Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 16, 2009


Thanks for the emails! I really love them! :D

The disclaimer is on chapter 1.

Chapter 14.

"Locked in his bedroom He saw the world" -Amanda Palmer

When Christian heard someone coming to open the door, he quickly removed his beanie and scrunched his hair back into a more desirable style. Olivia tried to help out by wiping off twigs and leaves that were stuck to Christian's back from his little run-in with nature. Her hand slid down to his ass and she couldn't help but grab it. "Nice!" She observed. Christian hit her hand away as the door opened.

Justus stared blankly at the two annoyances on the doorstep. `I deserve a raise after this nonsense.' He thought, though his face showed no emotion. Christian was smiling so wide, Justus was unnerved and tried to prepare himself for what they were planning. Christian didn't really know how to flirt with the man, so he just stood there smiling like an idiot.

Olivia gave Justus a fake smile, while discreetly poking Christian in the help him along. Christian understood that it was time for him to start seducing, but didn't know how to go about it. `We should have made a game plan. How do people normally flirt? What do they say?' Christian's mind drew a blank. He self-consciously let his hands slide into his jean pockets, before looking up into the darkened sky for answers.

Olivia was pretty annoyed that Christian wasn't being sexy at all. What's with this guy? Just cast the butler a line and see if he bites!' Poor Justus was still quietly waiting for someone to talk. If he doesn't say something soon, Justus might leave...and then what? I'm pretty sure he won't answer the door a third time. This is totally lame!' Olivia was glaring at Christian impatiently as time moved forward.

Christian's mind wandered uncontrollably. His thoughts went from the uncomfortable situation at hand, to a really bad porn he had once seen, to Olli's eyes, to a teacher who had once embarrassed him in front of his entire class: "Christian, do you have enough food for the whole class? Well, then I suggest you wait until later to eat. Sorry children, Christian is being a little piggy...isn't he?". The piggy incident was a long while ago and sometimes Christian wondered if maybe he had made the whole thing up in his mind. Would a teacher really say that?' Christian's thoughts finally rested on Gregor. Gregor would know what to do.'

Christian decided that calling his brother and asking him how to seduce someone, while standing right in front of said person, would be a little say the least. Christian turned to Olivia and gave her a few looks. She studied his face and understood that he was silently telling her: "I can't do it...please, you've gotta help me...sorry...wait, I shouldn't have to be sorry, you're the one who was forcing me to do this!...sorry for real...I promise I'm not angry about it...just say something because I can't...I'm embarrassed..." Olivia decided she would help Christian out.

"Did you miss me?" Olivia broke the silence with a teasing voice. Justus said nothing. "This is my friend Ch..." She realized he would probably recognize the name. "Hi, I'm Constantin." Christian finally spoke, but it came out more scared sounding than flirtatious. Justus said nothing. Christian had an epiphany...he suddenly understood that the only realistic way to get through to this man, was to be honest. He immediately regretted giving out the false name.

Olli tried the doorknob again, hoping that it would magically turn. No such luck. He exhaled loudly and slowly scanned his room with emerald eyes, looking for something, anything to help him pass the time. He spied a large oak desk, his perfectly made bed and a dresser with a lamp on it. `I wonder if anyone has ever died of boredom.' Unhappy with the lack of stimulating items in his bedroom, Olli made his way into the adjoining bathroom and flipped on the light. He stared at himself in the mirror. He hadn't been eating much lately and it showed in his now thinning face.

Who do I need to look good for anyway?' Christian's face pushed its way into his mind and Olli touched his middle and pointer finger to his lonely lips. He shook his head violently, as if it would erase all memories of the boy. That's over. You're leaving. Leaving everything behind!' Olli realized that of all the times he'd moved, this was the first time he actually cared.

Olli loved traveling to strange places and meeting new people, but he would have happily stayed put for the rest of his life, if that meant he would be able to see Christian everyday. But you're deal with it!' He fiercely threw whatever he was holding, at the bathroom floor. A loud shatter echoed throughout the cave-like room and Olli saw that it was a mirror that he'd broken. Seven years bad luck...try seventeen!' He almost laughed at how much he was felling sorry for himself, as he efficiently picked up every last piece of glass.

"Ok. Here's the deal..." Christian spoke with purpose and made eye contact with Justus. "My name's actually Christian." He could tell by the butler's reaction, that he did recognize the name. "I have to see him." Christian voice was littered with urgency. "Even if it's only to say goodbye. I just hav..."

Christian stopped talking mid-word and tried to figure out what he wanted to say. He had never before felt so out of control and vulnerable, and it was starting to freak him out. Christian's emotions were drawn all over his face, like a colorfully illustrated book. Olivia was speechless for the first time in her life, as she began to realize how much Christian cared for Olli. And as quickly as it had left her, her ability to speak returned with a vengeance.

"Come on...don't you see? This is true love! Olli is miserable right now sitting up there thinking he's never gonna see Christian again. And why? Because his mother is a selfish bigot! They have only known each other for a few days and I swear, Christian has shown more love to Olli than his mother ever has and probably ever will. Please just let them see each other one last time!" Justus shuffled his feet as he listened to her pleas.

"If we're caught, you can say I hit you...forced my way in." Christian offered. "Just please let us in. Time's running out before she gets back." Christian looked like a hopeless mess as he begged for the chance to see the imprisoned boy. Justus took a second to choose his words. "I'm sorry. I can't risk loosing my job." He paused for a moment and then with a small smile on his face, he continued.

"There's no way I can let you in...but if you managed to break into a certain bedroom through the window, I would have no way of knowing. I sure hope you don't find the ladder that Mrs. Sable keeps in the shed. Now, I'm going to have to ask that you leave the premises immediately." Justus added a wink before straightening his bowtie and disappearing back into the house.

Thanks for reading!

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Next: Chapter 15

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