Raven's Claw

By Bearpup

Published on Jun 25, 2017


See original story (www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritaria/ravens-claw/) for warnings and copyright. Highlights: All fiction. All rights reserved. Includes sex between young-adult and adult men. Go away if any of that is against your local rules. Practice safer sex than my characters. Write if you like, but flamers end up in the nasty bits of future stories. Donate to Nifty TODAY at donate.nifty.org/donate.html to keep the cum coming.

Ben smiled and patted his shoulder. "No, son, some things don't get better." He pulled the boy down so he could whisper in his ear. "Don't tell anybody, Bobby, but you're gonna find bonus points in your stocking tomorrow for saying, 'It was perfect just like that'. You are a really special guy, Bobby. I envy the husbands lucky enough to marry you."

Raven's Claw 5: The Unexpected

By Bear Pup

"Yesterday," Carter French started out, "We talked about how to use your body and movements to seduce, just as in Howie's class you learned how to find you own Sexually-Charge Zones and the SCZs of your husbands." The screen lit up behind him showing the hyper-realistic drawings of naked men, with additional close-ups of the crotch area, both hard and soft.

"Today continues those lessons but expands into what used to be called the genitals and now (as then) usually referred to by about six thousand different names." That got a chuckle. "Some of those are still, even under the Protectorate, nearly-universal. Your junk, package, tools/toolbox, manhood, etc. One problem with the old term of genitalia is that the term is too limiting when taking about a man. Genitalia literally means the parts involved in sexual reproduction; Latin genitalis, for 'birth', related to the past particle of gentius, to beget or cause a pregnancy.

"Vinny!" The boy jumped at having his name called. "Can you name part of the male sex that would not fit that description, please?"

His mouth worked for a moment then finally Vinny looked at the drawings. Blushing furiously, he finally said, "The ass?"

"Very good. Next question and neither Ned nor Bobby is allowed to guess: What is the other major part of a man's sex that does not fit?"

Ned smiled broadly as Bobby felt his face flush to crimson. Jackson laughed, "Tits!" and the rest joined into the chuckle.

"Correct. As Ned and Bobby generously shared with us yesterday -- earning them both significant points, I might add -- Nipples can be an incredibly-powerful sexual trigger. They also," the diagrams shone with the colors denoting where men look at the naked body for sexual signals, "fall into the top five places a man's eye wanders when considering someone as a potential mate. Protectorate data shows that for most men, only the crotch and ass and, by a narrow margin, the eyes get more looks if you're clothed. When naked, the order is generally eyes then ass, with nipples coming in third.

"By the way, not even the Protectorate always have answers for everything. An example is an ongoing debate around the nature of the perineum. If you ever talked about it, you probably called it the taint or the gooch; most in the Protectorate call it the bridge or, in fiction and porn, Wonderland.

"The essential nerve for virtually all of the genital and anal areas is the pudendal nerve, and the pudendal canal runs just under Wonderland where it splits into the nerves that drive most sexual response. And yet, scientists argue incessantly, is this a genital area, a part of a man's Sex, or just another SCZ? For us, we'll consider it part of the Sex until the scientist make up their minds."

The diagrams disappeared. "Everyone please turn your attention to you digidesks." Six boxes appeared, each containing a man's ass. "Please use the large monitor behind me for the exercise. The pictures on your digidesks are for you to use to make selections. The large monitor is infinitely-better at color and resolution.

"So, here you see six asses in roughly the same poses. Please mark which one you find sexiest. Good. Good. Okay," a hint of impatience entered his voice, "if you choose not to make a selection on your digidesk, you will come up here and point to... Ah, there we go." Eyes came next, then lips, then cock (soft), cock (hard), chest. The final series was a full-frontal below the neck, a full-back below the neck and a side-view of the body as a whole.

"Now, here is where I blow your mind. Every single one of those was the same person, all six options in each of the views." The guys stared between the six asses that were back on display in complete disbelief. "The difference is how he is standing and what ways he chose to enhance the appearance of his body."

Paul, uncharacteristically, spoke up in dismay, "You mean, like, makeup?" He said the last word the same way he might have said 'cockroaches' or 'creamed asparagus'.

Carter chuckled. "Yes, Paul, makeup is part of it, but so is pose. Why be shocked? Jocks used makeup at your school all the time." Sean failed to suppress the chuckle and several of the guys turned to him.

"Seriously, mates? What do you call the war paint under the eyes of baseball and football guys? Yeah, there might be a tiny bit of advantage in the brightest possible sun, but every one of them wore it for night games, didn't they?" There were reluctant nods. "Boyos, just because it was meant to intimidate instead of seduce doesn't make it any more or less than 'makeup'." He brilliant mimicked the incredulity in Paolo's voice.

Carter resumed. "In each set, there is a natural-natural and a natural-cosmetic where the subject stood relaxed and un-posed, one with no makeup and one with very subtle makeup. Two are posed with natural and cosmetic touches. Making up the six are one over-posed and one over-painted option.

"So, let's take a look at how we fared. Except for one case, the side-view, the posed and lightly-enhanced option was the overwhelming choice each time. For the side-view, a slight majority favored what he meant to be over-posed. It might be a body-building or wrestling thing. In five of the nine, every single one of you picked the same one, posed with 'makeup'.

"Today, we'll work with poses. Cosmetics will come much later, much to your obvious relief, Mr di Silva."

For the next hour, they posed. For obvious reasons, Jackson was the standout. His background in bodybuilding competitions meant he already understood that even a slight change or shift completely changed the effectiveness of a posture. It was so obvious that Mr French just pulled him forward and used him as the mannequin, freeing Sean to work with the guys.

"Now, whenever you move or stand, you need to realize that your husbands and potential husbands are watching. You want to look attractive, enticing and knowledgeable regardless of what you're doing. Think about it when you lean against a wall or a fitness machine. Think about it when you're standing in a queue or walking down a hallway. Think of it when you're sitting or scratching your nuts, Mr Mills." Jackson yanked his hands away then returned them sheepishly, embarrassed to have been embarrassed. "Never let it leave you minds."

What flummoxed so many was the subtlety, especially of turning a certain amount off of the direction of the feet, or setting the shoulders askew from the rest of the body. It wasn't until Sean started putting side-by-sides of the guys themselves, with and without such turns, that the penny dropped for most. Carter finally gathered them and showed them a variety of simple poses they hadn't practiced, but could look up on the digidesk for their homework. Tomorrow, they would be required to show three new poses and two of those needed to either good or excellent to receive marks.

At the end of the lesson, Carter and Sean spread the guys out around the room, perhaps two feet out from the wall and facing it. "This next one is easy. If you look down, you'll see an old-school penny -- useless and valueless now, of course. Look up and a little behind your head and you'll see a small bearing hooked to the end of a string. Near your head-height on the wall in front of you is a small sticker. Everyone see what I'm talking about? Good. Please pick up the penny, detach the bearing's hook from the loop and pull the sticker form the wall, moving your feet as little as possible."

The guys shared a look of bafflement but did as instructed. "Excellent, please come up here and drop the items in the bowl, then take a seat. Oh, you can keep the souvenir penny if you like." None of the guys guessed the frantic activity in the AV Booth adjacent to the Monitor/Psych control room.

"Now, I'm going to start with the penny." Behind him appeared rear-view shots of each of the guys, all of whom gasped in horror. It was one thing to look at, you know, models, but they were supposed to critique pix of their teammates' asses?

"Okay, we'll start with, let's see, whom haven't I picked on? Matt. Tell me which of the men you see is in a sexy, effective pose?"

Matt's face went instantly-red and he spluttered for a minute. "Matt? Would you rather come up and point?"

"NO! Um, no. I'd say, uh, Jackson?"

"Ned? Who would you pick?"

The boy looked for a minute and then said slowly, "Well, I think Aaron."

Paul, Vinny and Bobby disappeared from the screen, leaving Jackson, Ned, Aaron and Matt.

"Bobby, tell me why you might think that Jackson's pose is sexier than Matt's?"

The mortification level soared, but it was clear that such questions WOULD get answered.

"Jackson's um, um -- oh, God, I have to say it, don't I? Yeah, yeah, I know -- His bent knees make his b-b-butt stick out and you can see his, um, package dangling in front?"

"And Matt's?"

"Matt's sorta crouched and you can't really see anything."

"Good. Matt, tell me something else that Jackson got right and you didn't?"

He grumbled, "Everything?" and got a good-natured laugh. He sighed deeply. "He tensed his legs and made them pop, which also d-did something I don't even understand to his cheeks. And it looks almost... like he's kinda arching his back?"

"Extremely well-spotted. You'll get extra for that. Jackson, stand up please, then bend like you did with the penny. Excellent. Now, just for a moment, relax the back muscles for me." Cater used a laser pointer for the next part. "See how different the tops of his glutes look?" There was a murmur of appreciation. "Okay, go back to that, Jackson. Now, as Matt astutely pointed out, look how Jackson brought his cheeks up and apart, highlight his dimples here and giving you a teasing hint of his asshole. It lets his balls and even the tip of his cock hangs enough to be seen? Thank you, Jackson." The muscle-stud smugly sat again.

"Okay, Aaron, tell me what you did special since our Protectorate sensors suggest that nearly half of the guys would have picked you even over Jackson's excellent display." This was met with a shocked silence for a minute as then 'Protectorate Tech' bomb dropped again.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Mr French, sir. I wasn't even thinking about it. Honest!"

"No, you're right. You didn't seem to be doing things on purpose, but very naturally. Look up at your picture and that of Ned. What do you see that's different?"

Aaron's eyes flicked back and forth wildly, then narrowed a little. "Ummmmm, Ned seems to have, I d-dunno, hunched forward a little? Like protecting his package from something?"

"Good. Ned, same question?"

Ned had been frowning at being the 'before' example but he'd obviously been studying exactly that question. "I didn't stay, well, even. One leg is more crouched, and since I reached down with only one hand, my spine doesn't look... right."

"One of those is spot on and the other is only half correct."

"Something is off about his feet... OH! Sorry!"

"No, Bobby, don't be sorry. You're right. One of the biggest reasons he doesn't look sexy is how he shifted his feet. When Ned talked about his spine 'not looking right' it wasn't the upper body and arms causing it, but the feet. Aaron's observation is the most obvious. Most guys instinctively move in ways that protect the balls, often from long, painful experience." Everyone chuckled ruefully.

They went through the same exercise with the other two 'un-poses'. Reaching up was Aaron and Bobby, and a lot had to do with the angles the brothers chose to twist toward the bearing. Reaching to the Wall was Jackson and Ned.

Toward the end, Matt just couldn't take it. "Well, but, it's not fair. I'm never gonna look as sexy as, you know, the muscular guys!"

Sean stepped up, "Oh, me boyo, not true. You just have to know what you have and what you don't and put the right ones front and center." Gentlemen, if you'll please be careful not to turn around for the next part of Carter's lesson, it would be grrreatly aprrreciated."

He took Matt to the back of the room as Carter too them through some of the other differences from the various photos. A few minutes later when they reached a lull, Sean spoke up, "Gentlemen, would you turn around, please?"

Matt was reaching for a sticker on the wall, his body half-turned and looking back over his shoulder. He was on the ball of one foot, popping his calf and thigh on that side, but leaving his ass like a framed portrait. One cheek was flexed slightly from the leg-shift, making it look like a volleyball, and the other had a huge, luscious dimple. Instead of reaching straight out, he seemed to be reaching up the wall, pushing the luscious globes of his ass apart slightly. It accentuated his crack and gave a mouthwatering glimpse of his rose-pink pucker.

The Monitor/Psych room noted an 'oh, fuck', two 'holy fucks', a low whistle and something incomprehensible since none of them spoke Portuguese. The only one silent was Bobby whose mouth just worked around a sudden flood of drool.

"So, we'll be havin none-a-that about you'rrrrre sad disadvantages, mate." He smacked Matt's ass who jumped, shocked and delighted by the various reactions. "Sit down, me boyo, before you give yon Bobby a heart seizure." Bobby spluttered to life as the rest laughed.

"So in addition to Mr French's homework on pose, you have some from me. You'll still get points today for the looks you get, but you get triple if you get them because you are consciously changing the way you stand, sit or move. And, yes, the sensors will know the difference.

"Ah, and here's the estimable Mr The Howitzer, right on time."

Howie had just come from a major conference. Both of the 'Protectorate Patrons', Jo-Pol and Tze-Xun (Devon White and John Weatherman) were there, along with Daniel, Howie and both of the medical doctors. Even Rob was there, letting another assistant man the Monitors/Psych console. The subject, of course, was Assistant Coach Matt Sparks, Senior.

"Gentlemen, we have a new plan for salvaging the bastard," Daniel started. "Howie and Devon, along with the Doctors, have come up with something that is both ingenious and potentially-effective. Using a standard spread of hypnotics and some of the AV wizardry from the gaming industry, we think we might be able to get far deeper in the AC's perversions that expected. Howie, would you like to continue?"

A very reluctant Howie stepped forward. "First, this may accomplish nothing, but we lose nothing by trying. Even with the simplicity of Wilkin's procedure," the implantation of the two devices with the ability to interrupt and redirect neural impulses between the C2 and C3 vertebrae and the other touching both the prostate and the pudendal nerve were both done via what was effectively the reverse of a large-needle biopsy, "it will be at least 36 hours before we can reliably manage physical sensations. So, we go for the mental processes instead.

"There is a body of work -- a minority opinion, I'll stress -- that he is what would once have been called a specific type of sexual sociopath. The theory was that it's triggered by confliction over early sexual activity (abuse or consensual) that the victim craved but was punished for. Sparks seems, at a glance, to have the vindictive, repressive, domineering, masochistic and utterly self-centered nature that such older research indicated. Under impulse-control-suppression, his extraordinarily-specific and positive response to one of the most-vile pieces of digital pornography we've ever seen is a strong indicator."

"Prognosis? Under old research, I mean?" This was John Weatherman.

"Untreatable with high likelihood of devolution to an acutely-psychotic state with disorganized, violent, sexual sadism." A low whistle echoed at that.

"But, that was with sanctioned treatment methods and old technology. We," Howie indicated the two doctors, Daniel (who, while holding a double-doctorate, was never called as such) and Devon White, "believe it is possible to break through that. Cure is an ignorant word on any psychological level, but correction might be possible."

He proceeded to explain and got grudging acceptance of the plan. Throwing the monster away was simply not possible as Corporate had decided he was a test case for the new Protocols. Daniel finally summed up, "It's a plan, and better than anything else we have. Proceed."

Wilkin began pulling AV techs and Devon a string of voice actors. Sparks would be out for another sixteen hours, and they wanted to be ready to start.

The former wrestling team dutifully trooped across to the 'playroom' where Abdullah bin Assam, Ben, waited.

Howie spoke. "Okay, so Carter and Sean gave you all sorts of sexuality things related to the body, especially the areas now called the Sex or 'a man's sex'. Today, we get tactical. Today, you will learn how to jack off, chicken the chicken, spank the lizard, whatever you like to call it. Laugh all you want. Everyone who has ever masturbated, please raise your hand." A moment of stunned silence greeted that and the Monitoring guys smiled, quickly cataloguing the reactions. Three hands went up with virtually no hesitation: Bobby, Matt and Paolo. Arron, Ned and Jackson were reluctant and Vinny looked like he'd swallowed a spider, but eventually put his hand up.

"I can tell you from both experience and Protectorate sensor scans that not a damned one of you is getting maximum pleasure or response. Yes, Virginia, there IS a better way to masturbate. Okay. Put your hands down. I know that every single one of you has touched another man's cock because that what the shower was about. Hold your right hand up if you have jacked another man off to orgasm, and the left if you have been jacked to orgasm by another man."

Ben was amused as he watched some of them literally seeming to count on their fingers. You wouldn't think it would be a hard question, but after the last 24 hours? Ben chuckled.

In the end, Paul, Jackson, Bobby and Matt raised both hands. Ned scowled at Vinny as he realized he couldn't raise either hand largely due to his partner's refusal to participate. Aaron started to raise both hands then suddenly realized that, technically, Sean had never 'jacked' him off; the older stud had hoovered him to paradise. He only had his left hand up, which got him several raised eyebrows.

"Okay, at the end of this lesson, everyone will be able to raise both hands and a dick to that question. Aaron, you will be with Ben. The rest of you pair up with whomever you slept with last night. Yes, Ned?"

Ned's voice was steady, but barely constrained the bubbling rage underneath. "I have a question about points, sir. How many points to change partners for this exercise."

Howie didn't hesitate. "Who did you have in mind?"

"Anyone sir. Any. One. At. All." Vinny flushed and clenched his fists. He'd settle that with Ned... later.

"Ten points, then."

"I'll give ten not to get Vinny, either." Jackson rang out. In a matter of seconds, sixty points had been consumed simply to ensure that absolutely none of them had to partner with Vinny. The only thing that kept Vinny from sobbing in humiliation was the intense rage driving tears away.

"Vinny, Ned. To the back, please." Howie's voice was low and menacing. When they were out of earshot, He bent to them. "What's this about? Was Vinnie uncooperative? Did he refuse to do the homework?" Ned seethed, but every sportsman on Earth knew the rule: Do not throw a teammate to the wolves, and especially not to worse-than-wolves, a coach.

Howie could hear Ned's teeth grind. "No sir. Vinny tried on the homework. It just... didn't seem to work for him... Sir." He glared at Vinny with loathing. Vinny shook his head, unable to comprehend what Ned had just done.

"Ned, it is a bad plan to lie to your coach, son. And a Very Fucking Bad Fucking Plan to lie to your coach when he has all sorts of Protectorate Tech at his fingertips. You and I, Ned, will discuss that later." Holy fuck, have there ever been scarier words a coach could use than 'discuss something later'? "Go sit down."

When Ned was out of earshot, Howie glared into Vinny terrified eyes. The man growled, "Did you see that, you little crybaby? Did you see him try and cover for your ass, you obstinate bastard? He couldn't give a flying fuck if you ended up in a garbage mine or a gutter. He tried to lie for you, you worthless shit, to get your ass out of trouble just because you're part of the team. Does it say NOTHING to you that not ONE person on your OWN TEAM is willing to touch or be touched by you? Think on that you selfish prick. You can't even be bothered to let someone jack your worthless cocklet for the team. The guy who just defended you is in second because he -- rightfully! -- jumped your ass for being an obstinate little shit. And, better, even with that he'd be way out in front if you have so much as let him fucking yank a load out for you! Well?"

"B-b-b-b-but I-I'm not--!"

"Do I look like I give a flying fuck what you are or are not? You have a dick and balls capable of shooting and you passed all the Protectorate physicals. Can't you get it through your head? Straight. Does. Not. Exist. And another thing, you little pissant. I know for a fact that your cock gets it. You get railed when you look at other guys and shrink to the pathetic little worm that I'm looking at now when you try and be 'straight'. Maybe I need to talk to the other head; it sounds like the lower head has the higher IQ."

Vinny was leaking tears and shaking. "So here is what happens now. I am standing between you and the team until you pull yourself together. No one should be forced to be seen crying by people whose respect they want, even if you don't deserve it." Vinnie looked down, ashamed.

"Second, you will partner with Ben for the exercise since that's the only choice I've got. You go with it. You actually try for a fucking change. You stop the baby crap and the whiny 'But I'm not gay!' bullshit and you get with the program. Do that, and I will try and get you back into with the team, and maybe save you from the kind of miserable existence you can't begin to understand. This is not a negotiation. Do you get that? DO YOU GET THAT?" Vinny jumped and nodded spastically, unable to form the words even motivated by the bellow.

Howie spun on the spot. "Paul, Aaron and Matt, sit on one of the couch, one each, please. Knees together and all of your junk above your fork. If you're hard, good job. Whether you are or not, make sure that your cock is against your belly. Bobby, sit on Paul's lap, as far back as your butt goes and legs on either side, pressing your back against Paul's chest and your ass against his cock. Jackson, same with Aaron. First Father help me. YES, you'll fit. Seriously? Ned, you're on Matt."

Howie turned and said softly, "Are you man enough or do we need to talk more?" Vinny drew a deep, shuddering breath, but he'd already dried his eyes. "Good. Go sit on the last couch." Vinny moved quickly.

"Vinnie will get situated and Ben will join him. Now, please direct your attention to the large screen." Two giant, hyper-realistic drawings appeared, one of a cut cock and another of an uncut one. "Please take a moment to determine, if you are smart enough, which type of cock is in your lap right now. Excellent! We can all recognize a foreskin. Well done.

"How you proceed changes slightly if your husband is cut. You'll note that, like magic, a little bottle of clear lube has appeared near your right hand. Sorry to disappoint you but it's not teleportation; there's a small drawer under the couch that just opened. If the cock you're jacking is cut, lube is essential. In a shower, not so much; cleanser is slick enough for most. Lube is always best with an uncut cock, but there are other options. Get your hand full of the lube-- For Father's sake, Paul, how much cock do you think Bobby has? That's enough for a platoon -- anyway, coat the entire cock in front of you."

Three boys shuddered and gasped as, respectively, an unconcerned, worried and desperate hand caressed their cocks. Ben leaned his head back and purred as Vinny's shaking, horrified hand got his cock slick. Ben knew the Protocol for the boy's type. Vinny's erectile response would be stimulated significantly and his orgasmic response unleased... as long as he maintained direct contact with Ben's cock. Any break, even for a moment, and limp-ville would instantly descend.

"All right, now. I know that each of you have jacked yourself off more times that anyone would want to know, and most of you have jacked off a buddy. Now, for the first time in your lives, we're going to show you exactly how to do it right!"

What proceeded was a masterclass on the art and science of the manual male orgasm. What, precisely, did this nerve structure do when you stroked like that? What are those tiny white bumps on Matt's glans, 'ah-ah-ah-ah-o-god', do when Paul doesn't even have one? What does a lifetime without a foreskin do to the nerves here {whimper} and there {gasp} as opposed to someone who is intact with the same {WOW} touches {meh}?

Why the head alone could produce a unique-unsatisfying orgasm and exclusively-shaft work could keep someone interested yet prolong orgasm indefinitely. Why the cock should never be the sole focus of a masturbatory session, and how to vary work on other parts of the Sex, especially taint, balls and tits. Throughout, half the guys were getting groped, stroked, teased and prodded by the other half.

From the start, Ben's head was thrown back on Vinny's shoulder, murmuring and cooing approval. Vinny was fighting back tears of shame. What made it worse was how much he had always, desperately wanted to do exactly what he was now forced to do. The thing that turned it into nightmare, though, was the betrayal of his own body. Ben's ass-crack was right up against his sensitive and needy cock. Every time the man shifted or, worse, moaned, it was telegraphed straight to his sex and brought him closer.

Vinny jumped when Ben's gentle, caring voice sounded next to his ear. "Vinny, you're doing great, really great. But you're also so tense you're about to shatter. Can I take the pressure off you, just a little?" Vinny nodded, scared and hesitant but desperate. "Okay, stud, you keep doing exactly what you're doing. Don't stop for a minute, okay?"

Vinny gasped then whined as Ben's hand wormed its way between their bodies and took a first grip on Vinny's frantic prick. Instinctively, he pulled his hands to the side and, in that very instant, his cock wilted. He was mortified as he felt himself shrink, but Ben's voice was strong, calm and gentle. "Vinny, your body is trying to tell you what you need, son. Listen to it. Go back to stroking my dick, Vinny." The young man did and whimpered as his cock surged to maximum arousal.

"Good. See? Your body knows what you need most. Relax, stroke me lightly and let me get you sorted. You've got to need this, Vinny, so just let it happen." The soothing voice was matched with a hand doing things that were anything but soothing and Vinny bit his lip ferociously.

He did everything in his power not to scream in release as his cock erupted between them. In effect, he'd been edging for 24 hours thanks to the 'Protectorate' implants. It was easily the most-powerful orgasm to ever wrack Vinny's body, and he never imagined the intensity. He did manage to bite back the scream, but everyone could hear the deep, penetrating groan. No one looked, but everyone smiled.

"Now, go back to listening to the lesson, Vinny, and take you time. Enjoy how it feels to bring me pleasure -- and you are, son, you really, really are."

Even through that long-delayed orgasm, Vinny only flagged slightly. The suddenly-slippery space it found itself in now was maddening, but at least he could focus on the cock in his fingers. It was... glorious. The silk-over-steel, heat-over-warmth, unutterably-male organ fascinated him. The sounds from Ben were not the prissy, wimpy sounds of teen pseudo-sex but of a male animal taking the pleasure that the universe offered free of charge to any who would partake.

Vinny's entire body soared as Ben began to pant and praise and direct him. There was an intense satisfaction quite like that of orgasm when Ben threw back his head and growled and grunted and cussed. The ego-rush of knowing that he, Vinny, had brought this über-male stud to that state was intoxicating.

Around the room, the culmination was reached within a few minutes (Ben and Vinny were actually the last). Paul had Bobby squealing and babbling through the boy's orgasm. Matt played Ned like a musical instrument, hands everywhere but always on Ned's rather nice cock. Ned was ribbed by the guys who nicknamed Sex Train for the rest of the day as he chuffed ferociously to an orgasm that really did sound very much like a muffled steam-engine whistle. Jackson, though, Jackson made noises that would have scared poor Aaron half to death if he hadn't kept cooing and coaxing; the black stud's eruption was accompanied by a bull-like bellow.

Howie had instructed the guys to try, where possible, to aim each husband's load onto his belly and chest. He had everyone get up and stretch. Vinny was not the only 'stroker' who had come as he ministered to his temp-husband. Jackson's back was literally dripping with Aaron's load. This brought some comment and smirks until Howie pointed out just how many point that was worth, which silenced all the banter.

"Gentlemen, please take care of the husband you're with. Please remember, you get a LOT of points by making guys come, and there is nothing wrong with what Ben and Jackson accomplished by causing the guy jacking him to blow a load with the movement of his own body." The caused a lot of thoughtful looks. Over the next thirty minutes, all four of the former-strokers, Vinny, Paul, Aaron and Matt came copiously. Vinny drew another from Ben to the boy's great surprise. He'd found that the harder he ground back onto Ben's cock, the more his own cock thrummed and pulsed.

Aaron, though, Aaron was the star of this round. He stretched luxuriantly as he leaned back into Jackson and whispered and cooed and purred in the black giant's ear until Jackson was whimpering, huffing in gouts of Aaron's scent he bellowed through another long, powerful orgasm long before he got Aaron off. Aaron came damned close to riding the stud to a third eruption in the hour before Howie called a halt. The look on Jackson's face afterward was almost frighteningly-feral as if his new goal was to utterly devour the smaller and super-sexual Aaron.

"Okay, gentlemen, please relax. I am pretty sure some of you will want to shower during your Social Period." This got some ribald comments as the entire room reeked of cum and sex-sweat. "But we have some housekeeping first. Each morning, you'll get the point totals from the previous day and each afternoon, just before Social Period, you'll find out what you earned the previous night.

"As a reminder: This morning, Top Dog was Ned until he got nasty and was replaced by Matt with Ned dropping to Stallion. Stud was Jackson. As of Room-Unlock this morning, drum roll please. Top Dog is Matt by a massive margin with over 300 points! Stallion is Ned and Stud is Bobby." The guys scrambled for digidesks. Bobby was in near-shock. He'd gone from the 'pack' of guys between 35 and 45 to second place with a stunning 179.

Jackson was speechless, since he'd basically dropped from Stud to Muffin. Only Paul and the miserable Vinny had lower scores. He and Paul shared a fierce look. They were the dominate athletes on the team. To have the world suddenly upended was simply not to be borne. A silent pact erupted; Paul and Jackson WOULD be back on top, no matter what it took.

"Sleeping tonight will be as follows: Aaron and Ben, Paul with Bobby, Matt with Vinny and Jackson with Ned. Let me make something clear if you've somehow missed it. Those of you with, shall we say, 'meager' point totals are with people who know how to earn points. You could do worse than to spend the evening and night figuring out what they're doing right and learn from it. Then again, you can continue to flounder about pretending that you're still in a world where your biggest worry is which cheerleader to take to the High School Prom. Your choice." The muttering was instantaneous and quickly cut off at a look.

"And now your homework for Sex. Between now and tomorrow morning, get someone off who is NOT your roommate for the evening. You will get points for how you convince them to let you, how to accomplish the deed and how powerful their ejaculation is. You, gentlemen, now have a recipe for a VERY interesting evening."

Jackson and Paul had their heads together and were whispering furiously on tactics. The looks that Jackson had given Aaron made it abundantly clear who his target would be, but it was equally-clear that Paul had the same prey in mind. Vinny was less dejected now but still ostracized by the team. Overall, though, the mood was upbeat, and looking at the swinging (or bobbing) dicks, there was an incredibly-apt pun in there as well.

If you want to get mail notifying you of new postings or give me ANY feedback that could make me a better author, e-mail me at orson.cadell@gmail.com

Active storelines, all at www.nifty.org/nifty/gay... Canvas Hell: 30 chapters .../camping/canvas-hell/ Beaux Thibodaux: 22 chapters .../adult-youth/beaux-thibodaux/ The Heathens: 23 chapters .../historical/the-heathens/ Lake Desolation: 15 chapters .../rural/lake-desolation/ Shark Reef: 9 chapters .../adult-youth/shark-reef/ Culberhouse Rules: 6 chapters .../incest/culberhouse-rules/ Raven's Claw: 5 chapters .../authoritarian/ravens-claw/

Special collaboration with Brad Borris: In God's Love (5 installments) .../incest/in-gods-love/

Next: Chapter 6

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