Ravaged by Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Sep 23, 2020


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us characters based off the 'with the Ramgards' tale I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. But this take is to show not all ramgards are nice This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ravaged by Ramgards (2)

... Well I hadn't too much time to wait for my freedom. But I had to wait to find the ramgards. For I had to get out. Now. For I was to be judged for what happened with my father. For the 'vile' thing I had dine to the man.

"Bit he deserved pain" I said "And I needed release"

It happened some time later. I was 17 now. And I was really disagreeing with him every day. The shouting in the house between us was great and loud. Cursing obscenities at ine another at every turn. My mother trying to diffuse each and every explosive encounter. I had become tired if his condemnation of my views. And I of his incessant chanting of the scroll and scripture. And I also tired of how he treated me because of it. Fron the beatings when I was a young teen and my questioning began. To now and here at my young adulthood I was entering. Being my own man as it were. Even now I was not allowed to think for myself according to him.

"You will follow the laws of God" he shouted "Or be damned in sin boy"

The day started out as usual. I was doing chores as I always had. But as he caught me sitting there reading a booklet that I had somehow procured he caught me. And caught me with it. It was a short pamphlet that was given to me by someone outside of the temple. We had a short discussion one day and he told me that he too believed the laws were lies. And he could see I was questioning it. There was brief talk of a land beyond the forests a Zion or something like that. And that I should find the ramgards. To find I e called 'Val' and he and his kin would lead me to this place

"You must leave boy" he said "Or die here"

I asked why he was still here. And he said someone had to stay behind and guide us to the light of freedom. And it was his task he was charged with. Lying in the shadows and waiting for those who needed his help to see the truth. So I thanked him and took the pamphlet book. Reading it as I left him. Then the man disappeared into the shadows again. So I toom the book home to read it more thoroughly. But father found me with it. Reading it. And he confronted me. Assaulting me when I shouted back at him. And this began the final confrontation woth my father.

"I am fed up with this" he yelled "This is propaganda. Lies to deceive the church" "And you have fallen prey to it" "Give it to me. I will burn it"

I looked at him as he stood there. Hand out in expectation I would indeed relinquish my booklet. But I did not. And this was where the end of my family (to be happened). For when i did not give him the booklet he attacked me. He began his hard thrashing of me. I tried to fight him off. But as I mentioned before, father was a big man. So he struck me hard and I fell. Even as I tried to fight back. He grabbed the booklet and turned to take ot to burn it. This I could not allow this again. I was tired of his assaults and abuse. So as he turned from me. Thinking he had once again poured down defeat upon me I tea hed for something near me. The lantern at the side if the bed. I grabbed it, rushed up and swung. Striking him in the back if the head hard. Shatter g the object as it hit. Then he fell to the floor in a heap.

"Take this foul father!" I had shouted.

Then I looked at him as he was down. Knocked unconscious by my blow to his back. He lay there on the floor looking helpless. And I was glad. For I had taken him down as I had always wanted to. Then I looked at my father better as he lay there. I hated him, that was sure. But he was still a striking man. And his short was opened at the front and I could see part of his strong chest. His strong haired chest. I lucked at my lips as I felt that strange desire I had always had for him somehow return. It had gone and near disappeared die to my hate of him. But I could not deny his beauty.

"He is out." I said. "This will ne my last day here for sure" "And I will need to flee from here" "But I hunger"

And I knew what I wanted and wanted to do. I grabbed at my fathers limp body and pulled him up. Struggling some as he was heavy as dead weight. But I was able to pull him up to the bed and onto it. I lay him down there and then decided I would have my way with my hateful father. My last act of defiance to him would be to take his body. The thought of what I planned on doing filled me with excitement and I had an erection as I grabbed some strong binding rope. I tied gis arms and legs to the solid wood frame of the bed. Nice and tightly so he could not escape. Then I went to grab a knife. I came back and began to remove his garments from his body with the aide of the knife. First gis shirt cutting into It and just ripping It from his broad hairy torso.

"Wow!" I chirped as i gazed at his body "Astinishing!"

As I had said, I jared him but he was a God like male figure. His incredible body out now and on display. I then went to his pants and did the same. Cutting at the material and then ripping away at it. it was then that he groggily started to return to consciousness. My father groaning as his eyes began to open. He looked up and then around the room.

"What? Where?" He grumbled as he woke "Wait. What us this?" "Why am I bound?"

He looked at the rope around his arms. Tugging at them. Trying to loosen them. Then he tried to move his feet and found his legs could not move either. That was when he looked sown to see me at his side. He saw the knife in my grasp and began to shout at me to release him.

"What are you doing boy?!" He shouted "Release me. Now!"

I looked at him and snarled back at him. I had no intention of doing as such. And saud so

"No!" I shouted back "You will no longer assault me father" "This us the last day of it" "For I will now punish you" "What do you mean to do. Kill me?" He growled back

I crawled up on the bed net to him. Pulling the blade to his neck as grabbing at his hair. Pressing the blade to his throat. If I wanted, I could kill him. And I pondered such an attack. But I did not want to. Or need to. I would punish and humiliate him as he would hare me for, for always. And I was good with that.

"I am not going to kill you father" I huffed back "It would tarnish a good blade"

Then i looked down at his awesome chest. The way the hairs swirled around his nipples and such. His big his chest itself was a lovely thing to gaze upon. I looked at his big nipple under all the hair. Sticking out from it. I licked at my lips again and then brought the blade to it. He looked at me with fear as I pulled the knife to his chest. Sliding it over his chest amd right to the nob sticking up from his body.

"What are you.? No, no!" My father shouted. "You as suck it you do.." "Hush father" I said to him.

I pressed my other hand to his mouth and covered it. Then I turned back to his body. I pulled the knife away from hus awesome body and then brought my hand to it. Then placed my hand to his broad chest. I began to lightly caress his torso. Feeling the strong form under his chest hairs. His body felt great under my gliding fingers.

"I could kill you father" I said to him again "But why damage such a stunning body" "Practically edible"

I licked my lips as I looked back at him. Then his eyes widened as he began to realize what I did have planned for him. Knowing I was going to do something far worse for him than death. He then started to pull at the ropes. Trying and failing to get them loose. I had used thick and strong ropes. So he was not getting loose by any chance. I reached down and pulled and cut at his pants to finish ripping them off his lower body. He started to shout and howl to make me stop. Hoping that someone would hear his cries.

"Hush father" I said as I pulled a wad of torn clothing to his face. Then I stuffed it into his mouth. This silencing his cries.

"You arr my prisoner father." I then said to him "And I will do with you what I please to do."

An that was when I reached down and grabbed at his crotch and the still covered penis. He screamed into the cloth un his face. I glanced back and smiled wickedly.

"This is mine now" I finally said.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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