Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 28, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 31:

And when they walked in the front door and Aaron said to his father, "Dad, you remember David, right?", David truly knew that he was back. Literally, back. He felt as if he had been asleep for the last two years and he finally woke up and nothing had changed. Things had changed, though, but nothing big. Instead of being kids in love, they were now adults in love. It was a whole new take on the same main feeling, only it was like the feeling of love had matured right alongside them.

"Yeah." Aaron father answered, but when he reached down to shake David's hand, he noticed that it was firmly held in Aaron's own hand. There was that tense, uncomfortable minute that he just stood there and gazed at their gripped hands, then at their faces as they stood unwavering under his scrutiny. Finally, a smile came over his face and he looked at David and said, "It's nice to see you again, Dave. How was British Columbia?"

David shrugged and replied, "It was pretty good, Mr. Sternzus. Pretty good."

Aaron's dad put his hand on David's shoulder and said, "Why be formal? Call me Bob."

David smiled at Bob, then Aaron cut in with, "Dad, can David stay over tonight?"

Bob looked down at their held hands once more, then looked back at Aaron and said, "Okay, but...you know...keep it in your room and close your door."

Aaron smiled, "Thanks, dad."

Bob Sternzus nodded and pat David on the back, then walked back down the hallway.

With that, Aaron and David equally dragged the other down the hall and into Aaron's room. Aaron slammed the door shut and, even before he could turn around, David threw himself at him and they leaned against the door and kissed passionately.

After a few seconds, David broke away from Aaron and turned away.

"What?" Aaron said, worried, "What's wrong now?"

David shrugged, "I just...I just can't help thinking that you're acting way too nice."

Aaron put his arms around David's waist from behind and planted kisses on the back of his neck. "What do you kiss mean?"

David shrugged, "Aaron, I just don't know. I mean, I couldn't stop thinking about you and dreaming about you and I do love you, but...for some reason, this just doesn't seem right. I dunno why."

Aaron detached himself from David and threw his jacket on the floor, then put his glasses on the bureau. Toying with a loose piece of wallpaper for a few seconds, he finally turned back toward David and said, "You've been spending your time, chasing this image of me when I was younger, instead of me, as a person."

David turned around and looked at him. It was true, he wasn't the Aaron that he had dreamed about.

"I don't know, Aaron. I mean, I know it's still you, but...it doesn't look like you."

Aaron walked forward and took both of David's hands into his own and looked into his eyes. He smiled and said, "David, I apologized to you today, because I was sorry for what happened between us and you asked if I could be your boyfriend again, because I thought that you loved me. Now, you're telling me that you were in love a certain look that I had. I have to know, if we're going to be involved, whether you're willing to go the distance. Do you love me now, as I am, or did you only love me when I wore all black, was overweight and had long hair? Honestly, David, please tell me the truth."

David looked at Aaron seriously and scrutinized his feelings, then finally said, "Aaron, you may look different and it may be sort of strange to me, I guess, but I didn't love you for what you looked like...I loved you for who you were. When you stopped acting nice to me, I still loved you for who you were, even though I thought you looked really sexy, and that was the reason I never forgot you. It may be strange to me, but you're still Aaron, and I'll learn to accept what you look like now, I guess, but I still love you for who you are. Nothing can change that."

Aaron smiled and let go of David's hands, "David, if it's just a matter of looks, I would be willing to grow my hair long and wear all black again, if that's what you wanted, but I have to know if you would still love me even if I didn't want to do those things?"

David nodded, this time without any hesitation, and said, "Yes, I need you."

Aaron nodded, "Well, I'm not headed anywhere, but why don't we stop being corny and start being...well, start getting into bed."

David giggled, "You mean, `stop being corny and start being horny'?"

Aaron shrugged and pulled at the base of his shirt, "I wasn't sure if you were interested yet or not...."

Aaron smiled, "Well, that was just a blowjob in a movie theatre. I'm...well...I'm interested in getting into bed with you. I don't know if you want to do anything, or just want to lie together or what, or whether you want to keep your clothes on or whatever, but I just...I mean, if you want to, I want to be close with you right now."

David smiled nervously. Suddenly, all this seemed so heavy. "Geez, we really are boyfriends, then."

Aaron shrugged, still toying with the base of his shirt, "Only if you want to be." He said matter-of-factly.

David nodded and took the bottom of his shirt in his hands, "I do. I mean, I want to be your boyfriend, Aaron."

Aaron smiled, "The day's at our disposal."

David nodded and pulled his shirt over his head and Aaron took off his shirt as well. David was quite embarrassed about how fat he was, at least compared to have much weight Aaron had lost in the two years. Aaron's stomach wasn't washboard, but it was pretty trim, while David's hung over his waistband and then a bit more.

"So, what did you miss most about me?" Aaron asked, as he bent down to remove his socks.

David pushed his left sock off with his right foot and said, "I missed...I missed how you and I used be together. I mean, in the old days. I think a lot about that first time when you woke me up early in the morning and we sucked each other off. I also think a lot about those two weeks we spent together. I mean, it was like we were married. We made breakfast, talked, went out, and, of course, had sex a lot. I miss those days. But, most of all, I guess...well...I just missed you. Aaron. I can't explain it. I didn't miss any one huge thing. I missed a lot of little things that make up who you are."

Aaron finished taking off his socks and started unbuttoning his pants, "Uh huh. Wanna know what I missed most about you?"

David smiled and reached down and pulled off his other sock, "You mean, how you missed insulting me and making me cry?"

Aaron shrugged and pulled down his jeans. Standing there in his boxers, he smiled and said, "Well, I did, but only at first. The thing I missed most about you, believe it or not, were your eyes."

David giggled, "My eyes?"

Aaron smiled, "Don't laugh. I mean, your eyes are blue, but they're not just blue...They are blue like...like...I dunno, like purplish type of...I dunno, it's hard to explain, but I've seen a lot of people with blue eyes, and they always make me think of yours."

David smiled, "My eyes aren't anything special. Even though you don't have it anymore, I missed your long hair. I could never grow mine long and yours was so sexy, you know."

Aaron shrugged, "Like I said, I only kept it, because I knew you liked it and wanted it. If you really wanted it again, I'd grow it, but I don't really like it, so it'd be for you."

David undid and pulled down his pants and stepped out of them. Walking up to Aaron, he said, smiling, "I like your hair long, Aaron. That's just me being honest. It just...I just don't like it short."

Aaron sighed and, walked over to the bed, pulling aside the covers. He turned back to David motioned toward it with his arm. David nodded and, slowly, reached down and pulled off his boxers. It was sort of strange to stand naked before Aaron for the first time in two years, but it also came with a sort of comfort, like something that reminded you of home or whatever.

Aaron nodded at his nakedness and said, "You're still as sexy as ever, Dave."

David shrugged., "Shut up. I'm fat, ugly and I was dressed like a homeless person. I wish I was as sexy as you."

Aaron's face got serious and he pulled off his own boxers and walked over to David. Putting his hand on his shoulder, he looked at him and said, "David, I ain't perfect, nobody is. I may have lost some weight and changed my look, but I'm still insecure about certain things and I still have my problems. As far as I'm concerned, you're a beautiful person, both inside and out, and you dress fine. You may need to lose some weight, but most people do. What does it matter what people thing? I love you and this is what I think! Now, lie down beside me!"

Aaron got into bed and patted the spot beside him. David sighed and slowly sat down on the bed for several seconds, before lying down next to Aaron. Aaron put the plain white comforter over them and lay down on the pillow beside David, draping his arm over him.

"Relax and lie down right!" Aaron said.

David took a deep breath and let his head settle down into the pillow beneath it. He bent his arm up and took Aaron's hand. "Oh, Aaron," He said, turned around and pulling himself closer to the raven-haired boy, "I wish I knew what to do."

Aaron stroked David's shoulder with his hand and said, "Why don't you tell me about it? We could just talk, if you want."

David could feel the light touch of Aaron's limp penis brushing against his thigh and, for some reason, that comforted him. He tentatively reached over and brushed the back of his palm against Aaron's cheek, feeling the soft fuzz of Aaron's unshaven face, beneath his touch. After several passes, he let his hand drop on top of the blanket. He leaned in a kissed Aaron gently on the lips, tasting the bitterness of day-old breath. He pulled back and just gazed at what was, in his opinion, a beautiful face that combined the features of the young Aaron that he remembered, with those of, actually, Bob Moffatt.

""Do you want to have sex?" David asked.

Aaron propped himself up on his elbow and shook his head, "It's up to you." He said, "Since we're officially a couple...my first boyfriend, actually, I don't want to do anything that you don't want."

David thought for a moment, then propped himself up on his elbow, like Aaron, and said, "Okay, I want to talk."

Aaron smiled that open-mouth smile that David loved so much. The smile that used to show Aaron's braces, but now showed his near-totally straightened teeth. "Okay." Aaron said, "Tell me about why you said that you wish you knew what to do."

David shrugged, "I mean...Well, I don't want to tell you depressing stuff, because I'm afraid you might not like me."

Aaron continued to smile that sexy smile of his and said, "Dave, we're through with that. I'm your boyfriend now, I thought, and so I'm here to listen and help you through things."

David smiled and nodded, "Okay, well, it's my mother and school and...well...Life in general."

Aaron smirked, "Okay...shoot."

Next: Chapter 32

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