Ray and Todd

By teddy parsons

Published on Mar 16, 2004



This story contains scenes of sex between two men, if this offends you or you are not of legal age please do not continue to read.

Ray had just moved into the city to go to The College of Arts. He had gotten in in the late admissions, so by that time the dorms were already full. He had managed, though, to find a place just outside the main gates of campus. A tall blue apartment building, that was almost entirely university students, or so his land lord had said.

Ray had been dropped off by his parents the week before school was due to start. His mother running all over the apartment, trying to get her way with everything before she went back home. Ray was excited to see his parents leave a few days later. His father giving him a firm handshake before his mother, in tears, grabbed hold of him and hugged him hard. It was only when Ray's father dragged his mother off of him did Ray finally manage to see them off.

He had spent the past few days exploring the campus, and the area of town around it. He thought that he had a fairly good idea as to where all of his classes were, and where some of the nicer looking coffee shops were. He had yet to meet any of his neighbours, and more than once wondered to himself if any of the people in his building would be in any of his classes.

The morning classes were due to start Ray had a quick shower and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, and a tight black t-shirt, he wanted to be sure to show off his nicely defined chest for all the new boys in his classes. He looked at himself in the mirror, noticing how his short blond hair, winning smile and most importantly his brilliant blue eyes made him one of the most attractive people he had ever seen. He was attractive and knew it, but didn't flaunt it like so many other guys he knew.

He grabbed his bag and rushed out the door to the elevator. There was already another guy waiting for it. He looked about Ray's age, 21, and he too was pretty good looking. He was shorter than Ray and skinnier, but still there was something about him. As he got closer Ray noticed this new guys ass, it had to be the greatest ass Ray had ever seen. As Ray approached, his shy side got the better of him, and all he did was give the guy a quick nod without saying anything.

Ray didn't notice where the guy went after they got off the elevator, but he didn't go down to the parking lot where Ray headed to his black Subaru.

Ray made it to his first class of the day about 15 minutes early. He wanted to be sure he made a good first impression on his new profs. As he took his seat in the small classroom he realized he couldn't get his mind off the guy with the nice ass in his apartment building. He could just imagine kissing the guy, and holding him close to his naked body. Doing things to this guy he had never done with another man before, only imagined.

Ray was brought back to reality as he heard other members of his class entering the room. He looked up just in time to see the guy with a nice ass walk in. Was he dreaming? No! The nice ass guy was waking towards him smiling, obviously happy to see some sort of familiar face in the crowd of strangers.

"Hey man!" He said to Ray.

"Hey!" Ray replied. "My names Ray. You live in the Commodore Apartments too, huh?"

"Ya, nice place. Its nice to know someone I know lives around me. I've been here two weeks now and haven't met a single soul! I'm Todd by the way."

"Nice to meet ya Todd! So are you in the theater program too?" Ray asked, hoping that Todd was.

"Ya! So I guess we will be in mostly the came classes then!"

"Totally! Now I know where I can go to get some help when I realize that I'm a moron and can't do any of the work!" Ray said.

Todd laughed the sweetest laugh Ray had ever heard in his life. Just then the prof entered the room, and all went silent as she began to speak.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Ray spent most of it with Todd, parting only when they went to different English Literature classes. They agreed to meet up afterward to have coffee.

They had agreed to meet at a small coffee shop called The Beanery. But when Ray arrived he saw Todd standing outside the shop, along with about 50 other students who were also wanting to grab a drink.

"Hey! Popular place this, huh?" Ray said to Todd.

"Bit more of a line than I though when I suggested this place. Wanna try somewhere else?" Todd asked.

"Nah, I'm sure ever place on campus is going to be like this. I have some drinks back at my place. Want to head home, seeing as we are going to the same place?"

"Sound good to me. How do you get around? Bus?" Todd asked.

"Nope, I have a car. I parked it out at B Lot." Ray replied.

From The Beanery it was a short walk over to where Ray's car was parked. They both got in and in 10 minutes they were pulling into the under ground parking lot at their apartment building.

They both got out of the car, Ray placing a security bar over the steering wheel of the car before they both headed for the elevator. As they got onto the elevator Todd asked "So do you live on the 9th floor too?"

"Yah. I'm in 9C."

"No way! I'm in 9D, right across the hall from you. That's so funny, both of us in the same classes and now..."

But before Todd could finish his sentence he was interrupted by the elevator making a sudden stop. The lights went out, and they could hear an alarm ringing inside the elevator. Ray grabbed the emergency phone and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hey, we're stuck in the elevator!" Ray said with an edge of panic in his voice. Ray listened for a minute before hanging up the receiver and turning to Todd. "He says we could be in here for about half an hour before it gets going again. Happens all the time he says. I'll take the stairs from now on."

Todd sat down on the floor and Ray followed suit, sitting down next to him.

"So tell me more about yourself Todd." Ray said after they had sat in silence for a few moments. "Where are you from? Got a girlfriend?"

"Well I'm from a small town just about 2 hours north of here. Not an exciting place let me tell you. As for the other question, I don't really date girls."

Ray just smiled and nodded.

"Me neither." Ray responded. "They can be such a pain, and a guy is so much better at some things."

As Ray said this he leaned in slowly toward Todd pressing their lips together. Wanting to know if he had gone to far Ray pulled back a few inches and looked into Todd's grey eyes. There was a spark there, something Ray had never seen in another's eyes before.

Ray felt Todd's hand on the back of his head as he was pulled back into a passionate kiss. He opened his mouth slightly and slid his tongue into Todd's mouth, and let Todd into his. They played gently with each other's tongues for a few minutes, before Ray started to slip his hand down the back of Todd's jeans, noticing that Todd didn't wear underwear.

Todd smiled as he pulled away from Ray and stood up, while Ray remained sitting on the ground. Ray reached out and began to massage the bulge that had begun to build in the front of Todd's jeans. Todd let out a quiet sigh of pleasure as Ray began to slowly undo the button Todd's jeans. Ray pulled the zipper all the way down, revealing a beautiful cock. About 6 inches long, smaller than his own, but Todd was not cut like Ray.

Ray took Todd in his hand and began to slowly jerk it, making Todd moan with pleasure. Ray was just about to lower his lips to Todd swollen member, when the elevator came back to life. Throwing Ray off balance. Todd had just enough time to get his pants done back up before the elevator doors opened on the 9th floor.

Ray headed for the door to his apartment and was about to open to door when he looked back at Todd who was still standing just inside the elevator.

"So, you coming in? Or am I going to have to have you out in the hallway where everyone can see?"


More to come in the future, stay tuned.

Email comments, or suggestions to teddy226655@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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