Randall and Scott

By moc.loa@taKyllihW

Published on Mar 31, 2001


Hey Guys! I am back with a new chapter of "Randall and Scott". Hope that you enjoy it! I think that this is my best chapter yet. I will expect an e-mail from everyone that reads this. In other words, if I don't get the amount of mail that I think that I should, I will Dis-continue the story. he he he! I am going to make this short so you can get to reading.......so, write me! I dare you not to! Just playing! WhillyKat@aol.com


I really hate writing these stupid things, but we have to....so, none of it is real. I made it all up! My brain and me. I do not know N'Sync's sexual preference, nor will I ever. So, for those of you who are going to sue...this is written proof that I made it up! If you are too young, then try and not get caught. I really disapprove of that one. Those of you who try and keep your kids close-minded are creating little monster, because you are building a hate-based life! Shame on you.

Randall and Scott Chapter 3 "Forever"

"JC, can I come in?" Justin said as he knocked on his best friends door. He had just pulled in the driveway, and was eagerly waiting to see JC. "JC, hey dude you need to get up. We really need to talk. I mean REALLY! But, in order to do that...you have to open up the door. Do you think that you can do that?" He said.

"Justiiin...,"he wined, "it is six o'clock in the morning. Why are you standing at my door knocking like I am going to let you in or something?" He finished. He had just awakened from the best dream. And he intended on finishing it!

"I brought you something! I know that you will like it! Just open the door...come on...I know that you can do it!" Justin teased. "You will really enjoy it! It is a dozen doughnuts from that shop down the road. Thank God that they are open twenty-four hours a day, or else I couldn't have gotten you your favorite kind. Chocolate Marble...Okay, really open the door. It is cold out here, and I need some heat!" He acted like he was annoyed, but on the inside, nothing could spoil his joy.

"You know....if it were anybody else, they would just have to go away...but since I know that you won't go away until I answer the door, I am going to be nice and let you in. Under one condition, though, you have to let me kiss you?" JC said. He knew that Justin would comply with a tiny peck on the cheek. Those are the ones that he loved. He had loved Justin for the most part of his life. He had met the boy in the Mickey Mouse Club, and they had grown together in N'Sync. He had told him of his feelings just a mere three years ago, and had never expected anything back. They had always been very affectionate, and they looked to be a just another gay couple. Justin always ran to him when things went wrong, and yet he knew exactly how to help him deal with the ever-growing stress of life.

"Yay!" Justin said, just as JC was opening the door. Justin's heart began to beat like it was going to just stop, but he knew what he was going to do. He had practiced this very moment for over five years, and he was going to make it special.

"Wha....." that was all that JC got out. Justin had obliged to his request for a kiss to take place, although, JC was the one who was supposed to be doing the kiss. But no complaints were being made! Justin slyly moved his hands across JC's torso, taking care to give his pecks special attention. Ever since he knew that he loved JC, he had always wanted to play with his pecks, and so it was. The two stumbles into the apartment and proceeded to kiss passionately, until JC slowly moved his lips out of reach of Justin.

"Ummm, Justin what are we doing?" He asked in a shaky voice. Trying not to show his nervousness.

"Well, I guess I have some explaining to do. I mean, I know that I can't come in here and just kiss you and make everything better, we really need to talk."

"Well, I don't mind the kissing part, but I didn't even know that you are gay? What is up with that, I mean I thought that you had that thing Britney...." He said, wishing that he had not, because somewhere inside of him he didn't want to know the answer.

"Well....let me go and get the doughnuts, and then we can talk! How is that?"

"Okay....sure, that sounds fine!" the older man said. His heart was pounding like he was going to have a heart attack, but he knew that it was only that he didn't know whether or not his heart was about to be broken. But, on the bright side, Justin might have fallen in love with him over night......he didn't know. But hopes were high!

Justin, on the other hand, was light-headed from all the joy that had entered in his body in the last ten minutes. He had just kissed JC for the first time! He couldn't believe it! After all those years of waiting, and dreaming, and waiting some more....the time had finally come. He grabbed the pastries and took off into the house.

"Wow, you weren't lying about the doughnuts, huh?" JC laughed. "Wow," he thought. This was the first time that he had laughed in a very long time. And for that, even if it didn't go anywhere, he was glad that his mind had been cleared for at least a few minutes. He felt like he could go on for a little while longer, at least!

"Well, maybe....I should start at the beginning. This is a long story, so I hope that you have a while to listen." Justin stated.

"Sure, anything for you. Just get on with it. How about this, you just tell me the whole story, and at the end, I will give you my comments? That way, you won't have any interruptions." JC said, thoughtfully.

"Okay. Well, here goes. JC, umm....I have been in love with you for a long time, like a couple of months after you told me that you were. I have thought of nothing else ever since that day that my mind cleared. And I......"

"WHAT? OH MY GOSH! YOU FEEL THE SAME WAY? HOW....WHY......WHAT......WHEN..." JC screamed. All of his dreams had just come true in that short statement. Justin loved him! He really didn't expect that.

"JC, you aren't supposed to say anything remember?"

"Yeah, well...I will shut up now, and beside...I didn't know what you were going to tell me!"

"Anyway, about a year ago, I finally came to terms with the way I was feeling, and when I finally decided to tell you.....we got into that big fight about Britney. Remember? Well, I thought that I would teach you a lesson, and I went to one of those gay bars. Well, I met this guy named Ben....After a couple of beers, we started talking and I got interested. He looked a lot like you, tall...dark hair....but the only thing about him was his eyes were dark. I mean really dark. Well, about nine months ago...we decided to get an apartment together. Well, I really didn't want to....but I did because I really liked him. He had other intentions, though. After a couple of days, we got into this huge fight about how I forgot to get a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken, and he was really craving one. That was the first time that he ever laid his hands on me. He told me that if I ever told anybody, that he would kill you, and everybody else. He said that he would kill me, and would leave no trace of the crime. I was really scared. The beatings got worse, and so did the pain. Every time that it rained, I thought about you. About how we could already have had a life together, if I had not gone to that damn bar. I cried my self to sleep every night since.....I can't remember. Then, last night we got into another fight because I put my arm around you in an interview. He had this stick with a coat hanger at the end that he beat me with called me "Old Hector", well needless to say, Old Hector hit me about 15 times and I ran to my bedroom crying.

I got up at about three something to go to the bathroom and inspect the damage." Justin lifted his shirt up, and showed JC the bruises. His mouth dropped open, and he just stared. "I got in the shower, and he had switched my soap with some vinegar and salt. So, you can imagine what that did to my cuts and stuff. I was furious. I got out of the shower to call you, and tell you the whole thing, plus to come and get me. Well, he was there waiting on me, saying that he heard me get in the shower....and wanted to see my reaction about the whole soap thing. Well, we started physically fighting, and I got the better of him.....I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the gun that we kept in the drawer. We played a little hide-and-seek for a few minutes, until he walked past my hiding spot, I stepped out and shot him in the back of the legs. I went to pack my stuff, and like the dumb blonde that I am, I threw the gun at him.....When I was standing in the room having a day-dream about you, when he shot me right through my aphro. I acted like I was dead, and silently got my gun out of my satchel. When he crept over me to see about me, I shot him dead in the head.

I got up, loaded my stuff in the car, poured gasoline all over the house, dragged him into the bathroom, went back to the bedroom, lit a cigarette, laid it on the bed, and walked out of the house. It burnt to the ground like two hours ago." Justin finished. He let our a sigh of relief, and stared at JC who was sitting on the bed next to him with his mouth hanging wide open.

"Umm......Well, I mean I think that he deserved what he got, I just wish that you would not have done it yourself because you could go to jail." JC said in a sad voice.

"I know, but I would rather be in jail, than dead? He was going to kill me just like he did Philip." Justin said with tears in his eyes.

"Who was Philip?" JC said, also crying.

"Well, it was one of Ben's boy toys. He killed him after a year of being together. He beat him in the head with a baseball bat." He said, trying but not succeeding in keeping his cries to a minimum.

"Poor guy. I am glad that it wasn't you, though. I mean, I wish that you would have told me....regardless of what he said. But...on a happier note, he can't do it to anybody else. Justin, I just want you to know that I am behind you in whatever you decide to do. I will support you totally." He said. Not knowing what he had just gotten himself into. But he didn't care because it was Justin.

"Well, for now I just want to enjoy the comfort of being with you." Justin said. His mood taking a sudden turn for the better.

"That is fine with me....only I have one question, umm.....Justin, will you be my boyfriend?" JC asked.

They looked into each other's eyes, and for a moment they were one. That sat there in the same position for what seemed to be forever, but neither if them cared. They could be together. Without consequences. They didn't have to find excuses to hold each other, or to sneak off and be together in the middle of a photo shoot. Justin slipped his hand behind JC's neck and pulled his head to his face. He slowly tasted his lips, and then let his tongue enter his luscious mouth. JC did the same, and felt like he was in heaven. He slowly rubbed his hands up and down Justin's thighs. Lovingly, Justin cupped JC's face in his hand. He stopped kissing his lips and made his way across to his neck and bare shoulders, time stood still......they were lost in each other's arms, without a doubt, they were together forever.

"JC, does that answer your question?" He whispered.

"Yes, baby it does........" JC said, "but, when are you going to tell the rest of the guys? I mean, you will have to sometime, before they hear it on the news, or something." He continued.

"I know, in a few days, but for right now, we need to make up for some time lost." The blonde stated.

"Sounds like a plan. But, for now I think that we need to get some......"

He was too late. Justin had already fallen asleep on his chest. He looked so peaceful, all content and everything.

"I love you...." he whispered.

"I love you, too....Josh." Justin murmured.


Well? How was that? How about you write me and give me your comments. That sounds like fun to me! I worked really hard on this one, so if no one writes me, then no more stuff. GRIN Love to you all, and thanks for reading!


Next: Chapter 4

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