Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 16, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 7:

"Okay." David mimicked.

The two sat there in the darkness for several seconds, just looking at each other, the redness of their faces now quite prominent.

Finally, Aaron took a deep breath and whispered, "So...umm...how do we do this?"

David shrugged and whispered back, "I...I don't really know. Are you going first or am I?"

"First for what?" Aaron asked.

David shrugged, becoming quite nervous with all the talk of it, "You know...first to ...umm...suck."

Aaron shook his head, "Nyuh Uh, not me."

"Well, not me either." David replied, adamantly.

The two sat in silence, both appearing deep in thought. David was wondering whether he should just call the whole thing off, or at least move down to just stroking, but as his eyes gazed down at the shape of Aaron's penis underneath his boxers, appearing to look quite stiff, David just couldn't let this opportunity pass.

"I'll do it." David sighed.

Aaron turned toward him, "You'll do it?"

"I'll do it." David replied, shrugging, "I'll...I'll suck you."

Smiling nervously, Aaron looked down at himself and replied, "O...Okay."

David took a deep breath, "Okay...here goes. Umm...I guess...Lie back a bit, like the guy was doing."

Aaron took a deep breath too and slowly leaned back on David's bed, supporting his body with his hands behind him.

David bit his bottom lip in concentration and got onto his stomach. Looking up at the nervous eyes of the long haired boy, he asked, "How should I do this?"

"What do you mean?"

David looked over at the television screen and said, "In the porno, the girl was between the guys legs, but in this other one I saw, the girl was on the side of the guy, and this other one..."

"I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore." Aaron replied, cutting David off.

"No, no." David shot back, "I'll just go between your legs."

Aaron sighed and nodded, "Okay. Umm...Hold on...."

Avoiding David's gaze, Aaron slowly lay prone on the bed, then reached down and took the waistband of his boxers between his fingers. Forcing a laugh, he looked up at David and said, "I guess there's no point in asking you to turn around, eh?"

David shrugged, "I could anyway, if you wanted me to." then added, "I'd do anything for you."

Aaron took a deep breath and smiled, this time genuinely, "You would, eh? Well, you don't have to turn around."

With that said, Aaron pulled his knees up against his chest and drew down his boxer shorts. For a brief moment, before Aaron put his legs back down on the bed, David spotted the slightly split crack of Aaron's ass. David had heard that guys did things with each other that involved that, but the idea seemed way too sick for David to fathom. Meanwhile, though, David had something totally different before him. No longer contained by his underwear, Aaron's penis was now in David's clear view for the first time.

It lay half-erect against his stomach, surrounded by only a few strands of black pubic hair, and appeared to be bigger than David's, but then David didn't have a very high opinion of himself. The circumcised head shone somewhat in the darkness, from some residual water from Aaron's shower and, perhaps, sweat.

As David gazed at it, his breathing quickened and he began to feel dizzy. He hadn't seen many penises in his life, but this was probably the most beautiful one he'd ever seen. His own erection throbbed and his heart was filled with the longing to do something which he still wasn't quite sure of.

His forehead beginning to shine with a sheen of sweat, David looked up at Aaron and asked, "Are...Are you ready?"

Aaron shrugged and spread his legs slightly, "I...I...I'm not sure. I guess."

David smiled awkwardly, "Let me know how I do."

Slowly, David crawled forward a bit, so his head hovered over Aaron's penis. His hand slowly reached down toward it, with all the grace of a man reaching out to pet a strange pitbull. Aaron's eyes regarded the hand as the very same pitbull. When David's fingers made contact with it, Aaron jumped, like a bolt of electricity went through him, and whispered, "Hold on, hold on. Time out for one second!"

David pulled his hand back and looked up at Aaron.

Aaron shrugged, "Just go slow, okay? I mean, like...you were going slow, but...but be careful and don't...I mean, you have to stop if I say so, okay? If I say to stop, you have to stop, okay? Right away, okay? I mean, if you don't, then...Well, just...oh...I don't know..."

David frowned and nodded, "Aaron, we don't have to do this if you really don't want to."

Aaron shook his head, "Umm...Well, let me do something...."

Aaron reached up and took David's hand. David allowed Aaron to guide it, as he knew almost exactly what Aaron was doing.

Slowly, shakily, Aaron brought David's hand down and gently touched the tips of his fingers against the shaft of his penis. Aaron took a deep breath and closed his eyes, biting his lower lip, then let go of David's hand and let it just sit on his dick. After a couple of seconds, he opened his eyes again and said, "Okay, you can do it now."

David took a deep breath and slowly wrapped his fingers around the shaft of Aaron's penis. It was the single most amazing feeling he'd ever experienced. He could feel the organ getting stiffer in his fingers and could feel it throb with every pulse of Aaron's heartbeat. He looked up at Aaron's face, and saw Aaron's looking down at his hand with nervousness in his eyes.

"You ready?" David whispered.

Aaron nodded and whispered back, "I think so. Just, go slow okay?"

David nodded, "Okay."

David's face slowly descended toward Aaron's stiff penis. When his fingers pulled it upright in anticipation, he heard Aaron take a deep breath. He looked up quickly, but the raven-haired boy just nodded.

Not wasting another second, David lowered his mouth down until two inches of Aaron's penis were in his mouth. His eyes looking up at Aaron's face, he could see a small smile come across Aaron's lips. That smile quickly disappeared, as David clamped his lips down around what he had in his mouth and gave it a gentle suck.

The gasp that escaped from Aaron's lips sounded something like, "Mmmmmahhhargh" but it was single most beautiful sound that David had heard, to date. Aaron's eyes had squeezed tightly closed, and David could feel the muscles in his pelvic area tighten up briefly.

Aaron's penis on his tongue didn't taste as weird as David had anticipated that it would. He could taste a bit of chlorine from the pool, combined with a bit of soap and the bitter, slightly salty taste of sweat.

The smell, on the other hand, was something else entirely. Maybe it was the mixture of sweat and chlorine, or maybe it was just the unique scent of Aaron, but something entered David's nose and travelled to his brain, bringing him up to a whole new level. The feeling that if he happened to die right now, it wouldn't even matter. The feeling that his entire life had led up to this moment. The feeling that...well...it was The Feeling again, only much, much stronger. It was a feeling that David only got at one another particular time in his life.

He had been idly masturbating once, when he was 11, and he kept feeling this feeling creeping up on him, but he wasn't sure what. Every time he'd stop stroking himself, it would go away, but when he started again, it would come back a little bit stronger. He'd managed to play this game with his body for over an hour, until, finally, he'd stroked himself for a second too long and this...this thing had happened to him, where it felt like his whole body had been filled with a feeling of...of Good, that was so strong and so powerful that he swore he was going to squeeze his eyes closed so tightly, that his eyeballs would pop out of his sockets and roll out of his mouth.

Now, David had that feeling again, but he hadn't even touched his own penis and he wasn't having a prepubescent orgasm. He just had the penis of a long-haired, monotone-voiced boy that he'd been friends with for less than two months, in his mouth, but somehow it felt like his whole life had ascended to a new level. Like the script of his life had hit a new beat. Like the song of his soul had hit a new note. Like...

"Ah, shut up and just do it already!" David thought to himself.

With one hand grasping the shaft of Aaron's dick gingerly, David started a slow up and down movement on two inches of Aaron's dick, in his mouth. Each suck or lick of his tongue brought a new groan to Aaron's lips. David couldn't bare to stop and tell Aaron to shut up, so he prayed that his mom was asleep.

In between pants, Aaron hissed, "Oh God, please don't stop!"

"Not for a million dollars and total Israeli-Arab peace." David thought to himself, as he sucked and slurped Aaron's throbbing dick, drool dripped from David's mouth.

Aaron's hands behind him, he pushed up and thrusted his hips forward against David's mouth. David tried to time it, so he pulled back slightly, but several times he mistimed it and ended up gagging to the point where he nearly vomited, but still he sucked on Aaron's dick. His jaw was getting very tired from its work and his neck was getting stiff, but still he went on.

Suddenly, Aaron tossed his head back and let out a noise that sound that alternated between a high-pitched whine and a low-pitched hum, and his thrusts into David's mouth became more urgent. David was still sucking on Aaron's dick and working to meet his thrusts, when the taste in David's mouth changed from just saliva to saliva and something else.

It only took a few seconds to realize what happened and he pulled his mouth off Aaron's dick. Not sharply, but still quick enough that Aaron's eyes shot open and a look confusion came across his sweaty face.

"Wha...What?" He panted.

David swallowed what was in his mouth and wiped his wrist across his lips, before replying, "You spermed in my mouth!"

Aaron blinked and then a smile came over his lips again. His braces glittering in the darkness, he replied, "I did, didn't I? I'm so sorry. I couldn't help it, you know. It just sort of happens."

David shrugged, "But you should have told me before you did it!"

Aaron sat up and shrugged back, "Just go spit it out, then."

David turned to Aaron and he smiled, "It was only a little bit, and I swallowed it already."

Aaron frowned, "Are you mad at me now?"

David wiped his lips with his wrist again and shook his head. He giggled, "No, stupid. I'm not mad at you."

Aaron nodded, then cocked his head and asked, "So, what does it taste like?"

David thought for a second, than came up with, "Sort of like milk that's going a bit rotten, but a little sweet too."

Aaron smiled, "Cool. Want me to do you now?"

David nodded and lay back.

Aaron reached over and pulled his boxers back up over his now-soft, wet penis, then, without wasting any time, pulled David's legs apart and grabbed at his briefs.

"Whoa!" David whispered, slapping Aaron's hands away, "Lemme! And go slow, okay? I did it for you!"

David reached down and gently eased down his briefs, tossing them over to the foot of the bed. His fully erect dick stood at the 45 degree angle from his pudgy stomach, surrounded by a small bush of pubic hair.

"Wow, you have hair!" Aaron commented.

David shrugged and his blush deepened in reddish pitch, "I guess."

He's always been embarrassed of his early development. He was the only one at summer camp that past summer who had pubic hair, and he always showered off in a corner, away from the bare-crotch'ed other boys.

Gingerly reaching down, Aaron wrapped his slender fingers around David's penis and looked down at it, then up at David's face. "Now what?" Aaron asked.

"Well, you just put your mouth onto it and suck. Watch your teeth, though, and go slow at first." David replied.

Aaron nodded and, licking his lips, he reached up with his free hand and pushed his hair away from his face and behind his ears. As soon as he lowered his head, though, the hair went right back into his eyes.

So much so, in fact, that they acted as a curtain and David jumped as he felt the slimy, hot presence of Aaron's mouth surrounding his six-inch penis. Obviously, Aaron didn't take that as a sign to stop, because the next thing David felt was Aaron's lips clamp around his dick.

He knew now why Aaron had made all those weird sounds. No matter how often and in how many different ways David masturbated, this was probably the best feeling yet. Like him, Aaron didn't seem to know exactly what to do, and just seemed to use his instincts to guide him. David lay back and panted, as he felt Aaron's tongue stabbing at his dick, while his mouth sucked on it. His hips slowly thrust forward, not nearly as desperately as Aaron's had, but still involuntarily.

The arousal of sucking Aaron's penis had heightened David's own arousal, so it didn't take longer than a couple of minutes, before David felt that familiar feeling in his stomach and balls. Only, it was coming a lot faster now than when he jerked off. He was about to open his mouth to tell Aaron, but, instead, decided to pay him back.

With a shudder and a sharp intake of breath, David felt two streams of his young seed stream from his penis into Aaron's mouth. Aaron didn't seem to mind though, as he continued to suck on David's dick for a few more seconds.

"Oww!" David yelped, as he felt Aaron's teeth bite on the head of his dick.

Aaron pulled up and smiled, "You spermed in my mouth too."

"Paid ya back!" David mocked, as he reached over and grabbed his briefs.

Aaron smiled, "Well, I swallowed it too. It tasted kinda like a medicine that I took once for an ear infection. Salty, but sweet and kind of icky."

David nodded and pulled his briefs back up.

The two boys sat and smiled at each other for a few more minutes, than David laughed and said, "That was fun, wasn't it?"

Aaron nodded and smiled, "A lot of fun."

With that, Aaron slid down out of the bed and back down onto the floor and David gathered up his comforter and slid underneath it.

Laying his head on his pillow, Aaron looked up and whispered, "Good night, David."

David turned over and giggled, "Good night, Jesus."

"Asshole." Aaron giggled, before turning over and closing his eyes.

The two boys, tired from the night's activities, fell asleep rather quickly.

Next: Chapter 8

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