Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on May 12, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 35:

When David's mother returned, neither him nor Aaron mentioned the Couche-Tard incident to her, so she continued to think of David as a useless wretch who couldn't get a job, rather than a useless wretch who couldn't keep a job.

Even without the knowledge, though, David's mother continued to abuse him emotionally. It was well into the school year now, and he had neither gotten a job, nor gone to school. He spent all his time, locked up in his room and avoiding his mother. He only left his room, when she went out on one of her many messages. He would sit in the kitchen and eat, while thinking about what would become of him. He knew he needed school to get anywhere in life, and he really did want to attend classes, but without the anxiety that came with it. Death was no longer an option for David, because he needed to live on and prove to his mother, but most of all to himself, that he would succeed, despite all the obstacles that kept getting thrown in his path. His weekly phone calls with his father and his bubby in Ottawa were getting embarrassing, though, as they kept asking him how things were going, to which he'd reply "bad." However, he had to make up excuses on how hard he was trying to resolve his "bad" situation. The truth, though, was that he wasn't actually doing anything with his life. Yes, he idly browsed the job bank online every day, for all the good that it did, but besides that, he was making no huge strides to find work, because he feared that if he were to find a job, he would go for the first day, get anxious and have to leave.

So, he generally spent his days playing computer games and doing other things in his room, everyday, until Aaron came home from school. However, after a while, Aaron's spent time with David began to add up and the grade of his work went down. Consequently, Aaron's new, mature self had to sadly explain to David, after several weeks, that he could no longer spend all day with him, during the week. Most nights, though, he could come over, so, while it was true Aaron wasn't there to relieve the daily pressure that David's mother put on David, Aaron was at least there and willing to listen to David's sobs of misery, during the late hours and on the weekends. David no longer felt afraid of depressing Aaron with his sob stories, because Aaron also sometimes cried to David about something that was going wrong in his life. That made David feel special and happier. All in all, their relationship flourished.

Still, David had to fill his day, so he resolved, one evening in early April, to go on a daily biking regiment, when his mother went out for the day. He found it a good change from sitting in his room and he enjoyed the fresh air and sun. It was a good time to think about things, while he biked. He was also getting pretty sick of seeing Aaron's toned tummy, while he had a flabby one. So, he went biking from his home in Hampstead, all the way to the Cote-Des-Neiges plaza and back every day.

On May twenty-fifth, he was biking down a side street of Edouard-Mon-Petit, thinking about how awful his life was and wondering if it would ever get better. He was thinking about it so much, in fact, that he didn't see the mini-van coming up the hill toward him. It was the fact that he hadn't reduced his speed, coupled by the fact that he was going down a hill, that made the collision so devastating. David hit the minivan head-on, going almost fifty miles-per-hour, while the mini-van was only going about thirty. He wasn't quite sure what happened, nor was anybody else who arrived on the scene, but it was theorized that he smashed his head through the windshield first, given the fact that his helmet was embedded in it, then somersaulted over the roof, flying for about thirty feet, before landing and hitting the concrete straight on his right elbow.

Despite the intense pain and severe wounds that covered his body, David immediately stood up upon regaining his senses following the landing, and exclaimed, "What the hell happened?!"

Bystanders rushed from all around and begged him to lie down and keep still. He grudingly did so, while the driver rushed from her car and checked to see if he was all right. Everybody around him kept talking to him, asking his name and the date, and generally treating him as if he had a concussion. David knew that his right elbow was broken, and he was pretty sure that his right knee and foot were, as well. He had plenty of time to think about it, though, as the ambulance arrived and loaded him onto a backboard, then took him to the Jewish General. The paramedics kept asking him questions all the way to the hospital, and he kept replying that his neck and head and back didn't hurt, so could they please let him off the backboard. They wouldn't, though.

David told them not to inform his mother, but instead to call his friend, Aaron. So, after several X-rays and two excruciating hours on the stiff backboard, he was finally cleared of any spinal injuries and allowed off the board. He did have fractures of his elbow, kneecap and foot, but they were all simple and would not require surgery to fix. Only rest and a sling for the arm. It was late, though, and they made him spend the night. When Aaron arrived, he asked to stay as well, but David was shot up full of Morphine, so he didn't acknowledge him too much. When David woke up the next morning, though, Aaron was asleep in a chair and David smiled. He wished his could hug him, but it hurt to even move.

Regardless, he went home at the end of the day and his mother was furious that she wasn't called. She had gone on a tirade about her calling the police and all her friends. David adamantly insisted that he had told the hospital to call her, but he guessed they were too busy or something. She didn't believe him.

So, like it or not, David spent the next month and a half in his room, resting his broken body. The foot and knee healed very well, but David's right arm healed at somewhat of an angle, so it could no longer bend all the way.

By the time everything had healed, it was finally summer and school was out. Aaron spent all day over and David's mother, who would usually have complained about the constant intrusion, didn't too much, as when Aaron was over, he washed the dishes, cleaned the house and even walked the dog and cleaned the litter box. He claimed that household chores were a small price to pay, in order to see the love of his life, in an environment with as little stress as possible. David felt nice. And, in addition to the romantic love that the two shared, they still did sexual stuff together. In fact, there was very rarely an evening, when one of them didn't have their face in the other's lap, sweat and semen running down their chin and a giddy grin on their lips.. Usually several times in a day. There were also the hot moments, where they would sit on the floor and jack each other off, ending by loud grunts and groans of orgasm and spurting jets of jizz across both their chests and stomachs.

With the hot summer months upon Montreal, David and Aaron got sweaty a lot quicker and would take frequent trips to David's grandmother's pool. David never liked to swim, but when it was with Aaron, he was a regular fish. As well, they were both sure that the old folks were beginning to wonder about why it always smelled so funny in the pool area. The smell of two teenagers lying in the shallow end and having passionate, by still very careful and quite gentle anal sex. The smell of one teenager standing in the water, while the other, only his eyes and nose above the water, sucked him off. It was also quite funny how they always inevitably left globs of cum floating through the water, after they left.

Three days a week, David volunteered at a geriatric centre, while four days a week, Aaron worked at some job at the Cavendish Mall, but they always found time for each other. The summer of 1999 fast became David's new favourite summer. Even better than the summer of 1997, when he'd gone on his ill-fated move out to BC. He had Aaron, they fucked like rabbits, they were totally in love, his mother didn't bug him as much, and, of course, the Moffatts were sweeping Canada and Hanson was a memory with only a rumoured comeback planned.

Still, there was that overlooming shadow of school on the horizon. August was fast approaching and, with it, Aaron would have to return to school and David would return to his miserable life of avoiding his mother's threats of eviction and gaining weight by sitting in his room and playing computer games.

On day in the end of August, David and Aaron were sitting at the table, in David's house, and eating lunch. David had been meaning to bring it up to Aaron for a long time, but he just didn't like to think about it. He was running out of time though, so he figured it was a good time to bring it up.

"Aaron, can I ask you something?" David said, putting down his glass of cranberry juice and favouring Aaron with a look of worry.

"Of course, sweetie." Aaron replied, "What is it?"

David shrugged, "I don't know what I'm going to do, when you go back to school."

Aaron put his hand on David's, as it lay on the table. That looked kind of funny, because David's hand was bigger than Aaron's hand. Looking at David with a smirk on his face, Aaron replied, "David, I've been meaning to ask you that for a while. What are you going to do? Are you going to register for school or what?"

"I don't know if I can do it..." David said, looking away.

Aaron reached out and took David's face in his hand, pulling it so David looked at him again. "You don't know, if you don't try, Dave." Aaron said.

"Even if I went to school," David whispered, "I'd still be coming home to my bitch of a mother."

Aaron nodded sadly, "Yeah, but at least you'll be getting away from her for some of the day. Plus, she'd probably get off your case somewhat, if you went to school."

David shrugged, "I doubt it. I just...I just want to move away from her.

Aaron smiled sadly, "It's the best thing, I think. I agree that you should go."

David shook his head and bit his lower lip, "I can't, though. I can't go without you."

Aaron squeezed David's hand, "David, you're sweet, but..."

David shook his head, "Aaron...Aaron, I need you!"

Aaron smiled, "I understand, Dave."

David shook his head, "I don't think so. Hold on...I need to...I need to do something...."

With that, David stood up and pulled the kitchen table out of the way. Aaron sat on the bench and watched in confusion. David blushed a bit and shrugged at Aaron, then descended to one knee and took Aaron's hand.

Aaron looked down at him, a smirk coming over his face.

David tried not to smile, as he looked up at Aaron and said, "Aaron, I've spent my entire life looking for the answer to my problems and...well...I think you're it. No, I know you're it. I need you to be with me, Aaron. I can't live without you anymore. I love you, and...and I want us to move to Calgary and get married."

Aaron giggled nervously, "Seriously?"

David nodded, "Totally seriously."

Aaron shrugged, "You're such a mushy, corny guy, Dave."

David nodded, "Yeah...So?"

Aaron smiled, "So...I love you too, Dave, and, yeah, I'll marry you, but I got one question."

David stood up and let go of Aaron's hand, "Anything."

Aaron stood up, "Why Calgary?"

David shrugged, "I dunno. It seems like a good city."

Aaron smiled and, stepping over, hugged David tightly. David hugged him back, then the two separated and kissed passionately.

Next: Chapter 36

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