Ranch Raunch

By moc.onuj@xrdm

Published on Jun 23, 2010


This story is completely fictional. It is about the relationship between me and multiple guys and mustangs. Many forms and fetishes of bondage will be used as well as severe punishment. Many twists, turns, and surprises are in store. This is a multi-chapter story and you might have to read the ones before it to fully understand what is happening. I do a recall in the first paragraph with the highlights of what went on in the previous chapter. A full list of names and characters is available, but the names of the characters in each chapter are mentioned before I begin that chapter. If your name is used it is coincidental and the characters were based on the personality of Masters, Sir's, boys, slaves, mustangs, girls, and women I have known. I Have full permission from these personalities in the before sentence to use them however I want. One of the characters is a kid, but he does not participate in any sex acts. If you are not 18 or if it is illegal for any reason you should not read this story and should instead leave right away.

Copyright rules apply.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with horses or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Character list: Mike: A lean fit muscular guy in his forties. Master Rick: A lean fit muscular owner of a ranch and mustang herd in his mid fifties. Master Wes: Same as Master Rick but a bit younger, does ranch and real estate. Mystery guy: to be revealed in later chapters. Shawn: A young adult part time rider and has a hard dick all the time. Jeff: Owner of a tractor. Chris: Jeff's son about 10 years old Bazooka: The lead stallion of the ranch that is telepathic. The herd: Tar Baby, Gizmo, Twinkie, Daisy, Phantom, Dancer, Gambit, and Thumper.

The tilling job # 14

I woke up a bit stiff and remembered that I was brutally pounded by Master Rick and Master Wes. Today Shawn would be back and we were going to have visitors with the tractor.

I head to the dinning room and meet Master Rick and Master Wes. Master Rick says come here and squeeze my nipples and I cringe as they are still tender. Master Rick says we were a bit rougher than planned but your shirt will massage your nipples all day. Drop the Master title until the client leaves. Let's have breakfast. I hear a car drive up then leave then greet Shawn at the door.

Rick asks Shawn if he has had breakfast and he says yes. Rick says well and no Master title until after the client has left and he nods. The phone rings and I answer and hand it over to Wes and he has a quick conversation and hangs up. He says that the client is getting fuel and will be out in half an hour. Rick says to me that go feed the horses and tell Bazooka that there will be much noise here for the morning and if they want to graze in the meadow they can. We will ring the triangle when it is time to come back.

Both Shawn and I head to the barn and feed the horses. When they are done I tell Bazooka that the horses can go to the meadow to escape the loud noise that will be here today but need to return when the triangle sounds. I call the herd and say meadow, graze, triangle return and all but Bazooka leaves for the meadow.

Bazooka says I want to see both of you in my stall and we head in. Bazooka says we have a few minutes so strip and we do. Bazooka says you were pounded on last night and I said brutally but I asked for it gasping a little as Bazooka licks my nipples. And you Shawn you doing okay and he said I long for the time when I can be here all the time but cannot at this time. Bazooka says good answer. Anyone ask about this place and I said only a tryout for an exercising job but said no more. Good his ears perking and says a diesel truck is nearing, put on your clothes and he heads outside.

We head outside the barn and a nice truck with a tractor pulls up. Rick and Wes greet the driver and introduce us to Jeff and his son Chris. Chris asks where all the horses are and I say they went up to the meadow to get out of range of the noise. But the lead stallion Bazooka is here. Would you like to meet Bazooka and he says to his dad Jeff can I and he says yes as long as Mike here is with you.

We both head into the barn, through Bazookas stall to the pasture next to it and Chris says wow he is so big at the sight of him. I say that Bazooka is a very smart horse. He will do the most amazing things if you simply ask. I say to Chris not to be afraid and raise your right hand and say his name. Christ does so and I amazed that Bazooka walks up and I say stick out your right hand so that Bazooka would like to sniff you as that is his way of greeting you. He does and Bazooka kneels, sniffs gently, and licks Chris on the face. Bazooka says not a trace of fear. Ride later and he heads out.

I say to Chris that Bazooka likes you that you showed no fear and you will ride him later. He needs to graze a bit and watch the herd but will be back later. Let's head back and we hear a tractor start up and rejoin the group and I say to Wes that Bazooka licked Chris on the face and Rick smiled and said a future rider.

Rick says to Chris to keep an eye on the barn. If Bazooka shows up and shows body emotion of any sort, come directly to Mike and signal him so he can find out what is wrong. This is a very serious responsibility. With the tractor on, we will be wearing ear protection and cannot hear if Bazooka or any mustang returns. Christ says I will do my best. He grabs a soda and heads to where he can watch both the barn and the tractor.

Wes says drinks and we all say yes as it was already warm. And we head over to the spot and Rick gives us shovels, gloves and says as the tilling starts to help break up the sod as it will be in big chunks. Stay at least five feet away in any direction as there may be rocks hidden and did not want us to get hit with one. If there is an emergency wave to get Jeff's attention and cross your arms in a X. he will stop the tractor immediately.

Jeff starts on one side and we wait till he finishes with the one pass and starts on the other side. We break apart the bigger clods and start on the other side. Wes comes out with a cooler of drinks and we trade off. We stop for lunch then resume the tilling. I tell Chris that he is doing an excellent job watching the barn. If something happens with the mustangs usually Bazooka will come back and kneels then you will have to alert us as we will not be able to hear him

The day progresses and all of the sudden Chris rushes up to me and says something is wrong and I say how do you know and he said Bazooka came back and is pawing as if upset and is kneeling as if I were to get on and rising and pawing.

I cross my arms in a stop gesture and when the tractor shuts off I say to Rick and Wes that Bazooka came back upset and asking Chris to ride him and pawing. Rick says to Wes to get the medical bag and we run to Bazooka and I ask what happened and all I got was Daisy is hurt. Rick gets on Bazooka as Wes hand him the bag and I say Daisy hurt.

Bazooka disappears with Rick and Wes says to Chris your fast acting has probably saved the mustangs life. Chris looks stunned and amazed. I say to Wes can we do anything else and he said have extra hay and shavings ready and I will call the vet. When the mustang shows up, put extra hay and shavings in that mustangs stall. After you prepare then continue working on the sod as there is nothing else you can do until Rick returns.

We prepare as much as possible and continue working the big chunks and a truck drives up and it is the vet. I hear Bazooka's voice and say's a few minutes. We greet the vet and Wes says Bazooka ran into the pasture by the barn pawing and Rick went with a med bag. We do not know beyond that. I see movement and point and a moment Daisy appears with Bazooka right behind and she is limping.

Wes says to Jeff and Chris that they should stay right here. Mike and Shawn prepare Daisy's stall. Let me, Rick, and the vet look at her. Wes looks at me and quietly mouths Bazookas name and I say to him gopher hole and Wes nods okay and walks back, Jeff asks how you knew that it was that. I say the way she limped as her front was a clear indication she stepped into something. Gophers are common around here and she must have stepped into one and got hurt but the vet will know for sure.

Shawn and I prepare Daisy's stall and return outside and see the vet finish wrapping her left front foreleg then consults with Rick and Wes then comes to us. Chris he says, your prompt action in alerting us saved Daisy from further harm what happened was that Daisy stepped into a hole and twisted her leg. Her leg will be sore for a few days but should be okay. Chris beamed as doing an important task.

I say to Chris you have a grand story to tell. Right now she needs rest. Rick says close her stall and we will resume the tilling. Rick tells me to send Bazooka back and summon the herd back in a few hours. They can take their time and if the noise is too great to wait until it stops. I head to the barn as the tractor starts back up and I close her doors. I say to her rest and give her a hug and go to Bazooka.

I say to Bazooka that Daisy just twisted her leg and will be fine. If you want to stay here for an hour that is fine but summon the herd after that. I sense relief from him and I head back to the tilling. Jeff is cross tilling and the chunks of earth are getting smaller. I mention to Wes about the soil sample and he goes to get the box and bag. He returns a minute later and gets a sample and says take this out to the mailbox as the mailman will be here soon.

I meet the mailman and he notices the tractor and asks and I say a garden for next year. We need to check the soil if we need to add any minerals and I hand him the box. The mailman says that is a very wise thing to do. And he heads on his run. I walk back and hand Wes the mail.

As Jeff is loading the tractor the herd returns with Bazooka in the rear. Rick says you can now open Daisy's stall. I asked Jeff if he wants to ride and he is more interested in the hot tub than riding but if you ride with Chris and Shawn, find the hole where Daisy was in the field and mark it with a white stake and return.

I call Shawn and Chris and they come and I tell them we need to find the hole so Shawn will take Tar Baby and Chris will ride with me on Bazooka. I get a white stake and we tickle their chins and they lower themselves and we head out at a nice trot. I ask Bazooka if he knew where the hole was and he said by the edge somewhere on the far side. We emerge at the meadow and slow to a walk.

I say lets go around the perimeter. Shawn you stay to my right about five feet and look on both sides. Chris you look to the right and I will look into the left. We start searching and a few minutes later Chris says there and points about eight feet and it is a fresh gopher hole. Well done Chris and I say lower and we get off and I pound the stake next to the hole. Let's head back as it is close to dinner time.

We get back on mounts and say home and we head back. We get to the barn and thank Bazooka and Tar Baby for their help. Chris asks if we could see Daisy and I said a short visit is okay. We head into her stall and smell ointment. I say to Daisy that this kid Chris alerted us when we were doing something else that you were in trouble. She makes a stiff effort to take a step and licks Chris in the face and he gives her a hug around her chest. I say rest and head out.

Chris says it seemed that the mustangs understand you and I said it is tone of voice and words. After being with horses for a bit, they start to understand simple words such as graze, meadow and gait commands. You can understand what they are saying back through body language. Bazooka is what I say as a super smart horse. He knew you were going to be watching the barn. The tractor was going to drown out his call when he came back so he told you through body language that there was a problem. Bazooka is very protective of his herd and your action to tell me told him that you are a responsible kid.

Let's go meet your dad and we find him in the hot tub soaking with Rick and Wes. I say to Chris's dad that Chris found a gopher hole near the edge of the forest. I said to Rick it was new as if dug a day before and we marked it. Rick said well, we are about done here and Wes has pizza for everyone. You two need to take a shower and we will meet you in the dining room. We said okay and headed to the shower.

When we get done with the shower we go into the dinning room and then Rick says to Chris you should be very proud of yourself alerting us to Daisy's trouble. I reward those who do me a service and I will give you riding lessons for three months on weekends. I say very nice reward and Chris is amazed again at such a reward. Jeff you can ride too as thanks for the use of the tractor.

Jeff and Chris head home after dinner. Rick calls me and squeezes my nipples and I cringe and Rick says still tender and I say yes. The Master title is back in play and I nod yes. Master Rick continues and says Master Wes and I need to check Daisy and then we will have a play session. Is there something you would like to do? I reply to do to Shawn what you did to me last night.

Master Rick says a very good idea. Now tell Shawn why we dug the garden. I say to Shawn that the garden was only part of the reason. The other is a mud pit for mud wrestling and Shawn likes the idea. We also in the spring will plant fruit trees. We will till and use a backhoe to deepen part of the garden so it will be tough to win. Shawn says I have always wanted to do that.

I ask Master Rick how deep it is and he says about eight inches but we will have to do much more tilling to break up the sod as it is still rough. I say okay and Master Wes says stay here as we will tend to Daisy and be back in a half hour. Both Masters Leave and Shawn ask what is in store for me and I say medieval brutal fun. Shawn says oh my and thinks on what is in store for him.

Master Rick and Master Wes return and I ask how Daisy is doing. Master Wes says too soon to tell. We put more ointment on and rewrapped her leg. Most injuries like this type take a couple of days. We will keep her in her stall for another day. Both of you will have work in the morning. Ready to play and we nod yes.

We strip and go into the spare room and hoods are put on us. Master Rick says you will lie on a bench and we will put nipple and dick cylinders on you and attach them to the electric pump while we work on Shawn. I feel my nipples and dick get softened and lubed and the cylinders start stretching my nipples and dick.

I hear the barrel being rolled up and sense that Shawn is laid on the barrel as I hear a light ahh and in my mind see him laid on the barrel. I hear restraints put on and silence and I hear a gasp and hear paddles pounding on Shawn's front hard it dose not take long before his gasping increases and they stop.

The pause for a moment then I hear sharp gasping as Shawn's nipples and dick get pinched, rubbed, or bent. This goes on for some time with an occasional spank and then I hear Shawn's gasping become ragged and they stop. I hear footsteps and a whisper what next and I say pounding the nuts.

I hear someone walk away and then oh no as I assume that Shawn's dick is tied out of the way and relies that his nuts are about to be pounded. I hear a spank then a gasp. I hear this many times and the gasping becomes harder. It stops after I assume twenty minutes and for the moment I thought they were done.

All of the sudden I hear a solid spank on his abs. I hear a yipe and then another oh no. I could assume it was only one thing and it was a nut squashier. I sense Shawn tremble as the device is tightened. His gasping returns and seems to get louder every few minutes. It changes into a light scream and I hear spanking on his nipples.

I hear a ready as if questioning and Shawn screams loudly I assume they tuned the nut squashier a good bit and were spanking him hard. This went on for a couple minutes and then they stopped. Shawn continues to scream as they remove the squashier and he gasps hard for a few minutes after.

I hear footsteps and Master Rick removes the cylinders and leads me to Shawn's head and attaches electro stimulation pads and I am lifted and placed face down on top of him. Shawn gasps as he feels my weight on top of him and my dick is forced into his mouth and his into mine.

We both feel the stimulator tuned on and out abs twitch to the stimulation and start sucking each other. I feel my dick working itself bending so Shawn could get as much of my rod as possible. I fell paddles whack my back and other types of spankers.

I think a half hour has gone and the stimulator turned off and we are both lifted off the barrel and turned over and the stimulator is turned back on and Shawn now gets pounded with the whips and paddles. I have his entire dick in my throat and he has the majority of mine in him.

It seems like the same amount of time when the stimulator is turned of and Shawn is lifted off me and the pads taken off. Shawn drops slowly to the floor shaking and gasping and I do the same only I have the strength to stay standing. I know that both of or dicks are throbbing hard but we did not cum.

Both Shawn and I are led to reclining chairs and are given drink and we each say thank you. Mater Rick says do you want to be milked and we both say yes and Master Rick says how long and before Shawn could say, I said till we pass out. Good Master Rick says. I can feel that my dick is rock solid and I think that Shawn's is to. I hear Shawn start to breath heavy then start into gasping and grunting for a short period of time. I hear an ah sound and then more grunting. I think Shawn came several times before passing out.

I sense Master Rick and Master Wes come to me and asks how I would like to be milked and I said stroking and being brutal on my nipples. Master Rick says I think we can handle that. I am taken off the lounge chair and put on the solid bench. I feel my dick being lubed maybe too much for I sense that more is in for me than what I asked for.

I sense someone gliding over me and I realize that someone is straddling me. I feel him lowered onto my dick and my dick makes contact with his hole. His bodyweight presses against my dick head and for a moment holds his weight before his weight forces himself on my shaft and I hear Shawn scream

He is lifted and doped rapidly onto my dick several times as he is forced fucked. I feel him cum several times and yet he still is dropped on my dick. I hear hard gasping and think that Shawn has passed out when they stop and lay him on the couch.

Master Rick says do you want it too and I said yes, but I think Master Wes or you have that honor of ramming me until I pass out. One can take the front and one can take the back. Master Rick says okay, get up and get on all fours.

I feel a low table and get on it. I ask for knee pads and get them and spread my legs far apart and feel lube being put into my hole. I ask that after I pass out that I be tied to Shawn next to his dick and mine to his. I hear a ready and I feel a large dick head and my hole resists it and a moment pause that I relax and gasp as it is rammed into me

I open my mouth and another dick enters it. I start sucking and feel it getting thicker and start sucking harder as my ass gets fucked hard so does my mouth. I feel my dick throb and it cum's hard. I have no idea how much cum came out. I continue on fucking and sucking and out of pure exhaustion pass out.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with horses or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Next: Chapter 15: Dick Poundings

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