Rainbow Angel

By Marin Giustinian

Published on Feb 24, 2020


In the following story, all of the characters are totally fictive and the setting is real. For whomever it would be illegal, immoral or prohibited for any other reason whatsoever to read a story about love between two young men is kindly requested to refrain from continuing. A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at maringiustinian@laposte.net. Please remember to help Nifty stay online by sending your contribution. This being said, I hope you enjoy the tale.

RAINBOW ANGEL, part one of two

by Marin Giustinian

Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador, and Greenland. 2018

At the young age of twenty-eight, Nathan McGovern was finally on his way. His dream was coming true. He was sailing north, in his own boat, alone onboard. He had left Chester, Nova Scotia, on May 7, 2018, and was now approaching the French possessions just off the coast of Newfoundland, the archipelago of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, with an autopilot out of order.

Nathan had worked ever since he was eighteen on off-shore drilling platforms. He began as a simple roundabout and finished steward.

Because he spent nearly nothing, having no family to keep up, nor personal expenses to meet, he had saved up a small fortune. After resigning, he bought a Jeanneau 33 sloop, with lifting keel and outfitted her for extensive expeditions up the Labrador coast and over to Greenland.

He didn't know why those destinations obsessed him. They just did. They seemed to be so pure, so unspoilt, and simply grandiose. He craved for space, having grown up on a small island, among only twenty some inhabitants.

As soon as he had graduated from high school, he fled Little Tancook Island. He was out to make money and be free. He was the last born of a family of five. His father was a good lobster fisherman, but barely was able to make ends meet.

But he just traded one small island for another even smaller, He left to to work and live on an isolated, stinking, steel, mechanical structure -- a stupid 'island', made to make oil stock holders richer and pollute the world -- not to mention the promiscuity. He too, like all the other North Americans, had been brainwashed about the need of money. So he sought money, fast money, lots of money. Later he began wondering why. To solve his problems, Nathan found refuge in dreaming. That was his way to escape reality. A year before resigning, he realized that the best way to escape is to flee, leaving behind everything he was led to believe as necessary. He had learned in his mind to identify the essenstials and eliminate the rest. That's when he decided to find his boat and sail away from the system.

Now that he had money, he was determined to no longer dream to live, but live his dream and sail away.

There were a few Acadian kids in his grade school as he grew up. He enjoyed picking up a few French words with them. Canada being a bilingual nation, all the English language school children had to learn French. It was mandatory and for that reason a lot of the teens hated it. When he began to study the language in middle school, he was the best in his class, saying to himself that it could always come in handy if he wanted to get a job in Quebec. Even if his accent was dreadful, he was able to speak and understand basic French rather well and used it every now and then with the Quebecers on the platform.

Nathan entered the harbour of Saint-Pierre, tied up and went to the 'Capitainerie'. As he was going in, he noticed a young man in his upper teens pinning an ad on the crew exchange bulletin board. He went in, explained his problem with his autopilot, went through the formalities with port authorities, immigration, etc. He crossed the street to the ATP to draw some Euros, and on his way back to his boat, he stopped and looked at the ad the young man had posted... just by curiosity. It read: 'Jeune homme, 18, bon marin, cherche voilier au pair, disponible, toutes destinations, sans limite dans le temps. Male, 18 years old, good sailor, seeks volunteer job, all destinations, available any length of time.'

He returned to the boat, locked up, and left to go into town and splurge in an authentic French dinner somewhere in a cozy restaurant. Passing by the bulletin board, he was again attracted to the lad's ad.

Without really understanding why, he jotted down the phone number.

As he was dining, little by little the idea of having an extra hand aboard, a young second mate, began to fascinate him. He played with the idea all the way through his meal.

Thinking that he had nothing to lose by calling, he punched in the boy's number.


The voice was friendly.

"Bonjour... Do you speak English?"

"Yes, I do, Sir," he replied.

"I saw your ad at the 'capitainerie'. I might need a hand on my sloop for a round trip to Greenland."

"Are you American or Canadian?"


"When can we meet?"

"Are you free, let's say, tomorrow afternoon at 4:00?"

"Yes, I am, Sir."

"The boat's name is Aman Cara and my name is Nathan McGovern. And yours?"

"Justin Lafitte"

"See you later, Justin."

"I'll be there, Sir. Thank you for calling."

Nathan wondered why he had fixed the appointment that late... but so what... The lad's voice was calm, poised, polite. That was pleasant, he thought, surprisingly smiling.

May 11, 2018

Nathan found the ship chandler's shop. They had an autopilot that was compatible with his boat. It was quite expensive, but affordable, being tax free for him.

"I can't quite get used to fact that I'm in France," he said to the shopkeeper, laughing.

He was assured that it was the best autopilot on the market, that the fishermen there used it, and that their technician could install it immediately, if he wished.

They made an appointment for 2:30. Nathan paid and left. He was happy with his purchase.

The man from the ship chandler's arrived almost on time. He ripped out the old autopilot and installed the new one. Nathan said he would go out and give it a try the next day. He understood the technician enough to understand him when he complimented Nathan on his boat saying that it deserved the best and not the second-hand rubbish that had broken down.

At four o'clock on the dot, Justin was standing on the dock, looking at the Anam Cara, when Nathan spotted him through the galley window.

"Justin Lafitte?"

"Yes, Sir. It's me Sir."

"Step aboard."

Justin untied his shoes, left them on the wharf, and stepped into the cockpit.

"Beautiful boat, Sir. She looks brand new."

"She is brand new, Justin. Come on in."

They exchanged some small talk.

"I know that the French say 'Monsieur' all the time to an older man, or a person of importance... BUT, please, Justin, don't say 'Sir' to me with every sentence."

"Very well, Sir... Oh merde!" he stammered, blushing.

Then they both broke down laughing, which immediately relaxed the atmosphere.

"Tell me some about yourself: school, experience on boats, motivations, you know the usual stuff. First of all, how is it you speak such good English?"

"My mother's Canadian from the mainland. She always spoke English with me. Also, we get a lot of American and Canadian tourists over here. English comes easy."

"I understand. Oh, I nearly forgot, do you have a passport?"

"Yes, I've both French and Canadian passports, because of my mother."

"What about school?"

"It's over for the rest of my life! I got angry at one of my teachers, insulted her and was thrown out three months ago. I decided to not go back. I used to get the best marks in everything, but I couldn't stand the system. I already know what I need to know, so why waste my time with schools?"

"What do your parents think about that?"

"They don't care! My parents are both too far gone to care. My mom's taking valium all the time and my father works on any fishing boat that dare hire him... when he's sober."

Justin talked very freely about his home life, without bitterness. He just spoke the facts.

"I'm starting to get the picture, Justin. Thank you for being so frank."

"I'm honest. I don't like to hide things. On a boat, you have to be open."

Nathan then asked if he would like to hear why he called.

"I'm listening," replied Justin.

"To be brief, my autopilot broke down and I had to get it replaced. That's why I'm here. I'd never planned on having a mate aboard, but for safety reasons, and in case something else breaks down, I thought it could be useful. Do you want to hear my conditions?"

"Please, continue."

"First of all, we must sail some around the islands, just to see how you qualify. Greenland can be treacherous sometimes. Also, we'll have to try to see how we get along living together in such close quarters."

"I understand."

"Secondly, you'd have to be free for the next five to six weeks. I'm ready to take you along for free. You'd have no expenses and I could give you 300 Canadian dollars in cash for your trouble. That's only about 200 euros... not much, but..."

"That's more than necessary, Nathan..."

"And to finish, I want to talk to your parents, check out your health insurance, and be sure you have all the papers needed for our trip."

"Tomorrow's Saturday. I know my father's not working. I'll tell him you need to see him. Can he come to the boat in the afternoon? I'm sort of ashamed of the house..."

"Does he speak English?"

"I can translate, and I'll ask my mother to come too... When do you want us to go on the trial cruise?"

"Sunday, if the weather holds."


"So, you have my number in your phone in case there's a change of plans. See you tomorrow."

"Can I ask just one more question, Nathan? What does Anam Cara mean?"

"It's Gaelic for 'soul friend' or 'twin soul', even 'twin flame', if you wish.

May 12, 2018

"Beau bateau... cher..." (Beautiful boat... expensive...) uttered Monsieur Lafitte.

Justin called out, "Nathan, we're here."

Nathan came up and invited them to step aboard.

"My parents prefer staying ashore," replied Justin.

Nathan came up and greeted them, "Bonjour, Monsieur Lafitte... Madame..."

Justin immediately took over saying, "I told my father your conditions and he approved."

Then the father spoke up, "Monsieur Nathan, merci de prendre ce vaurien avec vous!"

Nathan understood the 'merci', (thank you) and 'avec vous' (with you).

"Justin, what does 'vaurien' mean?



Turning to Monsieur Lafitte, Nathan and he shook hands and that was it.

"Here are my papers and a photocopy of my French national health insurance. It's valid all over Europe and in Greenland."

"You really are quite organized. I haven't even tested how good of a sailor you are."

"I'm confident, Captain!"

Monsieur Lafitte was impatient to leave as he nervously lit another cigarette. Justin's mother walked up and took Nathan's hand. With a pleading look in her dim eyes, she whispered, "Be kind to my boy, Sir... Please don't beat him. He's a fine lad, you'll see... a real fine lad."

"I'm sure he is Mrs. Lafitte," replied Nathan. She backed off, joining her husband, and they both left.

"Nathan, the weather forecast is correct for tomorrow. Do we still go on our trial cruise?"

"Yes, we do."

"Then I'm going to pack a change of clothes and air out my sleeping bag. What time do you want me aboard tomorrow?"

"Be here at seven. I'll have the coffee ready."

"And I'll bring the croissants -- May I hug you, Captain?"

Nathan suddenly stiffened as he received Justin's brief hug.

"I'm really happy, Nathan!" exclaimed Justin, running off to join his parents.

"Me too," uttered Nathan to himself, "me too..."

That evening Nathan's thoughts seem to jostle willy-nilly together, switching from past to present. He decided to go into town and splurge again for dinner.

As he was leisurely dining in the continental atmosphere of the restaurant he had previously discovered, he felt mixed up about the turn of events. He needed to let things simply settle down in his head. He recalled his first month on an offshore platform, surrounded by the sea, his chores as a roundabout. He remembered his earlier days, growing up on Tancook Island, and how happy but confined he felt, glad to be there and sad to be isolated from his school friends. He smiled to himself thinking about the hours he spent, shopping on the internet, seeking the perfect boat... and sometimes, other pastimes a bit more raunchy.

He also considered himself happy to be a bachelor. He kept saying he had time to settle down, get married, and so forth and so on... but he never really believed it.

He felt funny about Justin. He was a damn handsome young man. He wondered why French guys were often 'prettier' than others... That made him laugh by himself. Little did he imagine that there could be more than one reason that motivated his desire to take Justin with him. Then after another glass of wine, he relaxed, saying to himself, "What the hell! Who cares? We'll see how it goes on the trial run."

May 13, 2018

The cruise around the islands of Miquelon and Langlade north of Saint-Pierre was conclusive. Justin was an excellent sailor. He knew his ropes, was always at the right place at the right time when coming about. He manned the tiller without stress, feeling the wind, working with the waves. He really liked Aman Cara and Aman Cara seemed to like him too.

"Where did you learn how to sail?" he asked.

"I've already been on local yachts, helping on deck for short cruises around the islands. It sort of comes like second nature to me... Do you approve of how I'm doing?"

"Yes, I do -- I do a lot," replied Nathan, touching Justin on the shoulder.

Justin blushed, glanced at his feet and then looked back up at Nathan, saying, "I'm glad."

That was it. Their eyes locked just an instant, not really that long, but just enough for them to both experience that special, warm tingle of mutual admiration.

They decided to anchor for the night in the shallows behind Langlade. The evening was calm. They ate and then sipped on their glasses of fine wine.

"Are you really eighteen?" openly inquired Nathan.

"Ever since last week..."

"You look younger...'

"I know."

Then with his usual directness, he asked, "So Captain, do you think I rate being a mate on Aman Cara?"

"Yes, and cheers to you, matey!" Nathan stated, raising his glass,"Welcome aboard."

Justin beamed as he raised his glass to meet Nathan's, and the deal was sealed.

"Do you know how to light that tiny kerosene stove? Let's warm up the cabin some."

"We've got a big one at home."

In the flickering warmth of the flame, the cozy atmosphere helped conversation. Justin was full of questions. Nathan wasn't used to talking about himself but Justin inspired his trust. There was some kind of bond there that both were beginning to feel.

Justin wanted to know everything about Nathan's past, where he came from, his job offshore, the way he found Anam Cara. Nathan answered everything, even in detail. Then Justin asked why was he still a bachelor. Nathan smiled and replied quite simply, "I don't have time to fall in love... and you, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Occasionally," Justin replied giggling.

"Well, me too... occasionally!" joked Nathan.

As their eyes locked once more, they both blushed.

"I think we've had enough wine. Why don't you unroll your sleeping bag on the bench?"

"You're the captain!

May 15, 2018

The coffee was ready when Justin showed up at seven on the dot with his seabag in on his shoulder and a paper sack in his hand.

"Here I am, Captain... with the croissants!" cheerfully exclaimed Justin, hovering in the companionway.

"Come on in," replied Nathan.

"The weather's really fair today! What's the forecast for later on?"

"Today's okay, but when we head north after Cape Race, sometime tomorrow, they forecast stiff winds. It could be a bit wet and bumpy."

"No problem!"

They ate a hearty breakfast. Nathan had Justin stash his things in the storage hold.

"Ready to get underway?"

"More than ever!"

They had fine winds all day and all night. Nathan took the night watch and then slept from five to eleven in the morning. He and Justin alternated sleeping in the double berth. They rounded Cape Race at noon on the second day out. Effectively, the wind stiffened and the swell was longer. They shifted in the wind over to a nice broad reach and picked up speed.

Once the sails were trimmed for their new course, Nathan told Justin to take over.

"I'm going down and fix us a hot lunch. Keep her steady as she goes, Justin. Even if there's no sun out, this is great sailing weather!"

"Yes, it is! I'm glad to hold the tiller at this speed. It vibrates in my hand. Gives me a hard-on!" laughed Justin.

"I know the feeling!"

The afternoon sped by and then night fell. Around 11:00 PM the lights of Saint-John's were in sight.

"Justin, we'll be crossing shipping lanes tonight. I'll take the watch until six. You can keep the berth warm until then."

Justin yawned, thanked Nathan, and in a blink was sound asleep, coiled up in his sleeping bag.

May 18, 2018

Thirty-five hours later, after some hard but dry sailing, they entered Joe Batt's Arm Harbour on Fogo Island (49 °43'06.8"N 54 °09'27.7"W), the last tourist spot of civilization. That's where Nathan had decided to tie up for twenty-four hours. He had called and reserved a room at the Quintal House just beside Scoff Restaurant. Justin was holding up fine, but admitted he was a bit tired having slept only off and on. The last two nights, they continued alternating their sleep in the main berth which seemed to be a suitable solution for both. Nathan too, thought it would be good to go to a restaurant, take a long hot shower, shave and relax some before heading further north.

The big Victorian guesthouse and restaurant next door was just across from the wharf where they docked. They checked in and were ushered to a nice, room overlooking the water.

As they discovered their quarters with only one big, four poster single bed, the innkeeper said, "You're lucky. We only had this room available. I hope it will do."

Suddenly, Justin shouted out from the en suite bathroom, "Look, there's a gigantic, glassed in double shower! This place is great!"

Smiling at the innkeeper, Nathan nodded saying, "It will do."

The innkeeper left them. Justin exclaimed, sitting on the bed, "I've never been in such a luxurious place, Nathan! This is a real treat!"

"I'm favourably impressed myself. It does change us from the frugal comfort on Aman Cara! I felt we deserved it... especially you deserve it, Justin, for doing such a great job!"

"I don't mind how we live on Anam Cara. In fact I love it, but sometimes, I do feel a little cramped, washing up in front of the sink."

"Well, let's enjoy a real shower, change, and take a stroll before dinner. I need to stretch my legs some. You can take the bathroom first."

Justin dashed into the bathroom and then, completely naked, poked his head out of the door.

"Nathan, why don't you come too? The place is way big enough for two. There's a big rain shower overhead and all kinds of side sprayers too! Come on! Let's get wetter than otters together!" exclaimed Justin, gleeful as a lad skinny-dipping.

As they scrubbed each other, shampooed, laughing in the cloud of steam, they became progressively crimson. They were totally relaxed and at ease with each other. It bothered neither that they were both extremely erect.

"Step back Justin and let me take a good look at you. You are one handsome young man, beautiful as an ancient Greek statue."

Justin struck a tacky pose, grinning for all he was worth. His light olive green eyes gleamed as he provocatively showed off, reactive to Nathan's flattering attention.

Then he walked up to Nathan and touched his chest, stating in a very matter of a fact way, "You know, Nathan, you're a beautiful man yourself!"

"Are you sure?" joked Nathan opening his arms under the hot falling rain. Neither backed off.

Their quivering cocks brushed together ever so slightly. Nathan pushed back a strand of dripping hair off of Justin's forehead, and asked, "Ready to go take a look around this place, Justin?"

"I'm ready to go wherever you want, Nathan... anywhere with you is fine!"

"Well, let's check out this village and then stuff ourselves at the restaurant before sharing for the first time a big, tall bed."

"As I said, whatever you want, wherever you want... I'm your man!"

Once dried, shaved and dressed, they went out and took a long stroll along the waterfront. It was good to walk on solid ground!

"This place looks as boring as Saint-Pierre," observed Justin as they strolled side by side, their shoulders bumping from time to time, their spirits, high and bright.

The meal was sumptuous. Justin ate double servings of fish followed by blueberry pie. They walked over to check out the boat, and then climbed the stairs to their room.

As he was peeing, Justin asked, "What time do you want to leave tomorrow, Nathan?"

Nathan spit the toothpaste in the sink, washed out his mouth, and said, "Let's take our time. We need to restock food, fill up on water and fuel. Let's plan on breakfast around eight. Are you sleepy?"


"Too sleepy to cuddle?"

"NO!" exclaimed Justin, dashing into the bedroom.

They were both naked in a flash and buried under the covers, holding each other at first really tight. Then relaxing, Justin nudged his nose into Nathan's neck and went limp.

"I feel so secure in your arms, Nathan," he yawned, "I've never felt so..."

He was dead asleep without finishing his sentence. Nathan gently released him. The dim street light illuminated the lad's angelic face. Nathan couldn't resist leaning over and kissing Justin's soft cheek. Then feeling totally at peace with himself and the world, he smiled, sighed, and turned on his side, falling asleep himself.

May 19, 2019

Sun flooded the room, shining directly on the bed. Nathan looked at his phone. 7:27 AM. He slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. Once back in the room, he saw Justin sitting in bed, holding out his arms.

"I need a good morning hug, Captain!" stated Justin as he threw back the covers.

"Here it comes, matey!" shouted Nathan as he lept, grabbing Justin, and together, rollicking around in the sheets, they giggled and tickled in total, naked abandon.

"You're worse than a school boy, Nathan!"

"Do you mind?"

"Not really... I like you whatever! I really like you a lot," quietly stated Justin, touching Nathan's cheek.

"I like you a lot too, Justin," confessed Nathan as he stood, saying, "We've got to get underway again, matey..."

"Not before I pee!"

They thanked the innkeeper and returned to the boat. Having done their shopping, they were under sail before noon, this time for a long stretch to Labrador, three days and two nights under sail. They planned to make their last call along the Labrador coast in Cartwright (53 °42'28.2"N 57 °01'20.9"W) before turning northeast for the five day passage to Greenland.

They hugged often. They still alternated sleeping in the berth. Justin was getting used to life under sail, used to life with Nathan, and used to happiness. He was less tired and so was Nathan. They were becoming a real duo, a team of accomplished sailors. They ran into two squalls and went through them without any major difficulty. If they weren't dry all the time, at least the boat was warm and dry inside. They ate well and even enjoyed a bottle of wine from time to time.

May 24, 2018

The early morning layover in Cartwright was just to top off the water supply and buy extra kerosene for the heater. They left at noon. Ahead, five days and four nights of under sail before making landfall in Nanotarlik, Greenland, (60 °08'32.6"N 45 °14'34.1"W), at he entry of Tasermuit fjord, their final destination.

Once underway, Nathan said that they were far enough away from shipping lanes and intensive fishing zones to let Anam Cara sail through the night with the autopilot.

They lit the heater and settled in for an evening inside together. The weather had chilled a lot and the wind was still favourable but a bit stronger. They were making good time. They bathed each other before dinner. Their erections were a bit leaky, but nothing was said...

Nathan cooked a delicious vegetable stew and they opened a bottle of red wine. Once the meal over, they went back on deck.

The stars were obscenely scattered like shattered jewels glittering, scattered across the heavens. No moon was out, just a slight veil of aurora borealis shimmered in the North. That night was special. Both felt it.

They were entering the in-between... in between countries, in between times in their lives, in between, as it was, many, many things. They shivered a bit, both feeling as if they were suspended in time. The past, with the coast, had vanished. The future was yet invisible. Quite naturally, they held hands as they gazed into the night sky.

Nathan leaned towards Justin's face. An urgent stare gleamed in Justin's eyes as he pressed himself closer, tilting his head in direction of Nathan's lips. At first their kiss was furtive, shy, testing, tasting what was happening. Then their mouths opened and their tongues began to dance together.

With a slightly hoarse voice, Justin uttered, "Je t'aime, Nathan. Let's get into the berth together... Please..."

"Just give me a minute... Go open our sleeping bags and make a cover for us. I'll join you in a minute..."

Justin dashed down into the cabin. Nathan went to the bow. Anam Cara was leaning just right, rising and falling in the long, gentle swell of the Labrador Sea. A flood of plenitude, of fulfillment surged, drowning his heart with a very singular emotion he couldn't define. He had spent years of solitude in the pursuit of THE solitary adventure. Now he was dizzy at the thought that the real adventure, a human adventure with another person, the vertiginous adventure of loving and being loved. Every cell of his flesh was rejoicing as he went aft, stepped down into the cockpit and entered the companionway.

Justin had stripped and was waiting in bed. He shivered a bit as he saw Nathan close the companionway, and then undress in the glow of the kerosene heater. Justin lifted the cover, shifted over a bit, making an inviting space for Nathan.

There was an instant of tense hesitation, then they grabbed each other, entwining their legs, urgently pressing their cocks together, kissing and licking their necks, shoulders, lips. It was no longer the chaste cuddle in the guesthouse bed. It was a moment of shared surrender and victory as Aman Cara cradled them, sliding through the night.

The hum of the wind in the shrouds and the hiss of the water flowing alongside blended in with their deepening sighs of contentment. Their hearts throbbed as they clenched to each other. Nathan's aggressive cock prodded Justin's smooth thigh. Justin gasped, held his breath, then yielded to Nathan's fervent embrace. They both were caught in a whirlpool of blatant, pure, wondrous lust. Their souls spun together, luminous as an exploding twin star.

Justin hummed throaty dove-like whimpers as Nathan sucked his earlobe, licked his nipple, his pit, his belly. Never had Justin shivered as he did then. Tiny, involuntary movements of his drooling cock throbbed against Nathan's skin. He writhed a bit more and rolled over on Nathan. The slow rocking of the boat guided their melding. Justin's slender fingers found Nathan's slick cock. They trembled, in a confusion of saliva, precum, and sweat. Justin cast the covers off, spun around and swallowed Nathan's cock, slightly gagging, his tongue twirling, his open throat striving to quench his imperious thirst for Nathan's semen. He moaned, bobbing his head as total instinct guided his quest. Nathan too sucked Justin's slender, perfect cock. It slid effortless into his open throat. He buried his nose in Justin's soft pubic curls, crazed by their musky scent of youth. They both trembled on the verge of a massive orgasm. Then it hit them at the same moment, an instant of liquid lightning, wielded by some heathen god deep inside them. It flowed, welding them together. They both swallowed over and over, then licked their lips, panting, wide-eyed, astonished.

Then the tenderest kiss on earth was interrupted by a distant rumble of thunder.

"Did you hear that, Nathan?"

"Yes, I did."

"Shouldn't we go look?"

In fact, sporadic bluish flashes could be seen through the window.

"Do you think the storm's going to hit us?"

"Could be, Justin, could be..."

They dressed and scrambled on deck to reduce the sails and take the tiller... just in case.

Cuddled together under a cover in the cockpit, they had time before the squall.

Nathan whispered in Justin's ear, "Do you want us to talk some about what we've just done?"

Justin slid his hand into Nathan's pants replying, "What can be said, Nathan? What we did speaks for itself. And it speaks the truth. Like the Anam Cara, we're on the right course... maybe into rough seas... but it's our course, our truth, Nathan. Our love is our truth."

He tenderly squeezed Nathan's plump erection and continued, "With this, we express our real truth, the truth of our acts, our souls, and our hearts, don't we? "

"Good God! I'm beginning to fall in love with you, Justin!" exclaimed Nathan as he leaned over to kiss Justin's smile.

"Only beginning? I was in love with you, Nathan, even before we met!"

The storm hit. With reduced sails they rode the short angry waves like a playful stallion. Dawn split the clouds and afar, a crystal clear sky could be seen.

May 28, 2018

The sun rose on a gentle, open sea. They made breakfast, drank another pot of coffee and settled down for an effortless cruise. Snuggled again together in the cockpit, under the canvas cover. It became their ritual, indulging in each other's caressing warmth, taking turns at the tiller.

In the afternoon, the mountains of Greenland appeared beyond the low, overcast clouds. They were silent as they entered the small port of Nanotarlik.

The humble, fragile looking village seemed unsuited, incongruous on the majestic backdrop of mountains and glittering waters. The explosion of the Arctic summer's flowers rivalled in colour with the tiny, frail houses.

They tied up at the visitors' wharf and were met by some kind of an official. At least his hat looked official.

"Welome to Nanortarlik, my name is Nalik; I'm the harbour master. Are you entering Greenland?"

"Nathan McGovern and my mate, Justin Lafitte, it's our first time in Greenland. Do you need to see our papers?"

"Take your time, then could you kindly come to the office once you're tied up. We'll need to go through a few formalities. Did you have a nice crossing?"

"Yes, thank you. We'll be right up," replied Nathan as Justin handled the ropes.

Nathan and Justin entered the office. Nalik inquired, "Coffee?"

"With pleasure, thank you."

"Now tell me, what is your business here and how long do you plan to stay?"

That's when Justin stated, "We came here to find our souls, Sir."

"I don't understand..." Nalik replied smiling.

"Never mind, Sir."

Nathan saved the situation, saying, "We're here to appreciate the unique beauty of your wonderful country and unfortunately must leave Greenland and head back to Canada in two weeks time. We don't plan to tour much. All I've read about the Tasermuit fjord makes us want to explore the area: Tasiusaq Settlement, Kuussuaq Camp, Taseruag Lake."

The official looked impressed, asked them for their papers, and studied them a minute or two. Then he stamped them and handed them back, saying, "We hope you enjoy your stay with us. Thank you for coming. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. Here is our number. We are at your disposal. I suggest you take a look around town. It's your only point of supplies and services in the fjord. Please abide by the rules and have a nice time."

They took the document Nalik handed them and left, deciding to look around, checking out everything. They noticed there was a public bath with hot showers. That was their first luxury in Greenland. Later on, nature would provide many others!

They discovered Greenlandic fish and chips at the local restaurant and returned to Anam Cara to cuddle. After indulging in an even more satisfying dessert, they became involved in a deep discussion.

"Nathan, from the first time I saw you, I felt that my place was with you. I can't explain it, but I know it -- because I felt it. Do you think us being together like we are is just a coincidence or not, you know, a kind of accidental encounter?"

Nathan caressed Justin's velvet belly, as he pondered how to respond. Then he snuggled up a little more and said, "I don't know... but what difference does it make if it's a coincidence or a stroke of fate... It is, and that's it! Why? Are you worried about something?"

"Not really... I was just wondering about how you consider our being so intimate together."

"I don't have words, Justin. I simply feel complete and right and strong. Sure, sometimes I'm worried that you being ten years younger than me could be a bore for you, that soon you'll get tired of me."


"You say that now... but later?"

"Forget it, Nathan!"

Justin coaxed Nathan's hand a bit lower, then reached over and squeezed Nathan's now very rigid cock.

Justin hummed as their hands began to dance.

"Just a little bit faster..." sighed Nathan.

End of part 1

A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at maringiustinian@laposte.net.

Next: Chapter 2

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