Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 17, 2009


Yes, another one! XD

The disclaimer is on part 1.

Chapter 15.

"I heard he sang a good song I heard he had a style And so I came to see him And listen for a while And there he was this young boy A stranger to my eyes" -Roberta Flack

Olli surveyed the damage he'd done to the small, one of a kind- looking, hand mirror and threw it into the trash bin; hoping his mother wouldn't notice it missing. He took his time reading the ingredients on every last bathroom product, before setting them into a cleanly conga line. One of the bottles caught his attention and he picked it up, twisted off the cap and breathed in the fragrant aroma. "Mmm...bubble bath." He sighed.

Olli stripped off every last stitch of clothing and then impatiently waited for the bathwater to heat up. `I should have waited to undress.' He shivered. Four minutes later, Olli eased his body into the warm water and the bubbles rose to meet the rim of the tub. He let out a relieved moan as his body adjusted to the relaxing temperature. Olli allowed himself to daydream (even though it was night) about what might have been and smiled at the mental pictures his mind was conjuring up.

Christian awkwardly let go of Olivia when he realized they were sharing a hug. "Now, where's that shed?" He wondered out loud, as he tried to forget the weirdness of the unplanned embrace he had experienced with the girl, he didn't much care for.

"Let's just look around." Olivia took the lead and they rushed down a moss-covered stone path, leading to the back of the house. "Eureka!" She cried out, while pointing to a small building that rested under twin willow trees. Christian noticed that it was about the same size as his house.

Christian struggled with the ladder, not because it was too heavy, but because its length made it awkward to carry. "And I suppose you aren't going to help me with this because of your precious outfit?" Olivia rolled her eyes and then grabbed onto the drooping end of the ladder, keeping her body as far away from the dirty thing as she could.

"That's his window." She pointed up and Christian followed the direction of Olivia's nail polished finger, with his eyes. "God, that's high." He gulped. Olivia wiped her still clean hands off on Christian's Jacket, after they had securely placed the ladder into climbing position.

"Try to hold it still and keep an eye out." Christian ordered, as he took his first step of many. "We should have a code for when Aunt Henriette shows up!" Olivia said in a whimsical tone as she hesitantly grabbed hold of the annoying ladder again.

"How about: Christian! It's time to leave. Olli's crazy mom is back!" Christian suggested, while trying to hide the fear of falling to his death, in his voice. "A little long, don't you think?!" Olivia yelled to Christian, with a cheeky smile on her face as she strained her neck to look up at the boy. "Be careful." She said quietly, so that he couldn't hear.

Christian pushed the window open with ease; it had luckily already been unlatched. After clumsily tumbling into the bedroom, Christian took in his surroundings and was worried when he noticed that the space looked like it hadn't been used in ages. `If Olivia sent me up into the wrong room...'

He calmed when he saw a familiar watch resting on top of an expensive looking dresser. `And where could Olli be?' Christian searched the expansive room with craving eyes and noticed a door at the far end. It was slightly cracked open and a stream of yellow light shone through the gap. He was drawn to the light as if he were a moth and he soon stood before the partially opened door.

"Olli?" Christian said softly, as not to scare him. There was no answer so he tried again; this time, with a little more power in his voice. "Olli? Are you in here?" He could now hear Olli's voice. It almost sounded like he was singing. He had to see what he was hearing. Christian cautiously opened the door and a wall of steam engulfed his body. He blinked a couple times and slowly took a step into the foggy bathroom.

When Christian's vision became un-blurred, he immediately spotted Olli. He had his eyes closed and was leaning his head back against some smooth, white porcelain. Most of Olli's body was hidden inside a large Jacuzzi tub; his unclothed torso, peaking out from a gathering of delicate bubbles. "...with his song, killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words, killing me softly...with his song..." Olli was definitely singing.

Christian thought his head would implode from all of the cuteness. The steamy heat that lingered in the bubble fragrant air was making Christian least that's what he tried to tell himself. `Get a grip...he's just...oh, god.' Christian watched Olli raise a hand out of the lucky water and pull some soaked fingers through his dark chocolate hair.

Unfortunately, Olli wasn't singing anymore, but Christian could still make out a soft hum. As the velvety tune drifted his way, Christian found himself at a loss for coherent thoughts. He couldn't recite his own name if he were to be quizzed at the moment. Olli's knee slowly rose out of the water and then descended back into the wetness like a majestic whale. Christian nervously hugged himself as he continued to peep at the boy.

Olli's handsome face contained a slight smile as he relaxed in the tranquil bliss that was his bubble bath. The bathing boy momentarily pushed his troubles aside and let himself indulge in the few memories he had of his love; his smile was only for Christian. Christian realized that he had been staring for a long while and began to feel like a creep. Olli licked his lips and sighed.

Olli's movements and sounds, though unintentional, were starting to turn Christian on and the whole situation was becoming increasingly embarrassing for the boy. Christian decided he better let his presence be least before the night was over. He anxiously rubbed the back of his neck and took a little step forward. Christian was about to say something when Olli lazily opened his eyes and then quickly jumped up in a panic; screaming at the unknown intruder.

Thanks for reading my story! Your nice comments made me want to post sooner. ;)

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Next: Chapter 16

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