Reaching Out

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 15, 2001


Last time on Reaching Out

"Don't make me tickle you little man." JC smiled and went to tickling.

Justin squirmed underneath him. "Who rocks your world?"

"No." Justin refused to answer.

JC kept up the tickling, knowing that Justin would give in shortly. "Who

rocks your world?"

"You do, You do." Justin screamed, and continued to laugh as JC tickled


"Ya know, you really should have given in earlier. Ya know what physical

contact with you makes me, and it was kinda hard to not react when we

are both still naked."

Justin blushed at the obvious that they both had hard-ons again.

"I don't think I could handle another round just yet." Justin responded.

"Well, maybe we could do it the old fashion way." JC smiled, and slid

under the covers.

"I'm really bored."

"Me too."

"You think you're up for a movie?"

"I don't know, I guess."

"Wanna head out?"

"Yep, let me grab some money."

Justin and Josh jumped out of bed, and walked down the steps. Grabbing some cash as they headed out the door. After talking to Britney, and after fooling around some more, they realized that a movie sounded like a good idea. Josh pulled out of their drive way, heading in the direction to the closest movie theatre he knew of.

Once at the theatre, they chose to see Save the Last Dance, the new MTV movie and bought their tickets.

Inside they chatted it up, laughing, Justin almost crying during one of the scenes. But by the end of it, they had enjoyed the night, the movie was great, and it had been a while since they had gotten out of the house.

Walking out, and driving home was a great time for the two as well, Justin made jokes the whole time pertaining to the movie, things that were sad, or emotional, he would make jokes, using the voices of the actors, pronouncing all vowels in an odd e sound. JC had a hard time managing to controlt he car, as he found each joke more and more funnier then the last.

Soon they were back home, slipping into the living room to watch some tv.

"You think you and me will last?" Justin asked out of nowhere, his mind processing the night.

"Of course, we're soulmates." JC replied with ease, not even giving it a second thought.

"Good, cuz if you didn't say that I woulda left ya." Justin snickered. "I love you."

"I love you too baby. I'm really proud of you, I mean, you screwed up in the past, but you're really working things out now. I love you for that, for everything." JC kissed him on his forehead, as he flipped on the tv.

"I don't know what I would have done with out you Josh. I should have just told you off the bat, instead of Britney. I don't know why I thought you woulnd't understand."

"Well, at least we got together eventually. We are together, forever." JC replied, with another kiss to the forehead, this time he took special care in messing up his boyfriend's hair as he did it.

"Hey, no hair!" Justin freaked childishly.

"What? It doesn't matter, it's just you and me, and I've seen you like this a million times. After the sex you were a mess, and I still loved you." Josh laughed at him, rustling it up again, just to make Justin a little angrier.

"I'm leaving you if you don't stop that." Justin mocked, crossing his arms and turning the other way.

"Yeah right." Josh laughed again, one final rustle of the hair just to taunt Justin.

"I'm serious." Justin mocked again standing and stomping out of the room. Josh just laughed, and counted to ten to himself. "You didn't come after me." Justin walked in with a hurtful expression written on his face.

"That's cuz I don't care if you leave me. I was going to leave you eventually." Justin's mouth dropped open, and he felt the urge to cry, vomit and attack all at once. "What? You're surprised? I would never stay with a cry baby druggie like you. At least you could be more proud of using drugs, like every other fucking celebrity, instead you just cry about it all day and night to me."

Justin managed to use one of the feelings, and he started to sob, falling to the floor quickly. He was able to hold his head up to watch JC laugh at him, and his sobs soon turned into heart wrenching quivers and shakes.

"huh, ah, hum." Justin woke up with a sweat pouring down his face. His bed was soaked from the sweat that came off of his body. Looking around, he only noticed one person in the room.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just another one of those dreams." Justin replied, standing out of bed and walking into the hotel bathroom.

"Which one, the one where you die at the end, or the one where JC leaves you?" The voice spoke softly, soothingly to him.

"I don't know, they're both the same to me. I never really remember the ending, just that I die one way or the other. Either he leaves me, or I get killed, him leaving me is like me getting killed." Justin replied again, wiping his face with a damp washclotch. "I hate them both."

"Maybe if you didn't take the drugs you wouldn't have them." The voice spoke with wisdom in it, something Justin hated to think of.

"I know, I just can't, alright. It's not that easy, it's not something so simple." Justin replied with slight anger in his voice. He hated to have the arguement.

"I'm sorry, I know I lecture you all the time, but I'm your friend Just. I'm one of your best friends, and I'm just looking out for you."

"I'm sorry too Brit, I didn't mean to snap at you." Justin walked out of the bathroom turning on the light. "You know I appriciate this? I mean, you taking care of me after I roll." Justin looked at her sincerely, his mouth wide with his signature smile.

"I know, I know. It doesn't mean I do. I don't appriciate being the one you come to. I don't like being the only one who knows your secret, having to hide it from everyone. It really sucks Justin, really, it does." Britney wasn't going to drop the conversation so quickly.

"I need you Brit, I couldn't do this on my own. I wanna get help, you know I do. I wouldn't be doing this, coming to you if I didn't want to. I would have kept it a complete secret." Justin reassured her, his smile growing. But Britney didn't smile back, she wasn't going to cave into Justin's flirtatious ways, she was going to hold strong for once.

"Please, can we just sleep?" Justin asked, his smile growing even wider (if that's possible). Britney gave him another look, and her inhibitions faded.

"Yeah, we can sleep." Britney gave in, and allowed Justin to turn off the lights of the bedroom.

She had caved in to easily, but she had tried, for once she had tried. It was better then Justin had. His dreams came frequent, they scared him, they scared her. And she couldn't turn to anyone, she couldn't tell anyone about them. She possessed his secret.

But maybe Justin was right, he did want help. He was trying, he was telling her. He wasn't telling everyone, he wasn't telling his bestfriend, his soulmate, he would never tell Josh. But he was telling her, and in a way, he really was reaching out.


I know I promised 10 chapters, but I found a good spot to end it, and a good way to end it. I know the ending is kinda weird. I know it's kinda short, I know it wasn't the ending any one will be happy with. But I've always wanted to end a chapter in an odd way. So that's how this one ends, it was all a dream. Justin and JC never happened, all a dream.

I'm sorry for ending it this way though, I know alot of people are probably disappointed, but I'm sorry for it. I just thought it was a good spot, and a good time.

I'm also sorry for the delay in the story, I had a lot of things to work out lately. I have been busy getting ready to go back to classes tomorrow. And I also got a computer virus, so I apologize for the delay.

Also, I just want to say that if you are interested in my style of writing, I have another story right now called Grand Central High. It's part of the reason I ended this. I was getting way more fan mail for it then I was this, so I am going to focus on it.

Thanks for everything, you've been great fans of the story.

I appriciated all the e-mails, the good and the bad.

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