Ralph the Smithy's Son

Published on Oct 30, 2019


Ralph the Smith's Son 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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My herb garden became important. I remembered everything old Meg's told me. I also knew to never over promise. I was careful to say this herb might work and never make fantastical claims. If a fantastical claim failed to work, you might be accused of witchcraft.

Father Peter was interested in my herb garden as was another new resident of his house, Brother Paulinus. Brother Paulinus was the fourth son of a wealthy London merchant. Brother Paulinus was in his twenty-first year and was slightly older than me. More correctly he was the spoiled son of the merchant. He seemed to have no interest in the priesthood, but his father had made a large donation to the church and they were unwilling to return it to the merchant.

Lack of interest in the priesthood was not a problem for a priest. Father Peter discovered he liked men. Father Peter was supposed to tame him. Peter had the same problems, but he handled them in an acceptable way.

Paulinus would play first and then find out if it was acceptable to the men later. He was also a poor judge of character. Father turned him over to Bryn for training. Many men are poor judges of character, but you could look at Bryn and most men would make a good judgement. It was unwise for Paulinus to try his usual attack on Bryn. No one was more misguided.

Apparently, Paulinus was used to dealing with cultured gentlemen in London. A huge, brawny, horse breeder was different. Bryn was a country bread Bull Mastiff. Paulinus had dealt with Ladies' pet Spaniels. I think Paulinus was a better man after his meeting with Bryn. He was more flexible, stretched, accommodating and humble. He understood his place as a man, not as the son of a wealthy man.

After Bryn trained him, he served the needs of the other Lads, every single Lad. After taking Bryn's massive tool, Paulinus found the Lads' more modest cocks easy to take and enjoyable. I was the last of the men to visit his ass. At least six or seven of the men had seeded him, so I easily entered and went deep.

I had a suspicion that Paulinus had been so used to looking in the mirror at his own image, that he was unaware of my sizable privates. He was shocked as my tool entered him, but unlike Bryn's, his man-seed-filled hole allowed him to enjoy my member. While many of the men had taunted him as they fucked, I was quiet and polite. I gave him a friendly fuck, not a revenge fuck like the other men. Paulinus took this as a sign of affection.

Our village was small so there was no need for two priests. Paulinus had nothing to do other than to wait for his next visit with Bryn and the lads. Paulinus's father's best friend was an apothecary and my garden interested him. I knew from my grandmother that some herbs were beneficial only in limited amounts. Some were poisonous in large amounts but beneficial in small quantities. Paulinus could write and he recorded the proper amount. When some one came for an herb, Paulinus had a note telling them how to use it and advice on what to do if it didn't work.

This impressed Father Peter greatly. I am not sure that Paulinus had ever impressed anyone before. Since his father was both wealthy and generous, many ignored Paulinus's many short comings. Bryn was very direct in addressing Paulinus' poor character and habits.

I need to admit I was suspicious of Paulinus's interest. I had noticed that many times Paulinus left my garden and apothecary shed with a fresh supply of my man seed in his behind. I enjoyed it, but I eventually realized he enjoyed it more.

Both Bryn and I gave Paulinus a regular fucking. He began to change. I don't know if you can become a better man if you take a better man's seed. Perhaps it was the time he spent squirming on our cocks that changed him. The men noticed the change. Even Sean, the man who shoveled stable slops noticed. He slurped up Paulinus's seed. Fucking a man was simple fun, eating his seed was reserved for men you liked.

Since I was taking care of Paulinus, Father Peter could entirely devote his time to plotting against Lord Henry. His objective was revenge, but the fortunes of our Earl were involved. Father Peter came to see me.

"Ralph, I have a friend who would like to meet you. He is a person of great eminence, and I have told him of your skills as an herbalist. He is interested in that. I also told him of your skills as a playmate and intimate companion. It seemed to me that he was most interested in that. I have spoken to him about the Earl's unjust imprisonment and he is sympathetic," Peter said. "He not a member of the court, but he has high friends who are close to the king. He could be helpful. I was hoping you might like to meet him. I should be clear. I was hoping you could entertain him in his bed."

"I would do whatever his needed to free the Earl," I said. That was true. We were doing well under Bryn's leadership, but at any moment it could end if the manor was confiscated and given to another. We knew that Lord Henry was a harsh taskmaster and a cruel man.

A week later Father Peter and I visited hunting lodge some twenty miles away. I had never been that far away from home, and I was both excited to have such a long journey and a bit afraid. The lodge was small, but impressive. The owner was a Bishop and we met his chancellor, Father Julian. I knew that chancellors were the men who ran the Bishop's estates.

Father Julian was the Bishop's cousin. Gossips said he was the Bishop's son. He was forty and had studied with Father Peter. Father Julian was tall, thin and looked sickly. He was with only one, well trusted servant, Gerald. Gerald was all but deaf. That was good when your master was a plotter and schemer.

Father Peter and Father Julian were in deep conversation. I was left with Gerald. He had never met a dwarf before and was interested. He picked me up onto a table so I could talk into his ear. He could hear if you spoke directly into his ear. He was big but pleasant. He was making dinner, so I helped. He wasn't a good cook, so I helped by adding herbs and spices to the food. I traveled with a bag of herbs complete with Father Julian's instructions,

Dinner was a great success. Father Julian was impressed. He was very thin and tended to fast. I told him my grandmother's rule that you could fast no more then one day a week without upsetting the God given balance intended for the body. Father Peter agreed strongly adding the fasting too much was vanity, trying to impress others by your sanctity.

The lodge was strangely warm. It was a stone building, but no fires were burning. After we ate, Father Julian took us to the cellar and the reason for the warmth was clear. The lodge sat above a warm spring. A pool collected the hot water and heated the room. Father Peter said he was tired and went to his chamber. He told me to stay and keep Father Julian company.

After he left Julian asked if I would like to swim in the pool. I said yes. I thought refusing the offer of hospitality would be thought rude. I also had a suspicion of Julian's desires. He took off his robe and got in the water wearing only his loin cloth. I did the same except my loincloth fell off. I told him I was sorry about that. He smiled and told me it didn't bother him.

He was smooth and hairless except for his bush. While I am a dwarf, the trunk of my body is full sized and hairy, like my father and brothers. By the time I was 14 years old, I knew my cock was bigger than usual. My bothers joked about it when we went swimming in a pond near our village. It seemed to surprise Julian and Gerald. I could tell it was a pleasant surprise.

Father Peter had told me that the oath of chastity dealt only with women. Since men could not give birth, the oath did not apply. I thought Father Peter made this up to allow him to enjoy men's bodies. Father Julian seemed to have the same belief.

"You must forgive me for my secret thoughts about you. I guessed you were a child. You are definitely a man and an impressive man at that," Father Julian said. "Father Peter told my you were wise for your years. He did not mention your impressive body."

"I am much like my father, the smith, and my brothers," I said.

"Are they as well endowed as you?" he asked.

"My father joked that while God saw fit to give me small arms and legs, he made up for it in my private parts," I said.

"Father Peter told me you were a friendly and enjoyable man," Julian said. "I thought you were perhaps a Fool or Jester. I apologize for the thought. He also said you were knowledgeable in the use of herbs."

I smiled. "Few have seen men like me, so I understand the misunderstanding." I said. "It is lucky that the part of me that give me so much pleasure is oversized."

"Do you share that pleasurable part with other men?" he asked.

I was beginning to get hard. "If one has a special gift, it is only fair to share it," I replied. That was the answer Julian wanted. I was sitting on the edge of the pool. He sat next to me and took my cock into his hand and then leaned over and licked the puckered tip of my foreskin.

He seemed to treat my cock as a delicate and tender flower. As it became firmer, he kissed my knob and the slit which was already drooling sex juices. Of course, his own tool was growing. It was thin, but quite long. I would have no problem accommodating it in my mouth or ass. When he stopped sucking me, I slipped into the water and sucked his tool.

Julian became excited. A little later I took his load of man cream. His balls seemed to be unusually productive. He told me he had never fed his cream to a man before. His mouth had been used as a cream receptacle for the men at the seminary, but no one had sucked his seed.

"I like the cream," I said. "And the cock too!"

"Father Peter told me you were knowledgeable," he said. He was silent and then asked, "Do you know other things?" I nodded. His cock was still hard, so I pulled myself out of the water, straddled him and sat on his cock. Julian moaned.

I bounced on it a few times and the remainder of the cream trapped in his balls spurted into my ass. He was exhausted by then and went to bed. He told me I could stay in the pool and Gerald would take me too me to his bedroom for the night. When Julian left, Gerald, who had been in a dark corner came out.

I motioned for him to come over and asked him to join me in the pool. That took a lot of work because of his deafness. When he understood me, he stripped and sat next to me. Gerald was a big man. That was fine for me since my father and brothers were big.

I stroked his member and then leaned over and licked his cock. After a little while I got in the water and sucked his entire cock into my mouth. The organ soon began dribbling precum and I knew all was well. We later switched places and he sucked my tool. I could tell he was an experienced cock sucker. We played in the water and the returned to sucking.

I later found out that while Gerald had sucked Julian and some of his friends, no one had sucked him. I was the first and I had a friend for life. We went to bed in Gerald's attic room. He was still excited, so I sat on his cock. That too was new to him. He had taken many loads, but never deposited his seed in a man's ass.

We fell asleep but we woke before dawn and I entered him and shot him full of my seed. He had spent enough time on other men's cocks to know how to please me. I made the morning meal as he helped Peter and Julian dress. They were both in a good mood that morning and I guessed they had spent the night the same way Gerald and I had spent it.

I went into the fields looking for herbs that might help Julian. Gerald stayed in the lodge. For men who were plotting the downfall of an important man, Gerald's deafness was a blessing. He heard nothing they were saying. Most men seemed to think deaf men are stupid in the same way they think a dwarf is a Fool.

Father Peter told me before dinner that Father Julian was the master of simple solutions for difficult problems. "Many people make complex schemes filled with many possible pitfalls. Julian likes simplicity," he explained. "Lord Henry is a schemer and liar. He cheats and steals. He makes many enemies. Beatrice and her father are virtuous and fair in all their dealings. The contrast between the virtuous Lady and Lord Henry will lead to his downfall."

"By the way, Father Julian praised you for your generosity and attitude. He seemed cheerful today, I assume that was due to your efforts?" he asked.

"Father Julian did not seem to know the possibilities for manly pleasure. He was easy to please and seemed to enjoy it," I said.

"I think that is good. He is an intelligent and serious man. He needs to explore other possibilities," he said. "He mentioned we may visit the baths again tonight. You might be over worked," Peter said. "Was Gerald difficult?

"Gerald is a like spirit," I said. "His deafness complicates some things, but he is most accommodating." Father Peter smiled.

Again, I helped Gerald with dinner, and it was good. The introduction of herbs to food excited Father Julian. He was used to porridge and gruel. He thought that herbs were extravagant. I told him that my Grandmother said if the herbs were growing wild in the fields and forests, they couldn't be extravagant. He told me he had not thought of herbs that way. Father Peter and Father Julian complimented Gerald on the meal.

After eating, Gerald admitted a messenger the Lodge and then locked the gates and doors. The messenger was introduced as Rolf and was dressed as farmer, but when spoke I knew he was no rural bumpkin. We all went to the hot pool. This time we all stripped and got in the water quickly. Rolf knew Father Peter and he had no problem being naked. It was a cool night and the water felt good.

Rolf reminded me of Bryn. He was not as big but had the same mannerisms. When I saw him naked, I could see why he was comfortable naked. Rolf briefly whispered to Father Peter and Julian. The then came over to me.

"Bryn told me you are a good man. He also said you are randy, skilled and ready. Is that true?" he asked. I nodded. "Is your quiet friend the same? I was hoping we could frolic together and trade some of our manly juices."

"Gerald and I have played together. He and I both give and take," I said.

"If I was at court, I only give. When I'm in the country I do it all," he said and he leaned close to me he whispered, "Rural life seems to encourage tasty man seed. I like rural seed." I understood.

Father Peter was already licking Gerald's cock, so Rolf and I went to Father Julian. "You both want me?" Julian asked.

"If you want us, we are at your service," Rolf replied. I don't believe Julian could believe his luck. Julian was soon plowing my ass as Rolf straddled me so Julian could suck him. Julian was a good fucker, but I got excited watching the priest working on Rolf's thick tool. Julian could not take all of it. I was looking forward to taking it all along with his manly juices.

Father Peter was enjoying Gerald. He had discovered the joys of sex play with common men. Gerald was gentle and careful. He was big but didn't want to hurt his playmate. His play was restful, not frenzied like many men. This suited Peter well. Peter knew that a peasant servant would could not object to anything he did, but he had learned Bryn's lessons well.

He also discovered that the pleasure increased in longer sessions and gentler thrusts. Gerald gave the impression he was exploring your body not just fucking your ass.

After fucking Rolf for a while, Julian switched positions and was skewered on Rolf's cock. I sucked Julian's tool. I tasted him react to Rolf's thrusts. That night we all shared a common bed. Peter and Gerald spent the night attending to Julian. Each man took turns entering Julian's ass. They seeded him and then turned him over to the other man. I don't think Julian knew of Gerald's cock skills.

I spent the night with Rolf, discovering Rolf had a scholar's interest in fornication. He wanted to develop his skills and become a grand master of the sexual arts. His cock was a tool to explore me. As I sucked his man juices from his cock, I felt more manly. I wondered of the seed he pumped into my ass would change me.

I knew of the pleasure I felt in a man's ass. I had a feeling that Rolf was interested in my pleasure. Some men liked me because I was defenseless. With my small arms I couldn't punch them. With my short legs I couldn't run away. Intelligent men knew I understood and knew herbs. I was by no means as defenseless as I seemed.

Rolf didn't know me at all, but he was an honorable and worthy man. He was careful and gentle until he came to know my strengths. While Rolf was a big, muscular man, I discovered his cock was tender and his ass even more so. A slight touch of my tongue against his cock head sent shivers through him.

He has said that he would take country cocks. I licked his tender hole after he got out of the pool. It was pink and almost pretty. "It seems a shame to enter your hole and stretch it," I said. "It gets so messy when man seed dribbles from it."

"You want to breed me?" he asked. I told him I shot huge loads and my cock almost always drooled.

"I've never had a dwarf in me," he said, "I think it's time for me to take your cock."

Next: Chapter 3

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