. C'mon man..."

"You sure you don't want all that prime cut female meat to yourself?" I winked at him. He just had this exasperated look on his face. "Yeah, I'll go. When do you want to head out?"

"How soon can you leave?"

"Well, I have this next class and I work 'till noon. After that I'm good to go."

"Great. Just toss some stuff in a bag and I'll come by your room at about 12:15."

"Sounds good. Thanks for the lift." I walked in the building wondering what adventures this weekend might bring. I considered asking Matt if Clint could join us, but then decided there was some tension that Matt and I needed to work out. He had acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. We had always been affectionate towards each other, but I really felt some line had been crossed. I glanced down at my watch and ran down to class.

After class finally let out I was feeling a little hungry, but I decided to wait and see if Matt wanted to pick something up on the way out. I made my way over to the campus office where I work and asked if it would be all right if I worked half an hour in stead of my usual hour. I told the secretary about my weekend plans and she responded by telling me that it had been a slow day thus far, and that if I wanted to take today off, I could make the hours up later. I thanked her and went up to my room.

I had everything together after just a few minutes. I was out of sunscreen, however, so I decided to make a quick trip up to the local drugstore and pick some up. I headed down to the parking lot and over to the drugstore. I walked inside thankful for the cool AC. We were having record-breaking highs lately, and it was stifling outside.

I walked over to the sunscreens and picked out one that would hopefully keep me from burning to a crisp while still letting me work on my fledgling tan. I then browsed the aisles just seeing if anything caught my eye. I came to the condoms and looked for new products. I enjoy trying the latest and greatest. I also keep a jar full of condoms in one of my drawers for my residents. I made it clear at the beginning of the year that I would much rather pay for condoms than risk disease for the guys on my floor -- my little contribution to family planning and disease prevention. Everybody knows where the jar is and they're free to come and get as many as they like (within reason...).

Some of the guys occasionally leave a couple bills in the jar to help keep it stocked, and I had noticed I was running low. I had a feeling it might be a rather, promiscuous weekend before finals and the summer break. I picked up a couple of boxes that looked appealing and walked up to the checkout to pay for my stuff.

I went up to the room and had just finished packing my sunscreen when Matt walked in. "Sweet...new sleeves." He walked up behind me and reached around to pick out three or four out of the box I had just opened.

"Oh, it's gonna be a noisy weekend, is it?" I teased. Matt reached around my waist and pulled me into him.

"Dunno...is it?" He laughed as I pushed him off.

"Please! In your dreams."

"You know you want me, McReardon...don't play hard to get."

"Nah, I'm not into freckles." I turned around and laughed.

"You'll pay for that, buddy."

"Promises, promises," I quoted. "Did you wanna grab a bite on the way out?"

"Yup. I'm starving. Let's get outta here." I grabbed my bags and we headed down to his car. I tossed my gear in the trunk and we sped over to one of the unending fast-food joints in town. After downing some grease in solid form -- aka some sort of burger -- we drove over to Michelle's house where the girls were meeting.

We drove up and the girls were loading their oversize bags into the trunk. Matt got out to make sure everything was set and I got out to greet the other girls in spite of my better judgment. There they were, Ashley, Mary, Kat, and Melissa...they ranged from taller to shorter, blonde to brunette, but all were immaculately coiffed and in their designer coordinating outfits. I only hoped a strong wind didn't come along and knock them over. I laughed to myself and greeted them all. I walked over to where Matt and Michelle were going over directions to Melissa's house and gave Michelle a squeeze.

"Hey there!" she said. She really was a great girl and I was always able to see what Matt liked so much about her. She was about 5'6, dark blonde hair, blue-green eyes, thin and pretty. Not a typical Barbie doll kind of girl, she was a really genuine kind of girl. I wondered what she had in common with her cohorts.

"Hey! Long time no see." I answered her back.

"Yeah, no kidding. Ready to get this college thing over with?"

"You know it! Thanks for inviting me along this weekend...I could use the fresh air."

"Well, I felt sorry for poor Matt...I think he was feeling a little overwhelmed." She laughed sweetly and Matt finally looked up from the map.

"Kev, would you mind driving? I have some Cal 4 stuff to look over before next week and I could use the extra study time."

How could I possibly refuse? It was a fine car and I loved the feeling of power it brought with it. "Well, I don't know. Let me think about it..." I answered in a mocking tone.

"Here, smartass," he said as he tossed me the keys.

"So, are we ready then?" I asked them.

"Yup, all set." Melissa chimed in.

"Great, see you there!" I called back as we got into the car. I was eager to get on the road. There were several roads between here and the coast that the cops didn't really patrol, and I was in a need for speed. I led the way and the girls kept up pretty well, for the most part. As soon as I hit the interstate I took full advantage of the turbo and deftly changed gears until we were cruising comfortably.

Matt and I didn't chat much on the way since he was pretty involved in his studies. I was exploring his car stereo and casually flipping through his CD collection. Our tastes varied somewhat when it came to music, but he wasn't into the real heavy stuff, so we got along just fine. I glanced over at Matt out of the corner of my eye. He was leaned back and poring over the pages. He looked so incredibly sexy. His face displayed chiseled features and a dusting of freckles...not so many that it was all you could see, but the requisite amount for a redhead. His large frame was spread out on the seat.

His loose fitting jeans couldn't hide legs sculpted from hours of heavy workouts. Matt loved to work out and it showed.

Fearing my covert glances to be a little conspicuous, I began searching around for my sunglasses only to realize I had left them in the trunk. "Matt, do you have some shades I can borrow? I left mine in my bag."

"Yeah," he answered as he reached into the glove and pulled out a black cloth pouch. I expected his usual Oakley A-Wires(TM), but I pulled out some incredible looking glasses. They were Oakley's all right, but they had fire-red lenses and a sleek gray frame. I was definitely impressed.

"Dude, where'd you dig these up?!" I held them up and tried them on. They fit perfectly.

"I bought them online...have you been to their site?" I shook my head. "They have an incredible selection. Anyway, those are the Ruby Juliets(TM)," he informed me, pausing to look up from his book.

"Unbelievable. They feel incredible."

"They're yours for the weekend. See if you like 'em." I was stunned. Matt's a nice guy and all, but overly generous with his possessions, he was usually not.

"Nah, man, they're new. You should get the privilege."

"Wear 'em," he answered. "I've got my others that I like just as well.

Just don't get sand in 'em." He smiled and went back to his studies and I went back to focusing on the road. I was getting more confused by the minute. There were so many emotions and so much going on that I was having trouble sorting it all out. Matt had a girlfriend, I kept reminding myself. I just seemed so inconsistent. I felt so close and so comfortable with him, but this was a side I was completely unused to. I felt really awkward; I knew I'd lie awake at night thinking about this one for a while to come.

After a few hours had passed and the sun had just started to set I finally saw the signs for our destination. I turned off and Matt and I began trying to follow the quickly scribbled directions Melissa had written out for us for how to get to her house. Fortune smiled on us and we found it without a big to-do. We pulled in the long driveway and got out as Melissa's parents came out to greet us. I was glad Matt had met them before, 'cause I was clueless. They were the epitome of southern hospitality and showed us back to the guesthouse "the boys" were to stay in. It was nice enough, a little old. I later learned the house belonged to Melissa's grandparents, who happened to be out of town.

I walked around and noticed there was only one bedroom with a queen-sized bed. Melissa's folks left us to sort out our sleeping arrangements and told us dinner would be ready in about half an hour. We deposited our stuff in the bedroom agreeing to unpack later and went out to help the girls, who had just driven up, unload their overburdened car. I couldn't believe anyone could possibly want, much less need, so much stuff for a single weekend at the beach. I mean, really, how much clothing went into beach attire?! I decided it best to keep my mouth shut and just toted the suitcases into the house proper. Melissa's family had a gorgeous house with vaulted ceilings. It was furnished in typical southern style, but without the "country" look that I found so distasteful.

Dinner was spectacular. We all commented on how great it tasted after a semester of bland and monotonous tasting cafeteria food. Melissa's mother seemed pleased enough. It was the kind of food that we southerners call 'cooked with love'. We enjoyed a nice dessert and then we were left to our own. The girls decided the appropriate thing to do, manners be damned, was to go to the bedroom and catch up on *all the gossip that any one of them could have possibly missed. I feel sure they called back to campus just to make sure they hadn't missed anything.

Matt and I decided to head over to the other house and chill for a while, or at least until the girls decided to be more social. We let ourselves in and turned the AC down several degrees. We were both hot natured and decided a cold house was the way to go. I fell back onto the couch and flipped on the TV. I switched to our preferred sports network in time to tune into a soccer game. It was a friendly game, Argentina v. US -- my two favorite teams. I was glued to the screen.

"I'm gonna try to get some more of that calculus done, man. I'll be in the bedroom."

"Ok," I answered back without moving my eyes from the game. Some time later I became rather disillusioned with the game and began feeling a little bored. I glanced down at my watch and noticed it was getting later. I sauntered into the bedroom.

"Hey. How's it coming?" I asked.

"Ugh," he moaned, "it's coming alright, just really slowly." I was surprised...Matt's a math whiz in his own right.

"You mean, the sultan of sums has been stumped?"

"No, not really. It's just a lot of theory that gets really hard to follow at times." He looked up for the first time, shut the book and put it beside him. "I'm bushed."

"Yeah, I feel ya. I think I'm gonna hit the sack pretty soon. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

"Sounds good," he said. I grabbed my toiletries from my bag and headed to the bathroom. I began brushing my teeth. Matt joined me and began doing the same in the sink next to me. I washed the grime off my face and headed back into the bedroom. I went over to my bag, changed into some loose Umbros and headed to the living room.

I had reached the doorway when Matt called out, "Hey, where're you going?"

"Um, to the couch."

"Why dude? This thing is huge. We won't even bump into each other. Don't be stupid."

"It's ok, really, I don't mind the couch," I argued. I really didn't know where all this was going.

"Kev, you do what you want, but I'm telling you, we'll both fit fine on the bed." I finally consented...feeling a little dumb. I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it on top of my bag. We turned back the covers and Matt stripped to his baggy boxers and lay on top of the sheets.

"Turn on the lamp, I'm gonna kill the light," I said to him as I crossed the room. He did and I turned off the overhead light. I crossed the room and noticed that Matt had one leg up leaving a gap between the fabric of his boxers and his leg...the kind of gap I used to love to sneak a peek down when I was a kid.

"So," he said, "how's it feel to know you're graduating in a couple of weeks?" As he was talking I couldn't help but glance down and in so doing I caught a glimpse of his pink nuts lightly dusted with red hair. It appeared as though Matt kept himself nicely groomed. I quickly looked up and tried to remember what he had just asked me.

"Oh, um, it feels strange actually. I'm nervous about it...not because of the ceremony or anything, but it means I'll have to decide on an apartment, start paying utilities, all that kind of crap." Matt smiled at me and I decided to climb in beside him lest I should be tempted to take another look.

"Yeah, I understand. I'll be happy to help you look around." I felt a double entendre, but shrugged it off.

"I appreciate it, bro. Well, g'night."

"Night, McReardon." He switched off the lamp plunging us into darkness.

I was exhausted from all the emotions so I drifted off to sleep easily.

At some point later in the night I stirred and was about to turn over when I suddenly remembered Matt was right next to me. I shifted quietly and propped myself up on one arm and just watched him sleep. He was lying on his back and breathing deeply. His torso was exposed down to his waist where he had pushed down the sheet. He had goose bumps on his arms. I started getting horny again thinking about all the events from the last couple of days. I could feel my manhood responding to the flash of images that my memory was producing. I wanted to reach out and touch Matt, to feel his skin. I had touched him a million times, but this time I wanted something different. I knew I was walking on potentially thin ice...I was crushing on my bud.

I lied back down, still facing him, and under the sheets reached over to touch his side. He didn't stir, so I didn't pull back. His skin felt warm and soft. I lightly traced my way down his side until I reached the waistband of his boxers. My heart was beating so hard I was worried he might actually hear it. I followed his waistband to the middle of his abdomen. I touched his abs with my thumb and gauged his reaction. He changed his breathing pattern for a second. I responded by being still. He resumed his previous deep- sleep breathing. I wondered what he would do if he discovered me. I wondered if he would respond like this morning, or if he would be angry. Maybe he came from an overly affectionate family...I didn't know. It could be any number of things, but I didn't want to find out. I purposed to be especially careful with my explorations.

I let my hand drift down, my heart beating louder every centimeter, and I could feel my pulse in my ears. I reached his flaccid cock and put my hand over it. I could feel the heat radiating from his crotch and I deftly slipped a couple of fingers through the fly. My hands began to sweat and I had to remind myself to breathe. I felt his supple skin as I touched what I had been so curious about. He breathed in sharply upon which I immediately ceased moving. He calmed down again and I began lightly playing with him. He began to harden only slightly. I kept on expecting the raging boners that sometimes occur during sleeping moments. He got to half-mast and that was it. Not what I had hoped for, but it was enough. I decided to quit while I was ahead. My head was pounding by now and I thought my prick might explode right then and there. I gently withdrew my hand and turned away from him and tried to stop my racing heart.

I lifted myself slowly and noiselessly out of bed. I needed relief. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door quietly behind me. I flipped on the light above the sink and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed and I was straining against my boxer briefs. I slid down my briefs letting my oversensitive manhood spring up. I circled it gently with my right hand while my left hand ran over my chest, pausing to tease my nipples. I began taking long strokes, watching myself in the mirror. I reached down and cupped my balls. I new I was getting dangerously close. I relished the sensations spreading like waves through my body. I began pumping my hips slightly as I felt the point of no return almost upon me. I tossed my head back felt my muscles contract as my cock began to spray. I hit the sink with my first shot and then the mirror, a good four feet in front of me. I slowed down and milked the remaining jizz out of my prick. I looked down and my fingers were coated with my cum. I felt a strange urge to taste myself and closed my eyes. I imagined it was Matt's cum as I sucked the cream off my fingers. It was a strange sensation, but I had to fight getting hard all over again. I cleaned up and crawled back into bed without disturbing my sleeping friend. I dozed off comfortably.

Later on I again awakened this time to find Matt spooned against me. I felt him drape his arm over my side and pull me close. I felt so incredibly warm. I eased closer against him and fell back asleep.

OK, so that's it for chapter 3. If you have enjoyed the ride so far, drop me a line. I'll do my best to get an answer to you as quickly as possible. Love to hear from you guys!


Next: Chapter 3

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