Ranch Boy Next Door


Published on Jul 23, 2019



"I gotta use the restroom, Mom, I'll catch up with you and Dad later."

"Okay, Toby. Don, I'll take the casserole to the food table and join you in a minute."

I stepped out of the porta-potty and looked around. It was a classic small-town Fourth of July celebration. The flag was flying on the pole In the center of the park. Nearby, the bandstand was decorated with red, white and blue bunting. A brass band, with members of all ages, was playing. To my surprise, Andy was playing the trombone. You find out new things about your friends every day.

A pleasant female voice said, "Hi, Toby."

I turned and found Rusty's parents standing next to me. Not that I'd met them yet, but his mom's smile was identical to Rusty's, and his dad's red hair removed all doubt.

"If you haven't guessed by now, we're Rusty's parents. I'm Gloria O'Neill, and this is my husband Patrick. But I think you should call us 'Mom Two' and 'Dad Two' like Rusty calls your parents."

I grinned and shook the offered hands. "Yeah, I would have known you anywhere, but am I that recognizable?"

"Well, Rusty's instructions to 'look for the hot hunk with beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair' were very accurate."

I was a little embarrassed, but managed to respond. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mom Two and Dad Two. I've enjoyed getting to know Rusty. He's become my best friend very quickly."

Gloria's eyes twinkled. "He feels the same way, and from what he says, you've gotten to know each other very well in that short period of time."

Patrick rescued me, sort of. "Now, Gloria, don't give the boy a bad time. He might be our son-in-law someday, and you don't want to get off to a bad start." He turned back to me. "You'll have to forgive her warped sense of humor."

Although somewhat flustered, I managed a weak grin. "I've gotten used to that sense of humor already. Someone we all know has inherited it." That brought a knowing smile from both of them.

Patrick continued. "I want to ask you a favor. Not only are you Rusty's friend, but you've already developed a reputation as a hard worker. I know you're working part-time for Robert and Lucy, but if you have time, we'd appreciate your help with the wheat harvest."

I was pleased. "I'll be happy to do that if I can. Now that Gramps has a full-time helper, I expect I won't be needed very much."

He smiled. "Actually, you may find yourself helping Robert, too. When wheat harvest comes around, we share equipment and time. You may be busy for a couple weeks or more."

"That would be great. When does all of this happen?"

"Sometime early in August. I'll keep you informed."

"Thanks a lot. I'll look forward to it."

"Great! Now, could you point out your parents to us? We'd like to meet them, too."

I directed them to where Mom and Dad were standing, talking with another couple.

Patrick shook my hand again. "Okay, we'll see you later, Toby. I hope you have a good time this afternoon."

Gloria gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "We'll see you later, I'm sure."

I sat down at a nearby table and took the rest in. The red, white and blue color scheme continued with twisted crepe-paper ribbons down the center of each picnic table. Near the bandstand, the food table Mom had talked about was loaded with potluck contributions. The women were gathered around the food table, arranging things by category. Grams and a group of older ladies were sampling cookies, most likely discussing the merits of the recipes and the final product. Some of the older men were sitting at a distance from the bandstand, presumably so they could hear each other. In my mind, I could hear the discussions about cattle, hay, and the good old days. The younger men were gathered in groups having similar discussions. There were a few teen couples walking around together, and kids of all ages ran everywhere.

Mom and Dad were standing near the bandstand, now talking with Rusty's parents. Closer by, Coach was talking animatedly with a couple who I assumed were Austin and Andy's parents because Austin was part of the conversation, as was Jason. A glance and wave from Coach caused me to suspect the subject might be the swim team. Austin's arm was around Jason's shoulders, and Jason's was around Austin's lower back. Jason looked happy as a clam at high tide. I grinned to myself. The two of them had formed an instant fraternal bond that was both unusual and absolutely delightful.

A little further away, Nate and Rusty were standing shoulder to shoulder talking with a group of friends. Nate's smile and laughter was good to see. He was recovering.

"Toby Collins?"

I turned my head to find a middle-aged man towering over me. The western hat and weathered features identified him as a rancher. Solidly built and a little over six feet tall, he would have been intimidating except for the friendly smile on his face. Next to him was a woman about a foot shorter. A quick glance told one that this petite lady, while also smiling and friendly, was a tough cookie who would brook no nonsense.

I stood up and responded. "Yes, sir, that's me."

The man held out his hand. "I'm Brian Gifford, and this is my wife Betty. I think you know our son Nathan."

I took the proffered hand and received a firm handshake. "I'm pleased to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Gifford."

"Do you mind if we join you?"

"Not at all."

Seated by his wife opposite me, Nate's dad continued. "First of all, we like to be informal with our friends and family, and rest assured we consider you family now. Please call us Brian and Betty. We want to thank you for whatever magic you worked with Nate yesterday. He came home with a smile on his face like we haven't seen for months, and he attributed it all to you."

Betty had tears in her eyes. "He walked in and hugged me and kissed my cheek, and then headed for the shower whistling. I couldn't believe it."

Brian continued. "We're speaking openly with you because Nate said he told you everything, which is probably more than he's told us. One of the first things he said was, 'Toby listens'. That's an unusual trait in anyone, especially a fourteen-year-old young man. From what he said, you listened for a long time. We can't thank you enough."

Slightly overwhelmed, I managed a smile. "I enjoyed meetin' Nate and workin' with him last Friday. I like him a lot, and I'm glad our conversation was helpful."

"'Helpful' is the understatement of the week, Toby." Brian had tears in his eyes now. "I think you've put him on the path to recovery. He had three sessions with a counselor this week and each time he seemed even more withdrawn. I have no illusion that we're out of the woods yet, but the light is beginning to shine through the trees. As you suggested to Nate, we're going to ask your dad for a reference for another counselor, one who specializes in this kind of thing. I'm not saying anything against our local mental health folks, but this situation exceeds their capabilities."

Betty had some things to say, too. "We're aware that you're the anonymous fourteen-year-old who found the evidence. The press may not know, but it's common knowledge in the community." She smiled. "Nate wouldn't tell us anything other than his own experience with you because he said you boys had all agreed to keep your conversations private. I think it's excellent that you have started what is really your own support group. Austin and Andy need support, too - we know damn well they don't deserve the reputation they're getting. And restoring the friendship between Rusty and Nate will be important to both of them."

I wondered how much of our "experience" Nate had shared. "Thanks a lot for yer kind words. Austin and Andy are good friends, and so are Rusty and Nate. I'm happy I've been able to make friends like that so quickly here."

Brian continued. "You've got yourself to thank for that, Toby. You're a remarkable young man. And one thing more. We have no idea what evidence you found, but it could not have been pretty. We're here to support you, too. Whatever you need, let us know."

I nodded my head. "Thanks, Mr. Gifford... I mean Brian. It will take me a while to get used to usin' yer first name."

As if they had been beamed in from the starship Enterprise, Rusty and Nate were suddenly seated on each side of me, arms around my shoulders, grinning happily. Brian and Betty stood.

Brian smiled at us. "I think we'll take our leave now. Have fun, all three of you."

Betty leaned down and gave each of us a hug and a kiss, and whispered a "thank you" in my ear.

The band had finished their performance and had put away their instruments. Austin, Andy and Jason joined us on the other side of the table. Sitting between the twins, with matching black hair and a similar build, Jason could easily have been mistaken for their younger brother.

I spoke to Andy. "I didn't know you were a musician. What other talents do ya have to share?"

Andy gave me an evil grin. "You've already experienced most of them."

I smiled reminiscently. The darker significance of the poker game aside, there were aspects of it that had been fun. "Yes, and I enjoyed yer talents, but from our conversation this mornin', I think you've got a few more I haven't experienced yet. So, Austin, do you have musical talents, too?"

Austin smiled. "Only the skin flute. I'm into sports, Andy's into music. We're not identical in our interests, some of them anyway."

Jason smiled at Andy. "Andy's gonna teach me how to play the trombone. I've always wanted to learn a musical instrument, but I haven't had the chance yet. Mom couldn't afford it." A shadow of sadness briefly crossed his face. There was a story there that hadn't yet been told.

Austin frowned. "I thought you were gonna let me teach ya how to wrestle."

"Can't I do both?"

Austin and Andy looked at each other, and a twin communication passed between them.

Austin grinned at Jason. "Sure, ya can. We just gotta learn to share our little bro with each other."

Oblivious to the competition for his affection, Jason smiled happily.

People were gathering at the food table. Nate spoke up. "Let's get somethin' to eat before the good stuff is gone."

The table was loaded, and I doubted if the "good stuff" would ever be gone. As we filled our paper plates, I noticed that Nate was right beside me all the way, taking servings of everything I took. When he chose something he liked, he wanted me to try it, too, and I did. Then he followed me back to the table so he could reclaim his seat beside me.

I put my arm around him and gave him a quick hug. "I was happy to see you and Rusty together when I first got here. Yer friendship is important to both of ya."

Nate smiled. "Yeah, it is. I've missed him. Thanks a lot for last night. My friendship with you is very important, too."

There was little conversation while we ate. When food is in front of teenagers, little else takes precedence. When we were finished with seconds and a couple of rounds at the dessert table, lethargy took over. The timing of the Fourth of July speeches immediately after dinner was excellent. Everyone over the age of ten was happy to sit and listen while the food was digested. However, I still wondered how long we would be held captive. Rusty put my mind at ease.

"This used to take an hour. Mayor Anderson used to talk forever when ya put him in front of a microphone. Then a few folks semi-seriously told him they weren't gonna re-elect him if he couldn't shorten his speeches a little. He took it seriously."

After spending no more than ten minutes thanking us for coming, and giving a very brief discussion on the importance of the day, Mayor Anderson introduced a few dignitaries, including local and state elected officials and one U.S. congressman who was present. Then he had one more introduction to make.

"Before I finish here..." There was a smattering of applause and some good-natured laughing. "I would like to introduce some newcomers to our community. Please help me welcome Don and Ellen Collins and their son Toby. Don is setting up a law office here in town, a branch of the firm in Boise in which he is a partner, and we wish him the greatest success in that endeavor." He directed attention towards my parents with one hand.

"Don and Ellen, would you please stand... " And towards me with the other.

"and Toby, too. We welcome you to our community."

The mayor had carefully said nothing about why the introductions were being made or why the office was being opened, but everyone knew. The applause was more than the token that had been provided earlier for the elected officials. It was sustained and sincere. The Collins family had become quickly integrated into the community.

Andy had to get back for the second half-hour of the band performance. Austin and Jason disappeared. I suspected a little wrestling practice might be in the works. Rusty, Nate and I found a place to sit down under the trees at the back of the central park area. The warmth of the sun, the murmur of voices, the music of the band, and the emotional drain of the night before quickly combined to put me to sleep.

When I woke up, Rusty and Nate were gone. I sat up and looked around. Andy was walking towards me.

"Hey, Toby, ya got a condom I can use?"

"What the hell do ya need a condom for?"

"Well, I got this opportunity with Terry the tuba player, but he don't wanna take it raw."

I reached in my pocket. "Okay, here ya go."

"Thanks!" Andy was gone in a flash.

The brass band had been replaced by what seemed to be a talent show. The amateur comedian who was currently on stage was pretty good, and was entertaining people with impersonations of various officials, including Mayor Anderson. I watched for several minutes, and then looked around again. Coach was standing nearby talking quietly with a man his age I hadn't seen before. An older woman was approaching them, moving slowly, assisted by a cane.

It's surprising how many people want "children to be seen but not heard", but when the "children" do that, they become invisible. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to.

"Mr. West, I'm Emily Thornton, and I need to speak to you a moment."

The implication was that everyone should know who Emily Thornton was, and that her message was therefore important. Ignoring the second man and the fact that he and Coach had been talking, she launched into her dissertation.

"You should not let your boy associate with the boys he was having dinner with. Most of them are involved in this scandal. A man is judged by the company he keeps."

"Mrs. Thornton, I hear the gossip, too, and to the best of my knowledge, those boys are witnesses, victims, and innocent bystanders."

"It's Miss Thornton, if you please. Those boys are all queers. They would not be involved at all if they weren't queers, and it says in the Bible..."

"How do you know they are all homosexuals, Miss Thornton?"

"Where there's smoke, there's fire. Everybody knows they're queers, and it says in the Bible..."

"Miss Thornton, I would like you to meet my husband, James. Like myself, he's a teacher. He'll be teaching history at the high school this fall."

There was a pause. "So you're both one of them, too? Well, that explains why your son is attracted..."

"Miss Thornton, it explains nothing. Our son was born to my sister, a single mother, and we adopted him when she passed away from breast cancer a year ago. We have given him the freedom to explore his own sexuality. Perhaps you would be a happier person if you had been given that freedom. Or perhaps that Biblical admonition you're trying to quote applies only to men. If you see it that way, you should consider other Old Testament admonitions. There are several which you might find very pertinent to yourself."

"That's slander! I'm going to report this conversation to the school board! You two should never have been hired!"

"Actually, Miss Thornton, the school board interviewed us, did background checks, verified our credentials, and are very happy to have us here. Did you know that when a rural school district hires a couple, they are more likely to stay and become part of the community?" He stopped to wave back at a woman standing nearby. "Your housemate, Miss Wilson, is trying to get your attention. It's been nice talking with you."

"Well! I never..." But Coach and his husband had resumed their own discussion and were walking away.

I waited until they were all gone before I stood up and stretched. I wondered how many people had views similar to those of Miss Thornton. I hoped she was the exception. I was glad that Nate hadn't been there to hear the conversation. It could have set him back to square one.

Rusty was walking towards me, alone. I looked behind him. "Where's Nate? I thought he was with you."

"He's with his parents, and they're all talkin' with yer folks."

"And Austin and Jason?"

"Still among the missing, and we both know what that means. Have you seen Andy?"

"Yeah, he got a condom from me and headed into the woods. Seems Terry the tuba player doesn't wanna take it raw."

Rusty grinned. "Terry, ya say. That's interesting as hell. Terry has a history of bullying gay kids, and his dad is the minister of the community church who's always preachin' hell and damnation about gays."

"That could prove interesting. We gotta get a report. Oh, and by the way, I guess we're gonna get married."

He looked surprised. "Are you proposin'?"

"Not yet, but it seems your parents think I have."

"Oh, that. Yeah, one night I was talkin' about how much fun we were havin' and speculatin' a little bit about the future."

I moved close and looked into his eyes. "Your future with the hot hunk with beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair?"

"Well, they didn't have any trouble findin' ya, did they?"

"None at all, but at the moment, those beautiful brown eyes are observin' that it's just you and me here."

He looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Indubitably, my dear Watson."

"Good. I know just where we can go to spend a little quality time together."

On my back, I was staring at the sky, my fists clenching and unclenching as waves of sexual excitement flowed through my body. Instead of kissing me, Rusty was studying the impact of each slightly different thrust, perfecting the pleasure he was giving me. Occasionally I would gasp, and then he would add that to his inventory of successful strokes, repeating it at random intervals, keeping me forever in suspense over what he might do next.

From time to time, my muscles would spasm around his pole, and he would slow down, keeping me on the edge, waiting for another moment before surprising me with something new. My body shivered with excitement, wanting his hard smoothness to stimulate me forever, but at the same time wanting our explosions to come.

The spasms grew more frequent as he pressed onward, concentrating on the thrusts that had produced the best response, pushing me slowly but surely towards the point of no return. Then, pausing briefly while I gasped for air and fired my first shot over my head, he forced round after round onto my face, chest and stomach, finally firing his own bursts inside.

When he was done, he kissed me tenderly and lovingly as we both recovered.

"Is that what ya did to Andy last night?"

He grinned. "Yeah. I'm tryin' new things. Did ya like it?"

"Oh, fuck! You could make a fortune off that if ya wanted to."

"I'd rather just share it for nothin'."

A familiar voice came from behind Rusty. "Very nicely done, boys. Rusty, I'm impressed with the skill you've developed."

A female voice had something to add. "You're wasting your time on the boys, Rusty. You could make it with every girl in town if you wanted to."

Rusty rolled off. Now I could see that the voices were those of Pete and a girl I hadn't seen before.

I was embarrassed. Rusty wasn't. "Thanks for the suggestion, Heather, but I'd rather have Toby. I hope you two enjoyed the show. But it appears you've been puttin' on a show of yer own. Pete, ya really oughta zip up yer pants. And Heather, yer lipstick is smeared and there's cum on yer cheek. Pete, if you'd pull it out for a minute, I'd like to see if there's any lipstick on it..."

He was speaking to empty air. The two lovers had quickly departed.

After we recovered from hysterical laughter, we got up and dressed.

"That was Pete's girlfriend Heather. I doubt if we'll ever hear about this, but I suggest if we do, we just begin a discussion about what shade of lipstick goes best with a boner, and it'll be taken care of."

Then the laughter began again.

I went looking for my parents. It had been four hours, and I hadn't checked in with them once. I found them alone at one of the picnic tables, sitting across from each other, deep in discussion.

"Hi Mom, Dad. Is it okay if I interrupt?"

Dad smiled. "Sure, Son. What's on your mind?"

I sat down beside Mom. "I hadn't checked in with ya for a long time, and I wondered if you were missing me."

Dad laughed. "Well, we were missing you, but I doubt if you were missing us much." He gave Mom a knowing look. "Are you having fun at your first country Fourth of July celebration?"

I grinned. "I'm havin' a ball. How about you?"

Mom answered. "We've met a lot of people. I think all of your dad's clients, several city and county officials, and we had a short talk with a couple of state legislators. In all, it's been an exciting day for us."

Dad smiled. "I think the state legislators showed up today for political points. Maybe I'm being too cynical, but a community crisis like this provides a great opportunity to pick up future votes."

Mom put an arm around me. "We also had a long talk with Nate and his parents. They couldn't say enough good things about you. I'm glad you've connected with Nate so well. I'm proud of you for being a good friend to him and helping him recover."

"Thanks, Mom. I think he's helping me recover too."

Dad was still smiling, and looking at me closely. "Toby, you may want to go wash your hair real quick. It looks like you got glue in it."

I turned beet red once again. "Thanks, Dad, I'll go take care of that."

The sound of quiet laughter followed me as I hurried away.

The fireworks were going to be set off at the football stadium. Most people had gone to watch from the bleachers, but the Ranch Boy Club was staying at the park. You could see the fireworks just as well from there, and we wanted to share the time together. All of our parents had remained at the park, too. Each couple sat at a separate table, each sharing the time with their spouse.

Grams and Gramps were sitting together at a table near my parents. There were tears in their eyes, and I knew they were missing the one other person who should have been there. I walked over and put my arms around their shoulders.

"I miss him, too. I wish he could be here with you."

Grams pulled my head down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "He misses you, too. We talked with him this afternoon. He'll be okay, but it will take a while. We're going to go visit him in a day or two. Would you like to go with us?"

There was no hesitation. "Thank you. I would like that."

Gramps replied. "We'll let you know when."

I joined Austin, Andy and Jason on the large blanket they had tossed down on the grassy slope next to the woods. Austin and Andy were sitting side by side. Jason was sitting between Austin's legs with Austin's arms wrapped around him.

"Where's Nate and Rusty?"

Austin responded. "They took off about a half hour ago and haven't come back yet. I'm not sure what that means."

"I'm not sure either. So, Andy, Rusty filled me in on Terry the gay basher's history and family associations. How did yer little encounter go? Was the condom useful?"

Andy grinned wickedly. "Oh, yeah! It was very useful. He watched me put it on, and then I was tryin' to figure out how to get it off without him knowin'. But it fit kinda loose, so I just rolled it back half way to see what was gonna happen. About the third stroke, it came off inside. I just tamped it in and kept on goin'. It was his first time, and he never knew the difference."

Austin laughed his ass off. "Good job, bro! I'd like to be a mouse in the corner the next time he takes a shit."

Jason looked thoughtful. "I was right. Toby's boner is bigger than yours."

Andy scowled playfully at Jason. "Yer not bein' very loyal, little bro."

Jason looked up at him innocently. "Well, maybe honesty is more important. But we can take some measurements later to make sure."

He was being very serious about it. The rest of us were laughing, and he couldn't figure out why.

"So, Jace, where the hell have you and Austin been all evening?"

Jason looked up at Austin with a big grin. "Can I tell them?"

Austin smiled back. "Sure, no secrets here."

"Well, let's just say Austin let me win the wrestling match a couple times."

I gave Jason a high five. "Good job, little bro. Was it fun winning?"

Jason grinned. "It was fun, but I'd rather lose."

Rusty and Nate had quietly returned. Rusty sat down beside me. Nate looked at Austin and Jason, and sat down between my legs the same way. I put my arms around him and held him close as he leaned back against me. Rusty scooted over close to me and Nate, his leg touching mine. I placed an arm around Rusty's shoulders, and he wrapped his around my back. He looked at me for a moment. A silent message passed between us. I quickly kissed his lips, and he laid his head on my shoulder. I looked down and kissed Nate on his temple as he looked up at Rusty and me. I didn't ask where Nate and Rusty had been or what they'd done. They needed to restore their relationship in their own way, and it wasn't any of my business.

I'd been to a lot of fireworks displays, but this was the best because, except for the one person who couldn't be there, I was sharing it with all of the people who were important in my life.

** Thanks to all of you who are reading this story. I plan to continue with the unfinished business after the fall rains begin, but until then there's hiking to be done in the backwoods. Happy summer to everyone in the northern hemisphere, and warm thoughts to those of you further south. Until later... **

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Next: Chapter 21

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