Ranger Dave

By buddbuster

Published on Nov 1, 2023


Ranger Dave Series: Chapter 3

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Description: Alaskan tourist Ray and Park Ranger Dave continue their wrestling match in the Park... will Dave be declared the winner or will Ray triumph and become the new alpha in Alaska!!


Ray : Avid Outdoorsman traveling Alaska; 55 years; 5'6" and 190lbs

Ranger Dave : Park Ranger; 60 years; 5'10" and 290lbs

---------- Chapter III and Chapter IV - written from Ranger Dave's perspective

Chapter 3 -- Ranger Dave is Forced To Accept a Second Challenge

I, Big Dave, slowly get back to my senses. I try to comprehend what just happened. This little punk showed up at my cabin and started mouthing off. He clearly wanted to get his ass kicked so we started brawling. Can't believe I got owned by this shrimp. I swallow and taste his cum in my mouth. Damn, he fucked my face. Not sure what he did but he made me like it too. What the hell. What came over me? I am confused. My gut is drenched in my own cum and I am hurting all over. I struggle back to my feet. I rest on all fours for a while to recover. Eventually I get up and collect my clothes. I notice that the asshole took my briefs and my iconic suspenders as his trophy. I pull my pants and shirt over my cum-drenched body and walk to my cabin holding my pants up.

I wake up the next morning. I remember the last night and still can't belief I got owned like that. I am the big cheese in this park, feared and respected. Have wrestled and beat many guys. I feel humiliated by being defeated by a much smaller guy and by the fact that the taste of this guy's cum is still lingering in my mouth. I am glad nobody was around to witness the beat-down. I need to keep that to myself. God knows how nosy my ranger colleagues can be, I think, as I pull out my backup suspenders and get dressed for work in my ranger uniform.

I walk into my office and start work. About an hour later I hear my colleague (fat Walt) talk to somebody outside my door. Walt's a big burly guy like me but in contrast to me, he's more fat than muscle. I have more of a bearish build with a firm belly and firm arms. Walt is flabby and has caught a lot of crap for that from me over the last few years. There is laughter and other noises next door. I can't focus with this noise so I open the door to put an end to it.

As I open the door I see the fucker from last night standing there talking to Walt. I am confused and worried. What the hell is he doing here? He turns his head, looks at me and reaches his hand out. Let me introduce myself," he says, "My name is Ray". He stares deep into my eyes as he shakes my hand. "I see, Ray is the fucker name," I think to myself as I squeeze his hand hard. With shock I see that Ray is wearing the suspenders that he took from last night. My suspenders are iconic. They are wide bear pride suspenders with the words "Big Dave" written on them. I don't think there are many of those around. Both Walt and Ray are looking at me. "Damn", I think, "does Walt know that this guy owned his boss?" "Did Ray tell him about how he beat me up and owned my throat?" "Did he recognize my suspenders on the asshole?" I nervously lick my lips.

"What's going on" I say, trying to sound my confident self but feel like I failed. "Not much," Walt says with a smirk on his face (why is he smirking). "This guy", he points at Ray, "has broken down with his truck on that lonely side road in the park. He wondered if you could come help him out?" "Me?", I say, "Why don't you go instead?" I swallow nervously. "Don't you remember that you told me to get that dirty shed cleaned up first?" "Yes," I respond. It is better that Ray isn't hanging around Walt for too long anyway, so I decide to agree, "Fine, I'll go". "I'll come out once I am done" Walt says with a smile. I don't like that idea at all. Who knows what is going to happen once Ray and I get into it out there. I don't want Walt to see any of it, so I say "you don't need to come out. I got this." Ray sees right through me. He likes seeing me nervous so he responds, "it's pretty deep in the dirt. Maybe Walt should join us later." He walks over to me and squeezes my biceps. "You don't look like your strong enough to pull my car out by yourself!" Walt chuckles as Ray wears a cold smile. "Walt, don't you have work to do," I sneer angrily to chase him out the door. As he walks by Ray, he grabs one of Ray's suspenders straps. "Nice suspenders, stud! Don't you usually wear this kind, boss?" "Yes," I say, "what a coincidence!" I laugh but it sounds way too nervous.

I walk Ray to my truck. I am fuming inside but there are too many witnesses here and I decide to be patient. As we reach my truck, Ray surprises me with a quick move. He puts his arm around my neck and put a strangle hold on me. "Don't you try any funny business on the way out," he hisses in my ear." I have Walt's cell on speed dial and he's gonna know right away. "What do you want?" I say angrily. "We'll wrestle once more, fat boy. If you win, I'll leave you alone. If I win, which is likely," he chuckles, "you'll have to accept me as your master. You'll also have to give me a job in your shop so that I can have your throat whenever it pleases me. And remember, if you won't comply I can always Blackmail you". He shows me his phone, which has pictures of me on my knees sucking Ray's dick. Damn, I look him up and down. He looks tougher with my suspenders on. "I accept", I say. Not that I have any choice.

We pull up to where his car is. As I get out of my truck, Ray reaches over and smacks my ass. I growl. I step outside and look around. There's a large meadow where Ray as cleared a square of all branches. As I look further I see a big duffle bag in one corner. I wonder what that is. "Strip down and put on these." Ray throws me pink tight high-rise wrestling trunks. I hold them up and see that there is big font writing on their front. The word "COCK SUCKER" is staring me in the face. "Fuck you, I am not gonna wear these" I say. "You better put those on or do you want me to text Walt one of those pictures?" Damn. I growl and strip down. As I pull down my white underwear I notice my dick is semi hard. Ray sees it and laugh. "Seems you are my big fat jobber bear already". I quickly pull the pink trunks on. "Let's get this over quickly", I hiss. " I am going to own your ass this time" .....

---------- END OF PART III

PART IV -- Defeated and Owned - The Ray vs Big Dave Saga Reaches Its Conclusion

Ray tears open his shirt, buttons flying. My dick hardens from the great show of strength. He pulls off his pants and reveals black speedo-type trunks. He flexes and turns around to show me the back of them. "Champ" it says in big letters across his ass. I pull my pink trunks high up on my belly and say "I am going to make you eat them trunks when I am done with you, fucker". "Big talk from somebody who's breath still stinks like man cum", Ray laughs. "Let's wrestle. My dick wants more of your mouth, fat boy". He takes a pose and move closer. We circle each other in anticipation. He stares me down with a determined look trying to intimidate me. I won't let him get to me I think to myself. I am the bigger, stronger man. I'll own his ass this time.

I move in closer and lunge forward trying to grab him. He anticipates the move and steps aside. He grabs my right arm and wrestles it on my back. He's got me in a hammerlock. He pushes from behind, tripping me, and I land on the ground all sprawled out. "FUCK". He grabs my legs and rolls me to my back. My legs are being spread out wide and he's ready to stomp my balls. Instinctively I reach down to protect them, yet instead he takes his heel and rams it into my wide open gut. Ooof -- I roll to the side. He gets on top of me and wraps his hands around my neck in a powerful headlock. I get rolled on my back with him under me as his legs wrap around my girthy belly for a monstrous scissor hold. He squeezes my neck and my gut hard. "That was easier than expected. You are such a pussy" he taunts me. I squeeze out a "fuck you" as I struggle to get out from his holds. His dick is growing against my back as he has me restrained. My head turns red as I try to fight him off with might. With a lot of effort, I pry his arms open and roll on my belly. I push up on all fours and then upright to my knees and pry his legs open too. I drop an elbow on his chest before I roll away and get back to my feet. I am already breathing hard. That took a lot out of me.

He's up quickly and much fresher than me. With quick steps, Ray comes at me with a stretched-out fist. While I am not quite ready yet, I somehow manage to deflect most of the blow and we are wrapped in a standing wrestling fight, each trying to get each other to the ground. I am bigger but winded so he somehow manages to get behind me and lock me in a standing Nelson. His remarkably powerful arms push my head forward as his dick is grinding against my ass crack. "Like that hold?" he taunts. All I can do is groan. He pushes forward and I fall down, my face forced in the dirt with the Nelson still applied. His dick is now lodged in my butt crack, with only our trunks preventing him from fucking my ass. He tries to put a locking hold on my legs to restrain me completely. I manage to avoid that, however, and roll on my back with him under me. He has to break his hold and I throw back my head to give him some sort of reversed head-butt. Ray cries out in pain. I roll off of him and sink a couple of deep blows in his gut. I get up and pull him up by his head. "My turn now, fucker" I say breathing hard.

I put the fucker in a powerful bear hug, squeezing him hard. He moans and groans. "Who's the pussy now?" I yell at him as he fights to stay in the game. He tries to play dirty tricks but I have his arms trapped to his body. He is trapped and helpless. "You give?" I yell. He groans but squeeze out a "Never, fucker". Ray is one tough guy. Not many can stand my bear hug for that long. Eventually I have to let go and drop him to the ground to recover. "It's playtime for the big ranger now," I say panting. I look down at the smaller man sprawled out underneath me. I can't believe this guy owned mighty Dave last night. I drop on his chest and put a schoolboy pin on him. I start slapping his face around. "Like that, cock sucker?" My dick is tenting in my pink trunks. I grab Ray's head and force it in my crotch. I make him take my cock for a while. Eventually, I reach behind my back and land a few blows in Ray's gut then I let my hand slip in them trunks and start jerking him off. "Remember last night? See how quickly the tide can turn, pussy?" I taunt him. He is essentially beat and he knows it. I hear moans of pleasure and pain emerge from his mouth and I get all turned on by that. Ray desperately needs to get out from under me before it's too late. He sure had this all planned out differently. "Seems you bit off more than you can chew this time, fucker?" I laugh.

I know I've won. I flex over Ray's body and continue to taunt him. I lean back to get better access to his dick. This takes some of the pressure off of his arms and he manages to pull them out from under my legs. "Damn" I hiss. Ray is still trapped so he instinctively reaches for the only open target. He grabs a hold of my pecs and squeezes them hard. My eyes open wide from the pain. "Let go of my pecs bastard" I scream. He narrows his reach and starts torturing my sensitive nipples. I moan load, eyes rolling to the back of my head. "Jackpot" he yells out. "What have we here?" He laughs as he continues to torture my nips. "Seems we found your kryptonite, fat boy." I have a RAGING hard-on now from the pain and pleasure of his nip work. My nips truly are my kryptonite. "Get your fucking hands off of me," I yell in desperation. I try to get his hands away from me. I succeed with one but he manages to free that hand and land a hook to my chin. It isn't too hard but enough to roll me to my side.

He follows up with a couple of chops to my throat making me reach up to protect myself. I am caught up in a coughing spill while he gets back to his feet. He pulls me up to my knees and then locks his hands on my nips again. I moan loud and throw my head back as my nips get owned bad. "You give?" he yells at me. All I can do is to shake my head. After a while of terrible torture, he suddenly rips his hands away from my nips causing even more pain. He grabs my head and pulls me up to my feet. He pretends to reach for my nips again and I instinctively reach up to protect myself. This leaves my big gut wide open and he sinks a series of deep blows into it. One, ... two, ... three, ... four, ... five. He aims well for the same spot as to soften me up and each blow sinks in deeper. I groan loud. He did some damage. I am bent over. He lifts my chin and has me look at him. "Now its MY time to play" he grows as he land a hard head butt to my forehead. I stumble back, try to stay on my feet. He grabs me by my hair and pull me toward him again. My head goes under his arm pit with his arms around my neck as he sinks another series of deep hard blows in my gut. Strong well aimed blows. My sturdy gut is breaking down as he methodically work me over. Eventually, Ray lets up and I drop to all fours -- panting, drained, and clearly hurt. He walks around me laughing. "Let's have some fun now" he says as he kicks one arm out from under me. My front collapses and he wraps his legs around my throat squeezing. My exposed ass intrigues him and he launches into a hard spanking session. I cry out in pain as my behind get's spanked like never before. He stops for a second and ask "You give, fat boy?" -- silence. "YOU GIVE?" he asks again. "Never" I squeeze out. He's spanking me some more then rolls my beaten body on its back. I have a raging hard-on and precum is staining my pink pants. "HAHAHA, you loved that spanking session didn't you"? I don't respond.

It's time to put an end to this. Ray pulls his trunks off, stands over me and drop his naked ass on my face. He smothers my nose and mouth with his butt cheeks, taking my breath away. He continues to sink deep blows into my now softened and defenseless gut. "YOU GIVE?" he says. All he hears is "mmmmppffff". He lifts his ass and asks again "YOU GIVE, old man". "No" I say weakly after a pause so he drops his ass down again and holds it down on my face. My air gets less and less. Ray's fists are destroying my once so legendary gut. Just before I am about to pass out he lifts up again. I soak in air hard. "YOU GIVE, fat pussy"? he asks again. I hesitate but when his ass is about to come down again I scream out "YES, I GIVE I GIVE, please make it stop". Ray's not happy. "YOU SAID WHAT?" he yells. "I GIVE" I yell louder. He's still not happy and lands another series of hard blows in my wide open gut. I squirm -- can't take any more. "YOU SAID WHAT?" he asks again. Then it dawns on me "I give, SIR!!!" I bellow out with all the strength I have left. That did the trick. "Do you from now on accept me as your one and only MASTER"? "Yes, SIR" I yell. "Do you promise to suck my cock whenever I want you to?" "Yes, SIR" I respond. "Do you admit that I am the BIG dog now in this park and that you have obey my ever wishes?" "YES, SIR".

Ray is getting up and looks down at me laughing. "Look at you, what a weak fatty you are". He pulls my pink trunks high up on my belly so that my hardon is clearly visible and the writing is easy to read - "COCK SUCKER". He grabs his phone and take pictures. I can't believe what just happened. I got beat fair and square and turned into this man's cock sucking slave. Ray walks over to his duffle bag and I hear him rummage around. He comes back holding a collar in his hand. He lifts my head and puts it around my big neck -- it barely fits -- and I hear the lock close. I am getting pulled up to my knees by the collar. "You are my dog now and you will suck my cock now!" I stare at my masters cock and suddenly want nothing more than to get fed by him. I open wide and he pushes in deep. He reaches around with his strong arms and starts plowing me hard and fast. Just as a good master would do. I suck greedily. Even before he does, I blow a massive load in my pink trunks. He blows his load deep down my throat also and I swallow it all. "Lick that cum off cleanly, dog," he orders and I do so eagerly. Ray sees that I've blown my load without his permission. "Fuck that, fat dog" he yells. He pushes me over on my back with ease and pulls my stained trunks off. "You have to pay for cuming without permission" he says and pushes the trunks into my mouth. You better soak up that cum of yours good. You won't be able to wash them trunks before your next fight. As I am laying on the ground looking up to my new master, beaten and humiliated, tasting my own cum, I hear a car pull up

The End..... or is it?!?!

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northern_state@yahoo.com and buddbuster@aol.com

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Next: Chapter 4

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