Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 22, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 12:

David had trouble walking for the next couple of days, so he and Aaron just stayed inside and played computer games. It was kind of boring, but David was glad to spend time with Aaron and he was really loving waking up in the morning and seeing Aaron beside him.

Once the pain in his ass went away, the two of them started leaving the house and going outside. They went to Laser Quest together, played at the park, even though David had a bit of trouble sitting on the swings, and, went for walks. David actually began to like the stares that he and Aaron got when they held hands in public.

He was almost totally sure that he was gay, now, because, except for a few experiences with girls, he'd always sort of felt something for other guys. It sort of sounded strange for him, though, because he'd always been the guy who'd made fun of the "faggots" in grade school and now, he would actually look at himself and say, "Hey, wait a second! I'm a faggot!" It wasn't something he wanted to tell anybody. He didn't even mention the "G" word to Aaron and the sex and closeness that they shared just became something of the norm. Something that they just did and didn't really talk about.

Those two weeks just flew by, but it seemed like they'd been together for years. They would wake up at around 11 in the morning, and one of them would make breakfast for the both of them. They'd sit in the living room and read the paper together, then discuss what they were going to do that day. Then, in the evening, they would sit down at dinner, talk about how the day went, and then go to sleep together. By the end of the two weeks, David knew that Aaron's favourite food was spaghetti, his favourite drink was Coke, his favourite band was Bush and he had a tendency to go numb and get really turned-on if David kissed his neck.

Their last morning together, David woke up with a throbbing pain in his penis. To celebrate their last night together, Aaron had suggested they have an "sperm-a-thon" as Aaron had called it, and see how many times they could make each other shoot. From eleven that night, until 5 in the morning, with only a fifteen minute break between each orgasm, they had done everything to get the other one off, including trying anal sex again.

This time, Aaron was very careful with David, as was David careful with Aaron. However, after they were done, they both decided that it didn't feel that great, so they both opted not to do it anymore.

So, 23 blowjobs, 17 handjobs, 2 bouts of butt fucking, 1 very painful attempt at using a vacuum cleaner, and 1 nearly fatal attempt at a 69, later, and David had cum 11 times and Aaron had cum 13 times, but Aaron had run out of sperm after the eighth time and David was down to a single droplet of semen after the fourth.

David groggily looked over at the clock by Aaron's bed. It was 3 in the afternoon. He gently eased Aaron's arm off of him and kicked him awake, which sent a jet of pain through his worn testicles all the way to his head, nearly causing him to black out.

Aaron groaned and his eyes opened. Smiling at David, they both leaned forward and kissed each other on the lips.

"You were great last night." Aaron sighed.

David laughed painfully, "Which time?"

Aaron propped himself up and shrugged, "All of them, I guess, although after the ninth time or so, I was beginning to feel a definite lack of drive. What time is it anyway?"

"Three" David said, nonchalantly.

Aaron's eyes opened wide and he flung himself out of bed with the agility of an olympic gymnast.

"Come on!" Aaron exclaimed, "You gotta go! My dad will be home in about twenty five minutes and he's hardly ever late."

David gingerly eased himself out of bed and pulled on his clothes, while Aaron tore the sheets off the bed and thought about how he was going to get the very potent odour of two teenagers having wild amounts of sex out of it.

With the two of them working together, David had his bag packed, and Aaron had arranged the house in a little over twenty minutes.

Sadly, Aaron walked David to the door. David was getting on his shoes and Aaron sat down beside him and said, "Look, Dave, I just wanted to tell you...well...I had a lot of fun these two weeks. I love you a lot and I want to be with you all the time. I hope you feel the same way, but...if it's allowed...Would you like to get married some day? To me, I mean?"

David smiled and nodded, then leaned forward and kissed Aaron and stroked his hair lovingly.

"I better go." David said, getting to his feet. Aaron nodded and opened the door behind him and let him out.

David clutched his bag tightly, as he walked down the sidewalk, toward the bus stop. He hadn't even gone the full block, when tears began to stream down his face. He didn't want these two weeks to end more than anybody has ever not wanted something to end ever before in the entire history of mankind. He wanted to live with Aaron and wake up next to him everyday.

Then it dawned upon him. "Aaron actually wants to marry me!" He saidd out loud, and did a hop and click-heels thing that he saw in Naked Gun once.

When David walked back in the door, his mother asked him how his two weeks were. Aaron was actually not annoyed by her voice and, totally uncharacteristic of his, took the time to sit down and tell his mother how much fun he had. He, of course, left out all the sex parts, but he just felt the intense desire to tell someone about how great life was, now that everything was so close between him and Aaron.

The rest of summer went by rather slowly, compared to that year. David saw Aaron once or twice every week and they actually returned to David's grandmother's pool one time and had sex on the steps in the shallow end. It was an interesting experience for David, to say the least.

It was indescribable how excited David was to go to MIND with Aaron. There he would be, in a school with Aaron in every class. They could hang out in the student lounge together, do homework together, be a general annoyance to the teaching staff together. It was going to be great, and, even better, they were right, smack, in the middle of St-Catherine street, so they were surrounded by restaurants, movie theatres, malls...So many places to go at lunch time. They were going to be in a school with non-jews, for the first time in their life.

"A public school!" David thought, "How cool is this gonna be?"

The first day came, finally, on August 27th, 1996. David took the bus down to Aaron's house and, together, they caught the bus to the Villa Maria metro station, took it to Lionel Groulx, got on the green line and headed toward McGill. They got off, walked up the street and, finally, their year of waiting was up and they stood in front of the huge building which housed MIND, FACE, and the High School of Montreal.

"Shall we?" David giggled, as he waited by the steps.

"Yes. Let's." Aaron smiled.

They climbed up three flights of steps and arrived at the long hallway that was MIND High School. Waiting for them, on the desk by the door, were a bunch of papers and pamphlets. Taking one each, they followed the arrow that pointed them off toward the assembly hall.

In the assembly hall, sat all the teachers and a few of the students. As Aaron and David entered the room, a kid with long blond hair walked up to Aaron and said, "I love the hair, man. Seriously!"

Aaron smiled and said, "Thanks. I like yours too."

"Cool." The kid said, "There are a bunch of chairs over there, if you guys want to sit with me. Unless, of course, you'd rather sit on the floor."

"No, of course not." Aaron answered and, not even looking back at David, he walked over and sat beside the guy.

"Come on, Dave." Aaron called.

David shrugged and walked over to sit beside the guy.

"I'm Alex." The guy introduced himself as.

Aaron smiled, "I'm Aaron and this is Dave."

The three shook hands and then sat and listened as Sharon entered the room and began going over the instructions for the year. For the most part, they were identical to the things she said that the orientation. About how the school didn't have a lot of money. About how the students have a lot of say in what goes on. She did say one thing, though, that sort of scared David.

She said, "For some of you, this might be your first time in public school. You'll learn right away that some people are more cut out for public than others."

David looked over and saw how well Aaron was getting along with the kid he'd just met a few minutes previously. A twinge of fear began to well up in David's gut, as he realized that she may be right.

Next: Chapter 13

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